woensdag 1 september 2010

Op Palestijnse TV zijn Israelische steden "bezette Palestijnse steden"

Terwijl Israel en de Palestijnen na veel vijven en zessen dan eindelijk weer om de tafel gaan zitten, gaat de Palestijnse Autoriteit door met het brainwashen van de kinderen. Ze leren dat alle steden in Israel bezet zijn en heel Israel 'bezet Palestina' is. Uiteraard volgt daaruit dat dat bevrijd moet worden, goedschikt danwel kwaadschiks, en kan de PA natuurlijk niet met een compromis aan komen zetten dat al die mooie Palestijnse steden zoals Haifa en Jaffa in zionistische handen blijven. De kinderen wordt immers letterlijk verteld dat men 'hoopt er terug te keren'. Het is de bijdrage van de 'gematigde PA' aan het welslagen van de onderhandelingen en het bereiken van een vredesakkoord.

PMW Bulletin
Aug. 29, 2010
PA TV to kids: Israeli cities
Haifa, Jaffa, Lod, Ramle, Acre
are all "occupied cities"

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Official Palestinian Authority TV continues to teach children that all of Israel is "occupied Palestine." A repeating message on the children's show The Best Home, currently broadcast three times a week during the month of Ramadan, is that all Israeli cities are "occupied" Palestinian cities.

The PA TV host refers to cities in Israel alternately as "1948 occupied cities," "occupied cities" or "occupied territories." The Israeli cities described as Palestinian cities include Haifa, Jaffa, Lod, Ramle and Acre.

The following are examples from three of the TV programs in which the PA TV host refers to Israeli cities as "occupied Palestinian cities."

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PA TV host to girl: "You live in Jerusalem. Do you visit the 1948 occupied cities (Israeli cities)?"
Girl: "I've been to Hebron."
TV host: "No, Hebron is a city [in the Palestinian Authority] that we all can enter. The occupied cities - such as Lod, Ramle, Haifa, Jaffa, Acre (all Israeli cities) - have you visited them?"
Girl: "I've been to Haifa and Jaffa."
TV host: "Tell us, are they beautiful?"
Girl: "Yes..."
TV host: "We hope all children of Palestine will be able to go to the occupied territories, which we don't know and have never been able to see. Personally, I have never been there."
[PA TV (Fatah), Aug. 25, 2010]

PA TV host to children in studio:
"No doubt you've all been waiting to know lots of things about Ramadan in those days, in some of the occupied areas, in the occupied territories. Today we'll find out lots about Jaffa in those days of Ramadan."
[PA TV (Fatah), Aug. 22, 2010]
PA TV host to children in studio:
"Don't you want to see Ramadan from those days in an occupied Palestinian city, to which we hope to return?"
The children are told a story of Ramadan in Ramle.
[PA TV (Fatah), Aug. 24, 2010]

PA TV is controlled by Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's office.

See more examples on PMW's website of how the PA presents Israel as "occupied Palestine."

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f: +972 2 624 2803     w: www.palwatch.org
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