vrijdag 4 november 2011

Palestijnse held vermoordde kleine oude Joodse dames


Nog meer verheerlijking van terroristen door de Palestijnse Autoriteit. En nee, we brengen dit soort nieuws niet steeds omdat we de Palestijnen graag zwart maken, maar omdat we hierin een (zwaar onderschat) kernprobleem van het conflict zien. In de woorden van Elder of Ziyon:


Out of millions of Palestinian Arabs in the territories, can we find 30 people - one for each victim - who are willing to publicly proclaim that  al Sayid is a monster?
Everyone, from right to left, knows the answer. It would be very difficult to find those thirty people.
And that difficulty is a core issue in the entire conflict.





A manly Palestinian Arab hero who murdered little old Jewish ladies



From Palestinian Media Watch:


PA TV host: "We are outside the home of the patient, heroic fighter who is resolute, overcoming his chains, desiring freedom - Abbas Al-Sayid, the lion of the prison cells."
PA TV host interviews released prisoner in the house of Al-Sayid:
Host: "[What is] your feeling now in the home of Abbas Al-Sayid - the leader, hero, defeater of the enemies, defeater of the dungeons, and lion under interrogation?"
Released female terrorist, Du'a Al-Jayousi: "He was an example and role model for us, we wanted very much to meet him."
Released male terrorist, Muayyad Al-Jallad: "I do not forget our neighbor and brother, Abbas Al-Sayid. He is the crown on our heads. Allah willing, we will soon rejoice for him over his release... He is honor to the nation, and there is no doubt that he makes us proud. Allah willing, he has enough patience and will... We are all familiar with his manly qualities of heroism and strength."
[PA TV (Fatah), Oct. 25, 2011]

Ah yes, those manly qualities of heroism and strength were powerful enough to manage to murder the mighty and strong Chanah Rogen, a 90 year old woman from Netanya, who had dedicated a couple of rooms at the Laniada Hospital in Netanya.


Even more impressive, this macho hero of Palestinian Arabs everywhere massacred a spry 86-year old, Frieda Britvich:




In fact, the Netanya Passover Massacre claimed 30 victims, whose average age was 68, and of whom 20 were over 70 years old. The victims, from the MFA site:

Shula Abramovitch, 63, of Holon- David Anichovitch, 70, of Netanya- Sgt.-Maj. Avraham Beckerman, 25, of Ashdod- Shimon Ben-Aroya, 42, of Netanya- Alter Britvich, 88, of Netanya- Frieda Britvich, 86, of Netanya- Andre Fried, 47, of Netanya- Idit Fried, 47, of Netanya- Miriam Gutenzgan, 82, Ramat Gan- Amiram Hamami, 44, of Netanya- Perla Hermele, 79, of Sweden- Dvora Karim, 73, of Netanya- Michael Karim, 78, of Netanya- Eliezer Korman, 74, of Ramat Hasharon- Yehudit Korman, 70, of Ramat Hasharon- Marianne Myriam Lehmann Zaoui, 77, of Netanya- Lola Levkovitch, 70, of Jerusalem- Sarah Levy-Hoffman, 89, of Tel-Aviv- Furuk Na'imi, 62, of Netanya- Eliahu Nakash, 85, of Tel-Aviv- Chanah Rogan, 90, of Netanya- Irit Rashel, 45, of Moshav Herev La'et- Clara Rosenberger, 77, of Jerusalem- Yulia Talmi, 87, of Tel-Aviv- St.-Sgt. Sivan Vider, 20, of Bekaot- Zee'v Vider, 50, of Moshav Bekaot- Ernest Weiss, 80, of Petah Tikva- Eva Weiss, 75, of Petah Tikva- Anna Yakobovitch, 78, of Holon- George Yakobovitch, 76, of Holon. 








Andre Fried

Idit Fried





Dvora Karim






Furuk Na'imi


Irit Rashel




Sivan Vider


Ernest Weiss

Eva Weiss



Out of millions of Palestinian Arabs in the territories, can we find 30 people - one for each victim - who are willing to publicly proclaim that  al Sayid is a monster?

Everyone, from right to left, knows the answer. It would be very difficult to find those thirty people.

And that difficulty is a core issue in the entire conflict.


PA onderhandelaar Saeb Erekat over vredesvoorstel Ehud Olmert


Erekat erkent dat Olmert een ruimhartig vredesaanbod deed, maar is niet eerlijk over de Palestijnse afwijzing. Als men het voorstel echt de moeite waard had gevonden dan had men er op terug kunnen komen, ondanks de schandalen waarin Olmert verzeild raakte. Maar de Palestijnen houden liever de mythe in stand dat Israel slechts Bantoestans heeft aangeboden.

Het volgende is interessant:


Erekat stated furthermore that despite Israel’s continual policy of “occupation and settlement building,” an aerial photograph provided by European sources shows that settlements have been built on approximately 1.1% of the West Bank, thus legitimizing the Palestinian demand for a withdrawal to borders based on the June 4, 1967 borders.  


Antizionisten en (zelfs sommige journalisten zoals de zeer tendentieuze Eva Ludemann van De Pers) beweren altijd dat Israel 30 tot zelfs 40% van de Westbank de facto heeft geannexeerd met de nederzettingen en de wegen ernaar toe. Het aantal wegen waar alleen Palestijnen met een vergunning op mogen en dus niet algemeen voor hen toegankelijk zijn is beperkt, en neemt zeker geen tientallen procenten in beslag, waarmee dat soort beweringen dus, met instemming van Erekat, naar het rijk der fabelen verwezen kunnen worden. 


Zie ook Concoleeza Rice over Olmerts vredesvoorstel: Condoleezza Rice on Olmert peace proposal: Best. Deal. Ever.  





Erekat: Olmert offered Palestinians territorial equivalent of West Bank


Palestinian negotiator says Netanyahu 'threw out' settlement drafted by his predecessor, also accuses Rice of ignoring Palestinian proposal when passing on documents to Obama administration.

By Jack Khoury

Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat confirmed Thursday that former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had offered a final peace settlement that would include territorial concession equivalent to the entire West Bank, the return of thousands of Palestinian refugees into the West Bank, and the division of Jerusalem.

In an interview with Arabic Radio As-Shams, Erekat stated that the Palestinians had never rejected Olmert’s offer outright, but rather submitted queries alongside their own offer to the Bush administration. 

“We submitted our proposal while Olmert became embroiled in scandals, and while elections were taking place in the United States,” Erekat said, hinting that the deal fell through due to external influences.

Erekat also stated the Palestinian plan included forming an international body under the auspices of the United Nations that would solve the refugee issue by offering a set of options to those seeking return to the land.

Erekat also claimed he is certain that former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice passed on an 11-page document summarizing Olmert’s proposal to the Obama administration, while completely ignoring that of the Palestinians.

Erekat said he traveled to Washington D.C. a few months after Obama entered office in order to continue negotiations with the proposals submitted by Olmert and the Palestinians as starting points, but that Netanyahu “threw out the proposals” upon assuming premiership of Israel.  

Erekat said Palestinian officials were opposed to the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority, calling its formation the “result of a long struggle, and should not be considered a favor to Israel.”

He also accused the Israeli government of acting like a “mafia” in freezing funds to the PA in light of its recent acceptance as a full member of UNESCO.

Erekat stated furthermore that despite Israel’s continual policy of “occupation and settlement building,” an aerial photograph provided by European sources shows that settlements have been built on approximately 1.1% of the West Bank, thus legitimizing the Palestinian demand for a withdrawal to borders based on the June 4, 1967 borders.  


Condoleezza Rice: vooruitzichten op vrede Midden-Oosten verslechterd onder Obama


Rice is geen zionistische neo-con, en kon ook behoorlijk kritisch zijn naar Israel, maar de VS is onder Obama nog feller geworden op de nederzettingen, met als gevolg dat Abbas meent dat hij niet hoeft te gaan onderhandelen zonder een complete bouwstop, ook in Jeruzalem. Dat met name dat laatste voor Israel onaanvaardbaar is, mag duidelijk zijn.  


Bij diplomatie komt het aan op de nuance, op evenwicht en op het juiste moment druk uitoefenen. Door zo hard in te zetten op de nederzettingen heeft Obama bij Israel een tegengestelde reactie losgemaakt, en lijkt men zijn hakken in het zand te hebben gezet. En ook Abbas is zoals gezegd juist onflexibeler geworden en zoekt nu andere wegen om zijn zaken binnen te halen, die de VS soms in een lastig parket brengen. 


Zie ook: Condoleezza Rice on Olmert peace proposal: Best. Deal. Ever.  





Condoleezza Rice says prospects for Mideast peace have worsened under Obama


By Associated Press, Published: November 1

WASHINGTON — Prospects for Israeli-Palestinian peace are far worse today than when she left office, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Tuesday, and she partly blames the Obama administration’s tough line against Israeli settlement-building for spoiling chances for new talks.

“When you look at where we are now, we’re a long, long way back from where we were,” Rice said in an interview with The Associated Press.

“I do think focusing on settlements in that particular way was a mistake,” Rice said. “The parties then were able to have a reason not to sit down.”

The gulf has only widened, Rice said, “and they’re running out of time.” She did not sound optimistic for a settlement soon, or even for new talks.

“When they’re not talking, they’re sliding backward,” Rice said.

A detailed account of negotiations she helped broker in 2008 is a highlight of Rice’s new memoir of her time in Washington. Published Tuesday, “No Higher Honor” concedes some missteps by the Bush administration on several fronts but strongly defends former President George W. Bush’s efforts toward Mideast peace, and Rice’s own.

“It’s one of the best deals I think you’re going to see,” Rice said of the deal on the table during the waning months of the Bush administration. The deal died when the Palestinians rejected it weeks before Bush left office, she wrote, but she suggested her successors might have been able to use the momentum from those negotiations to keep talks alive.

Rice said she left a record of the intensive negotiations she led in 2008 for the new Obama administration in hopes that a new team of negotiators could pick up where the Israelis and Palestinians had left off.

The U.S. long has opposed new settlements but largely looked the other way at some homebuilding, such as expansion of selected neighborhoods. Rice herself had called settlement building unhelpful and was infuriated when Israel appeared to undercut her by announcing new building licenses hard on the heels of some of her diplomatic visits.

But new Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and her Mideast envoy, George Mitchell, took a much harder line in the spring of 2009, demanding a full freeze on any building.

Obama “wants to see a stop to settlements,” including the expansion of existing developments, Clinton said in May of that year.

With Israelis suspicious of Obama even before he assumed office, the settlement position further unnerved them. The Palestinians, initially encouraged, became disillusioned when the U.S. was unable to persuade Israel to freeze settlement construction.

Rice’s account confirms then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s claim that he had laid out a comprehensive proposal for peace during secret meetings with Rice and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Rice said Abbas ultimately rejected the proposal, for which she said she does not blame him. The Palestinians deny that Abbas did so.

In the book, Rice recounts a private dinner with Olmert in May 2008 when she said he presented the plan.

It contained ways to address the most difficult issues preventing Israel and the Palestinians from agreeing on terms for a separate Palestinian state, she wrote. Olmert proposed a system for shared jurisdiction of Jerusalem and return of a limited number of Palestinians who left their homes in what is now Israel when the Jewish state was created in 1948, Rice wrote.

Olmert also would end the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and hand over about 94 percent of the territory to the Palestinians for the bulk of their state, she wrote.

“Concentrate, concentrate,” Rice describes herself as thinking as Olmert spoke. “This is unbelievable.”

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


Ban Ki-moon ongelukkig met Palestijnse aanvragen voor andere VN organen na UNESCO

Er wordt veel gefoetert op de Nederlandse tegenstem tegen het Palestijnse lidmaatschap van de UNESCO, maar ook Duitsland en zelfs een bepaald niet Israel-vriendelijk land als Zweden stemden tegen.
Ook Ban Ki-moon is niet blij met de Palestijnse aspiraties, zegt hij, maar de vraag is of dat niet vooral met het wegvallen van de Amerikaanse UNESCO bijdrage te maken heeft, en de dreiging dat die ook voor andere VN-organen zal wegvallen.

Ban Ki-moon: Palestinian membership of UN agencies is 'not beneficial'


Millions of people could be affected if UN agencies see their funding cut as a result of the Palestinian bids, he says 



The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, has said Palestinian efforts to join other United Nations agencies beyond its cultural arm are "not beneficial for Palestine and not beneficial for anybody".

Millions of people could be affected if UN agencies see their funding cut as a result of the Palestinian bids, he said in an interview on Thursday at the sidelines of the G20 summit in Cannes.

The US and Canada have cut off funding for Unesco since the Paris-based UN cultural agency approved a Palestinian membership bid – stripping it of about one-quarter of its total funding.

Ban said the Palestinian Authority's foreign minister had indicated that it would apply for membership of the 16 other UN agencies.




How Unesco countries voted on Palestinian membership

Palestinian Authority granted full membership of UN cultural agency after 107 vote in favour, 14 against and 52 abstain


Breakdown of how Unesco countries voted on Palestinian membership

194 member states

173 votes cast

81 required majority

52 abstentions

14 "no" votes

107 "yes" votes


Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Israel, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Palau, Panama, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sweden, US, Vanuatu.


Albania, Andorra, Bahamas, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Colombia, Cook Islands, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Fiji, Georgia, Haiti, Hungary, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kiribati, Latvia, Liberia, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Nauru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Moldova, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Switzerland, Thailand, Macedonia, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, UK, Zambia.


Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Chad, Chile, China, Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Honduras, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Luxembourg, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Russian Federation, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Slovenia, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Tanzania, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zimbabwe.

Absent (includes states that lost right to vote because membership fees were not paid):

Antigua and Barbuda, Central African Republic, Comoros, Dominica, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Madagascar, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Mongolia, Niue, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Swaziland, Tajikistan, East Timor, Turkmenistan.


donderdag 3 november 2011

Israeli redt de wereld van hondenpoep

Een nieuwe Israelische uitvinding die de hondenbezitter een hoop geklungel kan besparen. Ook niet-hondenbezitters kunnen er overigens profijt van hebben, want helaas zijn lang niet alle hondenbezitters even oplettend en sociaal....

Op de HLN site staat ook een instructiefilmpje van de "AshPoopie".

Overigens hebben we de uitvinder even opgegoogled, en inderdaad: hij woont in Rehovot, de woonplaats van wijlen onze vriend Ami Isseroff. We lieten tijdens onze bezoeken aan Rehovot geregeld de twee hondjes van Ami uit, en moesten altijd plastic zakjes meenemen om de poep op te rapen. Een vrij onaangename bezigheid, zeker als er geen afvalbak in de buurt was en je de volle zakjes een tijdje moest meedragen.


Ratna en Wouter

Een nieuw product maakt voorgoed komaf met geklungel met hondenpoep. Een nieuwe soort stofzuiger tovert dit om een steriel, geurloos as in minder dan een minuut. Dit kun je dan gebruiken als compostmateriaal en hoef je niet meer te klungelen met plastic zakjes.

De technologie werd ontwikkeld door de Israëlische professor Oded Shoseyov. Het apparaat werkt op een herlaadbare batterij van 12 volt. Het voordeel van dit toestel is dat je niet meer hoeft te sukkelen met plastic zakjes en schopjes wanneer je hond zijn behoefte op straat doet. Maar het maakt ook komaf met onaangename verrassingen in de tuin. Het as kun je gebruiken om compost mee te maken. (ep)

02/11/11 15u37

Nieuwste enquete: Palestijnen willen geen vrede en tweestatenoplossing


Stel, Israel geeft de gehele Westbank op en ook heel Oost Jeruzalem en zelfs de Klaagmuur en de Tempelberg, allemaal voor de Palestijnen. Zouden zij dan accepteren dat de miljoenen nakomelingen van de vluchtelingen niet naar Israel maar naar de nieuwe Palestijnse staat zullen terugkeren, en daarnaast financiele compensatie krijgen? Het antwoord van zo’n 90% van de Palestijnen daarop is ‘nee’. Dan maar geen vrede, dan maar geen eigen staat, dan maar geen onafhankelijkheid. Alles of niets. En met ‘alles’ bedoel ik letterlijk alles, want met dit zogenaamde ‘recht op terugkeer’ is er geen plaats meer voor Joodse zelfbeschikking. En dus is het steeds niets. Opvallend genoeg meent meer dan de helft dat vrede wanneer hun kinderen groot zijn mogelijk of zelfs waarschijnlijk is. Men verwacht wellicht dat de VN en internationale gemeenschap hun voorwaarden aan Israel gaan opleggen. Helaas werd niet gevraagd hoe die vrede er concreet uit zal zien. 





Uit een poll op de website van IMRA:

Issue of the Palestinian Refugees
In regard to the question: “Do you think that Palestinians – in exchange for 
having their own independent state and concluding a peace deal with Israel – 
should give up their insistence about the Right of Return, which Israel will 
never accept, or not ?”, the striking majority of (89.8%) answered:”No, they 
shouldn’t do that even if no peace deal would be concluded”, whilst only 
(6.8%) said “Yes, Palestinians should do that”, and (3.4%) said “ I don’t 

And responding to the question: “In case the Palestinian leadership would 
waive the Right of Return and accept in exchange for that the monetary 
compensation, would you accept that too, or refuse it ?”, (89.5%) said “I 
would refuse that”, whilst only (7.3%) said “I would accept that” and (3.2%) 
said “I don’t know”.

Resumption of the Peace Negotiations
Responding to the question: “In general, do you support or oppose the 
resumption of the peace negotiations between the Palestinians and the 
Israelis under the present conditions ?”, (16.0%) said “ I support”, (45.9%) 
said “between both alternatives” (they are undecided yet), (32.9%) said “ I 
oppose” and (5.2%) said “I don’t know”.

And asked to respond to the question: “Which of the following ways or 
options, according to your opinion, is the best for ending the occupation 
and establishing a Palestinian state: a) the negotiations up to the reaching 
of a deal between the Palestinians and the Israelis, (b) the non-violent 
resistance (peaceful popular demos), (c) working along with/ through the 
United Nations, (d) to hold an international conference that is authorized 
to impose a solution on all parties concerned, (e) violence, military 
actions, or (f) otherwise ?”, (17.6%) said “the negotiations up to the 
reaching of a deal between the Palestinians and the Israelis”, (20.9%) “the 
non-violent resistance (peaceful popular demos)”, (23.4%) said “working 
along with and through the United Nations”, (17.9%) said “by holding an 
international conference that is authorized to impose a solution on all 
parties concerned”, (5.5%) said “violence, military actions”, (10.5%) 
“otherwise”, and (4.2%) said “ I don’t know”.

Peace between Palestinians and Israelis
With respect to the question:”Now think of the future when your child 
becomes your age. Do you think there would be at that time peace between the 
Israelis and the Palestinians ?”, (12.0%) answered “yes, definitely”, 
(15.1%) “it’s most likely”, (28.4%) “it’s possible”, (27.7%) “it’s unlikely”, 
(15.8%) “definitely no” and (0.9%) said “ I don’t know”.

Options in case the Palestinians’ efforts fail to obtain UN full membership
Responding to the question: “ Assuming that the Palestinians’ efforts to 
achieve a full member seat at the UN fail, which of the following options 
you think is likely to take place to handle the Palestinian affairs, a) 
dissolution of the Palestinian Authority and placing the international 
community before the liabilities of the legal vacuum that would result from 
the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority and administering the 
resistance through the Palestinian factions, b) unilateral declaration of a 
Palestinian state and escalation of the resistance, c) keeping the status of 
the Palestinian Authority as it’s now, but developing new strategies for a 
better handling of the Palestinian issues ?”, (33.9%) said “option (a)”, 
(29.9%) “option (b)”, (20.3%) incline to “option (c)” and (15.9%) said “I 
don’t know”.


Palestijnen willen na UNESCO nog bij 16 andere VN organisaties


En zo komt men gewoon via de achterdeur binnen omdat er bij de voordeur bepaalde voorwaarden werden gesteld waar de Palestijnen geen zin in hebben..... Abbas lijkt voor sommigen vooral een vriendelijke welwillende, soms zelfs zielige man te zijn die zijn geplaagde volk graag wil helpen maar ook niet verder komt tegenover het oppermachtige Israel en bondgenoot de VS, maar hij is in werkelijkheid behoorlijk uitgekookt en maakt slim gebruik van de wereldwijde sympathie voor de ‘onderdrukte Palestijnen’. Zonder ook maar een duimbreed toe te geven of een enkel compromis te sluiten weet hij zijn imago van gematigd en vredelievend te behouden. 





With UNESCO membership granted, Palestinians seek to join 16 more UN agencies


World Health Organization, Intellectual Property Organization and Atomic Agency are among the organizations where the PA will request full membership.

By Barak Ravid

After being granted full membership at the United Nations' cultural agency UNESCO, the Palestinian Authority is seeking to become a member of the World Health Organization and of 15 smaller UN agencies. The forum of eight senior Israeli government ministers will convene later on Tuesday to discuss Israel's response to the matter.

A source at the foreign ministry said that the Palestinian Health Minister, Fathi Abu Moghli, was sent last week by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to meet with the chief of the WHO office in the West Bank, and updated him on the Palestinians' intention to apply for full membership in the organization. 

Meanwhile, Ibrahim Khraishi, the top Palestinian envoy at the UN in Geneva, told the Associated Press on Tuesday about the Palestinian bid to become members of additional organizations.

"Now we are studying when we are going to move for full membership on the other UN agencies," Khraishi said. "It's our target for (us to join) the international organizations and the UN agencies."

A foreign ministry source said that some of the bodies the Palestinians seek to join are
The UN's World Intellectual Property Organization, the International Telecommunication Union, The International Labor Organization and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

UNESCO is the first UN agency that the Palestinians sought to join as a full member since Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas applied for full membership in the United Nations in September.

The motion to admit the Palestinians was passed at a UNESCO meeting in Paris, with 107 votes in favor, 14 against and 52 abstentions. The United States, Canada and Germany voted against Palestinian membership. Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa and France voted in favor. Britain abstained.

On Monday, the Obama administration decided to cut off funding for UNESCO because it approved the Palestinian membership bid.

State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland says Monday's vote triggers a long-standing congressional restriction on funding to UN bodies that recognize Palestine as a state before an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal is reached.