Uit de beginselen van UNESCO:
...[T]he States Parties to this Constitution, believing in full and equal opportunities for education for all, in the unrestricted pursuit of objective truth, and in the free exchange of ideas and knowledge, are agreed and determined to develop and to increase the means of communication between their peoples and to employ these means for the purposes of mutual understanding and a truer and more perfect knowledge of each other's lives.
De beginselen staan ook vol met mooie woorden over vrede, wederzijds begrip, en hoe educatie een rol kan spelen in het voorkomen van oorlog. Het lijkt daarbij niet meer dan vanzelfsprekend dat leden van UNESCO elkaar helpen en steunen en niet zwartmaken, laat staan dit prachtige lichaam te misbruiken ovor hun propagandadoeleinden.
De praktijk is helaas weer eens anders dan ronkende beginselverklaringen, en UNESCO heeft zich vaker voor het Palestijnse karretje laten spannen.
Ondertussen blijkt dat niet alleen de VS, maar ook Israel, een (voor zijn doen niet geringe) bijdrage levert aan de UNESCO. Elder of Ziyon bericht:
The New York Times, in its UNESCO story yesterday, revealed something interesting:
Palestine became the 195th full member of Unesco on Monday, as the United Nations organization defied a mandated cutoff of American funds under federal legislation from the 1990s.
The step will cost the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization one-quarter of its yearly budget — the 22 percent contributed by the United States (about $70 million) plus another 3 percent contributed by Israel.That means that Israel contributed some $9 million annually to the agency!
Israel has been cooperating with UNESCO for well over a decade in various international projects, helping out in places as far flung as Jamaica.
But now that UNESCO has become a virtual subsidiary of ISESCO, I'm sure that Islamic countries will make up for the shortfall in cash and cooperation.
(h/t Yaacov Lozowick tweet)
UPDATE: A Ha'aretz reporter tweets that Israel contributes only $2 million annually. (h/t CHA)
Ondanks de gure wind die er vaak vanuit UNESCO waait richting Israel, steunt dit land UNESCO met geld en op andere manieren. Het lidmaatschap van ‘Palestina’ is een klap in het gezicht van Israel. ‘Palestina’ is niet alleen geen land, het is een entiteit en wordt geleid door organisaties die continu Israel zwart maken en geweld tegen Israel verheerlijken. Daarnaast wordt de geschiedenis gemanipuleerd en de Joodse verbondenheid met het land stelselmatig ontkend. Hieronder daarvan nog maar eens een voorbeeld, ook van Elder of Ziyon. De Palestijnen worden beloond voor dergelijke praktijken in plaats van erop aan gesproken. Dat dit de op papier zo hard nagestreefde vrede niet dichterbij brengt, is evident.
An example of how "Palestine" will act at UNESCO
Here is the cover of Palestinian Arab textbook "National Education, Grade 2", published in 2001:
Let's look a little closer at the stamp pictured in the lower right:
Now compare it with the actual stamp it was taken from:
What is missing in the textbook image?
Why, it is the Hebrew part of the British Mandate stamp that says "Palestine (Eretz Yisroel)"!
Palestinian Arabs always accuse Israel of trying to erase Arab and Muslim culture, but as usual it is just projection for what they do, day in and day out, in trying to erase any vestiges of Jewish presence from the historic Land of Israel - from even as recently as 70 years ago.
Besides the outrageous airbrushing of history that this represents, more subtly, the textbook takes an item from the time of British rule and pretends that it somehow represents a historic nation of Palestine that never existed.
(In fact, other stamps in the same series depicted Jewish and Christian holy sites, as the British tried to be even-handed when they issued stamps.)
The preamble for the UNESCO constitution declares:
...[T]he States Parties to this Constitution, believing in full and equal opportunities for education for all, in the unrestricted pursuit of objective truth, and in the free exchange of ideas and knowledge, are agreed and determined to develop and to increase the means of communication between their peoples and to employ these means for the purposes of mutual understanding and a truer and more perfect knowledge of each other's lives.
This single example shows that Palestinian Arabs have zero interest in the noble original goals of UNESCO, and instead are interested in furthering their own selfish agenda at the expense of the truth, of other people and other cultures.
(photos from IMPACT-SE and miff.no, h/t JPost and Ian)
It is indeed bad that the Palestinian Arab textbook erased the Hebrew letters from the stamp they depicted. But those Hebrew letters read: Palestinia. Since that was how the British Mandate territory was called before the founding of the State of Israel. In fact, there were a lot of Jews born there who had as their birthplace: "Palestine" in their passports. When Arafat once declared that Jesus was a Palestinian,(sic) a Jewish friend of mine,a Jungian analist, remarked: "yes, and so am I."