vrijdag 23 mei 2008
Zelfmoordterrorist blaast vrachtwagen op bij Gaza grensovergang
Israëlisch-Palestijnse vredesonderhandelingen: stand van zaken
INSS Insight No. 56, May 21, 2008
Benn, Aluf - The Institute for National Security Studies
Apparently the Palestinians are reluctant to concur, and prefer that the agreement cover only the issues of borders and settlements.
INSS Insight is published through the generosity of Sari and Israel Roizman, Philadelphia
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
UNIFIL ineffectief in zuid-Libanon
Kouchner is scheduled to arrive Wednesday evening for two days of talks.
Israel is concerned that despite the UNIFIL peacekeepers in southern Lebanon, and in contradiction to UN Security Council Resolution 1701, thousands of rockets have been smuggled south of the Litani River, according to the officials. Jerusalem has also recently complained that UNIFIL was failing to report illegal Hizbullah activity in southern Lebanon so as to avoid a confrontation with the group.
Kouchner is scheduled to meet separately with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Vice Premier Haim Ramon on Thursday.
He is also set to attend the Palestinian Authority investment conference in Bethlehem on Thursday and on Friday meet with President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salaam Fayad.
France, with an estimated 2,000 troops in the UNIFIL mission, has the third largest UNIFIL contingent, after Italy and Germany, which each have about 2,500 men involved in the force.
The overall assessment of UNIFIL's performance in Jerusalem is that it does a good job where it operates in southern Lebanon, but that it does not operate in the villages, where Hizbullah has increased its strength considerably since the Second Lebanon War ended in August 2006.
Unlike before the war, Hizbullah is no longer operating in the open areas, but rather inside the villages, and under its rules of engagement, UNIFIL cannot go into the villages without first getting the approval of the Lebanese army, something that drastically reduces its effectiveness.
This assessment received backing from an unlikely source, when the anti-Hizbullah Shi'ite mufti of Tyre, Ali al-Amin, blasted UNIFIL in an interview with the Italian daily Corriere della Sera on Saturday.
"Peace mission?" he said of UNIFIL. "You must be kidding. I will tell you what UNIFIL troops in southern Lebanon are. They are tourists, simple, faint-hearted and ignorant tourists."
Amin, who fled Tyre earlier this month for Beirut, said UNIFIL "should be helping the Lebanese army guarantee democracy, but it is a mere illusion. The events of the last few days have strengthened Hizbullah even more.
"Everyone knows that the national army is too weak to take Hizbullah on, and UNIFIL forces pretend not to see anything. Hizbullah has built its own cable telephone system and is getting re-armed right outside their [UNIFIL's] bases. Can they really do nothing to stop it, can they not report it?"
Israel would like the UN to amend UNIFIL's mandate, which needs to be renewed in August, and give it more robust rules of engagement that would enable it to enter Lebanese villages without a Lebanese army escort.
This, however, is considered very unlikely. Lebanon's Daily Star on Tuesday reported that Italy's new defense minister, Ignazio La Russa, who visited his country's UNIFIL contingent on Saturday, told the Italian press that there was no need for any "drastic changes" in UNIFIL's rules of engagement. "Our soldiers are today doing exactly what they were doing a month ago. I do not see a reason to drastically modify our goals or tasks at the present time," he was quoted as saying.
Rechtbank wijst France2 klacht wegens smaad af in Mohammed al-Dura zaak
Richard Landes : 617-504-7837,
The Augean Stables (blog)
The Second Draft
Muhammad al Durah Decision Today
Evidence Convinces Court to Dismiss France2's Case against Karsenty
The French justice system should be applauded for its wise decision today in the Mohammed al Durah affair. The court has set the record straight by finding Philippe Karsenty innocent of defamation for claiming that France2 aired staged footage in September 2000 during a report that falsely and maliciously portrayed the Israel Defense Forces targeting and killing a Palestinian child in the arms of his father.
The incident occurred at the onset of the second Palestinian uprising, or intifada. The court based its decision on the raw footage shot by Talal abu Rahmah, whose videos and reports from the field inspired Charles Enderlin's incendiary news broadcast. The implication of the court's decision was that that Karsenty had sufficient justification for accusing France2 of being duped by its Palestinian cameraman.
According to historian Professor Richard Landes, author of Second Draft and The Augean Stables, "This case highlights how distressingly easy it is to manipulate coverage of a story and how such manipulation can have worldwide and lasting impact, in this case directly fanning the flames of anti-Israel hatred throughout the Moslem world and Europe."
Immediately after the French2 story was aired, clips were shown repeatedly throughout the world, particularly in Moslem nations and in Europe. The broadcast of the alleged murder prompted anti-Israel riots and demonstrations and turned the child into an icon and martyr throughout the Moslem world. It also generated reverence for those who would commit violence against Israelis and Jews everywhere. The glorification of suicide terrorists who have become the bane of the 21st century became part of the al Durah narrative.
"Not only did France2 violate numerous principles of journalistic ethics in running the story as it did, but it added to these violations by blocking any reconsideration," Landes said. "As the evidence that contradicted every major contention in the aired report emerged, France2, as well as other mainstream media outlets in France, worked to prevent any correction from reaching the public.
"On the contrary, France2 attacked independent French citizens who had the temerity to criticize the TV station for their journalistic incompetence by suing them in court for defamation. In the asymmetrical warfare of global Jihad against the West, the 'weak' side treats the media of the 'strong' side as a theater of war, and no single case illustrates Western journalism's vulnerability to this kind of manipulation than the Al Durah affair," Landes said.
Click here to view France2's original, unedited footage in the court case and to examine the evidence the court used to make its decisions as well as Professor Landes' commentary. A transcript of the court's decision will be available publicly in the coming days.
Boycotcampagne moslims tegen Denemarken en Nederland gaat door
+++JORDAN TIMES 21 May '08:
Teheran Universiteit houdt conferentie over einde Israël
Tehran University to host int'l conference on "Israel's End"
Iranian Justice Seeking University Students Movement and University Students Mobilization Basij will jointly sponsor International Conference on Israel's End on May 26th, 2008.
According to public relations of the above mentioned Students Movement, the timing of the conference is adjusted to coincide with the sad 60th anniversary of Palestine's occupation by the Zionists.
The guests of the conference that would be attended by Iranian and foreign students of universities in Tehran will be intellectuals and university professors from Egypt, Venezuela, Morocco, Lebanon, Indonesia, the United States, Pakistan, Argentina, India, Iraq, Syria, Chile, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, France, Tunisia, and a number of other countries.
Supporting the Palestinian nation's righteous liberation movement and signs of the illegitimate Zionist regime's upcoming downfall are among the axes of the international conference.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
President Abbas noemt recht op terugkeer heilig
In the opening of the 'Return Key' statue in Aida refugee camp near Bethlehem, President said that sixty years and six days elapsed on our departure from our homeland which is in our hearts, minds, hopes and dreams.
'This key, which is the biggest key in the world, is the symbol of our return, our hopes and our dreams. This key will remain a alive until we return home, God willing, nothing will hinder us and we will not abandon our dream,' President added.
President made it clear that we are determined in every word and phrase on the right of refugees to return which is a sacred right, and never be delayed or postponed.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
donderdag 22 mei 2008
Wikipedia nieuwste front in Midden-Oosten conflict
Latest Front In Mideast Wars: Wikipedia
Pro-Israel advocates have been banned from contributing articles on the popular encyclopedia, but battle rages.
by Tamar Snyder
Staff Writer
Fed up with what he considered the skewed perception of Israel depicted by Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia, Gilead Ini, a senior research analyst at CAMERA, the Boston-based pro-Israel media watchdog, decided to mobilize.
On March 13, he sent an e-mail seeking 10 volunteer Wikipedia editors who would ensure that Israel-related articles "are free of bias and error, and include necessary facts and context."
"Assuring accuracy and impartiality in Wikipedia is extremely important," Ini wrote in the e-mail. "If someone searches for `Israel,' on the Google search engine, the top result would be the Wikipedia page on Israel."
More than 50 CAMERA members signed up. The group began to communicate using a private Google Group called Isra-pedia.
That's when the trouble began.
Isra-pedia e-mails were leaked to the pro-Palestinian site Electronic Intifada (EI). On April 21, Electronic Intifada posted an expose on its site, charging CAMERA with "orchestrating a secret, long-term campaign to infiltrate ... Wikipedia to rewrite Palestinian history, pass off crude propaganda as fact, and take over Wikipedia administrative structures to ensure these changes go either undetected or unchallenged."
Within hours, Wikipedia editors who allegedly participated in CAMERA's project were barred from editing topics related to the Arab-Israeli conflict for periods of time spanning one year to indefinitely.
They were faulted for working off-line, conspiring to make changes in a way that goes against the democratic culture of Wikipedia.
Wikipedia user "Gni," strongly believed to be Ini himself (though he denies this), has been banned from the site entirely.
This is the latest twist in the ongoing battle for supremacy among the ever-conflicting narratives championed by Palestinian and Israeli supporters. Instead of academics squabbling in their ivory towers, though, ordinary individuals are taking it online — and they're doing so anonymously. Wikipedia, the seventh-most frequently visited Internet site, is the go-to site for students and professionals alike. Though the online encyclopedia may not maintain the credibility held by Encyclopedia Britannica 50 years ago, it certainly commands its influence — with nearly 60 million visitors a month. That's why the stakes are so high and why winning the Wiki Wars is so important.
"When we talk about the Wikipedias of the Internet, there's a sense of community and empowerment and having that kind of access is very attractive, especially among young people," says Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which just released its first "iReport." It found a 30 percent increase in the past year alone in the number of sites on the Internet promoting inaccuracies, terror and hate. "But the casualty very often is the truth."
According to Honest Reporting (HR), another pro-Israel group that monitors media coverage of the Mideast, "Anti-Israel bias in Wikipedia takes three forms: vandalism, blatantly false allegations and attempts to marginalize the Israeli perspective."
Examples include defining Jerusalem as "the capital of Palestine" (quickly corrected) and, in an entry on "Massacres committed during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War," listing only those allegedly committed by Jews.
But who's to say that CAMERA's truth is, well, true? And on the other hand, can Electronic Intifada's version of the facts be trusted? Although Wikipedia documents every edit on its "history" page, the average user doesn't have the time to analyze each change and has no way of knowing the biases held by the anonymous, and volunteer, editors.
Therein lies the problem, since the beauty — and frustration — of Wikipedia is its supposed democracy, in which anyone can edit entries. When it comes to basic information such as the correct spelling of a name or the meaning of a technical term, it generally proves accurate.
But as any college student will tell you, you can't cite Wikipedia as a source in a term paper.
In other words, when it comes to understanding politically contested history, let the reader beware.
That's the advice offered by Gershom Gorenberg, a respected Israeli journalist, in an article in The American Prospect earlier this month. Gorenberg faults CAMERA for being deliberately duplicitous in advising Isra-pedia members to avoid usernames that mark them as pro-Israel and engaging in an administrator's gambit, by specifically avoiding editing Israel-related articles at first. (Gorenberg has been criticized by both CAMERA and EI for alleged bias).
"For a long time, I've felt that CAMERA, in approaching media coverage of Israel, has failed to make a distinction between advocacy and accuracy," says Gorenberg. "CAMERA promotes a morally simplified view of Israeli history, a propagandist view designed to avoid any dissidence."
Not everyone is as quick to blame CAMERA for its Wiki-downfall.
Social media expert Andre Oboler, a Legacy Heritage fellow at NGO Monitor who runs, acknowledges that CAMERA made novice mistakes in its approach, the most serious of which was trying to get involved in Web 2.0 "undercover." For that CAMERA should have gotten a scolding from administrators, he said, since "this is not how things are done." Instead, though, administrators dealt the harshest consequences in their power: indefinite bans.
Oboler said that while CAMERA isn't the first advocacy group to band together to edit Wikipedia, it's the only one being scapegoated. "Wikipedians for Palestine," a closed Yahoo group established in January 2006, allegedly engaged in similar practices, inviting Wikipedians "to combat anti-Palestinian and pro-Zionist bias in the English language version of Wikipedia." The group has since been deleted — along with its archives — so it's unclear who belonged to the group and what impact, if any, the group had on Israel/Palestine-related Wikipedia pages. But it's naïve to assume that CAMERA is the only advocacy group banding together to edit Wikipedia.
"Pro-Israel advocacy groups are being smeared by pro-Palestinian supporters," says Simon Plosker, a managing editor at Honest Reporting.
In a report just released on its Web site, Honest Reporting claims that Electronic Intifada, and not CAMERA, is "manipulating Wikipedia to achieve its ideological goals."
"It's a blatant attempt to shut down our ability to respond to untruths," says Plosker.
The report reveals that Wikipedia user "Bangpound," who first expressed concern about CAMERA's subversive Wikipedia uses, is an Electronic Intifada staff member by the name of Benjamin Doherty.
"Electronic Intifada is manufacturing a story," says Oboler, who contributed to HR's report. "This is a battle between two competing lobby groups, in which one is manipulating the system to accuse the other of not playing fair, and thereby shut down the debate and ensure that it has free rein."
Ini says that with Wikipedia contributors hiding behind pseudonyms and making alliances with others to win enough votes to become administrators on the site, "it's a big game — a convoluted and complicated world."
And the stakes are high in the competition for promoting one's version of the Mideast narrative.
Ini contends his group was formed to educate fair-minded people about Wikipedia's policies and how to become editors, as well as to share resources with one another.
Though Ini has since disbanded the Isra-pedia group, his colleague at Honest Reporting vow to take on the challenge presented by Wikipedia and other Web 2.0 sites like Facebook and Digg.
"We'll be perfectly transparent about what we're going to do," says HR's Plosker. "People will know where we come from. There's nothing suspect about it. Everyone has right to contribute."
Iran arresteert Bahai leiders
Page last updated at 18:48 GMT, Monday, 19 May 2008 19:48 UK
Iran arrests Bahai 'leadership'
The seven Bahai leaders are now all in jail, the group says. The Iranian authorities have acknowledged the arrest of a number of members of the Bahai faith, which is considered to be heretical in Iran.
A Foreign Ministry spokesman said the arrests were a judicial matter and he did not give any further details.
The Bahai International Community says a senior member was arrested in March and six more last week; together they make up the entire leadership in Iran.
It says it has about 300,000 members in Iran, where the faith originated.
Relatives said the six senior members were taken to Evin Prison in Tehran on 14 May, after Intelligence Ministry officers raided their homes in the middle of the night.
The Bahai faith is banned by the Islamic revolutionary leadership of Iran.
Hundreds of Bahai followers have been jailed and executed since Iran's Islamic revolution in 1979, the Bahai International Community says.
However, the government denies it has detained or executed people because of their faith.
*** Balanced Middle East News ***
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woensdag 21 mei 2008
Enquete Palestijnen: 57% wijst tweestatenoplossing af
39.5% I support
57.6% I reject
2.9% No opinion/I do not know
68.5% I support
28.2% I reject
3.3% No opinion/I do not know
No. 34 15-17 May 2008
An-Najah National University
Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies
Tel: (972) (9) 2345113 Fax: (972)(9) 2345982
Nablus - Palestinian: P.O.Box 7, 707
Following are the results of the Palestinian Public Opinion Poll No. 34 conducted by the Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies at An-Najah National University during the period from 15-17 May 2008. The University sponsors all polls conducted by its Center.
The sample included 1360 persons whose age group is 18 and above and who have the right to vote. The enclosed questionnaire was distributed on 800 persons from the West Bank and 500 persons from the Gaza Strip. The sample was drawn randomly and the margin of error is about +/-3%; still 5.8% of the members of the sample refused to answer the questionnaire.
In view of the last Israeli operations against the Gaza Strip, do you support or reject resuming political negotiations between the Palestinian authority and Israel?
17.4% I strongly support
39.1% I support
24.2% I reject
15.9% I strongly reject
3.4% No opinion/I do not know
Do you support or reject a truce (hudna) that starts in the Gaza Strip and extends to the West Bank?
20.8% I strongly support
50.7% I support
15.7% I reject
10.4% I strongly reject
2.3% No opinion/I do not know
A group of Palestinian factions accepted a hudna with Israel that begins in the Gaza Strip and extends to the west Bank. Do you support or reject the position of these factions?
20.8% I strongly support
51.4% I support
17.1% I reject
8.2% I strongly reject
2.6% No opinion/I do not know
Do you think that Israel will accept the hudna that Hamas and a group of Palestinian factions offered?
10.4% Yes
34.9% May be
50.5% No
4.3% No opinion/I do not know
Do you think that the imminent visit of President Bush to the area will lead to pushing the peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority ahead?
13.2% Yes
79.3% No
7.5% No opinion/I do not know
Who, in your opinion, is responsible for the on-going internal Palestinian split?
14.0% Fateh movement
24.4% Hamas movement
47.0% Some persons from inside the two movements
6.8% Others (specify)
7.7% No opinion/I do not know
Who, in your opinion, is responsible for the failure to implement the Sana'a Agreement between Fateh and Hamas?
15.4% Fateh movement
24.6% Hamas movement
42.6% Some persons from inside the two movements
4.6% Others (specify)
12.9% No opinion/I do not know
Do you support or reject the creation of two states on the historic land of Palestine (a Palestinian state and Israel)?
39.5% I support
57.6% I reject
2.9% No opinion/I do not know
Do you support or reject the creation of a Palestinian state on the 1967 occupied territories?
68.5% I support
28.2% I reject
3.3% No opinion/I do not know
Do you think that the negotiations that President Mahmoud Abbas is conducting will lead to the creation of a Palestinian state on the 1967 occupied territories?
36.3% Yes
54.1% No
9.6% No opinion/I do not know
Do you think that the Palestinian resistance in its present form will lead to the creation of a Palestinian state on the 1967 occupied territories?
41.2% Yes
50.7% No
8.1% No opinion/I do not know
Do you support or reject resorting to dialogue between the Palestinian Presidency in Ramallah and the dissolved government in the Gaza Strip?
42.7% I strongly support
45.4% I support
7.1% I reject
3.2% I strongly reject
1.5% No opinion/I do not know
Do you think that Fateh is seriously interested in a dialogue with Hamas?
48.8% Yes
41.1% No
10.1% No opinion/I do not know
Do you think that Hamas is seriously interested in a dialogue with Fateh?
40.1% Yes
49.9% No
10.1% No opinion/I do not know
In general, do you think that the current Palestinian leaderships with their different denominations are really capable of saving the Palestinian people from the miserable political situation the live?
21.1% Yes
39.3% No
39.6% No opinion/I do not know
Do you think that there is an on-going communication between Hamas and the United States?
36.7% Yes
41.9% No
21.4% No opinion/I do not know
Do you think that there is an on-going communication between Hamas and the European Union?
49.5% Yes
27.5% No
23.0% No opinion/I do not know
Do you think that opening the Rafah Crossing for three days this week was meant to defuse the crisis in the Gaza Strip?
51.3% Yes
41.4% No
7.3% No opinion/I do not know
Do you think that opening the Rafah Crossing is considered an initial step toward ending the crisis in the Gaza Strip?
44.5% Yes
49.8% No
5.7% No opinion/I do not know
Do you think that Hamas was able to convince the Egyptians that it is capable of running Rafah Crossing by itself solely?
29.9% Yes
57.6% No
12.5% No opinion/I do not know
Do you think that the corruption charges against the Israeli Prime minister Olmert will affect the negotiation track between the Palestinians and the Israelis?
52.3% Yes
40.8% No
6.9% No opinion/I do not know
How do you assess the performance of the Palestinian Presidency at the present time?
59.4% Good
32.7% Bad
7.9% No opinion/I do not know
Regardless of its legitimacy or illegitimacy, do you support or reject the general policy of the Palestinian government led by Salam Fayyad?
49.3% I support
40.1% I reject
10.5% No opinion/I do not know
Regardless of its legitimacy or illegitimacy, do you support or reject the general policy of the dissolved government of Ismael Haniyeh?
32.1% I support
57.3% I reject
10.7% No opinion/I do not know
How do you assess the performance of Salam Fayyad's care-taker government?
49.4% Good
40.0% Bad
10.6% No opinion/I do not know
How do you assess the performance of Ismael Haniyeh's dissolved government?
33.9% Good
54.3% Bad
11.8% No opinion/I do not know
Do you support or reject dissolving the PLC?
58.2% I support
31.6% I reject
10.2% No opinion/I do not know
Do you support or reject conducting early Presidential elections?
67.9% I support
24.7% I reject
7.4% No opinion/I do not know
If presidential elections are held in the present time, to whom from among the following do you give your vote?
6.3% An independent candidate
3.1% A candidate from the left
14.9% A candidate from Hamas
32.6% A candidate from Fateh
5.1% A national independent candidate
3.8% An Islamic independent candidate
20.4% I will not participate in the elections
13.8% I have not decided yet
If new PLC elections are conducted, whom do you vote for?
5.1% An independent ticket
3.5% A ticket from the left
16.2% A ticket from Hamas
32.8% A ticket from Fateh
5.1% A national independent ticket
4.0% An Islamic independent ticket
19.3% I will not participate in the elections
14.0% I have not decided yet
If new legislative elections were to be held today, which of the following would win?
6.4% Independent Islamists bloc
7.2% Independent Nationalist bloc
45.4% Fateh bloc
20.5% Hamas bloc
1.4% A bloc from leftist organizations
20.9% No opinion/I do not know
The Palestinian Government began a security campaign in the city of Jenin to impose order and the rule of law on the city. Do you think that the campaign will succeed?
54.5% It will succeed
31.3% It will fail
14.3% No opinion/I do not know
The Palestinian Government had started a security campaign in the city of Nablus to impose order and the rule of law on the city. Do believe that the campaign succeeded in Nablus?
49.6% It succeeded
31.1% It failed
19.3% No opinion/I do not know
Do you think that the Palestinian security forces are capable of imposing law and order on the areas in which they were redeployed?
59.9% Yes
31.0% No
9.1% No opinion/I do not know
Do you support or reject the notion that Palestinian arms should be in the hands of Palestinian security apparatuses, and that any other arms in the hands of other Palestinian men will be considered arms for racketeering business?
65.5% I support
31.2% I reject
3.3% No opinion/I do not know
If you are an employee and you are offered an early retirement, will you accept or reject the offer?
40.2% I accept
51.3% I reject
8.5% No opinion/I do not know
Are you worried about your life under the present circumstances?
58.7% Yes
39.7% No
1.6% No opinion/I do not know
Are you pessimistic or optimistic towards the general Palestinian situation at this stage?
35.2% Optimistic
62.8% Pessimistic
2.0% No opinion/I do not know
Under the present circumstances, do you feel that you, your family and your properties are safe?
17.7% Yes
33.6% May be
48.7% No
Which of the following political affiliations do you support?
0.5% People's Party
0.9% Democratic Front
2.6% Islamic Jihad
40.1% Fateh
17.5% Hamas
0.1% Fida
3.5% Popular Front
0.7% Palestinian National Initiative
5.4% I am an independent nationalist
3.2% I am an independent Islamist
24.4% None of the above
1.0% Others
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Antisemitische artikelen in de Jordaanse pers
at the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC) ]
Several such anti-Semitic articles have been published in the Jordanian press in recent months, one of which in particular argues that it is absolutely true that the Jews kill Christian children for ritual purposes, suggesting it as an explanation for the "deliberate" murder of Palestinian and Arab children supposedly perpetrated by the IDF. Also published were cartoons portraying Israeli leaders as murderers of children and the happenings in the Gaza Strip as a "holocaust". Details follow.
3. In an article titled "Killing children according to Jewish faith" (Al-Arab al-Yaum, March 8, 2008 ), Muwaffaq Muhaddin writes as follows:
The Prime Minister of Israel portrayed as a murderer of innocent Palestinian babies. The title says: "Israel rolls out the red carpet for Bush's visit [in Israel]!!" (Ad-Dustour, April 29, 2008) The leaders of Israel (Barak and Olmert) enjoying the murder of innocent Palestinian children (Ad-Dustour, May 4, 2008)
A cartoon depicting the happenings in the Gaza Strip as a "holocaust"
A character whose jacket says "Western Hypocrisy" is crying, with its tears extinguishing a fire whose flames say "The Jewish Holocaust". An identical character is crying over a fire that says "The Holocaust of Gaza"; however, it has bullets for tears (Ad-Dustour, April 28, 2008).
1 For details on manifestations of anti-Semitism in the Jordanian press, see our Information Bulletin: Contemporary Arab Muslim anti-Semitism, its Significance and Implications (Updated to March 2008). The bulletin currently appears on our site in Hebrew and is being translated into English.
2 Ibid.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Palestijnse terrorist met explosievengordel bij checkpoint Nablus
IDF SPOX: Palestinian terrorist found with explosive belt near Nablus
19 May 2008 , 22:23
IDF forces noticed the Palestinian man acting suspiciously and subsequently ordered him to cease all movement. He slowly moved his hands in the direction of his explosive belt and consequently, IDF forces fired at him.
The terrorist was identified as a 20-year old Palestinian male.
This attempted suicide attack is a part of an ongoing assault by Palestinian terrorists on Israel. They are currently being questioned by security forces. Just yesterday, the IDF arrested 19 wanted Palestinian terrorists, and Palestinian terrorists continue to launch Qasam rocket attacks toward Israel from the Gaza Strip.
dinsdag 20 mei 2008
Hamas: 'Wapenstilstand betekent niet einde van verzet'
"The confrontation with the [Israeli] occupation will continue despite the talk about a tahdiyah [calm]," said Osama Hamdan, Hamas's representative in Lebanon.
"Hamas does not trust the Israelis because they are likely to violate the tahdiyah and launch fresh aggressions against our people. As far as Hamas is concerned, all options remain open."
Hamdan's remarks came as a senior Hamas delegation arrived in Cairo Monday for talks with Egyptian General Intelligence Chief Omar Suleiman on Egypt's efforts to achieve a cease-fire between the Palestinians and Israel.
The delegation, which is scheduled to meet with Suleiman Tuesday to hear about Israel's position regarding the Egyptian truce initiative, is headed by Mahmoud Zahar and Musa Abu Marzuk.
"Egypt must be biased toward the Palestinians and not play the role of mediator," Hamdan said. "Egypt should not be different from the rest of the Arabs, who fully support the Palestinian position."
He said Hamas went to Cairo only to learn about the Israeli response to the Egyptian initiative and not to discuss it, noting that his movement had already accepted it.
Referring to the case of kidnapped IDF Cpl. Gilad Schalit, the Hamas official said his movement would not "succumb" to Israel's demand that the issue be part of any truce deal.
"We won't surrender to Israeli extortion," he added. "Hamas is different from the other Palestinian parties, which are used to making free concessions to Israel."
"The Israelis appear to be confused about the tahdiyah," he said. "Some Israelis are calling for accepting the tahdiyah, while others are talking about invading the Gaza Strip. But we are prepared for all possibilities, regardless of whether Israel says yes or no. If we are forced to fight, we will enter the battle."
However, some Hamas officials said they were optimistic regarding the prospects of achieving an agreement over a truce with Israel.
"There is room for optimism," a top Hamas official in the Gaza Strip told The Jerusalem Post. "We believe we are very close to reaching an agreement because Israel has signaled its willingness to accept the Egyptian initiative."
The official claimed that the Egyptians had warned Israel against launching a massive military operation in the Gaza Strip. "The Egyptians told us that they have warned Israel against the repercussions of a military operation in the Gaza Strip," he added. "The Egyptians said that such an operation would have a negative impact on their relations with Israel."
According to the Hamas official, Israel "does not have the courage and energy" to carry out a big military operation in the Gaza Strip. "They know that they can't wipe out Hamas," he said. "Also, they don't have a long-term strategy as to what they would do after they reoccupy the Gaza Strip."
Palestijnen vernielen wijngaard en akkervelden kolonisten
Palestinians uprooted a vineyard in Dolev
*** Balanced Middle East News ***
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In Gaza gearresteerde terrorist kreeg training in Iran
Iranian-trained terrorist arrested in Gaza
19 May 2008
(Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)
Abu Madif participated in a month-long military training course in Iran in May 2007, after being recruited to the Abu Rish faction a short time previously.
Abu Rish activists in the Gaza Strip are in constant contact with terror administrators in Lebanon, and are involved in the current conflict with Israel. Their main activities include high-trajectory rocket firing and laying of anti-personnel explosive devices.
Abu Madif was one of a group of activists that left Gaza through the Raffiah crossing into Egypt, and then flew from Cairo to Damascus and then on to Iran. In Iran, they were transferred to isolated military encampments in a mountainous region where they underwent comprehensive military training.
The military training included physical training, navigation, weapons training (including light and heavy weapons operation, anti-tank weapons, hand grenades), target practice, assembly and operation of explosive devices and indoctrination lessons defining Israel and the USA as the sources of evil. They were also instructed in covert activities, such as discovering and losing a tail, etc.
Upon his return to Gaza after the Hamas takeover, (September-October 2007) Abu Madif participated in a series of rocket attacks against Israel, and agreed on two separate occasions to participate in a suicide bombing attack against IDF forces at the Kissufim crossing. He was filmed for these attacks, but they were never carried out.
Abu Madif's interrogation throws light on the deep Iranian involvement in the encouragement of terror against Israel and in its support, its financing, and its military training for the activists of the various terror organizations operating in Gaza against Israel. Syrian aid and assistance in the transfer of activists to Iran is also emphasized.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Harry de Winter woest over blogs Afshin Ellian
Harry de Winter woest over blogs Ellian
woensdag 26 maart 2008 13:05
Televisiemaker Harry de Winter en het bestuur van Stichting Een Ander Joods Geluid (EAJG) zijn zo kwaad over twee weblogs van Afshin Ellian op deze site, dat zij de hoofdredactie van Elsevier met klem verzoeken Ellian zijn weblog te ontnemen.
Harry de Winter (l) wil dat Elsevier de blogs van Afshin Ellian (r) niet meer plaatst
Dat schrijven De Winter en Jaap Hamburger, voorzitter van het bestuur van Een Ander Joods Geluid, in een brief (pdf) aan de hoofdredactie van Elsevier.
Ze zijn woest over de weblog die Ellian schreef op dinsdag 18 maart, in reactie op de paginabrede advertentie van De Winter in de Volkskrant een dag eerder.
In de advertentie stelt De Winter dat als PVV-leider Geert Wilders 'hetzelfde over Joden (en het Oude Testament) gezegd zou hebben als wat hij nu over Moslims (en de Koran) uitkraamt, dan was hij allang afgeserveerd en veroordeeld wegens antisemitisme'.
In zijn weblog met de titel 'De valse demagogie van Harry de Winter' noemt Ellian deze uitspraak van De Winter 'een mooi voorbeeld van de demagogie waarin sommige Duitsers in de jaren dertig meester waren'.
'Want,' zo vervolgt Ellian, 'in deze tekst wordt niets uitgelegd. Kennelijk valt er ook niets uit te leggen. Als dat het geval was, had Harry de Winter wel een beargumenteerde en onderbouwde tekst geschreven voor de opiniepagina'. Waar De Winter en EAJG vooral woest over zijn, is een passage aan het eind van zijn weblog, waar Ellian de ondertekenaars van de advertentie 'postmoderne Holocaustontkenners' noemt.
Ook zijn De Winter en EAJG boos over een eerdere weblog van Ellian, die op 13 juli 2007 werd gepubliceerd onder de titel 'Een Ander Joods Geluid bagatelliseert nazisme'. Daarin worden zij 'ordinaire Holocaustontkenners' genoemd.
'Uit te sluiten'
De Winter en EAJG vinden dat de twee genoemde weblogs van Ellian onder meer 'blijk geven van een gekunstelde redeneertrant, gezochte, ongefundeerde en leugenachtige beschuldigingen' en 'tot in het absurde verdraaide weergave van opvattingen van anderen'. Zij vragen de hoofdredactie van Elsevier Ellian 'uit te sluiten van het gebruik van Elsevier' voor zijn weblogs.
Elseviers hoofdredacteur Arendo Joustra is niet onder de indruk van de brief. 'Net als columnisten hebben webloggers een zekere vrijheid van uitdrukken in een fel debat. Harry de Winter en Een Ander Joods Geluid hebben ook een scherpe positie ingenomen in hun advertentie op de voorpagina van de Volkskrant. Wie kaatst kan de bal verwachten.'
Voor het voorstel Ellian zijn weblog te ontnemen en zodoende monddood te maken, zoals De Winter en EAJG willlen, voelt de hoofdredactie van Elsevier niets.
Door Claudia van Zanten