vrijdag 11 januari 2013

Opiniepeiling Israel: Likud-Beiteinu 38, Labor 16, Bayit Yehudi 13, maar 25% kiezers nog onbeslist


Zie ook: De onbetrouwbaarheid van opiniepeilingen in Israel




Maagar Poll: Likud Beiteinu 38 Labor 16 Bayit Yehudi 13


Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA 11 January 2013


The survey was conducted by Maagar - Interdisciplinary Research and Consulting Institute Ltd., managed by Professor Yitzhak Katz.  It was commissioned by Maariv and Makor Rishon and published on 11 January.


Telephone survey of representative sample of 506 adult Israelis (including Arabs).  The survey was carried out 8-9 January 2013.


Do you know who you will vote for in the coming elections?

Yes 67%

No 25%

Refuse reply/not voting 8%


Asked the 25% who haven't decided how they will vote:


What is the main reason you haven't decided?

25% No one to vote for

23% Politics doesn't interest me

17% No value to voting

08% Will decide at the last minute

07% No difference between parties

05% Not familiar with the party platforms

15% Other replies


Party "leaning towards voting for" of the undecided:

09% Likud Beiteinu

11% Labor

07% Livni party (Hatnua)

02% Shas

13% Lapid "Atid" Party

06% Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home/NRP & National Union)

02% Meretz

09% Am Shalem headed by Rabbi Haim Amsalem

08% Koach Lehashpia

33% Refuse reply


If elections held today (expressed in Knesset seats) Current Knesset seats in [brackets].

Please note:  There are 120 seats in the Knesset.  Parties must receive a minimum of 2% of the valid votes cast in the elections to be included in the Knesset - this comes to 2.4 seats.  After elections are held the coalition forming a government must receive 61 votes in a vote of confidence in the Knesset.

38 [42] Likud Beiteinu

16 [13] Labor

13 [07] Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home/NRP & National Union)

12 [11] Shas

08 [---] Lapid "Atid" Party

07 [---] Livni party (Hatnua)

06 [05] Yahadut Hatorah

05 [03] Meretz

03 [28] Kadima

01 [---] Am Shalem headed by Rabbi Haim Amsalem - 1 seat is below the 2% threshold

01 [---] Otzma Leyisrael (Eldad and Ben Ari)

10 [11] Arab parties



Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis) (mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)

Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730 INTERNET ADDRESS: imra@netvision.net.il

Website: http://www.imra.org.il



IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

Website: www.imra.org.il




IDF redt Palestijnen van verdrinkingsdood


Het zal bij Anja Meulenbelt wel ‘floodwashing’ of ‘riverwashing’ heten: Israelische soldaten die Palestijnse burgers redden die gestrand zijn en dreigen te verdrinken in een snel stijgende rivier. In werkelijkheid gebeurt het vaker dat Israelische soldaten, doctoren en anderen Palestijnen het leven redden, dit ondanks het conflict en het wederzijdse wantrouwen dat daar het gevolg van is. Ik vind dat nog steeds fascinerend, ondanks de vele verhalen die ik inmiddels ken: dat een soldaat het ene moment op terroristen jaagt of verdachte Palestijnen ’s nachts van hun bed licht, om op een ander moment mensen in noodsituaties te helpen. Het laat zien dat mensen ondanks de harde realiteit hun menselijkheid niet hebben verloren, al worden Israeli’s en met name soldaten in Westerse media wel steeds vaker zo neergezet.





IDF forces were mobilized to rescue Palestinian civilians stranded by rising floodwaters near Nablus this week 



Date: 01/10/2013, 2:42 PM     Author: Yael Livnat 


In the heart of the storm bearing down on Israel this week, soldiers of the Kfir Brigade's Netzah Yehuda Battalion were called to the Alexander River near Nablus on Tuesday, following a report that a number of Palestinian civilians were caught in the river's floodwaters and were in danger of drowning. The Netzah Yehuda force rescued the three civilians, who then received medical treatment. 


"Yesterday around 7:00 p.m., we received a call that there were people stuck in the river's floodwaters. When we reached the site, we saw a number of people stranded in vehicles, including children," said the commander of the supporting company that arrived at the site, Cpt. Adiya Hazani. "We tried to pull them out on foot, but we didn't succeed since they were far from the vehicles and the river had reached a depth of two meters and was rising," he recounted. 


With the assistance of a Palestinian civilian at the scene who allowed the force to use his tractor, the soldiers successfully rescued the stranded civilians. "We went in and saw that one car was empty and we carried out a search to verify that nobody had drowned. In other cars there were three people, whom we rescued," Cpt. Hazani said. 


The commander recounted that when he and dozens of his soldiers reached the site, the stranded civilians were standing on the roofs of their cars and were in real danger of drowning. "We took them one at a time, together with the Palestinian tractor operator, and they were all frightened," he said. The rescued civilians then received treatment from a medical team of the Menashe Regional Brigade who arrived at the scene. 


"I understood that these were people whose lives were in real danger, and I saw that the river's flow was rising and that just minutes would make the difference between life and death," Cpt. Hazani explained. "We took a risk because we were a small number of people under very harsh weather conditions, but there was no other option." 


Due to the stormy weather, the forces were also called to other missions, including one in which they rescued a disabled Palestinian civilian who had been stranded in a car and another incident in which they rescued a bus carrying 30 children that was caught in the floodwaters.


donderdag 10 januari 2013

Vrouw van Hamas parlementslid ziet haar kinderen graag als martelaren voor Allah


Terwijl Abbas beweert dat Hamas heeft ingestemd met een tweestatenoplossing en geweldloos verzet tegen Israel, zegt de vrouw van een Hamas parlementariëer:

The mother "instills in her children the love of Jihad and martyrdom for the sake of Allah," she went on. "If every mother were to prevent her son from waging Jihad for the sake of Allah, who would wage Jihad? Who would support Palestine? Palestine is dear to us, and its price is paid with our body remains and our lifeblood. Is not Allah's reward precious? Allah's reward is Paradise. Paradise requires from us our blood, our body remains, and our efforts for its sake." 


Hamas MP Al-Hayya told Al-Hayat newspaper two years ago that "Palestine is Islamic, and not an Islamic emirate, from the river to the sea, that unites the Palestinians. Jews have no right in it, with the exception of those who lived on the land of Palestine before World War I."

Abbas heeft nog heel wat te doen geloof ik.

Oeps, misschien moet hij bij zichzelf beginnen? 





Encouraging our children to kill themselves for Palestine is a mother's most glorious duty, says wife of Hamas MP

'None of us want to die in our beds,' says Umm Osama, of herself, her husband and her children. 'We pray that Allah will grant us Paradise'


  January 8, 2013, 12:15 am 26


Umm Osama, interviewed on Hamas's al-Aqsa TV in Gaza last month (photo credit: MEMRI screenshot)

The wife of a Hamas member of parliament hailed the role of Palestinian mothers in preparing their children to kill themselves in acts of terrorism against Israel. Encouraging her children to "wage Jihad for the sake of allah" is "the most glorious thing a woman can do," she said.

In an interview on Hamas's Al-Aqsa TV channel, Umm Osama, wife of Hamas MP Khalil Al-Hayya, said that she, her husband and her children all prayed that Allah would grant them martyrdom.

"Women in Palestine play a great role in raising their children and in encouraging them to wage Jihad for the sake of Allah," she told the Gaza TV channel, in comments broadcast last month and recorded, repostedand transcribed Monday by the MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) watchdog. "This is absolutely the most glorious thing a woman can do. Women play their role and are not inferior to men. When a man goes to wage Jihad, his wife does not say 'Don't go' or try to stop him. She encourages and supports him. She is the one who prepares his equipment, bids him farewell, and welcomes [his Jihad]."

The mother "instills in her children the love of Jihad and martyrdom for the sake of Allah," she went on. "If every mother were to prevent her son from waging Jihad for the sake of Allah, who would wage Jihad? Who would support Palestine? Palestine is dear to us, and its price is paid with our body remains and our lifeblood. Is not Allah's reward precious? Allah's reward is Paradise. Paradise requires from us our blood, our body remains, and our efforts for its sake."

She added: "I am constantly praying: 'Allah, make the end of our days be in martyrdom.' I pray for this even for my husband and my children. None of us want to die in our beds. We pray that Allah will grant us Paradise."

Hamas MP Al-Hayya told Al-Hayat newspaper two years ago that "Palestine is Islamic, and not an Islamic emirate, from the river to the sea, that unites the Palestinians. Jews have no right in it, with the exception of those who lived on the land of Palestine before World War I."


Abbas eert nazi-oorlogsmisdadiger en andere jodenmoordenaars


President Abbas zegt altijd tegen het Westen dat hij voor een tweestatenoplossing is en voor geweldloos verzet, maar het blijkt niet uit zijn daden. Zo eert en prijst hij geregeld de daders van de vreselijkste aanslagen tegen Israelische burgers. Wanneer hij werkelijk geweldloos verzet zou voorstaan, waarom worden zij dan steeds door de PA als voorbeelden neergezet, als helden afgeschilderd, helden waaraan de kinderen een voorbeeld moeten nemen? Waarom worden geen musici en poëten als voorbeelden neergezet, mensen die op een vreedzame wijze uiting gaven aan hun Palestijnse of Arabische identiteit, of zelfs mensen die zich inzetten voor samenwerking met Israel?

Ik ben al een tijdje geleden opgehouden met Abbas te geloven en te denken dat dit soort uitspraken nou eenmaal noodzakelijk is om te voorkomen dat hij de steun van de Palestijnen verliest. Dat mag zo zijn, als hij er zelf anders over zou denken, zou dat toch ergens uit moeten blijken? En zou hij toch een heel klein beetje zijn best mogen doen om de Palestijnen van de noodzaak tot samenwerken en een compromis te overtuigen?

Daarnaast waren er nog tienduizenden martelaren en helden. Hier moeten we denken aan de pioniers – de Grootmoefti van Palestina, Hajj Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini, evenals Ahmad Al-Shukeiri, de oprichter van de PLO, en Yahya Hamouda, het hoofd van het PLO Uitvoerend Orgaan. En laten wij niet vergeter de martelaar Izz al-Din al-Qassam, die ons leidde naar de opstand van 1936."

De mufti collaboreerde zoals bekend met de nazi's en heeft Hitler persoonlijk ontmoet. Hij voorkwam dat Joodse kinderen werden vrijgekocht en pleitte er bij de Geallieerden voor hun deuren voor de Joden gesloten te houden. Hij verspreidde via radiouitzendingen nazipropaganda tegen de Joden, en zou zelfs gaskamers in Palestina hebben voorgesteld. Dat is nog maar een kleine greep uit zijn ideeën en daden, maar lijkt me duidelijk genoeg. Waarom prijst Abbas hem? Kan iemand een andere reden geven dan dat hij het blijkbaar met hem eens is en hem als held ziet, en niet als iemand die juist door zijn extremisme niet alleen de Joden, maar ook de Palestijnen zelf veel schade heeft berokkend? 





Abbas eert nazi-oorlogsmisdadiger en andere jodenmoordenaars


Gedeelte van een toespraak van de president van de Palestijnse Autoriteit Mahmoud Abbas, uitgezonden op de Palestijnse staatstelevisie op 4 januari 2013.

De zogenaamd gematigde Abbas hield persoonlijk een toespraak om jodenmoordenaars en nazi-oorlogsmisdadigers te verdedigen.

Mahmoud Abbas:

"Op de verjaardag van Fatah vernieuwen wij de belofte aan onze gelukkige martelaren. Wij verbinden ons ertoe om verder te gaan op het pad van de martelaar, onze broeder Abu Ammar, en zijn kameraden en broeders, de leiders van strijdende facties – van alle martelaren.

Ik noem de martelaar Abu Jihad, Khalil Al-Wazir, de martelaar Abu Iyad, Salah Khalaf, de martelaar Abd Al-Fattah Hamoud, de martelaar Abu Ali Iyad, de martelaar Abu Sabri Saydam, de martelaar Abu Yousuf Al-Najjar, de martelaar Kamal Adwan, de martelaar Kamal Nasser, de martelaar Abu Al-Waleed Saa d Sael, de martelaar Faysal Al-Husseini, de martelaar Abu Al-Hol, de martelaar Abu Al-Moendhir, de martelaar Khaled Al-Hassan, de martelaar Sheik Ahmad Yassin, de martelaar Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantissi, de martelaar Ismail Abu Shanab, de martelaar Fathi Shiqaqi, de martelaar George Habash, de martelaar Omar A-Qassem, de martelaar Sakhr Habash, de martelaar Suleiman Al-Najjar, de martelaar Bashir Al-Barghouthi, de martelaar Hani Al-Hassan, de martelaar Abu Ali Mustafa, de martelaar Abu Al-Abbas, de martelaar Samir Ghosheh, en de martelaar van vandaag, de martelaar van de Intifada, Abu Al-Abd Khattab. Allah zij genadig over hen allen.

Daarnaast waren er nog tienduizenden martelaren en helden. Hier moeten we denken aan de pioniers – de Grootmoefti van Palestina, Hajj Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini, evenals Ahmad Al-Shukeiri, de oprichter van de PLO, en Yahya Hamouda, het hoofd van het PLO Uitvoerend Orgaan. En laten wij niet vergeter de martelaar Izz al-Din al-Qassam, die ons leidde naar de opstand van 1936."


De door Abbas vereerde terroristen hebben de moord op heel veel Israelische burgers op hun geweten.
Een dieptepunt is zijn lof voor de nazi-oorlogsmisdadiger de grootmoefti van Palestina, Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini. Dit was de eerste Palestijnse leider, door wiens religieus geinspireerde Jodenhaat het conflict begon. Hij organiseerde islamitische SS legereenheden. Hij was persoonlijk verantwoordelijk voor de dood van honderden Europese Joodse kinderen in de gaskamers. Hij maakte Arabische uitzendingen voor nazi radio Berlijn met oproepen om Joden te vermoorden, zoals in 1944:

"Dood de Joden waar je ze maar vinden kan. Dat is prijzenswaardig; voor Allah, de geschiedenis en onze religie."


Abbas wil geen Palestijnen uit Syrië toelaten als ze het 'recht op terugkeer' naar Israel moeten opgeven


Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas rejected an Israeli offer to allow Palestinian refugees fleeing Syria to enter the Palestinian territories on condition that they forgo their "right of return" to Israel proper, Abbas told the Egyptian press on Wednesday evening.

Hieruit blijkt dat voor president Abbas een fictief recht, dat bovendien indruist tegen de tweestatenoplossing en vrede met Israel, belangrijker is dan het welzijn van de ca. 150.000 Palestijnse vluchtelingen in Syrië.


Abbas beweert ook weer eens dat Hamas bereid is twee staten te erkennen, maar, nogmaals, het gaat bij de erkenning van twee staten door Abbas of andere Palestijnse functionarissen nooit om erkenning van het principe van twee staten voor twee volken en dus een daadwerkelijke erkenning van Israel als staat waar de Joden onafhankelijk zijn.

Abbas told the press that Mashaal had agreed with Fatah on four key points: The vision of two states — "Palestine on the 1967 borders living side by side with the state of Israel"; reaching that end through negotiations; the adoption of peaceful resistance [to Israel]; and the holding of elections, the official Palestinian news agency Wafa reported Wednesday.

Onlangs beweerde Abbas ook al dat Hamas Israel erkend zou hebben, en bleek dat niet te kloppen.





Abbas rejects Israeli offer to allow refugees from Syria to enter West Bank and Gaza

PA president says Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal has endorsed the two-state solution, agreed to hold elections


  January 10, 2013, 3:37 am 

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas rejected an Israeli offer to allow Palestinian refugees fleeing Syria to enter the Palestinian territories on condition that they forgo their "right of return" to Israel proper, Abbas told the Egyptian press on Wednesday evening.

Following a meeting with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, Abbas said that he had appealed to the UN to intercede on behalf of Palestinian refugees living in Syria and demand that Israel allow them to enter the West Bank and Gaza.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told Abbas that Israel agreed to the request, on the condition that the refugees sign a document in which they forgo the "right of return" to areas within Israel.

Abbas said he rejected that condition.

Palestinians living in the Yarmouk refugee camp south of Damascus have been subjected to government bombardment following the camp's capture by opposition forces last month. Five Palestinians were killed in the camp on Tuesday.

Syria's southern neighbor, Jordan, has begun to turn away Palestinian refugees fleeing toward the border, Al-Jazeera reported earlier this week. Previously, Palestinians were allowed to enter the Jordanian kingdom but were kept in a separated refugee camp called Cyber City, located near the Syrian border.

Abbas had arrived in Cairo to discuss political reconciliation with his Palestinian rivals, the Hamas terror organization. On Wednesday evening, a high-ranking Fatah delegation headed by Abbas met with a Hamas delegation that included the group's political chief Khaled Mashaal and his deputy Moussa Abu-Marzouq.

Abbas told the press that Mashaal had agreed with Fatah on four key points: The vision of two states — "Palestine on the 1967 borders living side by side with the state of Israel"; reaching that end through negotiations; the adoption of peaceful resistance [to Israel]; and the holding of elections, the official Palestinian news agency Wafa reported Wednesday.

According to Egyptian daily Al-Ahram, Abbas said that he was prepared to visit Hamas-controlled Gaza at any time, adding that the issue "is very much on my mind, and has become more urgent."


BBC verzwijgt Joodse geschiedenis van Gaza


De blinde vlek van zogenaamde ‘mainstream media’ voor de partijdigheid van sympathisanten van de Palestijnen is opvallend. Palestijnse bronnen, pro-Palestijnse belangen/actiegroeperingen en vredesgroepen worden zonder verdere checks als betrouwbare bron gebruikt, en hun woordvoerders geregeld geciteerd zonder enige wederhoor of relativering. De BBC maakt het nog bonter, door een achtergrondartikel te laten schrijven door een Arabische schrijfster die voor het radikale Mondoweiss en zelfs de website van de Moslim Broederschap schrijft! Dat het artikel, over de lange geschiedenis van de Gazastrook en de diverse volken die er vertoefden, de Joodse aanwezigheid geheel weglaat, mag dan ook niet verbazen. Ondertussen geniet de BBC ondanks de vele voorbeelden van vooringenomenheid nog steeds de reputatie van het ultieme kwaliteitsmedium. Hopelijk kan het weblog BBC Watch daar verandering in brengen, het liefst wat betreft de vooringenomenheid en als dat niet lukt wat betreft de reputatie. 





Erasing Gaza’s Jewish history with the help of the BBC


Readers visiting the homepage of the BBC News website on January 7th will have noticed the feature entitled “Preserving the Past”.  


The link leads to an article entitled “Gaza’s archaeological treasures at risk from war and neglect“.  


The article opens:

“Settled by civilisations spanning some five millennia, Gaza has been built layer-upon-layer since the Bronze Age.

As each era ended, its people left behind remnants of their times – churches, monasteries, palaces and mosques, as well as thousands of precious artefacts.” 


Detail from mosaic in 6th century Synagogue from Gaza

So from its very beginning, this article airbrushes out any mention of one group of people who were among the most consistent inhabitants of Gaza, beginning with the Hasmoneans in 145 BCE (long before the religions which built churches, monasteries or mosques were founded) through the Middle Ages and up to 1929 when, in the wake of the Hebron massacre, the British mandatory authorities ordered the Jews of Gaza to leave. 

Israelis, however, do get a mention in this BBC feature. It is, according to the author, because of them that Gaza’s archaeologists have no equipment to take care of the antiquities and cannot attend professional conferences abroad.

“It is not only war that makes her job so hard. Israel strictly controls passage out of Gaza, for what it says are security reasons, and does not allow in machinery and other equipment which it suspects can be used against it by militants.”

“People working here can’t travel for training outside and we are only able to use local tools, which don’t allow us to excavate in a precise manner,” Ms Albetar said.” [emphasis added]

It is also suggested that because of Israel that the people of Gaza have, apparently, little interest in its archaeological treasures.

“Most Gazans are too preoccupied with high unemployment, poor housing and the restrictions on agriculture, fishing and importation to care about ruins and antiquities.”

Of course no real context is given either by the author of this piece or her Hamas-employed interviewees as to why restrictions exist or what steps Hamas might take to reduce the risk to archaeological artifacts by ending its terror war on Israeli civilians. Instead, this article is constructed in such a way as to leave the reader with the impression that Israel alone is to blame for the impending loss of historical treasures. 

The reason behind that becomes a little clearer if one stops to take a look at the ideological CV of the article’s author. 

In addition to this latest piece for the BBC (some of her previous BBC contributions are here and here), Welsh-born Ruqaya Izzidien has also written for the Guardian and the New York Times. However Ms Izzidien does not confine herself to the mainstream media: she also writes for outlets such as the vehemently anti-Israel blog Mondoweiss, the Egyptian site Bikya Masr, Al Jazeera, the Christian Science Monitor, ‘Ceasefire‘ magazine and the Lebanese site Al Akhbar which includes among its editors a member of the organizing body of the March 2012 ‘Global March to Jerusalem’, Rami Zurayk. Her work has even been picked up and reproduced by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Ikhwanweb andOccupied Palestine 


Inevitably, Ruqaya Izzidien’s writings on Gaza-related subjects paint context-free, monochrome portraits of helpless Palestinians just trying their best to get along under the yoke of Israeli restrictions, and without any agency of their own. This latest piece for the BBC is no exception.

Does the BBC really think it appropriate to reduce the standard of its reporting even further by providing a platform for the kind of ideologically-motivated polemics which are to be found in abundance on anti-Israel sites such as those which already publish Ms Izzidien’s work? 


Sneeuwraket in de stad van vrede

Op de Tempelberg in Jeruzalem.