zaterdag 20 oktober 2007

VN gezant Dugard valt Midden-Oosten Kwartet aan

Speciale gezant voor de bezette gebieden John Dugard stelt voor dat de VN het Kwartet verlaat. Niet anti-Israël genoeg, vanwege de aanwezigheid van de VS. Hij vind het bijzonder kwalijk dat de VN Fatah lijkt te verkiezen boven Hamas. Een organisatie die zich voor een twee-statenoplossing en onderhandelingen uitspreekt is inderdaad niet te verkiezen boven één die de vernietiging van Israël voorstaat, en in zijn handvest oproept tot het doden van Joden. Met het doden van zoveel mogelijk Israëlische burgers door Hamas heeft Dugard overigens geen enkel probleem:

"Inevitably in a military occupation, there are likely to be those engaged in resistance."

These people may be labelled terrorists, Mr Dugard added, but history treats them differently.

He cited the example of the French Resistance during World War II, and those in Namibia who fought occupation by South Africa.

"Now," he said, "they are in government and treated as heroes."


De VN heeft niks te zoeken in een organisatie die vrede en een twee-statenoplossing voorstaat, en het geweld aan beide kanten veroordeelt, aldus Dugard. De VN moet niet de gematigde krachten in Palestina steunen tegenover de extremisten. En de Palestijnen hebben het recht Israëlische burgers op te blazen in bussen en winkelcentra, of hun steden met raketten te beschieten.

Het VN handvest zegt dat alle staten, groot en klein, gelijk zijn. De VN staat voor vrede, niet voor het opblazen van burgers. De VN zou moeten bemiddelen tussen Israël en de Palestijnen, in plaats van tussen Fatah en Hamas zoals Dugard voorstelt. Misschien moet niet de VN het Kwartet verlaten, maar Dugard de VN.




Last Updated: Monday, 15 October 2007, 04:34 GMT 05:34 UK
UN envoy attacks Mid-East Quartet
By Tim Franks
BBC News, Jerusalem

John Dugard, UN special rapporteur on human rights for the Palestinian territories (file)
Mr Dugard presents independent reports on human rights to the UN


A top UN expert has said he will urge the world body to withdraw from the Quartet of Middle East mediators unless it addresses Palestinian human rights.

John Dugard, the UN human rights envoy for the Palestinian Territories, told the BBC the US, EU, UN and Russia were failing to protect the Palestinians.

He said the UN "does itself little good by remaining a member of the Quartet".

In his role as a UN special rapporteur, Mr Dugard has been visiting the West Bank and Gaza for the past seven years.

Special rapporteurs are independent experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council.

They are advisers and do not decide UN policy.

"Every time I visit, the situation seems to have worsened," he said in a BBC interview.

I will suggest that the secretary general withdraw the UN from the Quartet, if the Quartet fails to have regard to the human rights situation in the Palestinian Territories
John Dugard,
UN special rapporteur

"This time, I was very struck by the sense of hopelessness among the Palestinian people."

Mr Dugard attributed this to "the crushing effect of human rights violations", and in particular Israeli restrictions on Palestinians' freedom of movement.

He said that although Israel did have a threat to its security, "its response is very disproportionate".

He said the purpose of some of the checkpoints in the middle of the West Bank was to break it up "into a number of cantons and make the life of Palestinians as miserable as possible".

'Weak' response

The South African retired professor of international law said the response of the Quartet was weak because it was "heavily influenced" by the US.

An Israeli officer checks the shopping bag of a Palestinian woman at the Israeli Hawara checkpoint on the outskirts of the northern West Bank city of Nablus (7 August 2007)
Israel's checkpoints are a source of frustration for Palestinians

The Quartet failed to engage properly on human rights, he said, and was also failing to deal with the current rift between the rival Palestinian factions of Fatah and Hamas.

The militant Islamist movement Hamas seized the Gaza Strip in June, ousting Fatah, which is led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Mr Dugard said the rift was threatening the Palestinians' right to self-determination, and that the UN "should be playing the role of the mediator".

"Instead the international community has given its support almost completely to one faction - to Fatah," he said. "That's not the role the UN should take."


For these reasons, Mr Dugard said it might be time for the UN to leave the Quartet.

If [Palestinian] expectations are not met, I fear there may be serious consequences
John Dugard

"In my most recent report to the General Assembly, which I will present later this month, I will suggest that the secretary general withdraw the UN from the Quartet, if the Quartet fails to have regard to the human rights situation in the Palestinian Territories," he said.

It is a backdrop which makes him pessimistic about the major US-sponsored peace conference between Israel and the Palestinians, expected to be held next month.

Mr Dugard said he saw a greater danger - that of the Palestinian Authority raising expectations too high in the Palestinian community.

"If those expectations are not met, I fear there may be serious consequences," he added.

The consequences include the possibility of a third "intifada", a large-scale, violent uprising against the Israelis, he said.

Mr Dugard said this should be no surprise.

"Inevitably in a military occupation, there are likely to be those engaged in resistance."

These people may be labelled terrorists, Mr Dugard added, but history treats them differently.

He cited the example of the French Resistance during World War II, and those in Namibia who fought occupation by South Africa.

"Now," he said, "they are in government and treated as heroes."

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vrijdag 19 oktober 2007

Meretz activist waarschuwt dat Oost-Jeruzalem een tweede Gaza kan worden

Arabische bewoners van Oost-Jeruzalem ontvangen voor 200 miljoen NIS (40 miljoen Euro) per jaar aan verzekeringen, en de gemeente Jeruzalem besteedt 300 miljoen NIS (60 miljoen Euro) aan onderhoudt van de Arabische delen van de stad - na aftrek van belastingen die door de Arabische inwoners worden betaald. Als dit geld weg zou vallen, zouden deze wijken ernstig verarmen, aldus Meir Margalit, lid van het comité tegen huisvernielingen en voormalig gemeenteraadslid van het linkse Meretz.
Dit is vreemd, want ik heb verschillende mensen, waaronder Walid Salem van het Panorama Center en mensen van IPCRI, horen uitleggen dat Arabische inwoners van Jeruzalem eenderde van de belasting inbrengen maar slechts 5% van het geld van de gemeente aan de Arabische wijken wordt besteed, en zij dus systematisch worden achtergesteld ten opzichte van de Joodse wijken.
Het KAN natuurlijk zijn dat de gemeente Jeruzalem naast de belastinginkomsten zoveel geld krijgt van de staat, en dit vervolgens voor het overgrote merendeel aan de Joodse delen van de stad besteed, dat beide beweringen kunnen kloppen, maar dit lijkt me zeer onwaarschijnlijk. Eén van beide beweringen is dus onjuist. Welke weet ik niet, maar ofwel de Arabieren uit Oost-Jeruzalem worden nu achtergesteld en zullen er onder een Palestijnse staat dus op vooruitgaan, ofwel zij profiteren nu van de Israëlische welvaart en zullen er onder Palestijns bestuur hoogstwaarschijnlijk op achteruitgaan.
Volgens verschillende enquetes willen Arabische Israëli's (die in tegenstelling tot de Arabische Jeruzalemieten Israëlisch staatsburger zijn) na de stichting van een Palestijnse staat in overgrote meerderheid bij Israël blijven, ondanks hun identificatie met de Palestijnen. Van de Arabische inwoners van Jeruzalem zou me een vergelijkbare houding niet verbazen. Ondanks alle discriminatie en problemen als minderheid die voor een groot deel met de 'vijand' sympathiseert, is het leven in Israël beter dan in de bezette gebieden, en dan onder de verwachte armoede en chaos van een toekomstige Palestijnse staat.


Leading Israeli Leftist Warns Eastern Jerusalem Could Become Another Gaza
Dr. Aaron Lerner Date 17 October  2007

Writing in an Op-Ed titled "They Depend On Us" that appears in the Hebrew edition of today's Haaretz, Meir Margalit (Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions - former Meretz representative in Jerusalem City Council) warns that eastern Jerusalem could become another Gaza if the Arab neighborhoods become part of a Palestinian state and Israel, in turn, cuts off the payments and transfers it now makes that benefit the Arab residents.

The article in Hebrew can be found at

Margalit estimates that Israel today is transferring NIS 200 million a year in national insurance payments to the Arabs of eastern Jerusalem while the municipality of Jerusalem spends an additional NIS 300 million a year in eastern Jerusalem (not covered by municipal taxes paid by the Arabs)..

He warns that someone - either Israel or the international community - would have to continue footing this NIS 500 million a year bill as otherwise eastern Jerusalem would completely collapse and face a humanitarian crises that would turn it into another radical Gaza.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(Mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)

Mortiergranaat en M-16 geweren gevonden in huis te Nablus

Dit hoort bij de dagelijke - of op zijn minst wekelijkse - routine: twee terroristen worden gearresteerd, waarvan één een zelfmoordaanslag in Israël was aan het voorbereiden. Deze man is lid van de aan Fatah geliëerde Tanzim, maar is blijkbaar niet door zijn leiders ontwapend. In een huis werden wapens gevonden, en een kind legde explosieven neer.

October 17th, 2007


IDF forces operating yesterday in Nablus uncovered mortar shell in civilian home, arrested terrorist involved in planning suicide bombing

In a joint IDF and ISA operation in Nablus yesterday, October 16th 2007, the forces arrested two wanted Palestinians, one of whom was involved in planning a suicide bombing to be carried out in Israel.
The two terror operatives are Baher Saliman Abdallah Huash, 28, member of Hamas, and Abdallah Saliman Abdallah Huash, 35, member of Tanzim. Baher Huash was involved in planning the aforementioned suicide attack.

Two hidden weaponry caches were uncovered in a civilian residence during IDF searches, and contained a mortar shell and two M-16 rifles. The weaponry was detonated in a controlled manner by sappers.

During the operation, a force identified a Palestinian child as he was planting a suspicious object on the ground. The child then ran away from the scene. The force fired at the object, which was found to be an explosive device when it exploded.

In a separate incident, Palestinians hurled an improvised grenade at the force.

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

Egypte beschuldigt IDF soldaten van hulp bij wapensmokkel naar Gaza

Egypte beweert, in reactie op Israëlische beschuldigingen van het doorlaten van grote hoeveelheden wapens naar de Gazastrook, dat "de Egyptische regering haar uiterste best doet om dat gebied te controleren."
Als dat zo is, waarom heeft Egypte dan tientallen activisten van Hamas en Islamitische Jihad naar de Gazastrook laten gaan?

Two weeks ago, several dozen Hamas activists and militants were allowed to cross into the Gaza Strip from Sinai, and senior Israeli officials stressed in talks with their counterparts in the U.S. government that the smuggling is not "a technical problem but a strategic threat."

Het is een aloude truc om een beschuldiging met een tegenbeschuldiging te pareren. Vandaar dat men nu opeens - nadat Israël al 2 jaar over de wapensmokkel klaagt - beweert dat Israëlische soldaten met de smokkelaars collaboreren. Deze beschuldiging is absurd: er zijn geen Israëlische soldaten langs de grens tussen Egypte en Gaza, en sinds die er niet meer zijn is de wapensmokkel dramatisch toegenomen. Israëlische soldaten zijn hun leven niet zeker in Gaza, en opereren alleen in beperkte operaties vanuit Israël. Zij trekken er niet individueel op uit in de Gazastrook of staan er op wacht.
De hele suggestie is volkomen absurd, maar ongetwijfeld zullen allerlei linkse politici, journalisten en geëngageerde intellectuelen en vredesactivisten menen dat Egyptes claim minstens zo geloofwaardig is als de vele Israëlische inlichtingen over de wapensmokkel.

Egypt: IDF troops behind arms smuggling to Gaza
By Shmuel Rosner Haaretz Last update - 06:34 18/10/2007

WASHINGTON - An Egyptian document distributed in [U.S.] Congress asserts that Israeli soldiers cooperate with smugglers in allowing arms and military equipment into the Gaza Strip. The document was relayed to senior Israeli officials where it has served to intensify concerns in Jerusalem about Egypt's willingness to stem the flow of weapons from its territory into the Hamas-controlled Gaza Srip.

The Egyptian document was circulated among congressmen by a group of Egyptian generals visiting Washington for meetings. The document was also given to legislators serving in the House Appropriations Committee. Representative Nita Lowey (D-NY), who chairs the State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee was the driving force behind a freezing of $200 million worth of American aid to Egypt for reasons that included Cairo's refusal to act more forcefully to prevent smuggling. The official reason given for freezing the funds is Egypt's human rights record.

During briefings made to congressmen by the Egyptian delegation, it was argued that most of the smugglings into the Gaza Strip are carried out from the sea, not through Egyptian territory. They also maintained that Israeli soldiers collaborate with smugglers and allow them to cross into the strip. The Egyptians are also charging that Israel is exaggerating in its assessment of the amount of smuggling activity.

News of the content of the document has stirred considerable ire in Jerusalem, where the issue of smuggling and the impression that Cairo is not doing enough to stop it has raised significant concerns in recent weeks. The issue is of central importance to Israel and Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Members of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee visiting Washington this week, discussed the matter with their American hosts.

In the draft of foreign aid appropriations, approved by the House Appropriations Committee chaired by David Obey (D-Wisconsin), and by Congress, $200 million out of a total aid package of $1.7 billion to Egypt are frozen. The draft proposal brought before the Senate does not note the frozen sum. The final version of the appropriations bill on foreign aid will be decided during a conference of both houses. In an effort to affect the result in its favor, Egypt is lobbying hard to convince legislators to adopt the Senate version of the bill.

Officially, Israel has not adopted a position regarding the frozen funds, and has not asked U.S. legislators to carry out any cuts in the aid provided to Egypt. However, Israel continues to argue before Congress that Egypt is not doing enough to block smuggling into the Gaza Strip.

Two weeks ago, several dozen Hamas activists and militants were allowed to cross into the Gaza Strip from Sinai, and senior Israeli officials stressed in talks with their counterparts in the U.S. government that the smuggling is not "a technical problem but a strategic threat."

Israel maintains that the Hamas militants who crossed into the strip received advanced training in sabotage and terrorist activities in other countries, and are now poised to create in Gaza an armed "terrorist state." Israeli intelligence assessments say that each month, several tons of explosives are smuggled into the Gaza Strip for the production of rockets and explosive devices.

A source in Congress told Haaretz yesterday that "Israel's message will carry significant weight in the final decision."

Barak, who met with Lowey this week and the members of her subcommittee, raised this issue during their talk.

The Americans heard a uniform complaint from the Israeli MKs visiting Washington this week, but opinions varied on the kind of pressure needed to convince Egypt to do more. MK Yuval Steinitz took a severe stand on the issue, while Meretz chairman, Yossi Beilin, asked that any pressure on Egypt should not result in a derailment of cooperation.

"Egypt is not Israel's enemy," Beilin said.

The issue of smuggling was also on the agenda of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during her meeting yesterday with her Egyptian counterpart Ahmed Aboul Gheit. Following the meeting Rice said that "we do need to do more."

However, the Egyptian foreign minister said that "the Egyptian government is doing its utmost to control that territory."

Egypt has told Rice and Vice President Dick Cheney in the past that it will not accept any attempt to place conditions on U.S. aid.

Opiniepeiling: 73% Israëli's steunt ruil 2 soldaten voor Kuntar - 41% heeft liever Livni dan Ramon als onderhandelaar met PA

Bijna driekwart van de Israëli's is voor een gevangenenruil met Hezbollah, waarbij de beide soldaten worden geruild voor de Libanese terrorist Kuntar, die in 1978 een Israëlisch gezin in koelen bloede vermoordde. Dit zou, in vergelijking met de eerdere deals tussen Hezbollah en Israël, een goede ruil zijn. Kuntar wordt uiteraard als held binnengehaald door Hezbollah, wat aan de hele wereld duidelijk maakt dat men een ietwat ongewone definitie van het begrip 'verzetsstrijder' hanteert.

Natuurlijk geeft iedere deal met Hezbollah het signaal dat kidnappen van Israëlische soldaten loont en dus een geschikte manier is om Libanese of Palestijnse gevangenen vrij te krijgen. Zolang dit echter in één-op-één gevangenenruil gebeurt (of in dit geval zelfs één-op-twee ten gunste van Israël), en niet een vierhonderd-op-één, of zelfs meer-dan-duizend-op-één (Israël heeft in onderhandelingen met Hamas volgens verschillende berichten toegegeven aan de eis 1100 gevangenen voor Gilad Shalit vrij te laten; de onderhandelingen liepen vast op onenigheid over met name het aantal 'zware gevallen'), wordt ook een duidelijk signaal afgegeven dat er een grens is aan wat men voor een soldaat kan krijgen.
Het is moeilijk voorstelbaar dat Hezbollah met Kuntar genoegen zal nemen terwijl Hamas 1100 gevangenen vrij krijgt. Het één-op-één principe zal de ontvoeringen van Israëlische soldaten in populareiteit doen dalen en is bovendien rechtvaardig: het leven van een Israëli is toch niet meer waard dan dat van een Palestijn of Libanees?


Poll: 73%:10% Support Goldwasser/Regev:Kuntar trade, 58%:30% Olmert should take leave of absence due police investigation, 41%:23% prefer Livni over Ramon to handle talks with PA
Dr. Aaron Lerner     Date:  18 October 2007

Telephone poll of a representative sample of 522  adult Israelis (including Israeli Arabs) carried out by Maagar Mohot Survey Institute (headed by Professor Yitzchak Katz) for Israel Radio's "Its all Talk" on 17 October 2007.
Statistical error +/- 4.5 percentage points.

Do you support or oppose the deal according to which the kidnapped Israeli soldiers Udi Goldwasser and Eldad Regev are returned in exchange for terrorist Samir Kuntar, without any connection to Ron Arad?
 Total: Support 73% Oppose 10% Other 17%
 Kadima voters: Support 66% Oppose 12% Other 22%
 Likud voters: Support 75% Oppose 14% Other 11%
 Labor voters: Support 82% Oppose 7% Other 11%

[IMRA:  It would have been interesting to ask the harder question, namely if one supports the deal if the exchange is the bodies of Goldwasser and Regev for the release of live terrorist Kuntar.]

Who is more appropriate to handle the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians FM Livni or Ramon?
 Total: Livni 41% Ramon 23% Other replies 36%
 Kadima voters: Livni 46% Ramon 15% Other 39%
 Likud voters: Livni 50% Ramon 11% Other 39%
 Labor voters: Livni 36% Ramon 46% Other 18%

Should prime minister Ehud Olmert take a leave of absence now in the wake of the police investigations?
 Total: Yes 58% No 30% Other 22%
 Kadima voters: Yes 27% No 61% Other 12%
 Likud voters: Yes 75% No 11% Other 14%
 Labor voters: Yes 38% No 61% Other 1%

Should prime minister Ehud Olmert take a leave of absence if the AG indicts him?
 Total: Yes 78% No 12% Other 10%
 Kadima voters: Yes 81% No 17% Other 2%
 Likud voters: Yes 78% No 8% Other 14%
 Labor voters: Yes 93% No 7%

Do you think that the coming elections for the Knesset and the head of the Government will be advanced to 2008?
[IMRA: there is only one ballot - for the Knesset].
 Total: Yes 53% No 23% Other 24%
 Kadima voters: Yes 56% No 20% Other 24%
 Likud voters: Yes 47% No 25% Other 28%
 Labor voters: Yes 50% No 36% Other 14%

Who is preventing the ending of the high school strike: the Ministry of the Finance or the leadership of the teachers?
 Total: Ministry 39% Teacher 23% Both to same extent 23% Other 15%
 Kadima voters:  Ministry 42% Teachers 27% Both 24% Other 7%
 Likud: Ministry 42% Teachers 14% Both 39% Others 5%
 Labor: Ministry 50% Teachers 36% Both 7% Others 7%

In light of the present results, should National soccer team coach Dror Kashtan resign?
 Yes 17% No 28% Other replies 55%

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)

donderdag 18 oktober 2007

Palestina-conferentie ABVAKABO FNV

De ambtenarenvakbond ABVA/KABO onderhoudt kontakten met zowel de Israëlische als de Palestijnse vakbonden. Bij de conferentie die gepland staat voor 29 november (de dag waarop 60 jaar geleden de VN een delingsplan voor het Palestijnse mandaatgebied aannam) zijn de Israëlische bonden echter niet welkom, en het is de vraag of ze het nadien nog zullen zijn. Men lijkt namelijk een mogelijke boycot of andere sancties tegen Israël te willen bespreken. Daartoe zijn de "ervaren Britse collega's" aanwezig om uit te leggen hoe je zoiets aanpakt. Een Ander Joods Geluid stelt zich zoals gebruikelijk beschikbaar als schaamlap, om de gevreesde beschuldigingen van antisemitisme te kunnen afweren.
Het is evident dat een boycot van Israël een oplossing van het conflict in het Midden-Oosten niet dichterbij zal brengen. Israël is geen dictatuur of apartheidsregime dat omver geworpen moet worden, maar een democratische staat, en slechts één van de partijen in het conflict. Beide kanten zullen de nodige concessies moeten doen om tot een vredesovereenkomst te kunnen komen, en ook de Palestijnen hebben op dat gebied tot nog toe gefaald, bijvoorbeeld om het terrorisme een halt toe te roepen of af te zien van het 'recht op terugkeer' naar Israël. "Twee staten voor twee volken" houdt immers in dat zowel Joden als Palestijnen veiligheid en zelfbeschikking kunnen hebben in hun eigen staat.
De meeste boycot campagnes verzetten zich juist tegen dialoog en compromissen, en staan zo vrede in de weg.

Landelijke Palestina-conferentie ABVAKABO FNV

In het kader van internationale solidariteit met Palestijnse vakbonden organiseert ABVAKABO FNV een landelijke Palestina-conferentie op donderdag 29 november in Rotterdam.

Op deze conferentie geven we actuele informatie over de situatie waarin onze Palestijnse collegas zich staande moeten houden, stimuleren we concrete initiatieven en zogenaamde 'twinning' projecten en bespreken we hoe ABVAKABO FNV tegemoet kan komen aan de oproep van onze Palestijnse collega's van PGFTU waar het sancties, boycot en moreel verantwoord investeren inzake Israëlische producten of dienstverlening betreft.

Het programma bestaat o.a. uit:

* Inleiding door panel van deskundigen en schets van de actuele situatie in Palestina met een oproep tot solidariteit door Anan Qadri van onze Palestijnse zusterbond, zelf actief in de zorgsector.
* Lunch en Informatiemarkt met diverse stands en film.
* Workshops [o.a. van Een Ander Joods Geluid] gericht op informatie, vakbondslobby en -pressie en solidariteitsnetwerk begeleid door ervaren Britse collega's.
* Afsluiting met conclusies en aanbevelingen.

ABVAKABO FNV leden kunnen afhankelijk van hun cao vakbondsverlof krijgen op vertoon van deze uitnodiging.

woensdag 17 oktober 2007

Palestijnse vluchtelingen in Libanon

Al 60 jaar vraagt het probleem van de Palestijnse vluchtelingen om een oplossing. Na de oorlog van 1948-1949 bood Israël aan een deel van hen weer toe te laten in het kader van een vredesovereenkomst, maar die is er nooit gekomen. Israël beschouwde de Palestijnse Arabieren, die zich massaal tegen de oprichting van Israël hadden verzet, in principe als vijandige personen die met de buurlanden samenspanden om Israël te vernietigen. De Arabische staten - op Jordanië na - weigerden om de vluchtelingen definitieve huisvesting en staatsburgerschap te geven.
De tentenkampen waarin de vluchtelingen aanvankelijk waren opgevangen werden na enkele jaren vervangen door eenvoudige woonwijken, maar hun kansen op onderwijs, werk en verbetering van hun positie zijn doorgaans gering. Een speciaal voor hen opgerichte VN organisatie, de UNRWA, voorziet hen al 60 jaar van de basisbenodigdheden.
In onderstaand artikel verwijst Amnesty ook naar het recht op terugkeer van de vluchtelingen. Dat is fictief, want de eis tot terugkeer naar waar nu Israël is, is één van de hoofdproblemen die al decennialang een oplossing van het Arabisch-Israëlische conflict in de weg staat.

Amnesty International

Palestinian refugees suffer in Lebanon

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon face discrimination in employment and a lack of access to adequate education and housing.

A new Amnesty International report: Exiled and Suffering: Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, examines the wide range of restrictions that continue to impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees.

More than half of the 300,000 Palestinian refugees residing in Lebanon live in 12 official Palestinian refugee camps. The area of land allocated for these camps has remained largely unchanged since 1948 despite significant population growth. In some households, families of 10 share a single room.

They continue to be denied the right to adequate housing, due to unacceptable levels of habitability and restrictions on property ownership.

In camps in the south of Lebanon, unreasonable restrictions have been imposed on refugees' right to repair or improve their homes. Some refugees have been intimidated, fined and detained simply for seeking to build a brick wall to protect their home from the elements.

Palestinians continue to suffer discrimination and marginalization in the labour market, contributing to high levels of unemployment, low wages and poor working conditions.

The Lebanese authorities recently lifted a ban on 50 of the 70 jobs not permitted to Palestinians, but refugees continue to face obstacles finding employment in such jobs.

This lack of employment prospects has led to a high drop-out rate for Palestinian schoolchildren, who also have limited access to public secondary education. The resultant poverty is exacerbated by restrictions placed on their access to social services.

The Lebanese government must take concrete steps to end all forms of discrimination against Palestinian refugees and to fully protect and uphold their human rights.

The international community must also attempt to find a durable solution for refugees that fully respects and protects their human rights, including their right of return. This may involve providing financial and technical assistance to Lebanon, helping it provide the best possible human rights protection to its Palestinian refugee population.

dinsdag 16 oktober 2007

Milli Görüs-leider Erbakan: Joden zijn bacteriën

Onversneden ouderwets antisemitisme, zoals in de Arabische wereld gangbaar is, maar wat je in Turkije toch niet echt verwacht...
Nog wel van een oud-premier.
Zou dat nu geen groot schandaal hebben opgeleverd in Turkije? Vergeleken hierbij is Wilders maar een softie!!
Artikel - 03 oktober 2007

Milli Görüs-leider Erbakan: Joden zijn bacteriën

Ze hebben de Nederlandse pers niet gehaald, de recente antisemitische tirades van de Turkse oud-premier Necmettin Erbakan, tevens oprichter en leider van de ook in Nederland actieve Milli Görüs-beweging, die hier na het vertrek van de gematigde Haci Karacer radicaliseerde. Op massaal bezochte publieke bijeenkomsten en in een tv-uitzending op 1 juli, aan de vooravond van de Turkse verkiezingen (die door zijn 'discipelen' werden gewonnen), pleegde Erbakan een frontale aanval op de Joden en Israel. Die controleren volgens hem de hele wereld.

In zijn toespraken en in zijn interview met het Turkse Flash-tv bediende Erbakan zich van ontmenselijkende typeringen voor Joden en van bizarre antisemitische complottheorieën die regelrecht lijken te zijn ontleend aan de Protocollen van de Wijzen van Zion. Enkele citaten uit het tv-interview:

"Wij zijn moslims en onze beschaving heeft de gehele wereld geluk gebracht. Dit is het goede, maar het kwade bestaat ook. Onze godsdienst zegt dat de ongelovigen één natie vormen. Dat betekent dat het kwade vanuit één controlecentrum wordt bestuurd.

"Als wij naar de wereldkaart kijken zien wij ongeveer 200 landen en denken wij dat er vele rassen, godsdiensten en naties bestaan. In werkelijkheid worden zij allemaal vanuit één controlecentrum bestuurd. Dat centrum is het racistische, imperialistische zionisme… "U zult zich afvragen: 'Wat is dit voor een geloof, dit racistische imperialisme dat het geluk in de wereld vernietigt?' Dit geloof ontstond 5765 jaar geleden, toen de kinderen van Israel in Egypte woonden, met een boek dat was geschreven door iemand met de naam Kaballa…"

Meesters en slaven
"Hun geloof heeft vier uitgangspunten die stellen: jullie (de Joden) zijn het ware volk van God, alle anderen zijn als jullie slaven geschapen, jullie werden als mensen geschapen terwijl anderen als apen werden geschapen die later in mensen veranderden… Zij geloven dat zij een superieure klasse zijn.. Zij zullen de meesters zijn en de anderen de slaven. Teneinde dat te laten slagen moeten zij drie verplichtingen vervullen. De eerste verplichting is de verzameling van alle verbannen zonen van Israel in Jeruzalem, de tweede is het stichten van een 'Groot Israel' van de Nijl tot de Eufraat en het beveiligen van dit Groot Israel… Zij zullen, moge Allah het verhoeden, de Al-Aksa moskee verwoesten en op die plaats Salomo's tempel bouwen. Alleen dan zal hun messias komen en hen als leiders van de wereld aanstellen…

"Dankzij onze geliefde profeet kwam er licht en geluk voor alle zes miljard mensen van de wereld. Wij werden de meesters, wij moslims regeerden gedurende elf eeuwen. Maar helaas hebben de kinderen van Israel in de afgelopen drie eeuwen deze materiële macht gegrepen. Nu controleren zij de wereld waarin wij leven…

"Bij alles betalen jullie 1 procent (aan de Joden). Overal waar geld wordt betaald en ontvangen gaat 1 procent naar de Jood. Zij hebben de wereld in hun handen genomen…

"En kijk eens naar de andere dingen die zij uithalen. Ik vertel jullie dit alles opdat wij allen deze bacterie kunnen herkennen… Zij zijn drie keer zo erg als de ergste misdadigers. Zij zuigen bij iedereen geld uit… "Dit racistische, imperialistische zionisme organiseerde negentien kruistochten om zijn doel te bereiken. Om de kruistochten te kunnen organiseren gebruikten ze de christenen… Het zionisme heeft de sekte van het protestantisme gesticht… Bush hoort bij die sekte, Clinton hoort bij die sekte… Als wij dit allemaal bestuderen zullen wij begrijpen dat er geen 200 landen op de wereld zijn. Er zijn er slechts twee. Het ene is de wereld van de islam en het andere bestaat uit de rest… De Joden zeggen dat wij hun slaven zullen zijn. (Maar) wij buigen slechts voor Allah…Dit is dus de botsing tussen de twee, de botsing tussen goed en kwaad…

"Deze Joden begonnen negentien kruistochten, de negentiende was de Eerste Wereldoorlog (waarin het Turks-Ottomaanse rijk werd ontmanteld, red.). Waarom? Alleen maar om Israel te kunnen stichten."

  © CIDI, 2007

Peace Index: enquete onder Israelische Joden en Arabieren over het conflict - sept. 2007

Zoals te verwachten is het Israëlische publiek weinig optimistisch over de aanstaande vredesconferentie in Annapolis, en acht men de regering Olmert te zwak om serieuze concessies te kunnen doen op die conferentie. Er wordt niet vermeld of men de regering Abbas wel sterk genoeg acht voor serieuze concessies.
Een grote meerderheid is tegen het delen van Jeruzalem en het toelaten van Palestijnse vluchtelingen in Israël.
Peace Index: September 2007
Prof. Ephraim Yaar and Prof. Tamar Hermann

Some two-thirds of the Jewish public think that from Israel's standpoint it is impossible to go on indefinitely in the current state of relations between Israel and the Palestinians, and a similar rate thinks that among the issues on its agenda, it is urgent that the Israeli government invest in attempting to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians. Yet a large majority of this public does not believe the Annapolis conference will significantly advance the chances of reaching a permanent Israeli-Palestinians peace, or even achieve a basic clarification of the differences between the two sides. Given these low expectations, it is no surprise that only a small minority reports steadily following the preparations for the conference.

The low level of expectations for the conference is undoubtedly connected to the perception of a wide gap between the two sides' positions. A considerable majority of the Jewish public opposes, even in exchange for a permanent peace agreement, transferring the Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem to the Palestinians so they can serve as the capital of Palestine. And on the refugee issue there is a wide, across-the-board consensus that Israel should not agree to the return of a single refugee to Israel itself. It was also found that there are more opponents than supporters in the Jewish public of giving the United States, should the talks reach a dead-end, the arbitrating authority to determine what concessions each side should make to enable reaching an agreement.

But most of all, it appears that the Jewish public does not trust its government.

Throughout the political spectrum, an overwhelming majority thinks Ehud Olmert and his government are not strong enough to sign a peace agreement with the Palestinians in Israel's name, assuming such an agreement would entail substantial concessions by Israel. Those are the main findings of the Peace Index that was carried out from Monday to Wednesday, 8-10 October.

About two-thirds-65%-of the Jewish public think that from Israel's standpoint it is impossible to continue indefinitely in the present state of relations with the Palestinians (29.5% say it is possible to go on this way), and 62% think that among the issues on the government's agenda, the Palestinian issue is the most urgent or moderately urgent (35% see it as moderately not urgent or not urgent at all).

Interestingly, when Jewish Israelis are asked to assess the possibility of continuing the current situation from the Palestinian standpoint, the data are quite similar-62% say it is impossible from the Palestinian standpoint while 26% believe it is possible. As noted, though, a majority does not expect the coming Annapolis conference to bring about a shift-only 39% of the entire Jewish public see a chance that in its framework the sides will be able to clarify the disagreements between them (57% see no such chance), and an identical rate believes the conference can increase the chances of reaching a permanent peace agreement (56% think it cannot). A segmentation of the responses to the question by Knesset voting reveals that the most optimistic-62.5%-are Meretz and Labor voters immediately followed by Kadima voters at 54%. Forty percent of Shas voters believe in the conference's chances to bear fruit while only about one-third of voters for the rest of the parties are optimistic, and only about one-quarter of Likud voters, who are the most pessimistic about the conference, think it can contribute to achieving a peace agreement.

At the same time, about 60% think the participation of Arab states such as Egypt, Jordan, or Saudi Arabia could raise the conference's chances of leading to significant achievements. Interestingly, only a 30% minority would want to see Hamas representatives at the conference. In other words, currently the Jewish public does not perceive Hamas as a desirable partner for dialogue even if it changes its positions and agrees to engage in direct talks with Israel.

The low expectations for the conference are apparently the reason that only 20% reported regularly following the preparations for the event, while about half said they follow them sometimes and 29% reported not following them at all.

The data show that the public's readiness for concessions in the framework of such a conference is not high. Some 59% oppose, in exchange for a peace agreement, transferring the Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem to Palestinian sovereignty so that they can serve as the capital of Palestine (33% support it). Even firmer is the Jewish public's position on Palestinian refugees' return to Israel in the context of a permanent peace settlement: 87% are not prepared for the return of even a single refugee, 6% are prepared for the return of up to 100,000, and 3% are prepared for whatever number is decided.

We asked: if in the course of the conference it turned out that because of the gaps between the two sides' positions they could not reach an agreement, would it in your opinion be desirable for the United States to play the role of arbitrator and determine what concessions each side should make to enable reaching an agreement? Fifty-two percent opposed giving the United States this role while 41% supported it-even though we have found more than once in the past that the Jewish public perceives the United States as an "honest broker."

Beyond the perception that the gaps between the sides are too large to arbitrate in the conference and beyond the unwillingness to make concessions on issues that the Palestinians will clearly raise as requisites for reaching a settlement (Jerusalem and the refugees), it seems that one of the main reasons for the Jewish public's low expectations for the conference is the assessment of a large majority-77%-that the prime minister and his government are too weak to sign a peace agreement with the Palestinians in Israel's name, assuming such an agreement would entail significant concessions. A segmentation of views of the government's and prime minister's strength shows that there is indeed a connection between these assessment and voting in the elections. But even among voters for Kadima -the prime minister's party- only 27% see the government as strong enough to take a strategic step and only 20% of voters for Labor, the senior partner in the coalition, think so. That is, the assessment that the current government is too weak is common to the large majority of the voters for all the Jewish parties.

On a different issue, we looked into whether or not there is public support to replace soldiers with civilians from private security firms at the crossing points between Israel and the West Bank. It turns out that a large majority of the Jewish public-69%-see such a decision as unwise and only 29% favor it. That is, the Jewish public apparently trusts only in the IDF.
Interestingly, there was not a single party (including Meretz) for which a majority of voters supports a decision to civilianize the crossings.

The Arab sector: this time too, on issues we checked, clear disparities were found between the Arab public's and the Jewish public's positions. Unlike the Jewish public, which sees it as impossible to continue the current situation from the standpoint of both sides, a certain majority of the Arab public thinks that from the Israeli standpoint it is possible to sustain indefinitely the current state of relations with the Palestinians-47% vs. 42%. However, regarding the Palestinian standpoint a majority of the Arab public sees it as impossible to continue this way-51% vs. 41% who assess it as possible.

The Israeli Arab public's optimism about the possible results of the Annapolis conference is slightly greater than that of the Jewish public.
Some 37.5% think it could achieve a basic clarification of the sides' disagreements and just about the same percentage think it cannot bring this about; 46% say the conference could increase the chances of reaching a permanent peace agreement compared to 37.5% who do not think so. At the same time, the extent of personal interest in the preparations for the conference is similar in the two publics, and so are assessments about the participation of Arab states: 62% of the Arab public (60% of the Jewish public) think such participation can contribute to improving the results.

As expected, in the Arab public a majority, albeit not large-53%-favors including Hamas in the coming Annapolis conference. There is also a majority, unlike in the Jewish public but again not an overwhelming one, that favors transferring the Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem to Palestinian sovereignty-63%, and allowing the return of Palestinian refugees to Israel-71%. And, also unlike the position of the Israeli Jewish public, a majority of the Arab public-53%-favors giving the United States the authority to determine the concessions that each side should make in case the talks reach a dead-end. Indeed, a higher rate of the Arab public than of the Jewish public sees the Olmert government as strong, but here too the majority-54.5%-regards it as too weak to make major concessions in Israel's name.

As for civilianizing the crossings, here too a majority opposes the decision-50% vs. 28%. Very possibly, though, the Arab public opposes this for completely different reasons than the Jewish public, particularly opposition to the checkpoints' existence in the first place.

General Peace Index: 54.2 (Jewish Sample: 48.3)
Oslo Index: 35.1 (Jewish Sample: 32.3)
General Negotiations: 51.6;(Jewish Sample: 49.2)

The Peace Index Project is conducted at the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace
Research and the Evens Program in Mediation and Conflict Resolution of Tel Aviv University, headed by Prof. Ephraim Yaar and Prof. Tamar Hermann. The telephone interviews were conducted by the B. I. Cohen Institute of Tel Aviv University on 8-10 October 2007, and included 580 interviewees who represent the adult Jewish and Arab population of Israel (including the territories and the kibbutzim). The sampling error for a sample of this size is 4.5%.

For the survey data see:
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

OneVoice Movement stelt manifestaties 18 oktober uit

Helaas is de One Voice manifestatie van 18 oktober uitgesteld, vanwege veiligheidsproblemen op de lokatie in Jericho. Palestijnse extremisten schijnen deelnemers van One Voice bedreigd te hebben, waarna ook enkele prominente Palestijnen hun steun zouden hebben ingetrokken. Dit nadat er al een publicitaire campagne tegen het vredesinitiatief was gelanceerd door boycot activisten (zie ook de mail van Jake hieronder).
Dit is een zware tegenvaller voor het vredeskamp...
Zie ook commentaar van Ami Isseroff op MidEast Web: Drowning out One Million Voices: The enemies of peace

October 15, 2007



Fringe Extremists Threatened Palestinian Staff, Performers
"A setback for 600,000 Moderates"


Jericho/Tel Aviv, October 15, 2007 - In a show of solidarity with OneVoice Palestine, the OneVoice Movement, and artists and celebrities engaged with them, have decided to cancel the OneVoice Summit due to take place this Thursday in Tel Aviv. Security threats late last week prompted the cancellation of a parallel OneVoice Summit planned for Jericho.

Fringe groups waged a slanderous campaign to incite threats against OneVoice staff and supporters claiming that a survey OneVoice release[d] five years ago represented a policy document on final status negotiations.

The OneVoice Peoples' Summits, the first effort of its kind, offered an unprecedented opportunity for the Israeli and Palestinian people, in parallel, to propel and support their leaders in the quest to resolve the conflict in the wake of the Arab Peace Initiative and in the build up to the November Annapolis Conference. The Summits, and the work of OneVoice, are not an attempt to define the content of those negotiations, but to demand progress thereon.

OneVoice Palestine President, Dr. Fathi Darwish, has vowed to go on with the mission, "We are heartened by this show of solidarity. Now more than ever, we are determined to fulfill the OneVoice mission. I think that most Palestinian and Israeli moderates want to send a message, one message from both sides: We are fed up with the situation. We are facing a fringe minority of loud extremists, but they cannot stop our struggle to end the occupation through a two state solutionthe only solution for two peoples."

Gil Shamy, Executive Director of OneVoice Israel, summarized the OneVoice approach, "The public does not have the power to implement resolutions, but it has the imperative to hold their leaders accountableand to demand immediate, ongoing negotiations until an agreement is reached."

Over the past six years, OneVoice has gathered the support of over half a million Israelis and Palestinians. The organization remains committed to achieving their goal of uniting all moderates in the region and empowering the process from the grassroots.

A campaign of lies against OneVoice was launch by radical groups, including PFLP, who oppose the goal of Israel and Palestine living side by side. This then evolved into an intimidation campaign against those due to take part in the OneVoice Summit.

Nisreen Shaheen, of OneVoice Palestine, confirmed, "These lies are completely unfounded and the Palestinian people are being deceived by fringe movements whose existence is premised on the conflict. OneVoice is standing behind the President's platform."

Daniel Lubetzky, President of the PeaceWorks Foundation that helped conceive the OneVoice Movement, added "We are very heartened by the steadfast support of all the dignitaries and celebrities, like Bryan Adams, who committed to stay on board and join us as soon as we can re-group to fulfill our visionfor him to perform both in Israel and Palestine. This was a setback for 600,000 moderates. But our work will not cease till we achieve our mission of breaking the shackles of extremism and seizing back the agenda for moderates to live in peace."

In the meantime, as a response to the postponement, the group has already aligned a partnership with Yahoo! to highlight the power of the people. "We invite people across the world to join us on October 18, 2007 at 7pm Jerusalem time (1pm EST) at to experience something they have not seen before," said Lubetzky.


About the OneVoice Movement:
The OneVoice Movement is a mainstream nationalist grassroots movement with over 584,000 (as of 10/13/2007) Israeli and Palestinian members, and 3,000 highly-trained youth leaders. It aims to amplify the voice of the overwhelming but heretofore silent majority of moderates who wish for peace and prosperity, empowering them to demand accountability from elected representatives and work toward a two state solution. OneVoice counts on its Board over 60 foremost dignitaries and business leaders across a wide spectrum of politics and beliefs, joining as OneVoice against violent extremism and for conflict resolution. Learn more by visiting our website at


Dear All,

All of you have been targeted by a campaign based on hatred and a commitment to hide issues from the people.

This is the truth: OneVoice does not seek to dictate final status negotiations, it does not have a political agenda. It is an organization whose work in building civil society can add massive value to the conflict resolution process precisely because it is not so arrogant as to dictate answers. You and I sitting together now and defining resolutions doesn't do any good because we have no power to implement them - it is outside the real political world and symptomatic of political naivety and the fact that we have lost hope of actually changing anything, so we just row theoretically amongst ourselves.

In the November conference next month, the leaders will sit just as powerless because no one is standing up and saying that it is time to raise expectations. It is time for the world to know that the people of the region will accept the deteriorating status quo no longer.

If a million Israelis and Palestinians take to the streets tomorrow and say 'we want answers found' then maybe, just maybe, we will change this feeble political dynamic and not lose this opportunity and that provided by the Arab peace initiative.

What has happened is that people with an absolutist agenda, have taken a survey that OneVoice did years ago to gauge public opinion on different issues and changed questions into statements and claimed that it was a policy document for final status negotiations. This is simply a lie. If I had received it with all its lies, I would turn against the organization. But that's because of the lies that mask the truth about an incredible attempt to galvanise civil society to empower the process to deliver the two-state solution that most people want.

Instead we face the reality that this opportunity will be missed, that Palestinians will be fdismissed as 'extremists and terrorists' and that the truth will be lost.

I ask everyone on this list to forward this email so that the Israeli and Palestinian people know both that they have a partner on the other side, and that they have foul sinister enemies who would seek to use the refugees as a pawn in their political game in order to try to con us all out of a chance to end the situation – a chance that the people deserve.

Forward this message, publish this message, relay this message. You have the power between truth and lies now, between progress and regression.


Jake Hayman
International Program Coordinator
OneVoice Movement

maandag 15 oktober 2007

Oud-president Iran over Hitler en de Joden

Een Iraans atoomwapen - of de techniek er een te kunnen fabriceren - is geen goed idee.

Hashemi Rafsanjani: Hitler Wanted to Rid World of Jews Because 'They Were a Pain in the Neck'

Friday, October 12, 2007,2933,301296,00.html

Hashemi Rafsanjani, former Iranian president and current Chairman of the Assembly of Experts, said Friday that Hitler's treatment of Jewish people in Europe was due in part to their being "a pain in the neck."

Rafsanjani's comments came during a sermon for "International Jerusalem Day" on Iranian TV.

Rafsanjani noted that Jews caused problems for European governments because they "had a lot of property" and "controlled an empire of propaganda." He also said that the Nazis were successful in saving Europe from the evil of Zionism.

The former Iranian leader served as president from 1989 to 1997, and was succeeded by Mohammad Khatami. Rafsanjani ran for a third term in office in 2005, but lost to current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.