zaterdag 29 september 2007

Tekst van VN speech Achmadinejad (september 2007)

Eergisteren hebben we hier een speech van Achmadinejad voor de VN geplaatst, maar die was abusievelijk uit 2006. Hieronder alsnog de tekst van de speech van 2007.
De strekking verschilt niet zoveel. Wederom mooie woorden over een hoopvolle toekomst met gerechtigheid en vrijgevendheid, de schoonheid van Gods schepping en de familie als hoeksteen van elke samenleving:

I will also speak to you about the need for remedying the present situation, prospects for a brighter and a more hopeful future, and about the appearance of the sublime and beauty, compassion and generosity, justice and blossoming of all the God-given human talents and the prominence of faith in God and realization of the promise of God.
Family is the most sacred and valuable human institution that serves as the center of the purest mutual love and affection amongst mothers, fathers and children, and as a safe environment for the nurturing of human generations, and a fertile ground for the blossoming of talents and compassion. This institution has always been respected by all peoples, religions and cultures.

Tegenover zijn vijanden slaat hij een andere toon aan:

In this important gathering, I have to remind them of the following words of the Almighty which have been mentioned in the Holy Quran: "Do they not look at the powers and governments which came before them? If the people of the past had actually possessed something, they would have kept it and would not have let you possess it now.

God destroyed them because of their sins and nobody could protect them against the will of God".
Achmadinejad staat in woorden pal voor gerechtigheid en compassie, die in zijn eigen Iran ver te zoeken zijn:
Monotheism, justice and compassion for humans should dominate all the pillars of the UN and this organization should be a forum for justice, and every member should enjoy equal spiritual and legal support.

Ieder lid? Achmadinejad maakt toch één uitzondering:

For more than sixty years, Palestine, as compensation for the loss they incurred during the war in Europe, has been under occupation of the illegal Zionist regime.

The Palestinian people have been displaced or are under heavy military pressure, economic siege or are incarcerated under abhorrent conditions. The occupiers are protected and praised, while the innocent Palestinians are subjected to political, military and propaganda onslaughts.

The people of Palestine are deprived of water, electricity and medicine for the sin of asking for freedom, and the government that was freely elected by the people is targeted.

Terrorists are being organized to attack the lives and property of people with the blessings of the politicians and military officials of the big powers.

The brutal Zionists carry out targeted assassinations of Palestinians in their homes and cities, and terrorists are decorated with medals of peace and receive support from the big powers. On the other hand they gather a number of Jews from different parts of the world through false propaganda and with the promise of providing them with welfare, jobs and food, and settle them in the occupied territories, exposing them to the harshest restrictions, psychological pressures and constant threats.
They prevent these people from returning to their homelands and by coercion and propaganda induce them to malevolence toward the indigenous Palestinian people.

Dit is een, laten we zeggen, fantasierijke weergave van het Israëlisch-Palestijns conflict. Voor de duidelijkheid: met 'occupied territories' bedoelt hij geheel Israël, en alle Israëli's zijn 'kolonisten'. Ik ben al vele absurde aantijgingen op antizionistische sites tegengekomen, maar de bewering dat een kleine groep Zionisten de Joden onder valse voorwendselen naar Israël lokt, daar aan grote gevaren en constante dreiging blootstelt, en hen vervolgens verhindert weg te gaan, is me nieuw.
Ik heb ergens anders gelezen dat Achmadinejad meent dat er maar zo'n 10.000 zionisten zijn die al deze ellende in stand houden. Hier verwoordde hij het als volgt:

The era of darkness will end, prisoners will return home, the occupied lands will be freed, Palestine and Iraq will be liberated from the domination of the occupiers, and the people of America and Europe will be free of the pressures exerted by the Zionists.

"Hoe de wereld in de greep is van een kleine maar zeer machtige en nergens voor terugdeinzende organisatie". Achmadinejad zou een goede schrijver van science fiction kunnen zijn - maar helaas is hij vooralsnog president van een land dat hard op weg is een kernmacht te worden.   
Ratna en Wouter

Full text of President Ahmadinejad's address before UNGA - 2007

United Nations, New York, Sept 26, IRNA

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran addressed the 62nd session of the UN General Assembly here. Ahmadinejad elaborated on the most important challenges faced by the world today and offered some solutions.

The following is the full text of the president's address:
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
"Oh God, hasten the arrival of Imam Al-Mahdi and grant him good health and victory and make us his followers and those who attest to his rightfulness"
Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am pleased and grateful to the Almighty to have the opportunity once again to attend this important universal forum.

In the present tumultuous world and with the predominance of loud outcries, threats and tensions, and at a time when the big powers are unable to solve present problems, when mistrust in regional and international arenas is on the rise, when the psychological security of societies is being targeted by an onslaught of political and propaganda designs, and disappointment prevails over efficacy of policies and actions of the international organizations in the establishment of a durable peace and security, and the protection of human rights is being weakened, I plan to touch upon and explain the roots of and the ways out of these predicaments and some of the principal challenges facing our world.

I will also speak to you about the need for remedying the present situation, prospects for a brighter and a more hopeful future, and about the appearance of the sublime and beauty, compassion and generosity, justice and blossoming of all the God-given human talents and the prominence of faith in God and realization of the promise of God.

I will then submit to your judgment the nuclear issue of Iran as a reality and testing ground for the measurement of honesty, efficacy, steadfastness and accomplishment. In the closing part of my statement, I will offer my proposals.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As you are all aware mankind is currently facing important, numerous and diverse challenges and I will refer to some of them.

1. Organized attempts to destroy the institution of family and to weaken the status of women.

Family is the most sacred and valuable human institution that serves as the center of the purest mutual love and affection amongst mothers, fathers and children, and as a safe environment for the nurturing of human generations, and a fertile ground for the blossoming of talents and compassion. This institution has always been respected by all peoples, religions and cultures.

Today we are witnessing an organized invasion by the enemies of humanity and plunderers to destroy this noble institution that is targeted by promoting lewdness, violence and by breaking the boundaries of chastity and decency.

The precious existence of women as the manifestation of divine beauty and as the peak of kindness, affection and purity has been the target of heavy exploitation in recent decades by the holders of power and the owners of media and wealth.

In some societies, this beloved human has been reduced to a mere instrument of publicity, and all the boundaries and protective shields of chastity, purity and beauty have been trampled. This is a colossal betrayal of human society, of succeeding generations, and an irreparable blow to the pillar of social coherence, the family.

2. Widespread violations of human rights, terrorism and occupation
Unfortunately human rights are being extensively violated by certain powers, especially by those who pretend to be their exclusive advocates. Setting up secret prisons, abducting persons, trials and secret punishments without any regard to due process, extensive tapping of telephone conversations, intercepting private mail, and frequent summons to police and security centers have become commonplace and prevalent. They prosecute scientists and historians for stating their opinions on important global issues.

They use various pretexts to occupy sovereign states and cause insecurity and division, and then use the prevailing situation as an excuse to continue their occupation. For more than sixty years, Palestine, as compensation for the loss they incurred during the war in Europe, has been under occupation of the illegal Zionist regime.

The Palestinian people have been displaced or are under heavy military pressure, economic siege or are incarcerated under abhorrent conditions. The occupiers are protected and praised, while the innocent Palestinians are subjected to political, military and propaganda onslaughts.

The people of Palestine are deprived of water, electricity and medicine for the sin of asking for freedom, and the government that was freely elected by the people is targeted.

Terrorists are being organized to attack the lives and property of people with the blessings of the politicians and military officials of the big powers.

The brutal Zionists carry out targeted assassinations of Palestinians in their homes and cities, and terrorists are decorated with medals of peace and receive support from the big powers. On the other hand they gather a number of Jews from different parts of the world through false propaganda and with the promise of providing them with welfare, jobs and food, and settle them in the occupied territories, exposing them to the harshest restrictions, psychological pressures and constant threats. They prevent these people from returning to their homelands and by coercion and propaganda induce them to malevolence toward the indigenous Palestinian people.

Iraq was occupied under the pretext of overthrowing a dictator and the existence of weapons of mass destruction. The Iraqi dictator who had been supported by the same occupiers was disposed of, and no weapons of mass destruction were discovered, but the occupation continues under different excuses.

No day passes without people being killed, wounded or displaced, and the occupiers not only refuse to be accountable and ashamed of their adventure, but speak in a report of a new market for their armaments as the result of their military venture. They even oppose the constitution, National Assembly and the government established by the vote of the people, while they do not even have the courage to declare their defeat and exit Iraq.

Unfortunately we are witnessing the bitter truth that some powers do not value any nation or human beings, and the only things that matter to them are themselves, their political parties and groups. In their view, human rights are tantamount to profits for their companies and their friends. The rights and the dignity of American people are also being sacrificed for the selfish desires of those holding power.

3- Aggressions against indigenous cultures and national values.

Culture is the manifestation of identity and the key to the survival of nations and the foundation for their interaction with others. In an organized movement, indigenous cultures that are messengers of monotheism, love and fraternity are being subjected to broad and destructive aggressions.

National customs and values are humiliated and the self-esteem and character of nations are ridiculed and defamed . The purpose is to promote blind emulations, consumerism, skepticism toward God and human values, and the plundering of the peoples' wealth by big powers.

4. Poverty, illiteracy, healthcare issues and the gap between the poor and the rich
While a major part of the natural environment in Asia, Africa and Latin America is being plundered by the political and economic domination of certain powers, the situation of poverty and deprivation is very alarming. Let me draw your attention to some data issued by the United Nations:
- Every day close to 800 million people go to bed hungry and about 980 million suffer from absolute poverty, with less than one dollar a day in purchasing power.

- People of 31 countries, equivalent to 9 percent of the world's population, have an average life expectancy of 46 years, which is 32 years less than the average of developed countries.

- The gap between the rich and the poor in some parts of the world has increased by forty times.

- In many countries, the majority of the people are deprived of access to education and schooling.

- In developing countries, the maternal mortality rate during pregnancy is 450 per 100,000. This ratio is 7 in the richer nations and the ratio of mortality of new births is 59 for developing countries and 6 for the richer nations.

- One-third of deaths in the world, or 50,000 persons daily, result from poverty.

I believe this data clearly demonstrates the tragic situation dominating economic interactions in the world.

5. Ignoring noble values and the promotion of deception and lies.

Some powers sacrifice all human values including honesty, purity and trust for the advancement of their goals. They propagate skepticism and deception in the relations between states and peoples.

They lie openly, level baseless charges against others, act contrary to legal norms and damage the climate of trust and friendship.

They openly abandon morality and noble values in their relations with others, and substitute selfishness, supremacy, enmity and imposition, for justice, respect for others, love, affection and honesty. They sacrifice all the good things and the sublime in life for their own greed.

6. Violations of rules of international law and disrespect of commitments
Some who were themselves the drafters of international law openly and easily violate it and apply discriminatory policies and double standards to others. They drafted disarmament regulations, but every day test and stockpile new generations of lethal weapons.

They framed the Charter of the United Nations, but show disrespect to the right of self-determination and independence of sovereign nations. They conveniently abrogate their formal treaties, and do not yield to laws concerning protection of the environment. Most of the violations of international obligations are committed by a few global powers.

7- Escalation of threats and the Arms Race
Some powers, whenever their logic fails, simply use the language of threat. The huge arms race casts a shadow of threat over the globe.

The nations of Europe were the victims of two world wars and a number of other devastating conflicts and were subjected to the consequences of the Cold War for many decades.

Today Europeans are living under the shadow of threat, and their interests, security and lands are endangered under shadow of the arms race imposed by certain big powers.

A bullying power allows itself the right to set up a missile system, makes the life of the peoples of a continent bitter, and lays the ground for arms race.

Some rulers who superficially appear to be powerful believe the tools they have at hand can be used at any time and for any purpose and consequently threaten others and cast the shadow of insecurity over nations and regions.

8. Inefficacy of international mechanisms in addressing these challenges and in restoring durable peace and security.

International organizations and mechanisms clearly lack the capacity to overcome problems and challenges, to put in place fair and just relations and peace, fraternity and security.

There is hardly any government or nation that places much hope in these mechanisms to secure its rights or defend its independence, territorial integrity and national interests.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
There are many more challenges than the ones I have enumerated and I know that one would have introduced more if one had wanted to touch upon them, but I chose to confine myself to the ones I have stated.

Now the important and decisive question concerns the roots and causes of these challenges. A scientific and careful analysis shows that the root of the present situation lies in two fundamental factors.

Without doubt, the first factor lies in the relations arising from the consequences of the Second World War. The victors of the war drew the roadmap for global domination and formulated their policies not on the basis of justice but for ensuring the interests of the victors over the vanquished nations. Therefore mechanisms arising from this approach and related policies have not been capable of finding just solutions for global problems since 60 years ago.

Some big powers still behave like the victors of the World War and regard other states and nations, even those that had nothing to do with the war, as the vanquished, and humiliate other nations and demand extortion from a condescending position similar to that of the master/servant relationship of the medieval ages.

They believe that they should have more rights than others and also are not accountable to any international organization.

Mr. President,
Among all the inefficient bodies, unfortunately, the UN Security Council ranks first. They have created circumstances in which some powers with exclusive and the special right to veto in the Security Council act as prosecutor, judge and executioner, regardless of being a defendant or respondent.

It is natural that countries that have been subjected to those powers' infringements of their rights have no hope in getting what they deserve from the Council.

Unfortunately, humanity has witnessed that in all long wars, like the Korean and Vietnam wars, the war of the Zionists against the Palestinians and against Lebanon, the war of Saddam against the people of Iran and the ethnic wars of Europe and Africa, one of the members the Security Council was one of the belligerents or supported one party against the other, usually the aggressor, or the conflict itself.

Let's look at Iraq. They first occupied the country and then received authorization from the Security Council, the same Council in which the same occupiers have the right of veto. Who should the people of Iraq complain about and to where should they take their complaints with hopes of securing their rights?
We saw in Lebanon that some powers, for a long thirty three days, prevented the Security Council from taking any action against the Zionist regime with the hope of giving time to the regime to achieve victory. However, when they became disappointed in seeing their hopes unfulfilled, they decided to cease the hostility by adopting a resolution.

But the duty of the Security Council is to prevent the expansion of conflicts, to put in place ceasefires and to promote peace and safety. To whom and to what organization should the people of Lebanon complain?

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
The presence of some monopolistic powers has prevented the Security Council from performing its main duty which is the maintenance of international peace and security based on justice. The credibility of the Council has been tarnished and its efficacy in defending the rights of UN member states has been undermined. Many nations have lost their confidence in the Council.

Some other mechanisms, such as the monetary and banking mechanisms, are in the same undesirable situation and have been turned into tools for the imposition of the wishes of some powers on other nations. It is evident that these mechanisms are not capable of responding to current needs and solving challenges and establishing fair and sustainable relations.

Dear Colleagues,
Again, there is no doubt that the second and more important factor is some big powers' disregard of morals, divine values, the teachings of prophets and instructions by the Almighty God, as well as the rule of the incompetent. How can the incompetent who cannot even manage and control themselves, rule humanity and arrange its affairs? Unfortunately they have put themselves in the position of God! They are in servitude to their own whims, and they desire to have everything for themselves. For them, human dignity and the lives, properties, and territories of others are no longer respected.

Humanity has had a deep wound on its tired body caused by impious powers for centuries. Today, the problems that people around the world face are mainly rooted in the disregard of human values and ethics and also in the rule of the selfish and incompetent.

Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,
The only sustainable way to the betterment of mankind is the return to the teachings of the divine prophets, monotheism, respect for the dignity of humans and the flow of love and affection in all relationships, ties and regulations, and to reform the present structures on this basis.

To fulfill this objective, I invite everybody to form a front of fraternity, amity and sustainable peace based on monotheism and justice under the name of "Coalition for Peace", to prevent incursions and arrogance and to promote the culture of affection and justice.

I hereby announce that with the help of all independent, justice-seeking and peace-loving nations, the Islamic Republic of Iran will be heading down this path.

Monotheism, justice and compassion for humans should dominate all the pillars of the UN and this organization should be a forum for justice, and every member should enjoy equal spiritual and legal support.

The General Assembly, as the representative of the international community, shall be considered as the most important pillar of the UN in order to, free from any pressure and threats by big powers, take required measures for the reforming of the UN structures, and especially change the present status of the Security Council and define new structures based on justice and democracy with the purpose of becoming responsive to the present requirements and to be able to settle existing challenges leading to the establishment of an enduring stability and security.

Mr. President, Excellencies,
The nuclear issue of Iran is a clear example of how such mechanisms perform and the prevailing thoughts behind them. You are all aware that Iran is a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency and has always observed its rules and regulations and has had the most extensive cooperation with this Agency in all areas. All our nuclear activities have been completely peaceful and transparent.

According to the Statute of the IAEA, any member has a number of rights and obligations. In fact, all members have to stay on a peaceful path and, under the supervision of the Agency assist other members, and they are entitled to be supported by the Agency and have access to the fuel cycle with the help of the Agency and its members.

Thus far, Iran has fulfilled all of its obligations but has been deprived of other members' technical assistance and, even at times, of the Agency's support. For about 5 years, some of the aforementioned powers have, by exerting heavy pressure on the IAEA, attempted to prevent the Iranian nation from exercising its rights.

They have derailed Iran's nuclear issue from its legal tracks, and have politicized the atmosphere to impose their wishes through taking advantage of all their potentials.

The government of Iran spared no effort to build confidence, but they were not satisfied with anything short of the complete halt of all activities, even those related to research and university fields.

They were only after depriving the Iranian people of all their inalienable rights, even to the extent that those centers not involved in the fuel cycle or not in need of supervision by the Agency were closed.

After three years of negotiations and attempts to build confidence, the Iranian nation came to the firm belief that the main concern of these powers is not the possible deviation of Iran's nuclear activities, but is to prevent its scientific progress under this pretext.

And, if this trend continues there will be no possibility for Iran to enjoy its rights, not even in the next 20 years. Therefore, Iran decided to pursue the issue through its appropriate legal path, one that runs through the IAEA, and to disregard unlawful and political impositions by the arrogant powers.

In the last two years, abusing the Security Council, the arrogant powers have repeatedly accused Iran and even made military threats and imposed illegal sanctions against it. However, by the grace of faith in God and national unity, Iran has moved forward step by step and now our country is recognized as one with the capacity for industrial scale fuel cycle production for peaceful uses.

Unfortunately, the Security Council, in dealing with this obvious legal issue, was influenced by some bullying powers and failed to uphold justice and protect the rights of the Iranian people.

Fortunately, the IAEA has recently tried to regain its legal role as supporter of the rights of its members while supervising nuclear activities. We see this as a correct approach adopted by the Agency.

Previously, they illegally insisted on politicizing the Iranian nation's nuclear case, but today, because of the resistance of the Iranian nation, the issue is back to the Agency, and I officially announce that in our opinion the nuclear issue of Iran is now closed and has turned into an ordinary Agency matter.

Today many important questions have been raised about the nuclear activities of certain powers within the IAEA which should be dealt with properly. Of course Iran has always been and will be prepared to have constructive talks with all parties.

I would like to thank all the nations and countries that, during this difficult juncture, defended the legal rights of my nation and motherland and I also want to appreciate the members of the Non- Aligned Movement, our friends in the Security Council and in the IAEA's Board of Governors, the committed and law-abiding experts of the Agency and its Director-General for their standing by the law.

I would also like to announce that unlike the monopolistic powers, the Iranian nation is ready to offer to other members its experiences in the form of educational programs and based on its obligations under the Agency's Statute and under its supervision.

Now I would like to address those who have shown hostility towards the Iranian nation for about five years; offended and accused my people who have contributed to the history and civilization of the world, and I advise them to learn from history and their recent actions.

They badly mistreated the Iranian nation but they should be careful not to inflict the same on other members of international organizations, and not to sacrifice the dignity of international organizations for the sake of their unlawful wishes. Today the nations of the world are wide awake and resistant. If you reform yourselves, the whole world will be reformed.

Nations are inherently good and can co-exist peacefully.

They should endeavor to serve their own people; others that do not need them. Is it not high time for these powers to return from the path of arrogance and obedience to Satan to the path of faith in God?
Would they not like to be cleansed of their impurities, submit to the will of God and believe in Him?
Faith in God means believing in honesty, purity, justice and compassion for others!
They can be certain that they will benefit from purity, honesty, justice, and loving and respecting the human dignity. They can also be certain that such values are more and more considered appropriate, valuable and beautiful by the nations of the world.

This is the invitation of all the divine prophets from Adam to Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Chris, and Mohammed (PBUH).

If they accept this invitation, they will be saved and if they don't, the same calamities that befell the people of the distant past will befall them as well. According to the holy Quran: "One who does not answer the divine call should not think that he has weakened God on earth; he has no companion but God and he is clearly engulfed by darkness".

They have nothing of their own and cannot escape from the dominion of the rule of God and His will.

In this important gathering, I have to remind them of the following words of the Almighty which have been mentioned in the Holy Quran: "Do they not look at the powers and governments which came before them?
If the people of the past had actually possessed something, they would have kept it and would not have let you possess it now.

God destroyed them because of their sins and nobody could protect them against the will of God".

They have to know that thoughts and methods based on oppression and injustice are doomed to failure. Do they not see the signs of vigilance and resistance based on monotheism, philanthropy and the justice-seeking spirit of the nations of the world? Do they not notice that we are nearing the sunset of the time of empires? I hope that this invitation will have a practical answer.

Peoples and governments are not obliged to obey the injustice of certain powers. These powers, because of the reasons already mentioned, have lost the competence to lead the world.

I officially declare that the age of relations arising from the Second World War as well as materialistic thoughts based on arrogance and domination is well over now. Humanity has passed a perilous precipice and the age of monotheism, purity, affinity, respecting others, justice and true peace-loving has commenced.

It is the divine promise that the truth will be victorious and the earth will be inherited by the righteous. You, who are free, believers, and the people of the world, put your trust in God.

You, who crave high values, wherever you are, try to prepare the grounds for the fulfillment of this great divine promise by serving the people and seeking justice.

The era of darkness will end, prisoners will return home, the occupied lands will be freed, Palestine and Iraq will be liberated from the domination of the occupiers, and the people of America and Europe will be free of the pressures exerted by the Zionists.

The tender-hearted and humanity-loving governments will replace the aggressive and domineering ones. Human dignity will be regained.

The pleasing aroma of justice will permeate the world, and people will live together in a brotherly and affectionate manner.

Striving in this way to surrender rule to the righteous and Perfect Human, the Promised One, is indeed the final cure for the wounds of humanity, the solution of all problems, and the establishment of love, beauty, justice and a dignified life all over the world.

This belief and endeavor is the key to unity and the constructive interaction among nations, countries, the people of the world and all the true justice-seekers.

Without any doubt, the Promised One who is the ultimate Savior, together with Jesus Christ and other holy Saviors, will come. In the company of all believers, justice-seekers and benefactors, he will establish a bright future and fill the world with justice and beauty.

This is the promise of God; therefore it will be fulfilled.

Let's play a part in the fulfillment of all this glory and beauty.

I wish for a bright future for all human beings and the dawn of the liberation of and freedom for all humans, and the rule of love and affection all around the world, as well as the elimination of oppression, hatred and violence. A wish which I expect will be realized in the near future.

Thank you

Israël zal werk aan afscheidingsbarriere niet stilleggen

Faisal van Saoedi-Arabië heeft verklaard dat Israël als gebaar van goede wil de bouw van de afscheidingsbarrier zou moeten stopzetten en de ontwikkeling van nederzettingen bevriezen, om de Arabische landen te tonen dat het haar ernst is met de aanstaande Midden-Oosten conferentie.
Israël wees dit eerste resoluut van de hand, maar over het laatste heeft men zich nog niet uitgelaten. In andere verklaringen heeft Faisal het nog slechts over de nederzettingen:

"It will be curious for (Palestinian) President Abbas and the prime minister of Israel to be talking about peace and the return of Palestinian land while Israel continues to build more settlements," he said. "At least, a moratorium on the building of settlements will be a good signal to show serious intent."
Wat Faisal zegt, is dat de situatie op de grond eerst in overeenstemming moet zijn met de mooie vredesverklaringen die worden afgegeven, wat aan beide kanten duidelijk niet het geval is.

Het is net zo vreemd dat Abbas praat over vrede maar de Israëlische operaties in Gaza tegen de Qassam raketten keihard veroordeelt, en deze zelfs een massaslachting noemt. Toen de Hamas geweld tegen zijn Fatah beweging gebruikte, had hij geen goed woord voor ze over, en hij eist nog steeds herstel van de status quo ante in de Gazastrook als voorwaarde voor gesprekken. Het klopt ook niet helemaal dat Palestijnse terroristen, mede van de aan Fatah geliëerde Al Aqsa Martelaren Brigades, zelfmoordaanslagen voorbereiden terwijl Abbas eist dat Israël meer gevangenen vrijlaat en checkpoints opheft.
Het zou niet onredelijk zijn van Israël een stop op de bouw van nederzettingen te vragen en het verwijderen van de buitenposten, en van de Palestijnen het effectief bestrijden van de terroristische infrastructuur en het inzamelen van illegale wapens. Bovendien lijkt het me zeer nuttig dat kinderen niet meer wordt geleerd dat het hoogste doel in het leven is om een martelaar voor het vaderland te worden en te sterven voor Allah.
Daarna kan dan een conferentie worden gehouden om over de 'final status issues' te gaan praten, waarbij beiden het vertrouwen hebben gekregen dat de andere partij oprecht is en zich aan zijn afspraken zal houden. - Maar wacht even. Er bestaat al een plan dat een dergelijke procedure voorstaat, en deze maatregelen van beide kanten verlangt. Dat plan heet de Routekaart naar Vrede.
Er is in dit geval bewust van afgeweken, omdat men de Palestijnen eerst een 'politieke horizon' wou verschaffen die hen ervan moet overtuigen dat onderhandelen meer oplevert dan vechten, en zo Abbas tegenover Hamas moet versterken. Vooral Abbas dringt er steeds op aan dat hij over de final status wil praten nog voordat de Palestijnse Autoriteit op orde is gebracht en de corruptie bestreden, en voordat men in staat is een gebied fatsoenlijk te besturen. 
Daaraan wordt nu tegemoet gekomen, maar dan is het niet reëel opeens van Israël nog wel allerlei concessies van tevoren te eisen, en zelfs te suggereren om wellicht niet te komen als het daar niet aan voldoet. Ik hoop dat Israël dit Saoedi-Arabië in vriendelijke bewoordingen duidelijk zal maken, waarbij het aanbiedt dat wat haar betreft ook de route van de Routekaart bewandeld kan worden.  

Israel will not halt security fence work
Herb Keinon , THE JERUSALEM POST Sep. 28, 2007

Israel has no intention of stopping work on the security barrier to lure Saudi Arabia to the US-sponsored conference on the Middle East later this year, senior diplomatic sources said Thursday night in response to comments made by the Saudi foreign minister in New York.

"Israel has its own security needs that we have to address," the official said. At the same time, the official characterized Prince Saud al-Faisal's comments, which included some upbeat remarks about the upcoming Mideast meeting, as "interesting," and added that Israel always listened to what the Saudis have to say.

The New York Times reported Thursday that Faisal said Israel should stop work on the security barrier and stop settlement activity as good-will gestures to assure Arab states and show it was serious about comprehensive peace talks.

Up until now, Israel has rejected Saudi conditions on participation in the talks. Jerusalem feels, however, that Saudi participation is critical in garnering Arab support to Israeli-PA negotiations.

Faisal stopped short, however, of making these "good-will gestures" conditions for Saudi participation, and also sounded an optimistic note about the meeting.

"It is not Saudi Arabia that puts conditions, or Saudi Arabia that is going to negotiate," he told reporters Wednesday on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. "Its presence there, or non-presence, is not the most significant issue." Regarding the planned conference, he said, "We have been shown a canvas with some brushstrokes that have nice colors in them ... but we don't yet know if it is a portrait or a landscape that we are looking at."

Based on the discussions with US officials, "there is a sense there is something new happening and this is encouraging" if it turns out to be true, he said.
Faisal said that discussions indicated that "the intent is to look at the final-status issue - the important issues, and not the peripheral issues.

This is encouraging. This is what we have always asked for." He said that the onus lay on the Israelis to show their commitment to a comprehensive settlement and that they were willing to take confidence-building measures such as freezing settlement building.

"It will be curious for (Palestinian) President Abbas and the prime minister of Israel to be talking about peace and the return of Palestinian land while Israel continues to build more settlements," he said. "At least, a moratorium on the building of settlements will be a good signal to show serious intent."

While the US hopes that Saudi participation will put the kingdom on a path to recognizing Israel, Faisal said this possibility was already outlined in the Arab peace initiative, which offers peace in exchange for a full Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 lines, including in Jerusalem and on the Golan Heights.

"Recognition comes, but comes after peace, not before peace," Faisal said.

The Prime Minister's Office had no formal response to the Saudi foreign minister's comments, waiting to see the full transcript, and context, of his remarks.
In a related development, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni met Wednesday with Tunisian Foreign Minister Abdelwaheb Abdullah, and was expected to meet Thursday evening with her Moroccan counterpart. Israel would like to see both countries, considered part of the "moderate" Arab coalition, participate in November's planned conference.

Both meetings took place on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meeting, which Livni is attending.

According to Livni's spokesman, the Foreign Minister briefed her Tunisian counterpart on the status of the current talks with the PA and spoke of the importance of the moderate Arab countries taking part in the process.

The meeting, the first with a Tunisian official at this level in a number of years, took place even though Israel and Tunisia have no formal diplomatic relations.
Livni also met on Wednesday with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Despite the importance of Israel's relationship with Turkey, and the tension caused because Israeli fuel tanks were found on the Turkish side of the Turkish-Syrian border following Israel's alleged attack in Syria, the Foreign Ministry was mum on the content of that meeting.

The Turkish press, however, reported that the current Israeli-Syrian tensions, as well as the diplomatic process with the Palestinians, dominated the talks. There was no word, however, on whether the Anti-Defamation League's recent decision to characterize the massacre of Armenians in World War I as tantamount to genocide, a move that could impact adversely on Turkish-Israeli ties, was raised.

Livni held a breakfast meeting Wednesday with representatives of some 20 African states, and also met with Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani for talks that focused on the Iranian nuclear program and the situation inside the PA.

According to Livni's office, Giuliani said that were he still mayor of New York, he would not have given Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "free access and the platform" he received this week in the city.

AP contributed to this report.

Ben-Eliezer roept op om Barghouti voor Schalit te ruilen

De Israëlische minister Ben-Eliezer stelde onlangs voor om Marwan Barghouti vrij te laten in ruil voor de vorig jaar door Hamas gekidnapte soldaat Schalit, of zelfs om hem eerst vrij te laten, in de hoop dat dat tot een proces kon leiden dat zou resulteren in zowel vooruitgang op het diplomatieke front als de vrijlating van Schalit. Alleen een politicus kan het zo wollig uitdrukken, maar volgens mij bedoelde hij dat Israël Barghouti vrijlaat, en dan hoopt dat dit een positief effect heeft op de Palestijnen en hun wil tot concessies.
Uiteraard vielen rechtse politici hem hard aan op dit voorstel, maar tegenstand kwam ook uit onverwachte hoek:

In April, The Jerusalem Post learned that senior Palestinian officials were opposed to Barghouti's release.

The Palestinian concern was that Barghouti's release at this stage from prison would spoil his image and foil Fatah's plans to run him at the top of its ticket in the next elections.

Barghouti, the Palestinians believed, was extremely popular on the Palestinian street due primarily to his imprisonment.

Blijkbaar menen deze Palestijnse functionarissen dat Barghouti geen populariteit geniet vanwege zijn leiderschaps- of bindende kwaliteiten. Het is dan de vraag hoelang zijn populariteit zou duren als hij voor de volgende verkiezingen kandidaat voor Fatah zou zijn. Op de Palestijnse straat zou zijn populariteit het volgens deze functionarissen niet houden tot de volgende verkiezingen, en in een regering moet je altijd impopulaire maatregelen nemen of krijg je sowieso de schuld van allerlei problemen. Of is er nog iets anders aan de hand, en vreest de 'oude garde' rond president Abbas dat Barghouti hun weleens hinderlijk voor de voeten zou kunnen lopen als hij vrijkomt?


Ben-Eliezer calls to exchange Barghouti for Schalit staff and AP , THE JERUSALEM POST Sep. 25, 2007

Israel's planned release of 90 Palestinian prisoners has been pushed back until early next week, the Israeli Prisons Authority said Tuesday, citing "technical reasons" for the delay. Succot begins on Wednesday, and many government offices will be closed.

In a statement, the Prisons Authority said the prisoners would be freed on Monday.

Meanwhile, National Infrastructures Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer on Tuesday proposed releasing former Tanzim leader Marwan Barghouti in exchange for kidnapped IDF soldier Cpl. Gilad Schalit, saying that Barghouti could be the next leader of the Palestinians.

"We need to break the cycle," Ben-Eliezer said in an interview with Army Radio. "Freeing Barghouti could start a process that would succeed in both moving the diplomatic negotiations forward and in freeing Schalit."

He added that until now, there have been no positive developments in the Schalit case.

Explaining his view, Ben-Eliezer said: "[PA President Mahmoud] Abbas has not delivered anything just yet, and [PA Prime Minister] Salaam Fayad is a well-respected man, but these two gentlemen are just not enough. Releasing Barghouti will help strengthen them."

On the other hand, Ben-Eliezer said Barghouti was also "well-respected by Hamas. For us he might be a murderer, but I'd like to remind you that Arafat was no less of a murderer, and we approached him as well."

MK Effi Eitam (NU/NRP), however, opposed the idea, calling Barghouti an "arch-murderer" who did not deserve to be freed.

"That's great. Let's see you standing in front of IDF soldiers' parents who trust and support us, and tell them how an arch-murderer is now Israel's new hope for peace," Eitam said. "There is nothing more hallucinatory and fraudulent than this."

Environment Minister Gideon Ezra brought up the possibility of releasing Barghouti at a cabinet meeting earlier this year, at which time it was decided that because of the political sensitivity of the issue, it would have to be discussed at the security cabinet level.

In April, The Jerusalem Post learned that senior Palestinian officials were opposed to Barghouti's release.

The Palestinian concern was that Barghouti's release at this stage from prison would spoil his image and foil Fatah's plans to run him at the top of its ticket in the next elections.

Barghouti, the Palestinians believed, was extremely popular on the Palestinian street due primarily to his imprisonment.

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Israëlische operaties op de Westoever houden Palestijnse aanslagen tegen

De mythe dat het onmogelijk is om een oorlog tegen terroristen of guerilla's te winnen wordt nu zelfs door de linkse Haaretz onderuit gehaald, evenals de mythe dat er zo weinig aanslagen meer zijn in Israël vanwege een of ander bestand waar Hamas zich aan zou houden of een algehele matiging van die beweging.

The West Bank operation / A reminder of a forgotten war
By Amos Harel and Avi Issacharoff Haaretz 20 September 2007

The death of a soldier from an elite unit yesterday in Nablus was a reminder of a forgotten war. The endless wait for the Winograd Committee report - and the political capital the prime minister has received in opinion polls published in recent days - have drawn the attention of most Israelis away from the daily warfare that is taking place less than an hour from the center of the country. In recent months, the West Bank and Gaza Strip security forces have arrested hundreds of militants and foiled dozens of terrorist attacks. Only the fact that yesterday the IDF suffered its first fatality this year in the West Bank has returned the focus on what is taking place on that front.

It's common to claim it is impossible to defeat terrorism. But over the years of combating Palestinian terrorism during the second intifada (this month marks the seventh anniversary), the IDF and the Shin Bet have reached the closest possible point to achieving a victory. Since the beginning of the year, two soldiers (one each in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip) and six Israeli citizens (three in a suicide bombing in Eilat, two from Qassam rockets in Sderot, and one who was stabbed to death in the Etzion bloc in the West Bank) were killed as a result of terrorism. These are very minor figures, considering the number of attempts at carrying out attacks, and also when compared to the high point of the intifada, when 450 Israelis were killed in 2002. The last suicide bombing in central Israel occurred 18 months ago, in April 2006, in the old central bus station in Tel Aviv.

The winning formula is a combination of aggressive intelligence gathering by the Shin Bet, the obstacle created by the separation fence and the complete freedom of operations granted to the IDF in the Palestinian cities.

The army considers the continued arrests of militants and the main roadblocks as essential tools for successfully combating terrorism. Defense Minister Ehud Barak said yesterday that if he had to choose between easing restrictions on Palestinians and security considerations, he would opt for the latter.

Earlier this week, Military Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin warned that Hamas is trying to carry out a large-scale suicide bombing in an effort do undermine the regional summit scheduled to take place in Washington in November.

Meanwhile, there is a serious debate within Hamas. Like Fatah during the first year of the intifada, Hamas is also speaking in two tongues - at the minimum. While the Hamas leadership under Ismail Haniyeh is promoting a relatively pragmatic line and sending clear signals about its willingness to resume the cease-fire agreement with Israel in the Gaza Strip, members of the armed wing of the group, headed by Ahmed al-Ja'abari and backed by Mahmoud al-Zahar from the political wing, reject any such option.

The more extremist camp, along with the Hamas leadership in Damascus, is behind the latest orders to dispatch suicide bombers from the West Bank. In Nablus, where members of Hamas have recently been joined by militants from the Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front and Fatah have come under pressure from the Palestinian Authority security forces. But the increasing power of al-Zahar and his followers in the Gaza Strip has been sufficient to cause concern among the group's leadership in Damascus.

vrijdag 28 september 2007

Arafat mocht in zeventiger jaren geen Palestijnse staat uitroepen

Volgens recent vrijgegeven documenten in Groot-Brittannië wilde Arafat al in de jaren '70 een onafhankelijke Palestijnse staat uitroepen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever en de Gazastrook, maar een aantal vooraanstaande Palestijnen was hier tegen. Men vreesde dat Israël daarmee een argument had de gebieden te blijven bezetten, maar ook dat een Palestijnse staat niet zonder buitenlandse hulp zou kunnen overleven. Een vorm van eenheid met Jordanië, dat de salarissen van functionarissen op de Westoever betaalde, zou beter zijn voor de toekomst van de Palestijnen. Een Britse diplomaat concludeerde toendertijd:

"If it became apparent that their material and political future was more likely to be assured under King Hussein than under Yasser Arafat, they (Palestinians) would vote for unity or a federal link (to Jordan)."

Declassified documents show Arafat told not to declare independence
By Reuters Last update - 03:22 28/09/2007

Senior Palestinian officials urged Yasser Arafat not to declare an independent state in the 1970s because they feared it would allow Israel to maintain sovereignty over all Palestinian lands, according to declassified documents.

Newly released Foreign Office cables show British diplomats spent much of their time canvassing opinion among influential Palestinians to try to understand whether Arafat was intent on declaring an independent Palestinian state and how Jordan and other neighbours might react if it were to happen.

One cable released by the National Archives on Friday records a meeting a diplomat had with Rashad al Shawa, a Palestinian leader in the Gaza Strip, in February 1974, shortly after Shawa had met Arafat to discuss independence.

"Rashad rejected the suggestion made to him by Yasser Arafat on the grounds that any attempt to form an independent Palestinian state would provide the Israelis with an opportunity to insist on maintaining their sovereignty over the whole of Palestine for security reasons," the diplomat wrote.

"Rashad says the vast majority of the people of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are in favour of the formation of an independent Palestinian state because of their hatred to the Jordan regime but they do not realise that such a state would not survive without foreign help."

In 1974, Israel had already occupied the West Bank and Gaza for seven years, since its victory in the 1967 war, and had just defeated a coalition of Arab states led by Syria and Egypt in the 1973 Yom Kippur war.

Some Arab leaders at the time, principally President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, were encouraging Arafat to declare an independent state, but Shawa warned Arafat that Egypt was merely trying to rid itself of any obligation to the Palestinians.

"Sadat and other Arab leaders are getting fed up with the Palestinians and they are only interested in the welfare of their own people," a diplomat quoted Shawa as saying.

At the same time, Jordan, which governed the West Bank until 1967 and had taken hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees under its wing, was fearful that Arafat would act independently and cause ructions among its own population.

Prince Hasan, the brother of Jordan's King Hussein, told British diplomats that he would not be attending an Islamic summit that Arafat was also expected to attend.

"Hasan had been asked by King Hussein to attend the summit but the King had now decided that Hasan should not go. There would be no point since Hasan would spend his time protesting at the 'head of state' treatment that would be accorded to Arafat."

Powerful Palestinian businessmen in the West Bank were also unconvinced that Arafat should declare independence, instead favouring unity between the West Bank and Jordan's Hashemite royal family, with whom they had close ties.

Sami Joudeh, a West Bank Palestinian, told Melhuish, a British diplomat, that Jordan's paying of salaries to Palestinians had made the Hashemites popular.
"He himself did not see any future for an independent West Bank and favoured either unity with Jordan or a federal solution," Melhuish wrote.

"If it became apparent that their material and political future was more likely to be assured under King Hussein than under Yasser Arafat, they (Palestinians) would vote for unity or a federal link (to Jordan)."

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Moraalpolitie houdt overtreders Ramadan aan op Westoever

Naast de zedenpolitie in Iran, die controleert of hoofddoeken wel goed gedragen worden en broeken en rokken lang genoeg zijn, is er nu een Ramadan politie op de Westelijke Jordanoever die controleert of mensen niet stiekem wat eten of drinken voor zonsondergang.
Nee, ik verwar de Westoever niet met de Gazastrook, president Abbas wil juist laten zien dat hij qua religiositeit niet onderdoet voor de Hamas. Hoe is dit te rijmen met een scheiding van staat en religie en vrijheid van godsdienst(beleving)?

'Morality police' detains Ramadan fast-breakers in West Bank
Associated Press , THE JERUSALEM POST Sep. 27, 2007

New "morality police" has begun detaining Palestinians who eat or drink in public during the fasting month of Ramadan, a first in the West Bank where Muslim custom was always widely observed, but never before imposed.

The 12-member squad with special red badges appears to be an attempt by PA President Mahmoud Abbas's West Bank government to challenge the claim of rival Hamas, the ruler of Gaza, to a monopoly on religious righteousness.

Islamic custom demands that believers fast and refrain from self-indulgence between sunrise and sunset during Ramadan, which this year began Sept. 13.

Across the Muslim world, the fast is largely observed, though in some countries compliance is voluntary and in others, including Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, it's strictly enforced.

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Hamas website beschrijft Zionistische aanval op verzetsleden

Hamas heeft een apart taalgebruik, waarin het woord 'Zionist' veelvuldig voorkomt.

On Wednesday evening , and before breakfast in Ramadan, Four Palestinian resistance men were targeted by the zionist aircrafts eastern the Gaza Strip. The four men were in a jeep and died at the moment after the Zionist bombardment.
Palestinian sources reported that the four martyrs are belonging to "Al-Islam army" , one of the resistance factions in Gaza.

Het Leger van de Islam is de factie die de Britse journalist Alan Johnston had gekidnapt, en Hamas heeft de nodige 'druk' uitgeoefend op hen om hem vrij te krijgen. Maar als ze door de Zionistische vijand worden beschoten, zijn het uiteraard 'martelaren'.

11 Palestinians,including two Qassam men , martyred by the Zionist bombardment
27 September 2007 - Website of Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades - the armed branch of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

On Thursday , in the early morning , the Zionist forces continued their new crime by killing another three  Palestinians , including two Qassam men, during the attack on Beit Hanon.

On Wednesday evening , and before breakfast in Ramadan, Four Palestinian resistance men were targeted by the zionist aircrafts eastern the Gaza Strip. The four men were in a jeep and died at the moment after the Zionist bombardment.

Palestinian sources reported that the four martyrs are belonging to "Al-Islam army" , one of the resistance factions in Gaza.

In a different incident in Beit Hanon, medical Palestinian sources confirmend the death of other four Palestinians after the tanks Zionist bombardment.

The tank's fire targeted the house of a family in the village of Beit Hanon. Tens of people were injured in the incident. Ambulances came to take civilians to Al-Awda hospital.

Seven people were killed and a number of others injured when an Israeli artillery shell landed on a house in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.

The dead have been identified as Khayri Hamdan, 26, Muhammad Udwan, 20, and Muhammad Basyuni, 24.

Raji Hamdan, from Beit Hanoun, and Muhammad Abu Rubka from Jabalia were both from Al-Qassam Brigades martyred  by shrapnel from a missile fired from an Israeli fighter jet. The two men were fighting the attacking Zionist forces.

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

donderdag 27 september 2007

Kolonisten plannen 5 nieuwe buitenposten op Westoever tijdens Sukkot

Een feestdag is voor extremisten aan beide kant altijd een geschikt moment om toe te slaan. Vele Palestijnse aanslagen zijn verijdeld, en een aantal wel 'gelukt', reden dat Israël de grensovergangen doorgaans sluit tijdens feestdagen.
Een groep rechtse activisten wil tijdens Sukkot 5 nieuwe buitenposten stichten, maar het leger en de politie hebben al aangekondigd dit niet te zullen toestaan.
Hopelijk treedt men hard op tegen deze activisten, die hoewel er niemand bij het stichten van een buitenpost omkomt, de Israëlische wet overtreden en er net zo hard op uit zijn vrede te verhinderen als Palestijnse terroristen.    
Last update - 06:41 26/09/2007

Settlers plan to set up 5 new West Bank outposts during Sukkot

By Nadav Shragai, Haaretz Correspondent 
Right-wing activists are planning to set up five new settlement nuclei throughout the West Bank this Sunday, during the interim days of Sukkot.

The operation, details of which were announced Tuesday, will include taking possession of the land at the following locations: Givat Ha'eitam near Efrat, Hill 1013 near Halhoul in the Hebron region, Nofei Hashmonaim near Hashmonaim, "Harhivi" outpost near Elon Moreh, and "Shvut Ami" outpost in Samaria.

The extra-parliamentary right-wing movements participating in the operation are also planning a major march to Homesh, a northern West Bank settlement vacated in 2005 as part of the disengagement from Gaza.

"This is the only way to get out of the alleyways and back to the main road, through the Land of Israel," one movement leader, Arye Yitzhaki, told Haaretz. "We will keep building communities and redeeming territory in the land of the Patriarchs."

Various rabbis have voiced their support for the operation. The rabbi of Efrat, Shlomo Riskin, who is known as a moderate, called on Efrat residents to take part at Givat Ha'eitam. Riskin's call was seconded by other Gush Etzion rabbis.

In Hebron-Kiryat Arba, local rabbis, led by Moshe Levinger and Eliezer Waldman, issued calls for the public to accompany the operation at Hill 1013.

The army and police are readying to block the activists from carrying out their plan.
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De twee gezichten van Achmadinejad (2)

Voor de VN deed Achmadinejad zijn best om dingen te zeggen die op enige steun of begrip kunnen rekenen, en deed hij zich als een vredelievende leider voor, die wil dat het recht zal zegevieren. Op andere momenten liet hij zich van een andere kant zien:
"It is quite clear that a bunch of Zionist racists are the problem the modern world is facing today. They have access to global power and media centers and seek to use this access to keep the world in a state of hardship, poverty and grudge and strengthen their rule. The great nation of Iran is opposed to this inhuman trend."
  • "We don't shy away from declaring that Islam is ready to rule the world."
  • "The wave of the Islamist revolution will soon reach the entire world."
  • "Our revolution's main mission is to pave the way for the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam, the Mahdi."
  • "Soon Islam will become the dominating force in the world, occupying first place in the number of followers amongst all other religions."
  • "Is there a craft more beautiful, more sublime, more divine, than the craft of giving yourself to martyrdom and becoming holy? Do not doubt, Allah will prevail, and Islam will conquer mountain tops of the entire world."
    "The Zionist regime is an injustice and by its very nature a permanent threat. Whether you like it or not, the Zionist regime is heading toward annihilation.  The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."
    "If there is serious doubt over the Holocaust, there is no doubt over the catastrophe and holocaust being faced by the Palestinians. Holocaust has been continuing in Palestine over the past 60 years."
    (In a speech at the opening of the "Support for the Palestinian Intifada" conference on April 14-16 hosted in Tehran)
    "Today, they [Europeans] have created a myth in the name of Holocaust and consider it to be above God, religion and the prophets ? This is our proposal: give a part of your own land in Europe, the United States, Canada or Alaska to them [Jews] so that the Jews can establish their country."
    (Speaking to thousands of people in the Iranian city of Zahedan)
    "The Zionist regime is the flag bearer of violation and occupation and this regime is the flag of Satan. ?It is not unlikely that this regime be on the path to dissolution and deterioration when the philosophy behind its creation and survival is invalid."
    Als Achmadinejad die dingen alleen maar zegt om het Westen te provoceren, waarom zijn zijn uitspraken dan het extreemst als hij voor 'eigen publiek' spreekt? Als zijn ideeën niet worden gedragen door miljoenen moslims, waarom zijn er dan geen protesten dat hij deze dingen niet in hun naam zegt?
    Ik zou graag geloven, zoals velen ter linkerzijde, dat we Achmadinejads uitspraken met een korreltje zout moeten nemen, dat met Iran best zaken valt te doen en best te leven valt met een Iraans kernwapen, ook in Israël. (Oeps, men gelooft vaak dat Iran slechts op vreedzaam gebruik van kernenergie uit is!)

    Wednesday, September 26, 2007

    Anti-Zionist and anti-American quotes - Ahmadinejad in his own words

    Following are some real anti-Zionist quotes from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
    September 24, 2007:
    Ahmadinejad about Homosexuals (Iran hangs them):
    "In Iran, we don't have homosexuals like in your country. (Laughter.) We don't have that in our country. (Booing.) In Iran, we do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who's told you that we have it. (Laughter.)"  Ahmadinejad at Columbia University
    Ahmadinejad on Islam and the West and related matters:
    (from an e-mail distributed by
    Religious extremism and martyrdom:
    • "We don't shy away from declaring that Islam is ready to rule the world." 1
    • "The wave of the Islamist revolution will soon reach the entire world." 2
    • "Our revolution's main mission is to pave the way for the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam, the Mahdi." 3
    • "Soon Islam will become the dominating force in the world, occupying first place in the number of followers amongst all other religions."4
    • "Is there a craft more beautiful, more sublime, more divine, than the craft of giving yourself to martyrdom and becoming holy? Do not doubt, Allah will prevail, and Islam will conquer mountain tops of the entire world." 5
    • "What is important is that they have shown the way to martyrdom which we must follow.'' 6 [President Ahmadinejad's comments on an aircraft crash in Tehran that killed 108 people in December 2005].
    • Ahmadinejad praises Iran for being able to recruit thousands of suicide bombers a day. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad praised his country's ability to recruit "hundreds of suicide bombers a day," saying "suicide is an invincible weapon. Suicide bombers in this land showed us the way, and they enlighten our future.??????? Amadinejad said the will to commit suicide was "one of the best ways of life." 7
    • "This regime (Israel) will one day disappear."8
    • "The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm.9
    • Israel is "a disgraceful stain on the Islamic world" 10
    • Israel is doomed to be "wiped from the map" in "a war of destiny." 11
    • Ahmadinejad said that "the countdown for the destruction of Israel" has begun. 12
    • Zionists are "the personification of Satan."13
    • "In the case of any unwise move by the fake regime of Israel, Iran's response will be so destructive and quick that this regime will regret its move for ever." 14
    • Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that the Holocaust is a "myth."15
    • "Them (the Wt) invented the myth of the massacre of the Jews and placed it above Allah, religions and prophets."16

    Iran, its nuclear ambitions and sanctions:

    • "By the grace of Allah, we (will be) a nuclear power."17
    • Ahmadinejad fired off a fresh barrage of warnings to the United Nations, saying Iran did "not give a damn" about demands to freeze sensitive nuclear work. 18
    • "Iran does not give a damn about resolutions." 19
    • "The Islamic republic of Iran has the capacity to quickly become a world superpower. If we believe in ourselves... no other power can be compared to us." 20
    • "Iran's enemies know your courage, faith and commitment to Islam and the land of Iran has created a powerful army that can powerfully defend the political borders and the integrity of the Iranian nation and cut off the hand of any aggressor and place the sign of disgrace on their forehead." 21
    • "Our enemies should know that they are unable to even slightly hurt our nation and they cannot create the tiniest obstacle on its glorious and progressive way." 22
    • "In parallel to the official political war there is a hidden war going on and the Islamic states should benefit from their economic potential to cut off the hands of the enemies." 23
    2 Pryce-Jones, David, 'A Particular Madness' Understanding Iran's Ahmadinejad, National Review, May 8, 2006
    3 Agence France Presse, April 28th, 2006
    6 La Guardia, Anton, Divine mission driving Iran's new leader Ahmadinejad's confidence, The Daily Telegraph, January 14th, 2006
    7 Cohen, Dudi, Iranian President lauds suicide bombers invincible, YnetNews, April 1st, 2007
    9 Baldwin, Tom, The state of Israel will soon be history, says Iran's President, The Times, April 15th, 2006
    10 Agence France Presse, April 28th, 2006
    11 Agence France Presse, April 28th, 2006
    16 Ghazi, Siavosh. Ahmadinejad qualifie de "mythe" l'Holocauste, ne c'de pas sur le nucleaire, Agence France Presse, 14 December, 2005
    17 Les prix du p'trole reculent avec la dissipation des craintes sur l'essence, Agence France Presse, April 27th, 2006.
    18 Agence France Presse, April 28th, 2006
    29 Agence France Presse, April 28th, 2006
    20 Agence France Presse, April 28th, 2006
    21 Agence France Presse, April 28th, 2006
    22 Agence France Presse, April 28th, 2006
    Ahmadinejad On Israel and the Holocaust:
    Source: here
    August 28, 2007
    "Zionists are people without any religion.  They are lying about being Jewish because religion means brotherhood, friendship and respecting other divine religions?
    They are an organized minority who have infiltrated the world. They are not even a 10,000-strong organization."
    (At a news conference in Tehran)

    August 18, 2007 
    "The Zionist regime is the flag bearer of violation and occupation and this regime is the flag of Satan. ?It is not unlikely that this regime be on the path to dissolution and deterioration when the philosophy behind its creation and survival is invalid."
    (Address to an international religious conference in Tehran)
    June 3, 2007
    [Friendly intentions toward Israel]  "With God's help, the countdown button for the destruction of the Zionist regime has been pushed by the hands of the children of Lebanon and Palestine . . . By God's will, we will witness the destruction of this regime in the near future."
    (Speech, as quoted by the Fars News Agency)

    March 21, 2007
    "It is quite clear that a bunch of Zionist racists are the problem the modern world is facing today. They have access to global power and media centers and seek to use this access to keep the world in a state of hardship, poverty and grudge and strengthen their rule. The great nation of Iran is opposed to this inhuman trend. Of course, the Iranian nation will stick to its rightful stance. The Zionists and their supporters do not know that they are using failed approaches to take on human values, human civilization, nations and the great nation of Iran. Admitting the right of the dear Iranian nation and submitting to justice and the rule of law are the best way to salvation and the best way out of the deadlocks they have created for themselves."
    (from a recorded New Year's message aired on Iranian television)

    February 28, 2007
    "The Zionists are the true manifestation of Satan . . . Many Western governments that claim to be pioneers of democracy and standard bearers of human rights close their eyes over crimes committed by the Zionists and by remaining silent support the Zionists due to their hedonistic and materialistic tendencies."
    (to a meeting of Sudanese Islamic scholars in Khartoum)

    December 12, 2006
    "Thanks to people's wishes and God's will the trend for the existence of the Zionist regime is downwards and this is what God has promised and what all nations want?Just as the Soviet Union was wiped out and today does not exist, so will the Zionist regime soon be wiped out"
    (Comments to Iran's Holocaust Conference)
    November 29, 2006
    [About the "Israel Lobby'] "What have the Zionists done for the American people that the US administration considers itself obliged to blindly support these infamous aggressors?  Is it not because they have imposed themselves on a substantial portion of the banking, financial, cultural and media sectors?"
    (Letter from Ahmadinejad "to the American people")

    November 13, 2006
    [Friendly intentions toward Israel]
    "Israel is destined for destruction and will soon disappear"
    Israel is "a contradiction to nature, we foresee its rapid disappearance and destruction."
    October 19, 2006
    "The Zionist regime is counterfeit and illegitimate and cannot survive"
    (as quoted by Iranian state television)
    August 6, 2006
    "They (Israel) kill women and children, young and old. And, behind closed doors, they make plans for the advancement of their evil goals."
    (as quoted by Khorasan Provincial TV)
    August 4, 2006
    "A new Middle East will prevail without the existence of Israel."
    (as quoted by Malaysian news agency Bernama website)
    August 2, 2006
    [Lebanon War] "Although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate cease-fire must be implemented."
    (as quoted by Iranian TV)
    "Are they human beings?... They (Zionists) are a group of blood-thirsty savages putting all other criminals to shame."
    (as quoted by Iranian TV)

    July 16, 2006
    "The Zionists think that they are victims of Hitler, but they act like Hitler and behave worse than Genghis Khan."
    (as quoted by the Iranian News Agency)
    July 13, 2006
    "The Zionists and their protectors are the most detested people in all of humanity, and the hatred is increasing every day."
    "The worse their crimes, the quicker they will fall." 
    "[Israel] has blackened the pages of history".
    (as quoted by Iranian state television)
    June 16, 2006
    [Holocaust denial] "I think we have sufficiently talked about this matter and these Holocaust events need to be further investigated by independent and impartial parties."
    "An event that has influenced so many diplomatic and political equations of the world needs to investigated and researched by impartial and independent groups."
    "If it is true, then the response to this question should not be solved in Palestine. The Palestinian question should be settled as soon as possible.  If it is false, why should such measures be taken against the people of Palestine?"
    (a news conference following a meeting with China's president)

    May 28, 2006
    "I believe the German people are prisoners of the Holocaust.  More than 60 million were killed in World War II . . . The question is: Why is it that only the Jews are at the center of attention?"
    "We say that if the Holocaust happened, then the Europeans must accept the consequences and the price should not be paid by Palestine.  If it did not happen, then the Jews must return to where they came from."
    (in an interview with Germany's Der Spiegel magazine)
    May 11, 2006
    Israel is "a regime based on evil that cannot continue and one day will vanish."
    (to a student rally in Jakarta, Indonesia)
    April 24, 2006
    ''We say that this fake regime (Israel) cannot not logically continue to live. Open the doors (of Europe) and let the Jews go back to their own countries."
    (In a news conference held on April 24, 2006)
    April 14, 2006
    "The Zionist regime is an injustice and by its very nature a permanent threat. Whether you like it or not, the Zionist regime is heading toward annihilation.  The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."
    "If there is serious doubt over the Holocaust, there is no doubt over the catastrophe and holocaust being faced by the Palestinians. Holocaust has been continuing in Palestine over the past 60 years."
    (In a speech at the opening of the "Support for the Palestinian Intifada" conference on April 14-16 hosted in Tehran)
    February 23, 2006
    [About terrorist bombings in Iraq] "These heinous acts are committed by a group of Zionists and occupiers that have failed. They have failed in the face of Islam's logic and justice . . . They invade the shrine and bomb there because they oppose God and justice . . . But be sure, you will not be saved from the wrath and power of the justice-seeking nations by resorting to such acts."
    (In a speech broadcast on state television, where Ahmadinejad suggested that the bombing of a major Shiite shrine in Iraq ?y Sunni insurgents was plotted by Israel and the U.S. to divide Muslims.)

    January 5, 2006
    "Hopefully, the news that the criminal of Sabra and Chatilla has joined his ancestors is final."
    (To a group of Muslim clerics in the Iranian city of Qom, as quoted in the semi-official student news agency ISNA, in a reference to the illness of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon).
    "[N]o Muslim nation would put up with this entity [i.e. Israel] in Islamic lands, not for one moment ? If it's true that the [Europeans] committed a big crime in World War II, then they must take responsibility for it themselves, and not ask the Palestinian people to pay the price ? Those countries that support this regime [Israel] were terrified at the suggestion that [Israel] should be relocated to their neighborhood. So why should the Palestinians and the countries in our region accept this entity?"
    (In a speech before an audience in the Iranian city of Qom, aired on television)
    January 2, 2006
    "[The creation of Israel after World War II] killed two birds with one stone [for Europe] ? [The objectives achieved by Europe were] [s]weeping the Jews out of Europe and at the same time creating a European appendix with a Zionist and anti-Islamic nature in the heart of the Islamic world ?Zionism is a Western ideology and a colonialist idea ... and right now it massacres Muslims with direct guidance and help from the United States and a part of Europe ... Zionism is basically a new [form of] fascism."
    (In written answers to questions from the public reproduced in several Iranian newspapers)
    December 14, 2005
    "Today, they [Europeans] have created a myth in the name of Holocaust and consider it to be above God, religion and the prophets ? This is our proposal: give a part of your own land in Europe, the United States, Canada or Alaska to them [Jews] so that the Jews can establish their country."
    (Speaking to thousands of people in the Iranian city of Zahedan)

    December 8, 2005
    "Some European countries insist on saying that Hitler killed millions of innocent Jews in furnaces.... Although we don't accept this claim, if we suppose it is true, our question for the Europeans is: Is the killing of innocent Jewish people by Hitler the reason for their support to the occupiers of Jerusalem?  If the Europeans are honest they should give some of their provinces in Europe -- like in Germany, Austria or other countries -- to the Zionists and the Zionists can establish their state in Europe."
    (While speaking to reporters at an Islamic summit in Mecca)
    November 27, 2005
    "You [the United States], who have used nuclear weapons against innocent people, who have used uranium ordnance in Iraq, should be tried as war criminals in courts."
    (During a nationally televised ceremony of the establishment of Iran's volunteer Basij paramilitary)
    October 29, 2005
    "They [the United States] think they are the absolute rulers of the world."
    (Marching in a demonstration alongside a crowd of students in Tehran)
    October 28, 2005
    "They [International Zionist and Expansionist Policies of the World Arrogance, i.e. United States and Israel] are cheeky humans, and they think that the entire world should obey them. They destroy Palestinian families and expect nobody to object to them."
    (Defending his earlier comments)
    October 26, 2005
    "Israel must be wiped off the map ? The establishment of a Zionist regime was a move by the world oppressor against the Islamic world . . . The skirmishes in the occupied land are part of the war of destiny.  The outcome of hundreds of years of war will be defined in Palestinian land."
    (In an address to 4,000 students at a program titled, 'The World Without Zionism')
    June 19, 2005
     [About the UN] "It is not just for a few states to sit and veto global approvals. Should such a privilege continue to exist, the Muslim world with a population of nearly 1.5 billion should be extended the same privilege."
    (In an interview with state television shortly before his election)
    June 8, 2005
    The UN structure is one-sided, stacked against the world of Islam.
    (In an interview on state television)