zaterdag 1 november 2008

Antisemitisme op internet

Het volgende bericht stond afgelopen dinsdag in de Telegraaf:

Arrestaties om 'nepzieken' Israëlisch leger
  JERUZALEM - De Israëlische militaire politie heeft vijf Palestijnse artsen en drie verpleegsters gearresteerd die in Israël leven en werken. Zij worden verdacht van een handeltje in valse ziekverklaringen voor Israëlische militairen. Dit heeft de politie van de Joodse staat dinsdag laten weten. Na een snel bezoekje aan een Arabische arts konden gezonde Israëlische militairen een ziekmelding krijgen. Die kostte 5 shekel (1 euro) per "vrije dag". Voor de service werd discreet geadverteerd via internet. 

  Daarop schreef iemand het volgende op zijn blog:

  "Zionisme is antisemitisme. Even geen zin om kampbeul te zijn? Even geen zin in bloedvergieten? Dan heb je pech in Israël. Ben je tegen zionisme, dan wordt je opgepakt en afgevoerd. Voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog wilde de Joden niet naar Israël. Hitler was dus een zionist en is ook door zionisten in het zadel geholpen. Zionisme is nazisme."

[ Bron: "De Nederlandse Patriot" op ]

  Het verband met het Telegraaf artikel ontgaat me, net als de logica, maar omdat de beste man naar de Telegraaf linkt stond zijn blog daar ook gelinkt. Het is moeilijk voorstelbaar dat mensen zulke verwrongen ideeën over Israel en zionisme hebben, mensen die soms op andere terreinen best zinnige dingen kunnen zeggen en logisch kunnen nadenken. Ook op de Volkskrant is weer een discussie bezig met uitlatingen als deze:

  "En ja, dan de naam van de Joodse gemeenschap in Europa; daarover is voldoende historische documentatie te vinden. Controversieel dus. En sinds de Joden hun eigen staat hebben gekregen, middels dubieuze koehandel tussen Engeland en de Joodse baron de Rothschild, is het compleet hommeles in het Midden-Oosten. Dikke problemen aldaar.

  Ik denk dat we de feiten gewoon in ogenschouw moeten durven nemen: Joden werden/worden in Europa -- terecht of onterecht is hier niet de discussie -- in een historisch perspectief met problemen geassocieerd -- ik verzin het niet -- en sinds ze een eigen land hebben, zijn er giga-problemen in het Midden-Oosten. Dat kan dan toch niet echt toevallig zijn?

  Ik pleit er dus voor om de VN een dis-erkenning van de staat Israël uit te laten spreken en dat land terug te geven aan de rechtmatige Palestijnse eigenaren. 40% van de Joden bestaat bijv. uit etnische Khazaren en komen helemaal niet uit het gebied wat nu Israël wordt genoemd, dus die kunnen dan prima terug naar hun oorspronkelijke leefgebieden; de noordelijke Caucasus. Richting Georgië dus. Die kunnen daar dan bijv. de Khazaarse staat uitroepen? George Bush is dikke vriendjes met de Israëliërs en de Georgische president Saakashvili; dus dat komt dan wel goed.

  Aldoende komt er ook weer ruimte vrij om de miljoenen Palestijnse vluchtelingen terug te laten keren naar hun land van herkomst. Uit sympathie en respect voor het feit dat er door de eeuwen heen wel eens wat Joden in dat gebied hebben gewoond, zou ik het niet meer als billijk achten om tussen de 10- en 20.000 Joden tot Palestina toe te laten. En als die groep zich dan ook weer vervelend gaat gedragen naar de Palestijnen toe, dan moet Amerika maar een gebaar maken en wat ruimte in Alaska ter beschikking stellen.

  Het probleem genaamd Israël is dus prima en op een humane wijze op te lossen."
  Sommigen beklagen zich ook over de Joodse invloed van de Volkskrant, waardoor zij nu teveel een neoconservatieve visie uit zou dragen. Vreemd genoeg werden deze mensen niet of nauwelijks beschuldigd van antisemitisme, wellicht omdat mensen weten dat dat voor hen reeds een geuzennaam is geworden en niet iets om je voor te schamen. Het op zichzelf redelijk genuanceerde artikel van Arie Elshout dat de discusssie uitlokte (een voorbeeld van wangedrag van een Israelische soldaat bij een checkpoint kon echter weer eens niet ontbreken) werd misbruikt door de bekende mensen om Israel (en de Joden) als een stelletje criminelen en de oorzaak van alle ellende in het Midden-Oosten neer te zetten: 'Israel is een kwaadaardig kankergezwel dat zo snel mogelijk verwijderd dienst te worden.'

  Ik ga bovenstaande beweringen hier niet stuk voor stuk weerleggen. Ik hoef toch ook niet uit te leggen dat er echt gaskamers waren en niet slechts werkkampen? Het Kazarenverhaal is natuurlijk onzin (en wordt overigens ook tegengesproken op de website die erbij gelinkt staat!), maar ik kom het verdomd vaak tegen, net als al die complottheorieën over de aanslagen op de Twin Towers, de macht van de Joden in de financiële wereld en de oppermachtige zionistische lobby die achter de schermen aan de touwtjes zou trekken.

  Ik maak mij zorgen, en ik hoop u ook.  
Ratna Pelle

Twee anti-tank granaten op IDF-soldaten afgevuurd bij Kissufim grensovergang

Volgens de NOS is het enige probleem met het staakt-het-vuren dat Israel de grenzen nog niet geheel heeft geopend. Behalve dat het dat ook nooit heeft beloofd, zijn er aan de andere kant ook wel wat foutjes....


Two anti-tank missiles fired at IDF near Kissufim crossing Staff , THE JERUSALEM POST
Two anti-tank missiles were fired at IDF soldiers near the Kissufim crossing, in the southern Gaza Strip, early Friday morning in the first incident of its kind since the cease-fire between Israel and Gaza factions took effect some five months ago.

No one was wounded in the attack.

IDF troops were searching the scene out of concern that bombs were planted in the area.

Since the inception of the truce agreement in June, Palestinians have fired over 20 rockets and 20 mortars at western Negev communities, but no anti-tank missiles have been fired at the IDF.

On Monday, military uniforms that were intended to be used by Hamas for terror operations were discovered by military personnel at the Kerem Shalom Crossing into the Gaza Strip. The fatigues were hidden inside a truck that was carrying humanitarian supplies and had received permission to transfer its load to Gaza from the IDF's Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration.

EU veroordeelt kolonistengeweld op Westoever

Ik geloof niet dat de kolonisten zich veel van deze Europese veroordeling aan zullen trekken, en Israel heeft, zoals ook in de verklaring van de EU staat, zelf het kolonistengeweld hard veroordeeld en treedt hier ook hard tegen op. De verklaring is dus nogal overbodig. Ook in Europese landen plegen extremisten soms geweld, of gedogen regeringen dit geweld. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan de maatregelen in sommige Italiaanse plaatsen tegen zigeuners, de problemen met bepaalde groepen moslims in verschillende landen of met rechtsextremisten. Misschien dat Europa zijn energie beter kan richten op Congo en andere plaatsen waar werkelijk van massaslachtingen en rechteloosheid sprake is, en misschien dat de EU zich in VN verband kan inzetten voor een fairdere behandeling van Israel, bijvoorbeeld door een herhaling van de conferentie tegen racisme in Durban in 2001 te voorkomen.

Last update - 19:56 31/10/2008       
EU condemns settler 'acts of brutality' against Palestinians
The European Union on Friday issued a harsh condemnation of settler violence against Palestinians after a recent upsurge in clashes in the West Bank.
"The European Union once again condemns in the strongest possible terms the acts of violence and brutality committed against Palestinian civilians by Israeli settlers in the West Bank," the EU presidency said.
The censure came after a series of violent clashes between settlers, Palestinians and the Israel Defense Forces during the current olive harvest.
The EU statement continued: "The European Union would point out that it is up to the Israeli government, which has itself condemned these acts, to take the necessary measures to stop them immediately, in accordance with its international obligations," it said.
Earlier Friday, right-wing activists rebuilt structures razed overnight by security forces at the Federman Farm outpost in the West bank.
Israeli security forces had overnight evacuated the illegal outpost, near the town of Kiryat Arba in the West Bank. This was the second evacuation of the settlement in less than a week.
Four policemen were lightly injured during the clashes that erupted during the avacuation. Reuters television footage also showed settlers throwing stones at Palestinian photographers on the scene.
Half a dozen settlers masking their faces with scarves hurled rocks at several Palestinian photographers at the scene, striking Hazem Bader, of the French AFP news agency in the head. Fellow journalists escorted him away as blood dripped from the wound.
Israel Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld confirmed that officers had been injured but said he could comment on the alleged assault of the journalist once an official complaint was filed.
Settlers blame police for clashes
The settlers blame the officers for inciting violence over the course of the evacuation. Three settlers were detained for questioning following the clashes.
Israel Defense Forces troops, Border Police and Israel Police had evacuated the Federman Farm outpost on Saturday evening.
The outpost had been home to the family of Noam Federman, a former leader in the outlawed Kach movement, and his family for about two years. Sinai Tor, a musician well-known in settler circles, had also taken up residence there.
The local settler community had struck a "price tag" policy, which called for damaging IDF and Palestinian property in response to the weekend evacuation.
Earlier this week, Attorney General Menachem Mazuz called for an incitement investigation against right-wing activists, after rioting by settlers in the West Bank that included desecrating headstones at a Muslim cemetery between Hebron and Kiryat Arba and damaging more than 80 Palestinian vehicles.
During the rioting, settlers hurled abuse at security forces personnel and called for a "revenge attack" in response to the evacuation of Federman Farm.
Federman himself was arrested on Saturday night on suspicion of assaulting a police officer and obstructing police from carrying out their duty.
He was released from police custody on Monday, when the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court slammed the police for having insufficient evidence.
Police said he forcibly resisted arrest, kicking and hitting police officers, though an accusation that he broke a police officer's leg proved false.
Federman's lawyer, Ariel Atari, said he plans to file a complaint with the police investigation department against the police officers involved in the incident.
During the rioting of the initial evacuation last week, a number of settlers were arrested for attacking a police officer, and two women were arrested after they attempted to torch a police car.
Settlers also smashed windows and punctured the tires of more than 80 Palestinian vehicles and caused damage worth an estimated hundreds of thousands of shekels to the security fence surrounding Kiryat Arba. Two police cars were also damaged during the altercations.

Yigal Amir geeft interview over moord op Rabin

Het is verleidelijk te menen dat zo iemand maar opgehangen moet worden of de rest van zijn leven in eenzame opsluiting doorbrengen, maar dat is niet volgens de regels van het Israelische recht. De vraag dringt zich bij dit soort zaken altijd weer op: hoe gaat een beschaafd land om met barbaren? Volgens velen behandelt Israel zijn eigen extremisten stukken beter dan de Palestijnse, maar die mensen vergeten dat Palestijnen vanuit de gevangenis aanslagen hebben georganiseerd en zeer invloedrijk blijven in de eigen gemeenschap. Ook zij genieten allerlei privileges, waardoor ze het soms beter hebben dan thuis.
Last update - 22:41 30/10/2008
Yigal Amir describes how idea to murder Rabin came about
By Jonathan Lis, Haaretz Service
Yigal Amir, the right-wing extremist convicted of assassinating prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, spoke about how the idea to commit the murder initially came about, in an interview with Channel 10 on Thursday.
In the interview, Amir said that he was at a wedding, which was also attended by Rabin, and realized that the prime minister was protected by only one bodyguard.
"If I were to shake his hand, I could have easily shot him, if I had wanted to," Amir told Channel 10. "I was inside with a gun. I saw that it was so easy, and told myself that in several years I would regret not having killed him."
When asked who influenced his decision to commit the murder, Amir said "all those that understand the military," specifically naming former prime minister Ariel Sharon, former Israel Defense Forces chief of staff and cabinet minister Refael Eitan (Raful), and slain extreme right-wing MK Rehavam Ze'evi.
"All the military experts said that the Oslo Accord was a disaster," Amir said, referring to the 1993 deal between Israel and the Palestinians which was signed by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Rabin.
The Israel Prisons Service was shocked to learn, on Israel's two main commercial television channels, that Amir had given phone interviews to both networks from prison. Amir was never given permission to conduct the interviews.
Amir's privileges were revoked after channel 10 aired excerpts from the interview, among them phone privileges, until further notice. The fact that Amir was able to conduct the interviews without the knowledge of the Israel Prisons Service proves that Amir's telephone conversations are not being monitored, as they have been in the past.
Last August, Amir used the prison's phone to issue threats against his wife's neighbor following a dispute between the neighbors over a burst pipe. In the past, the IPS has closely monitored the content of the phone calls made by Amir, and his brother Hagai who is also serving a prison sentence for conspiracy to commit murder. Several years ago, Hagai Amir's phone privileges were revoked and he was sentenced to another year in prison after saying to prison guards "I can have the prime minister blown up with one phone call."

vrijdag 31 oktober 2008

Palestijnse Autoriteit verbiedt Arabieren in Jeruzalem te stemmen

Sinds Israels verovering van oost-Jeruzalem in 1967 boycotten de meeste Arabische inwoners de gemeenteraads- en burgemeestersverkiezingen, omdat zij Israels soevereiniteit over oost-Jeruzalem niet erkennen. De Palestijnse Autoriteit roept hier ook altijd officieel toe op, en heeft de inwoners daar nu ook weer aan herinnerd, want de burgemeesterskandidaten voeren wel campagne in Oost-Jeruzalem en een van hen, Gaydamak, heeft zelfs een soort samenwerkingsovereenkomst met een Arabische inwoner, die zelf ook kanidaat was maar zich had teruggetrokken.
Deze zou hem nu, mocht hij gekozen worden, adviseren over zaken die met de Arabische delen van Jeruzalem te maken hebben, in ruil voor zijn steun. Dit zou een effectieve manier kunnen zijn om meer aandacht en geld te genereren voor het Arabische deel van de stad, alhoewel Gaydamak niet persé de meest betrouwbare man is. De boycot door de Arabieren, en ook de weigering van velen om naar een Israelische rechter te stappen wanneer zij hun woning kwijt (dreigen te) raken, werkt uiteraard alleen maar in hun nadeel. Hun achterstelling in Jeruzalem valt hen dan ook gedeeltelijk zelf aan te rekenen.
PA fatwa condemns Arab voters in J'lem
Khaled Abu Toameh , THE JERUSALEM POST
The Palestinian Authority's chief Islamic judge, Sheikh Tayseer Tamimi, published a fatwa on Saturday banning Arab residents of Jerusalem from participating in the upcoming municipal election.

In a separate development, the chairman of the Supreme Islamic Council in Jerusalem, Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, renewed the fatwa barring Palestinians from selling property to Jews. He also warned Arab Jerusalemites against resorting to Israeli courts to settle disputes over real estate, out of fear that their homes and lands might end up in Jewish hands.

Although the PA has previously urged Jerusalem Arabs to boycott the municipal election, this is the first time the chief Islamic judge issued such a fatwa.

The overwhelming majority of Arabs in the capital have refrained from participating in the local elections since 1967 - some for political reasons and others out of a belief that they won't benefit from going to the ballot boxes or running as candidates.

The handful of Arabs who defied the boycott have been attacked both physically and verbally.

The last-minute appeal to boycott the elections came as three of the four mayoral candidates - Meir Porush, Nir Barkat and Arkadi Gaydamak - were recruiting supporters in the city's Arab neighborhoods.

The three have also been holding low-profile rallies in some Arab neighborhoods with the hope of persuading residents to vote.

Alarmed by these activities, the PA leadership in Ramallah decided to warn Arab voters against casting ballots.

The warning came in the form of a series of statements from top PA officials and Fatah representatives in Ramallah and Jerusalem, who argued that participation in the election would legitimize Israel's 1967 annexation of east Jerusalem.

"It's forbidden, from a religious and national point of view, to participate in the municipal election either by voting or by running as candidates," Tamimi told reporters in Ramallah.

He accused Israel of committing "grave and immoral violations" against the Aksa Mosque. He also lashed out at Barkat for promising to build a new neighborhood between French Hill and Ma'aleh Adumim, east of Jerusalem.

Jihad Abu Znaid, a Fatah legislator from the Shuafat refugee camp, the only community of its kind within the boundaries of Jerusalem, also called to boycott the vote, arguing that the municipal election was illegal.

Abu Znaid said the Jerusalem Municipality had long carried out a policy of systematic discrimination against Arab residents.

"We urge all the Arab Jerusalemites to boycott the election," she said. "We appeal to the international community to exert pressure on Israel to halt its arbitrary policies against the Arabs."

Another Fatah legislator, Hatem Abdel Kader, told The Jerusalem Post that the Arab residents were not protesting only against the lack of municipal services.

"This is a political issue," he said. "Participation in the municipal election will be interpreted as recognition of Israel's sovereignty over the Arab part of Jerusalem."

Symposium: het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict en het internationale recht - 23 november

Interessant symposium met enkele zeer deskundige sprekers, voor wie wil weten hoe het nu echt zit met Israël en het internationale recht.


het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict en het internationale recht.

Zondag 23 november 2008

Ter gelegenheid van het 60-jarig bestaan van Israël, organiseert B'nai B'rith, Loge Hilleel, in samenwerking met de Stichting WAAR (Werkgroep voor Accuratesse en Authenticiteit in Reportages), een symposium over het onderwerp:

het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict en het internationale recht.

Het symposium zal worden gehouden op zondag 23 november 2008.
Plaats: JCC., Van der Boechorststraat 26 – 1081 BT Amsterdam-Buitenveldert.
Bereikbaar met Bus 62 en tramlijn 16, 24. 5 en 51.

Een beroep op het "internationaal recht" dient vaak als wapen in de strijd tegen Israël. Voor de meesten van ons is onbekend wat dit internationaal recht, dat van toepassing zou zijn op het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict, precies inhoudt.
"Het doel" van dit symposium is om daarin enige klaarheid trachten te scheppen.

Voorzitter van het symposium zal optreden: Dr. Peter J. van Krieken (Ministerie van Justitie).
Dr. van Krieken heeft  een carriere in diplomatie en vluchtelingenwerk. Hij is tevens docent Internationale Betrekkingen aan de Webster Universiteit te Leiden. Was werkzaam bij de UN HC vluchtelingen zaken. 

Als sprekers en forumleden zullen optreden;

  • Prof. Dr. F. Grunfeld, bijzonder hoogleraar mensenrechten schendingen Universiteit Utrecht en Hoofddocent Internationale Betrekkingen, Universiteit van Maastricht.
    Onderwerp: Mensenrechtenraad en resoluties van de VN

  • Mr. Dr. M. de Blois, Universiteit Utrecht, docent Rechtstheorie en Rechtsfilosofie.
    Onderwerp: Het vredespreces en het veiligheidshek

  • Drs.  D.A. Leurdijk, Instituut Clingendael. (Vrede en Veiligheid)
    Onderwerp: Resolutie 1701 en kan de VN volgende Libanon oorlog voorkomen

  • Prof. Mr. G.J. Knoops, hoogleraar Internationaal strafrecht Universiteit Utrecht.
    Onderwerp: IDF en mensenrechten (16.10-16.40)

Aanvangstijd is 13.15 uur.  Het symposium eindigt om 17.30 uur.
Zaal open om 13.00 uur, koffie, thee en frisdrank en aangeklede borrel inbegrepen.

De toegangsprijs bedraagt € 15,00. Bij voorinschrijving en betaling vooraf € 10,00.
Studenten en 65+ kaarthouders € 7,50.

Wij nodigen u hierbij gaarne uit het symposium bij te wonen.
Wij verzoeken hiervoor vóór 14 november 2008 een e-mail te sturen met uw gegevens naar e-mail of u kunt gebruik maken van ons contact formulier. Geef in ieder geval wel duidelijk aan dat het over het symposium gaat.

Uw entree kunt u overmaken op rekening: 53 92 95 396
van B'nai B'rith Amsterdam onder vermelding van 'Symposium IR'

Via de e-mail en de website kunt u ook uw vragen aan de sprekers voorleggen zodat het forum daar zo goed als mogelijk op in kan gaan en doublures van vragen  in de zaal vermeden kunnen worden, hetgeen een brede discussie bevordert.
Schriftelijk gestelde vragen hebben voorrang!

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Vergeet u niet uw naam en adres in het bericht op te nemen!

Of door vóór de genoemde datum bijgaande formulier ingevuld op te sturen naar:
Symposium IR, Postbus 75059, 1117 ZP Schiphol.

Het aantal plaatsen is beperkt en u doet er daarom goed aan niet te lang met uw aanmelding te wachten. Wie het eerst betaalt, die het eerst maalt….


Benny Morris in de Balie 13 november

Eén van de meest spraakmakende Israëlische historici houdt binnenkort een lezing in Amsterdam.
Zie voor een recensie van zijn nieuwste boek:

CIDI Algemeen

Israelische historicus Benny Morris in de Balie over:
tijd: 20.00-22.00 uur
datum: donderdag 13 november 2008
plaats: De Balie, Amsterdam (Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 10, aan het Leidseplein)
Aanmelding verplicht en de toegang is gratis.
Bemind of verguisd, de Israelische Benny Morris maakt wereldwijd furore met zijn eerlijke geschiedschrijving. Als 'nieuwe historicus' behoort hij in Israel tot de stroming historici die de staatsgeschiedenis zeer kritisch beschouwt. Zowel ongenuanceerde liefhebbers van Israel als Palestina-voorvechters zijn niet gediend van zijn onafhankelijke geschiedschrijving.
CIDI nodigt u nu uit om het zelf te beoordelen. Geeft u zich snel op via o.v.v. aanmelding Morris, of bel even: 070-3646862. 

 © CIDI, 2008

Human Rights Watch neemt anti-Israel activisten in dienst

De vaak eenzijdige anti-Israel verklaringen van Human Rights Watch verbazen niet, als je ziet wat voor achtergrond de leden van de Midden-Oosten afdeling hebben. Zij blijken actief te zijn geweest in verschillende pro-Palestijnse NGO's, waarvan sommige Israels bestaansrecht openlijk ontkennen. Eén persoon schreef geregeld voor het radikale Electronic Intifada.
Toch wordt deze organisatie door de media vaak als onpartijdige bron opgevoerd, en haar beweringen als betrouwbaarder beschouwd dan die van Israel.

October, 29 2008
NGO Monitor
1 Ben Maimon Blvd.
Jerusalem, Israel 92262
Promoting Accountability in the Arab-Israeli Conflict


HRW Hires Another pro-Palestinian Activist


The addition of Nadia Barhoum, a pro-Palestinian campus activist, to HRW's Middle East and North Africa Division, increases the political bias reflected in the activities and backgrounds of Sarah Leah Whitson, Joe Stork, and previous staff (Lucy Mair, formerly of Electronic Intifada). This is inconsistent with HRW's claimed "even-handedness and accuracy. " 

  • Barhoum was an active member in Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of California, Berkeley. SJP promotes the Durban agenda of demonization of Israel, using terms such as "apartheid," as well as accusations of "mass atrocities. "
  • In promoting divestment, Barhoum wrote: "Our university should not profit from bloodshed. Our university should not invest in apartheid. "
  • At a Sabeel Conference, she participated in a "guerilla theater action" of a mock IDF checkpoint, claiming to raise awareness that "human rights are violated" by US tax dollars (through financial support of Israel).
  • Barhoum's "Palestina" blog includes references to Israel as "a military state . . . ," Israeli "crimes against humanity," erases all traces of terror, and repeats Palestinian political messages: in Gaza, people "are starving because the israeli military refuses to open up the gazan border…. [sic]"

Nadia Barhoum's Background

Human Rights Watch (HRW) recently hired an Associate for its Middle East and North Africa Division -- Nadia Barhoum. Barhoum's background as a Palestinian activist who uses "apartheid" rhetoric and supports divestment from Israel suggests that her work at HRW will not be objective.  Her addition to the staff based in New York reinforces the anti-Israel political agenda of the senior members of the Middle East and North Africa Division. 
As an undergraduate, Nadia Barhoum, a Palestinian-American, was an active member in Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of California, Berkeley; in 2005, she was the group's publicity chair. SJP espouses the "Right of return and repatriation for all" (a euphemism for the elimination of Israel as a Jewish state), and calls Israel an "apartheid state" alleging that "the Israeli system of controlling the Palestinian people and maintaining Jewish control . . . matches many of apartheid South Africa's goals of maintaining White control over the government. " On its website, SJP claims that in 1948, "Zionist militia groups violently took over the land that became Israel" and "committed mass atrocities that led to the expulsion of approximately 700,000 indigenous Palestinians from their homes. " 

Barhoum herself has used the "apartheid" rhetoric of the Durban strategy, stating the SJP's "message . . . is to resist occupation and end the apartheid-like framework which is found in Palestine-Israel. "  Barhoum was involved in a campaign calling on the University of California to "divest from Israel," and urging its students to "join the struggle against the occupation of Palestine. " In promoting divestment, Barhoum and her fellow activists declared: "Our university should not profit from bloodshed. Our university should not invest in apartheid. " Her published article also included the tendentious allegation that "Jewish settlements stand atop recently flattened Palestinian homes, schools and hospitals. " The history of Arab rejectionism and violence was erased.

In September 2007, Barhoum attended a Sabeel Conference in Berkeley, participating in a "guerilla theater action" of a mock IDF checkpoint, claiming to raise awareness that "human rights are violated" by US tax dollars (through financial support of Israel). Sabeel is a leading Palestinian NGO in the anti-Israel church divestment campaign. Its founder and head, Reverend Naim Ateek, has repeatedly questioned Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state, and often employs antisemitic theological themes in his sermons and essays. Sabeel's conferences are platforms for the NGO to advance a highly distorted narrative of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Barhoum was also a student representative to a "right of return" conference run by Al-Awda California, another NGO involved in pro-Palestinian advocacy. Al-Awda's statements equate Zionism with racism:

Al-Awda regards the 'Israeli' definition of Jewish nationals, granting exclusive rights to citizenship and land to any Jew from anywhere in the world, as part of the racism and discrimination inherent in Zionist ideology which underlies the policies and laws of the settler state of 'Israel. '

The group's website contains an image of a placard with the phrase, "USA Stop Funding Israeli Terrorism!"

Nadia Barhoum spent a year in "Palestine" at Birzeit University and wrote a blog chronicling her travels.  In her observations, the only references to Israelis are negative and in the context of Palestinian suffering – there is no mention of terrorism and its impact. In one entry, she writes, "I'm just beginning to see how life operates under a military state . . . the economy, and political and social life are permanently and continuously penetrated by the practices of the Israeli government, military, and its citizens, namely the settlers on the west bank. "  To emphasize her message, she erases the major deliveries of food aid from Israel to Gaza, alleging, "people in gaza right now are starving because the israeli military refuses to open up the gazan border to allow food through. seriously, if that is not a crime against humanity, i dont know what is. maybe that the international community stands by in silence. [sic]"


As shown above, Barhoum's ideological agenda closely parallels that of the senior members of HRW's Middle East and North Africa Division -- Sarah Leah Whitson and Joe Stork -- and is consistent with the biases found in statements by Kenneth Roth and Reed Brody. In addition to Barhoum, the earlier employment of Lucy Mair (researcher for "Israel/Occupied Territories," 2005-2007) suggests a political bias in the hiring process, and is inconsistent with HRW's claimed "even-handedness and accuracy. "   

Sarah Leah Whitson, Director of the Middle East and North Africa Division:

Prior to joining HRW Whitson, was associated with the NGOs MADRE and the Center for Social and Economic Rights (CESR), organizations with strong anti-Israel agendas.  MADRE's "Palestine" web page employs rhetoric such as "apartheid," "cantons," and "matrix of control," and claims terrorism is simply a Palestinian "strategy" to "gain self determination. " CESR accuses Israel of "brutality," "siege" and "depopulation" against Palestinians and initiated a lobbying effort to pressure the US government to change its policies on Israel (CESR also employed Lucy Mair).

At HRW, Whitson continues to promote an anti-Israel political agenda, including when HRW joined the anti-Israel boycott movement  in 2004, and she continues to promote her biases through HRW reports and activities.  On December 27, 2005 Whitson attacked Israeli policy in a letter to President Bush condemning "Expanding Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. " As in past HRW allegations against Israel, this letter was based on unverified media reports and invoked the distorted politicized rhetoric of international law, including misleading references to the advisory opinion of the ICJ. Whitson concluded her letter by restating the overriding political objective of HRW's leadership: sanctions against Israel, including cutting US aid.

Whitson's ambivalent position on terror  is reflected in an article she published in Al-Akhbar on September 1, 2007, which refers to Hezbollah as the "Islamic Resistance" and portrays Israel as the aggressor.

"That Israel violated the laws of war does not justify the Islamic Resistance's failure to abide by such laws. … that Israel carried out indiscriminate strikes on populated areas in southern Lebanon in no way justifies the Islamic Resistance's retaliatory strikes on civilian areas in Israel. "

See also: NGO Monitor's 2008 report on HRW's activities in 2007.

Joe Stork, Deputy Director of the Middle East and North Africa Division

Before joining HRW, Stork was a highly visible anti-Israel political activist and ex-editor of Middle East Report (published by MERIP, the Middle East research and information project). MERIP's members distributed PLO buttons, posters, and flags, and its anti-Israeli rhetoric reflected the standard Marxist anti-imperialist ideology of the time. MERIP Reports carried laudatory interviews with terrorist leaders and other activists, and Stork's articles repeatedly condemned "the origins of the State of Israel and its war with the people of the Middle East."  After the murder of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games, this organization urged socialists to "comprehend the achievements" of the atrocity. ("Who Are the Terrorists," MERIP Reports, No. 12, September-October, 1972, at12-13) Similarly, after a Palestinian terror attack on an Israeli school, this organization declared that "all Israeli settlers are potential targets of the Palestinian resistance" ("Ma'alot: an Account and an Evaluation," MERIP Reports, No. 29, (June 1974, pp. 21-3).

At HRW, Stork has continued to promote this ideological agenda. Examples include a 2008 letter to President Bush, which exploited international legal terminology, repeated incomplete or false analyses of international law, and minimized or omitted Hamas' attacks on Israeli border crossings where humanitarian aid is delivered, as well as the diversion of this aid by Hamas.  In conjunction with numerous other examples, including a January 2008 statement on Gaza, these publications eschew carefully written, accurate and well-sourced legal analyses for political diatribe, loosely couched in the terminology of international law. Stork and Whitson have both avoided important and well-documented substantive criticism of their work by invoking false ideological allegations and ad hominem attacks. Whiton's September 2007 op-ed published in Al Akhbar dismissed NGO Monitor's comprehensive qualitative and quantitative documentation of HRW biases as equivalent to "name-calling and invented stories. " And in a 2005 response to Professor Gerald Steinberg (head of NGO Monitor) in the Wall Street Journal Europe, she sought to discredit him personally rather than addressing evidence. Similarly, when Stork was asked by journalists to respond to NGO Monitor's meticulous quantitative analysis of HRW in 2007, he answered "… I haven't seen this report from Mr. Steinberg, and he seldom has anything useful or truthful to say - you can quote me on that. " 

Lucy Mair, HRW researcher for "Israel/Occupied Territories" (2005-2007)

Hired in 2005 as researcher, Ms. Mair's qualifications included writing for the radical website, "Electronic Intifada" and serving as International Program Coordinator for CESR.  Her work at CESR involved sharing a platform with anti-Israel activists such as Phyllis Bennis at a "Freedom and Justice for Palestine Conference on 31 March 2001. On 3 May 2003, at a meeting of the U.N. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Mair repeated unsubstantiated Palestinian allegations that "the Israeli army had destroyed two wells in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip, that provided nearly half of the city's drinking water. Drivers of water tankers and water maintenance personnel had been physically attacked and threatened by the Israeli army and illegal settlers. " At the same meeting, representing the Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens' Rights, she alleged that "[t]he military forces were shooting at people, including newborn babies. Patients seeking medical assistance were dying at Israeli checkpoints because they were not given access to hospitals."



Staakt-het-vuren Gaza wordt waarschijnlijk verlengd

Beide partijen willen het staakt-het-vuren, dat in december afloopt, voorlopig voortzetten, al klagen beide dat de ander zich niet aan de afspraken houdt. Hamas meent dat Israel de grenzen geheel had moeten openen, en Israel dat het staakt-het-vuren gekoppeld was aan voortgang in de onderhandelingen over Shalit. Vooralsnog ervaren beide het staakt-het-vuren als in hun voordeel. De vraag is voor hoelang nog.
Overigens is er gisteren, net als vorige week, een raket vanuit de Gazastrook op Israel afgevuurd, en heeft Israel de grens daarop gesloten.

Gaza truce expected to hold until after elections
Defense officials say Hamas interested in extending ceasefire, due to expire in December, at least until spring. However Deputy Defense Minister Vilnai warns a major terror attack carried out by any armed group would force Israel to respond with heavy hand
Roni Sofer - YNET
The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip is expected to last until after the upcoming Knesset elections, the date for which has been tentatively set for mid-February.

Discussions held in recent days amongst defense officials have concluded that Hamas is keen on seeing the truce continue into spring. Representatives from both the IDF and the Shin Bet took part in the talks.

Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai warns, however, that Israel must also prepare for an altogether different scenario.

"The big fear is a major terror attack as a result of Hamas turning a blind eye (towards other armed groups in Gaza), and we would be forced to retaliate," Vilnai told Ynet.

The two crucial dates as far as Vilnai is concerned are December 18, when the ceasefire officially expires, and January 9, when the Palestinian Authority holds elections to replace President Mahmoud Abbas.

Hamas is expected to accept Egypt's proposal to extend the ceasefire beyond the initial six-month timeframe, which expires in December. Israel has already agreed in principle to the Egyptian plan. The 'green light' was given by Amos Gilad, head of the Defense Ministry's Security-Diplomatic Bureau, during a recent trip to Cairo.

Hamas says that while the truce is in the Palestinians' interests, they "have no intentions of giving Israel an eternal ceasefire free of charge unless the siege is lifted from Gaza."

'IDF is prepared for all scenarios'

Defense Minister Ehud Barak has made clear in internal discussions that a renewed wave of terror from Gaza, particularly rocket attacks, would require a serious response from Israel.

The military has been ordered to prepare for a range of possible reactions, including a full-out operation in the Strip.

Defense officials stressed that Israel has no intention to triggering an escalation in the region. "The defense minister is seeking to keep with the ceasefire, that is an undisputed Israeli interest," they said.

"This is a point we've made sure got across - transit government or not, the IDF is ready," said Vilnai. The deputy minister added that Israel is taking advantage of the calm on its borders for fortification, and criticized the government for failing to transfer an additional NIS 500 million ($133 million) to that end. But with the upcoming elections and the expected failure to pass the 2009 budget, the money may be delayed by months.

Meanwhile Hamas has launched negotiations with the various armed groups in Gaza to discuss the ceasefire. Officially, Hamas is insisting that any extension would have to entail the opening of all the border crossings and an alleviation of the blockade imposed on the Strip. The above terms were not made part of the current agreement.

Ali Waked contributed to this report

Opiniepeiling: Kadima en Likoed beiden op 31 zetels

Net als in Nederland staat de Arbeidspartij in Israël er zeer slecht voor. Likoed staat op winst, en lijkt in de comfortabele positie te komen dat het een aantal verschillende coalities kan vormen, zodat niet één partij de boel kan gijzelen zoals Shas bij Kadima deed. Er kan uiteraard nog van alles gebeuren voor de verkiezingen in februari, al zal de huidige demissionaire regering waarschijnlijk geen gekke dingen meer doen of verstrekkende besluiten nemen.

Poll: Right-wing gains give Netanyahu best chance to form next gov't
By Yossi Verter - Haaretz
Last update - 06:54 30/10/2008

If elections were held today, the right-wing camp would garner 61 Knesset seats while 58 would go to the center-left. The numbers are close, but the political difference between the blocs is much greater, and favors the right as of now, according to a Haaretz-Dialog poll conducted last night.

The poll, held under the supervision of Professor Camil Fuchs of Tel Aviv University's statistics department, shows that 30 percent of Labor supporters in 2006 - a number representing about six Knesset seats - said they would vote for Kadima. Meanwhile, 20 percent of Kadima voters in 2006 - again, worth about six seats - said they would return "home" to Likud.

Likud chairman MK Benjamin Netanyahu would find himself in the ideal position of being able to easily form a number of alternative governments: with Kadima, Labor and the ultra-Orthodox; with Kadima, the ultra-Orthodox and the right; or with Labor, the ultra-Orthodox and the right.

Although Tzipi Livni would win an equal number of seats, she would be in a far inferior position: The center-left camp includes 11 Arab MKs and two from the Green Party, which might not pass the minimum threshold to get into the Knesset.

The poll shows that currently, at the outset of the campaign, Kadima and Likud, and the two large parliamentary blocs, are neck-and-neck. Unexpected events could move a few seats from bloc to bloc, and then the whole picture could change. If the center-left bloc garners the 61 votes, it could thwart Netanyahu's efforts to form a government, but the government that Livni would form would have to bring in a right-wing element or two, which will make it difficult for her to make diplomatic moves.

Likud gains from right

The poll predicts that Likud would receive additional seats from right-wing parties Shas and the National Union, which had a weak showing in the survey. Quite a few Likud voters in the upcoming elections are those who did not vote in 2006, a number that translates into about seven seats.

While Netanyahu and the right are beginning their battle from a very comfortable position, Labor and its leader, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, are in the midst of a catastrophe. According to the poll, Labor and Shas are tied for the position of fourth-largest party in the next Knesset, after Kadima (31), Likud (31) and Israel Beiteinu (11).

Barak and Labor need no less than a political miracle to recover and extricate themselves from this predicament. However, Barak performs excellently in political campaigns, as he showed twice, in the 1999 campaign against Netanyahu and the 2007 primaries against Ami Ayalon, both times starting from an inferior position.

Those surveyed gave Barak poor marks on various issues involving suitability for the premiership, except on the question of his ability to handle Israel's security problems. In answer to the question "Who in your opinion is more able to deal with Israel's security problems, particularly the Iranian nuclear threat?" Netanyahu got 33 percent of the vote, Barak 26 percent and Livni only 14 percent.

The full survey will be published in Week's End tomorrow.

Rapporteur VN Mensenrechtenraad haalt uit naar Israël

De spelregels bij de VN zitten zo in elkaar dat Israel nooit kan winnen: de 'Mensenrechtenraad', gedomineerd door islamitische en derde wereld landen, benoemt de speciale rapporteur voor de mensenrechten in de bezette gebieden, en bepaalt ook dat dat onderwerp permanent op de agenda staat en mensenrechtenschendingen in Congo en Soedan niet. Uiteraard benoemt deze raad iemand van wie Israel geen recht hoeft te verwachten:
Falk's appointment by the UN's Human Rights Council was roundly rejected by Israel, which cited Falk's comparison in 2007 of Israeli treatment of Palestinians to Nazi treatment of Jews in Germany.
Falk told the BBC in an April interview that he made the comparison to shock Americans, adding that he felt the Gaza situation was akin to the crisis in Darfur or the repression of Tibet.
Deze rapporteur brengt vervolgens verslag uit aan de Mensenrechtenraad maar ook aan Ban Ki-Moon en het sociale en humanitaire comité van de Algemene Vergadering, die daardoor in hun oordeel worden beinvloed. Israel kon in dit geval ook zijn mening geven, maar is vaak uitgesloten van dergelijke comité's en lichamen, omdat het nog steeds niet helemaal volwaardig lid is van een regionaal blok. Zo is het ook het enige land dat nog nooit in de veiligheidsraad heeft gezeten, want daar wordt over gestemd, en Egypte of Libië wordt wel gekozen maar Israel niet.
Falk liegt dat Israel alleen maar meer checkpoints en wegversperringen heeft opgezet sinds de Annapolis conferentie, terwijl het er meer dan 100 heeft verwijderd. Falk zal ook uitspraken van Hamas waarin men de vernietiging van de Joden in Palestina een zegen noemt negeren, zoals hij waarschijnlijk alles negeert wat zijn beeld van de Palestijnen als slachtoffers en Israel als wrede dader tegenspreekt.
The Jerusalem Post
Oct 25, 2008 22:41 | Updated Oct 26, 2008 1:33
UN: Israel violated Geneva Conventions

The UN's special rapporteur on human rights in the territories has accused Israel of failing to halt settlement expansion in keeping with the Annapolis protocols and of violating the Geneva Conventions in Gaza.

Richard Falk, an American Jewish law professor who has been an outspoken critic of Israel's treatment of Palestinians, recommended Thursday that the UN resume economic assistance to Gaza irrespective of whether Hamas satisfies political conditions set by Israel.

He also suggested that the General Assembly ask the International Court of Justice to conduct an assessment of Israeli actions in Gaza and said the UN should ask Switzerland to convene a review of Israel's compliance with the Geneva Conventions.

He added that the world body should "explore its own responsibility with respect to the well-being of the Palestinians living under the unlawful conditions of occupation."

Falk, who described Israel's approach to Gaza as a "siege," pointed to the difficulty of obtaining exit visas from Gaza for medical care as evidence of Israel's "collective punishment" of Gazans.

He cited increased checkpoint security in the West Bank as evidence that the Israeli government was reneging on promises made at Annapolis, which were "specifically understood to commit Israel both to ease restrictions on movement of Palestinians subject to occupation and to freeze settlement activity."

The presentation to the General Assembly's social and humanitarian committee, chaired by the Dutch, was Falk's first since taking over as rapporteur in May from John Dugard, a South African expert on apartheid.

It accompanied Falk's report, submitted to the committee by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon in September, in which he insisted that Gaza remains under occupation despite the 2005 disengagement, and therefore is subject to protection under international law.

Israeli envoy Ady Schonmann, a human rights expert in the Foreign Ministry, appeared before the committee to criticize the report, saying that it reflected the "partisan political position which has taken root at the Human Rights Council."

The council, the successor body to the UN Human Rights Commission, has included reviews of alleged human rights abuses by Israel as a regular agenda item sponsored by Islamic countries.

Schonmann protested the "unbalanced nature" of Falk's report, which did not take into account terrorist acts perpetrated by the Palestinians and legitimized Hamas while ignoring "the fact that Hamas's own leaders continue to call for the total destruction of the State of Israel, to reject a two-state solution, to reject the Annapolis process and to declare their active support for terrorism."

Schonmann also criticized Falk for relying on anonymous sources and cherry-picking academics to support his claims.

Falk, for his part, returned the jab by criticizing Israel for refusing to grant him a visa.

Falk's appointment by the UN's Human Rights Council was roundly rejected by Israel, which cited Falk's comparison in 2007 of Israeli treatment of Palestinians to Nazi treatment of Jews in Germany.

Falk told the BBC in an April interview that he made the comparison to shock Americans, adding that he felt the Gaza situation was akin to the crisis in Darfur or the repression of Tibet.

Iran geeft bewapening terroristische groepen toe

Iran heeft altijd ontkend dat het groepen als Hezbollah en Hamas bewapent, maar geeft dit nu openlijk toe.

Top commander: Iran arming Mideast 'freedom armies',7340,L-3613477,00.html
'Not only our armed forces are self sufficient, but freedom armies of region get part of their weaponry from us,' Revolutionary Guards chief says
Published:  10.26.08, 23:10
Iran is arming "freedom armies" in the Middle East, according to a top commander of the country's elite Revolutionary Guards quoted Sunday by a military website.

"Today, not only our armed forces are self sufficient but the freedom armies of the region get part of their weaponry from us," said Hossein Hamedani, deputy commander of Iran's volunteer Basij militia.

His comments appeared on the public relations website of the Revolutionary Guards, of which the Basij militia forms a part.

Like those of the Revolutionary Guards, commanders of the militia are appointed by the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Hamedani whose military rank was not provided, did not elaborate further on what he meant by "freedom armies."

But Iran has dubbed Palestinian groups such as the Islamist movement Hamas and the hardline Islamic Jihad as well as the Lebanese Shiite movement Hizbullah as "freedom armies" since all have vowed to fight Tehran's regional arch-foe, Israel.

Tehran has always maintained that its support to these groups is merely "moral" and that it does not provide them with any military means, despite claims to the contrary by Washington.

After Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was toppled in 2003, Shiite majority Iran has been accused by the US of providing arms to Shiite insurgents in Iraq, an allegation that has been denied by Tehran.

donderdag 30 oktober 2008

"Vernietiging van Joden in Palestina is zegen" volgens Religie van Vrede

Het eerder vermelde citaat van een Hamas geestelijke komt uit onderstaande MEMRI bericht.

Interview with Palestinian cleric Muhsen Abu 'Ita, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on July 13, 2008

Excerpts provided by MEMRI

Muhsen Abu 'Ita: "Naturally, the Koran chapters conveyed to Muhammad in Mecca only rarely deal with the Jews - like in 'those who incur Allah's wrath,' which appears in the Al-Fatiha chapter.

"Hence, it is strange to find an entire chapter bearing the name of the Jews, or Bani Israil. It is even more peculiar that this chapter does not talk about the Jews of the Qaynuqa, Nazir, or Qurayza tribes.

"It talks about the Jews of our times, of this century, using the language of annihilation, the language of grave digging. Note that in this chapter, the Jews were sentenced to annihilation, before even a single Jew existed on the face of the earth. This Koranic chapter talked about the collapse of the so-called state of Israel, before this state was even established. From here stems the importance and oddity of this chapter.


"The blessing of Palestine is dependent upon the annihilation of the pit of global corruption in it. When the head of the serpent of corruption is cut off here in Palestine, and its octopus tentacles are severed throughout the world, the real blessing will come.

"The annihilation of the Jews here in Palestine is one of the most splendid blessings for Palestine. This will be followed by a greater blessing, Allah be praised, with the establishment of a Caliphate that will rule the land and will be pleasing to men and God."
To view the clip, visit  .

To view the MEMRI TV page for Al-Aqsa TV, visit .


Peres en Olmert bieden Moebarak verontschuldigingen aan voor uitlatingen Lieberman

In schrille tegenstelling tot de Egyptische president Moebarak, hebben premier Olmert en president Peres van Israel zich beiden verontschuldigd voor de onvriendelijke uitlatingen van een parlementslid, aldus verklaringen van hun woordvoerders:
Prime Minister Olmert spoke, this evening, with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and told him that he apologizes - on behalf of the State of Israel - for the crude remarks that MK Avigdor Lieberman made about him in the Knesset.  The Prime Minister added that such remarks ought not to have been heard but from the moment they were, they were unnecessary and damaging. The Prime Minister emphasized that Israel views Egyptian President Mubarak as a strategic partner and a close friend, and added that he attributes supreme importance to enhancing both bilateral relations and the peace between the two countries.
Deze uitgebreide excuses zijn een goede illustratie van hetgeen Lieberman in ondiplomatieke bewoordingen benoemde: de scheve verhouding in de relatie tussen Israel en Egypte. Dat niet alles altijd koek en ei is is een ding, en mag niet verbazen gezien het conflict met de Palestijnen en de problemen in de regio, maar er is een soort fundamentele ongelijkheid, een minachting aan Egyptes kant voor Israel. Het zou niet bij Mubarak opkomen om zich te verontschuldigen voor onaardige uitspraken van parlementsleden of andere publieke personen, antisemitische cartoons, holocaustontkenningen en wat niet al. Het feit dat Mubarak nooit naar Israel komt, en dat hij de Israelische premier doorgaans in de Sinai ontvangt en niet in zijn eigen residentie in Cairo, is hier een ander voorbeeld van. Dat dat in Israel wringt en tot irritaties leidt mag niet verbazen.    



October 29, 2009

The President of the State, Shimon Peres, Has Issued a Special Announcement Expressing Regret Over the Inappropriate Remarks Made Regarding President Mubarak and His Country During a State Remembrance Ceremony Today

In a special statement, available on video from the Associated Press, President Peres said:

"In a memorial ceremony in our parliament, one of the members made an impolite remark concerning President Mubarak. All of us are very sorry about it.  I want to make clear that we have the highest respect for President Mubarak. He is a really stable leader for peace in the Middle East. He does not stop for a moment from acting for peace. And he continues to do so.  I just talked to him on the phone, and I am so glad that he is trying to see what are the chances of furthering the causes of peace in all of our region."


MK Lieberman: If Mubarak won't visit Israel, he can go to hell Staff , THE JERUSALEM POST
Oct. 29, 2008

Israel Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman spoke out against Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday, saying that if he does not care to visit Israel, he can "go to hell."

Lieberman was speaking at a Knesset memorial session marking the seventh anniversary of former Minister Rehavam Ze'evi's murder by Palestinian terrorists.

"The state of Israel is Jewish by definition. Whoever is not willing to accept this definition has no place in this house or for that matter in any other house, from Metula to Eilat," he said. "[Ze'evi] would never agree to the self effacing attitude of Israel vis-a-vis Egypt. Time after time we went to see Mubarak in Egypt - he never agreed to come here in an official capacity as president."

"Every self-respecting [Israeli] leader," Lieberman said, would expect a reciprocal visit when making one on his own. "He wants to talk with us? Let him come here; he doesn't want to talk with us - let him go to hell," Lieberman said.

The session was opened by Kadima chairwoman and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, who described Ze'evi as "a charming and honest man, who symbolizes first and foremost the Land of Israel in its whole, complete and historic sense. The land that each of us, regardless of political persuasion, feels in the depths of our souls."

Ze'evi, the minister continued, "symbolizes mutual dependence" of Israelis on one another. Livni pointed to the dog-tags he wore as a reminder of missing captives. "Even if the names on these change, our commitment to bring the boys back home remains," she said.

"We had our disagreements regarding the correct path, but there are days when disagreements suddenly disappear and the people of Israel stand united. If he were sitting here today, we'd probably be arguing. But this is the Ze'evi who always stood his ground, to his death. we must always remember that horrible moment, when we understand who the real enemies of the state of Israel are, who are those who seek to harm us," Livni said.

Speaking after Livni, Netanyahu used the podium to describe the government he "would be heading." He especially emphasized an educational revolution based on core Zionist values he planned to implement. Netanyahu also clarified that the Education portfolio will be given to a minister from Likud.

Some MKs from Labor and Meretz left the session angrily at this point. "Can we have less politics in a memorial session?" remarked Labor's Ophir Paz-Pines. "This is an outrage," Eitan Cabel, also of Labor, added. Meretz MK Ran Cohen said "Bibi is insolent, using the Ze'evi memorial for cynical election propaganda. If this was a memorial for Netanyahu, Ze'evi would not be doing the same."

NU-NRP MK Zvi Hendel said at the beginning of his speech, after Netanyahu, "Despite the upcoming election, I will not be talking politics - I want to speak about Ze'evi." Knesset Chairwoman Dalia Itzik, of Kadima, responded "I will appreciate that a lot."

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

Nieuwe 'Free Gaza' boot mag in Gazastrook aanleggen

Het valt blijkbaar wel mee met die blokkade, want dit is de derde boot die er gewoon door komt. De beslissing de boot toch door te laten werd genomen toen duidelijk was wie en wat er precies op de boot aanwezig waren.
Waarom deze 'vredesactivisten' zich zo voor Hamas propaganda laten misbruiken is een andere vraag. Onlangs zei een Hamas geestelijke:
"The annihilation of the Jews here in Palestine is one of the most splendid blessings for Palestine. This will be followed by a greater blessing, Allah be praised, with the establishment of a Caliphate that will rule the land and will be pleasing to men and God."
Hoe kan het dat een nobelprijswinnaar daar blijkbaar geen problemen mee heeft?

Olmert allows activist boat to dock in Gaza
A boat carrying 27 far-left protesters docked in Gaza Wednesday morning, after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert reversed course and decided against barring the vessel's entrance.

This was the third small boat chartered by the US-based Free Gaza movement that has sailed from Cyprus to Gaza to draw attention to the Israeli blockade of the Strip.

Two other boats that set sail together in August were also let in by the Israeli authorities, who wanted to deny the protesters publicity.

Government officials said that a decision was taken "at the highest governmental levels" a number of days ago to stop this new boat and arrest the protesters.

But Olmert - after consultations with Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi - changed the decision at the last moment, apparently concerned about the negative publicity.

Representatives of the National Information Directorate, as well as the media specialists at the Foreign Ministry, who were preparing for the boat to be intercepted at sea, were not involved in the consultations.

One senior government official said Israel's decision to let the boat pass was made after it became clear exactly who and what were on the boat.

He also said Israel "wants to keep these agitators guessing, and not play into their hands."

The official said that the decision to let the boat in Wednesday was made on a one-time basis, and did not represent a blanket policy. He added that no decision has been made whether Israel would allow the boat to sail back, as it did in August.

The boat carried 27 crew and passengers, including Mairead Corrigan Maguire, who won the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for her work with Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland.

Maguire has been involved in the often violent demonstrations against the construction of the security fence at Ni'ilin, and was hit there last year by a rubber bullet.

One of the organizers of the sailing, Huwaida Arraf, said in a statement,"Once again we've been able to defy an unjust and illegal policy while the rest of the world is too intimidated to do anything. Our small boat is a huge cry to the international community to follow in our footsteps and open a lifeline to the people of Gaza."

Olmert's spokesman Mark Regev, meanwhile, said that the protesters and organizers of the boat were not the only ones who wanted a "free Gaza."

"We are also interested in freeing Gaza," Regev said. "We want to free the civilian population of the Gaza Strip from the authoritative, totalitarian, Taliban-type regime that is oppressing it."

Tunnel uit de tijd van de Eerste Tempel gevonden in Jeruzalem

De Palestijnse Autoriteit en Arafat ontkenden altijd dat de eerste tempel in Jeruzalem heeft gestaan, en antizionisten praten dat graag na of verzinnen er nog wat mythes bij, zoals dat de Joden van de Kazaren af zouden stammen en niet van de oude Israelieten en dus geen historische connectie met het land hebben. Het doel van dat alles is uiteraard, om het Joodse volk het recht op hun eigen staat te ontzeggen, iets wat uiteraard helemaaaal niets met antisemitisme te maken heeft.

First-Temple era tunnel found in J'lem
Etgar Lefkovits , THE JERUSALEM POST

A water tunnel dating back to the First Temple era - but that might have been used even earlier, during King David's conquest of Jerusalem - has been uncovered in the ancient City of David, a prominent Israeli archeologist said Wednesday.

The opening of the 3,000-year-old tunnel, which was found earlier this year during the ongoing excavations at the site, is just wide enough to allow one person to pass through, but only the first 50 meters are accessible since it is filled with debris and fallen stones, said Dr. Eilat Mazar, who is leading the dig at the site.

The walls of the tunnel are composed partly of unworked stones, while other parts simply use the bedrock.

The tunnel was discovered under an immense stone structure built in the 10th century BCE that has previously been identified by Mazar as the palace of King David.

The already-existing tunnel was integrated into its construction and was probably used to channel water to a pool located on the palace's nearby southeast side, Mazar said.

Near the end of the First Temple period, the tunnel was converted to an escape passage, perhaps used in a manner similar to King Zedekiah's escape during the Babylonian Siege, as related in 2 Kings 25:4, she said.

At this time, additional walls were constructed to prevent the possibility of anyone entering the tunnel from the slope of the hill and to prevent penetration of debris.

During the dig, complete oil lamps were found on the ground of the tunnel, characteristic of the end of the First Temple period.

But the tunnel's characteristics, date, and location, Mazar said, testify with "high probability" that the water tunnel is the one called "tsinor" in the story of the King David's conquest of Jerusalem (Samuel II, 5:6-8; Chronicles I, 11:4-6).

Archeologists have previously speculated that Warren's Shaft, also located in the City of David, was the tsinor referred to in the biblical account.

"The new discoveries in the excavations in the City of David illuminate the ancient history of Jerusalem and the reality described in the Bible," Mazar said.

The excavation at the City of David, which is located just outside the walled Old City across the road from the Dung Gate, has proven in recent years to be a treasure trove for archeologists.

Mazar, who rose to international prominence for her excavation of King David's palace nearby, has been at the forefront of a series of Jerusalem archeological finds, including the remnants of a wall from the prophet Nehemiah in the area, and two seal impressions belonging to ministers of King Zedekiah.

The current dig is being conducted on behalf of the Shalem Center, a Jerusalem research institute, and the right-wing City of David Foundation, and was carried out under the academic auspices of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The latest finding will be made public Thursday morning in an archeological symposium at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

woensdag 29 oktober 2008

Barak wil gewelddadige extremisten uit de Westoever verbannen

Israel neemt het geweld en de dreigementen van extreem-rechts steeds serieuzer. Als Baraks plannen doorgaan, wacht hun wellicht een vergelijkbare behandeling als Palestijnse geweldplegers.
Naast deze harde actie is het echter ook van belang de discussie aan te gaan over de noodzaak de wet te respecteren, het gezag van de staat te erkennen en te accepteren dat soms besluiten worden genomen waar men het heel erg mee oneens is. Plaatselijke leiders in de nederzettingen en rabbijnen zouden moeten meehelpen deze boodschap over te dragen.

Last update - 06:56 28/10/2008      
Barak wants to ban violent extremists from West Bank
Defense Minister Ehud Barak favors barring right-wing extremists who attack soldiers or policemen from entering the West Bank, and in extreme cases, even putting them in administrative detention.

On Tuesday, he plans to discuss the issue of law enforcement in the West Bank with senior army, police and legal officials, Attorney General Menachem Mazuz said.

On Sunday, when the army evacuated an illegal outpost near Hebron, extremist settlers cursed soldiers, with one even saying that they deserved to be killed or kidnapped by terrorists. In an interview with Israel Radio yesterday, Barak termed this behavior "very grave."

"We are already working with all our might to restrain and halt these phenomena, with an iron hand if necessary. There [in Hebron], it was words. In other cases, it is deeds - raising a hand against soldiers and policemen," he said.

"This is also a challenge for our penal system," he added. "We need forceful, uncompromising action. We are going to increase the severity of punishments for extremists. We must convince our judges that this is not just bothering a civil servant at the National Insurance Institute, it's an attempt to undermine the state's sovereignty. Such people should be put behind bars. If there is no choice, we will also have to improve our use of the Emergency Regulations," which permit administrative detention or orders barring specific individuals from certain locales.

Barak has long viewed the courts as the weak link in the struggle to enforce the law in the territories. In closed forums, he has said many judges take a lenient approach to settlers who use violence against the security forces or Palestinians.

Meanwhile, the man whose remarks aroused the ire of Barak and many other Israelis on Sunday issued an open letter on Monday insisting that his curses were not aimed at Israel Defense Forces soldiers in general, but only at a few specific individuals.

"I have never generalized about any group, and especially not about IDF soldiers," wrote Shmuel Ben Yishai, a former member of the banned Kach party. "Nevertheless, there is no doubt about what is in my heart toward those responsible for destroying the houses of two families. Them, we will not forget and we will not forgive ... Anyone who was a party to expelling Jews will not be absolved. I pray that God will repay them as they deserve, forcefully and quickly."

Later, Ben Yishai told the Arutz Sheva radio station that he would never generalize about IDF soldiers, "most of whom [are willing to] give their lives for Israel. I spoke only about the evil forces who perpetrated this criminal act against the Federman and Tor families ... There has never been anything like this since the Chmelnitzki riots."

Army sources noted that Sunday's incident near Hebron was a direct continuation of settlers' violence during other outpost demolitions in recent months.

About two months ago, GOC Central Command Gadi Shamni issued orders barring four extremist settlers from the West Bank. That outraged many settlers, and recently, there have been weekly protests outside Shamni's home in Re'ut.

Tzipi Livni verdient te winnen

Is Tzipi Livni de Israelische Barack Obama?
Ze lijkt wel te staan voor verandering, voor een nieuwe en eerlijker politiek. Helaas krijgt ze geen grote massa's op de been met bevlogen toespraken, maar ze wekt wel degelijk hoop en enthousiasme bij een deel van de Israëli's die het eeuwige gesjacher (excusez le mot), de stagnatie in het vredesproces en de corruptie zat zijn.
Misschien had ze toch moeten proberen een 'kleine coalitie' te vormen met de Arbeidspartij, de Gepensioneerdenpartij en Meretz, met gedoogsteun van de Arabische partijen. Hopelijk krijgt ze na de verkiezingen een tweede kans, want ze verdient te winnen.

She deserves to win
By Yoel Marcus - Haaretz
Last update - 08:20 28/10/2008

A few hours before her meeting with President Shimon Peres, I told Tzipi Livni over the phone that I was thinking of calling my next column "Integrity and naivete." Her response was immediate and unequivocal: "I'm not exactly naive. I know very well that there's a price that, if you aren't willing to pay it, you aren't worthy of being what you are."

So why, I asked, didn't you use the nine days you had left for forming a government? Once again, she responded quickly: "There are moments when dragging things out would not only not help, but would disgust all those involved. When you put not only money, but also the peace process, up for discussion, the time comes when you ask yourself whether you're willing to pay the price."

Sounding confident and determined, she added that she doesn't want to be a prime minister who can be blackmailed; that's a bad message to send to both our enemies and our interlocutors in the peace process. "I say, this far and no further. The election will be advanced? I'm not here to survive, I'm here to carry out my program. I'll run, and I'll win." Just like in Frank Sinatra's song - "I did it my way."

Political pundits and observers discerned a tone of unwarranted arrogance - the first of the seven deadly sins - in her conduct, decisions and statements. Nevertheless, her behavior attests to a different kind of politics. She scorned the horse-trading that was previously the norm when forming a government. To therefore accuse her of failing in the coalition negotiations is idiotic.

She did right to begin the coalition talks with her senior partner, Labor. It is not she who was responsible for the foot-dragging, but Ehud Barak, who for days and weeks didn't know precisely what he wanted. Both Labor's situation and his personal situation are disastrous. Yet instead of talking with her about the key problems involving matters of war and peace, he focused on his own personal status: Becoming the deputy premier to end all deputies, a kind of capo di tutti capi. Passing a law stipulating that even someone who isn't a Knesset member can serve as leader of the opposition.

Barak, even according to his close friends, behaved childishly. Making it a condition that he be a party to all decisions and have veto power was more contrarian than pertinent. Livni admittedly has quite a bit of power in her own right, but she is wise enough to know that on matters of war and peace, Barak is the man to consult and engage. And by dint of circumstances, the same is true of Shaul Mofaz, who also understands security and is a drawing card for Mizrahi voters to boot.

The straw that broke the camel's back was, as always, the negotiations with Shas, which has become used to the fact that every new premier comes begging to it and capitulates to its demands. Last week, I advised Livni via this column to swallow the frog called Shas, because without it, she would have trouble forming a stable government. But the frog had no intention of being swallowed. Now, in hindsight, it is clear that the matter was not in Livni's hands at all: Shas never intended to join her government. Whether this was because of Aryeh Deri, who is due to be released this summer from the stain of moral turpitude, or because Benjamin Netanyahu waved all sorts of promises at them, the fact is that Eli Yishai torpedoed the talks when he demanded that at no stage should the status of Jerusalem be brought up for discussion in negotiations with the Palestinians.

This diplomatic sine qua non on Shas' part is better suited to a partnership with Netanyahu than to a government "ready to divide Jerusalem." It could be that the old Mapainiks would have known how to kiss the 89-year-old rabbi's beard and find a formula that, whether put into writing or only agreed on verbally, would in any case not be honored. But Livni was right to put an end to this circus.

It is not clear how many steps ahead Livni thought, or whether she took into account that instead of a government of "continuity and change," to quote Levi Eskhol's famous statement when he inherited David Ben-Gurion's government in 1963, elections are liable to bring a right-wing government headed by Netanyahu to power. In the Israel of 2008, it is very hard to embark on a different kind of politics. There are rabbis. United Torah Judaism and Degel Hatorah and the rivalries within them are such that if Yaakov Litzman were invited, Avraham Ravitz wouldn't join, and vice versa. The level of cynicism there knows no bounds.

Livni tried to forge a new kind of politics. Was she too rigid? Yes. Her decision to go to the president before she had to, for instance, was hasty. But in any case, there is no doubt that she is at peace with herself. She proved that she acts according to her own conscience, and that she speaks from her heart - something that can definitely be termed a different kind of politics.

What remains to be seen is whether in the coming election, voters will grant her the victory she expects - and which she certainly deserves.