dinsdag 28 oktober 2008

Iran geeft nieuw boek uit met Holocaust cartoons en 'satire'

Hoewel Iran haar aanvankelijke erkenning van Israel in 1951 introk, bestond er een redelijke samenwerking onder het regime van de Shah. Hieraan kwam een einde na de islamitische revolutie van 1979. Ayatollah Khomeini noemde Israel 'de kleine Satan' en riep op tot haar vernietiging. De dreiging werd substantiëler vanaf 2002 met verontrustende berichten over Iraanse inspanningen voor het ontwikkelen van atoomwapens, en vooral na de verkiezing van de zelfs voor Iraanse begrippen fanatische Achmadinejad, die grossiert in antisemitische uitlatingen en dreigementen. Een stokpaardje van hem is Holocaustontkenning.
MEMRI Special Dispatch | No. 2095 | October 27, 2008
Iran/Antisemitism Documentation Project

Iranian News Channel IRINN Reports on Newly Published Iranian Book On "The Great Distortion Of The Historical Event Called The Holocaust, Using The Art Of Satire"

On September 26, 2008, the Iranian news channel IRINN reported on the publication, in Iran, of a 100-page book of cartoons on the Holocaust, which it billed as "tak[ing] a critical look at the great distortion of the historical event called the Holocaust, using the art of satire." The report included comments by an Iranian university chancellor, the book's cartoonist, and an Iranian cultural expert.

The news story also explained that the book "is an effort to expose the need to research the event of the Holocaust."

The following is the transcript of the report.

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Voiceover: "The book Holocaust takes a critical look at the great distortion of the historical event called the Holocaust, using the art of satire. The book describes the history of the Holocaust and its obvious contradictions, by means of cartoons and satirical writing. It raises questions about the Zionist claims that six million Jews were murdered by the German Nazis during World War II."

Mohammad Saeed Jabalameli, chancellor of Iran University of Science and Technology:  "In order to question the Holocaust, experts needed to conduct studies, but the important thing is that fundamental questions have arisen in recent years: If the Holocaust is indeed a historical event that really took place, why don't they allow this issue to be investigated? Why don't they let academic circles investigate this issue? This alone is an indication that it is a fabrication, with no historical validity."

Mazyar Bijani, the book's cartoonist:  "[The book] contains 52 cartoons, accompanied by historical satirical writing, regarding the way the Holocaust issue arose and became connected to Palestine. The way they managed to link Palestine to the 'genocide' of the Jewish people in Europe constitutes, in our opinion, dark satire. There is no connection between them."


Voiceover: "The 100-page Holocaust book has been released in 7,000 copies."


Parvin Pour, Iranian cultural affairs expert:  "Mr. Mazyar Bijani, our country's talented cartoonist, drew the cartoons in the book, and the writing is by Mr. Omid Mehdinejad, one of our talented poets and satirist."

Voiceover: "The Holocaust is a pretext of the Zionists to occupy the land of the oppressed, fighting people of Palestine. The Holocaust book is an effort to expose the need to research the event of the Holocaust."

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent, non-profit organization that translates and analyzes the media of the Middle East. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as background information, are available on request.
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