zaterdag 17 september 2011

Demonstratie Cairo: "De gaskamers staan klaar"


Dit behoeft verder geen commentaar...




Cairo demonstrators: "The gas chambers are ready"

The clip below, which I don't think requires much commentary, comes from Al Jazeeravia MEMRI (the valuable Middle East Media Research Center). This sort of thing is common enough that one might argue it hardly counts as news. But it's worth actually seeing these images sometimes, because they help provide some contact with reality–not the whole reality, but a significant part of it that shouldn't be ignored or whitewashed away.

I realize that there are people who think the pervasiveness and respectability of murderous anti-semitic rhetoric in some parts of the world today is no big deal (or even "understandable"), but I don't see it that way myself.

–Jeff Weintraub


Israelische en Egyptische demonstranten bij ambassades


Terwijl de Israelische ambassade in Egypte vorige week is ontruimd nadat een woedende menigte deze bestormde en het nog aanwezige personeel zowat bedreigde, demonstreren Israeli’s voor de Egyptische ambassade om hun vriendschap aan Egypte te betonen. Zij roepen op om de vrede vooral te handhaven (zie video). Egyptische demonstranten daarentegen scandeerden vorige week dat de gaskamers klaar zijn. Een groter contrast is haast niet denkbaar.








Egyptian ambassador asked to clarify statements


Foreign Ministry calls on Egyptian ambassador to Israel to explain statement that "peace with Israel is not sacred... can be changed."

Following statements made Thursday by Egyptian officials, including Prime Minister Issam Sharaf, that "the peace agreement with Israel is not sacred and is always open for discussion," the Egyptian ambassador to Israel was invited to the Foreign Ministry offices in Jerusalem on Friday for clarification. 

Foreign Ministry Director-General Rafi Barak expressed indignation at the statements by senior Egyptian officials, including Sharaf. He stressed at the meeting to the Egyptian ambassador, Yasser Reda, that the agreements should be honored literally.

In an interview with a Turkish television station Thursday, the Egyptian prime minister said the peace treaty with Israel is not sacred, and is always open for discussion. According to Sharaf, the agreement could be changed if it "would benefit the region and help create a just peace."

Thursday night about 200 people demonstrated outside the Israeli Embassy in Amman, Jordan, calling for the cancellation of the peace treaty between the countries. 

On Friday dozens of Israelis took part in a show of support for the Egyptian people outside the Egyptian embassy in Tel Aviv. They chanted for love and brotherhood among peoples.

Cairo envoy: Swift re-opening of embassy important
Our World: Lessons from the embassy takeover


Nederlandse financiering van Palestijnse verheerlijking van terroristen


Ondanks de andere, kritischer houding van dit kabinet tegenover de Palestijnen (een van de weinige goede zaken dat het doet), geeft Nederland nog steeds veel geld aan de Palestijnse Autoriteit, dat onder andere wordt gebruikt om terroristen die in Israelische gevangenissen zitten van een maandelijks salaris te voorzien. Ook gaan door de PA gecontroleerde media gewoon door met het verheerlijken van terroristen als Dalal Mughrabi.


-    In 2010, according to PA news reports, the Netherlands contributed 39,928,716 Euro to the Palestinian territories.


-    The Netherlands has funded PA salaries to civil servants which is the same budget from which the PA draws money to pay terrorist salaries and glorify terrorists.


-    Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal: "The Dutch government distances itself from these statements [of terror glorification] made on the Palestinian state television. Glorification of violence is unacceptable to the Dutch government." And "The glorification of suicide terrorism is unacceptable. When it is shown that the PA structurally condones, glorifies and/or incites to violence this must have consequences for the international support of the PA."


De regering moet aan haar mooie woorden en voornemens wat dit betreft nog iets meer daden verbinden, en duidelijk maken dat het een en ander niet langer accepteert.




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PMW Bulletin

Sept. 16, 2011

Click here to view PMW's website


PMW presents report in Dutch Parliament:

Dutch funding and Palestinian Authority glorification  

of terrorists and payment of salaries to terrorists  


by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik


In April 2011, the PA signed and published a law in the official Palestinian Authority Registry which put all Palestinians and Israeli Arabs imprisoned in Israel for terror crimes on the PA payroll to receive a monthly salary from the PA.


In addition, the PA honors terrorists who have killed civilians, presenting them as heroes and role models and glorifies terror attacks as heroic, including suicide bombings.


The PA funds these salaries and activities from its general budget, and has stipulated by law that they are dependent on "available funding".


The Netherlands has funded PA salaries to civil servants which are paid from the same budget from which the PA draws money to pay terrorist salaries and glorify terrorists. By funding salaries to civil servants, the Netherlands helps free up money in the general budget, which can then be used to pay the salaries of terrorists in prison and funding the glorification of terrorists.


Answering parliamentary questions regarding Palestinian Media Watch's exposure of PA TV's glorification of two accomplices of terrorists who murdered 34 in 2 attacks, Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal spoke out against glorification of terror:

"The Dutch government distances itself from these statements [of terror glorification] made on the Palestinian state television. Glorification of violence is unacceptable to the Dutch government."

The minister further commented:

"The glorification of suicide terrorism is unacceptable. When it is shown that the PA structurally condones, glorifies and/or incites to violence this must have consequences for the international support of the PA."

[Questions and answers,  

Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Rosenthal, 2422, March-May, 2011]


The PA practice of glorifying terrorists and turning them into role models of society is contradictory to Dutch principles and Dutch intentions with the aid to the PA.


Palestinian Media Watch director Itamar Marcus presented these and other findings yesterday in Dutch Parliament, documenting the connection between Dutch funding and PA glorification of terrorists and payment of their salaries. Read the full report below or in pdf.



PMW Special Report,

 September 15, 2011


Dutch funding  and Palestinian Authority glorification

 of terrorists and payment of salaries to terrorists 


by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik




Palestinian Authority funding

and glorification of terrorists


-    The Palestinian Authority pays monthly salaries to 5,500 prisoners in Israeli prisons, including terrorists


-    The PA honors terrorists who have killed civilians, presenting them as heroes and role models


-    The PA glorifies terror attacks as heroic, including suicide bombings


-    The PA funds these salaries and activities from its general budget




Dutch funding of the Palestinian Authority:


-    In 2010, according to PA news reports, the Netherlands contributed 39,928,716 Euro to the Palestinian territories.


-    The Netherlands has funded PA salaries to civil servants which is the same budget from which the PA draws money to pay terrorist salaries and glorify terrorists.


-    Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal: "The Dutch government distances itself from these statements [of terror glorification] made on the Palestinian state television. Glorification of violence is unacceptable to the Dutch government." And "The glorification of suicide terrorism is unacceptable. When it is shown that the PA structurally condones, glorifies and/or incites to violence this must have consequences for the international support of the PA."



PA Pays Monthly Salaries to Terrorists - Essential Facts


1.    New PA law enacts payment of monthly salaries to terrorists in Israeli prisons:
A law signed and published in the official Palestinian Authority Registry in April 2011 puts all Palestinians and Israeli Arabs imprisoned in Israel for terror crimes on the PA payroll to receive a monthly salary from the PA. [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 15, 2011] This new law called PA Government Resolution of 2010, numbers 21 and 23, formalizes what has long been a PA practice.

2.    Recipients of the monthly salary:
The PA has defined by law which Palestinians would be considered "prisoners":

"Anyone imprisoned in the occupation's [Israel's] prisons as a result of his

 participation in the struggle against the occupation."  

[Ch. 1 of Law of Prisoners, 2004/19,
passed and published by the PA Chairman and Government, December 2004.
The Prisoners' Centre for Studies,, Accessed May 9, 2011]  


According to the PA definition, more than 5,500 Palestinian prisoners serving time for terror-related offenses are recipients. [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 14, 2011] Palestinian car thieves in Israeli prisons will not receive a salary, but every terrorist in prison including murderers are on the PA payroll. The salary goes directly to the terrorist or the terrorist's family, and prisoners receive salary from the day of arrest. [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 15, 2011]

3.    Hamas and Fatah terrorist prisoners receive monthly salaries:
"The PA's Ministry for Prisoner Affairs said that its policy had always been to pay salaries to prisoners and their families 'regardless of their political affiliations.'"

[Jerusalem Post, May 20, 2011]


4.    Total amount that the PA pays in salaries to prisoners monthly:
Total: 17,678,247 Shekel (3,479,022 Euro) a month, based on May 2011.

[Life and the Market, supplement to Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 19, 2011]


5.    Terrorists in prison receive higher average salary than PA civil servants and military personnel

Salary recipients

Average monthly salary

Civil servant

2,882 Shekel (€568)

Military personnel

2,704 Shekel (€533)


3,129 Shekel (€617)

[Life and the Market, supplement to Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 19, 2011]


6.    PA salary payments to prisoners is dependent on foreign funding
The new PA law stipulates that payment of salaries "will be implemented... on the basis of available sources of funding." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 15, 2011] Accordingly, it is the contributions by Britain and other foreign donors to the PA general budget that facilitates the payment of monthly salaries to the terrorist prisoners.

continued here




PR firma PLO gespecialiseerd in repressieve Arabische dictators


Op de opmerking van de PLO ambassadeur in de VS dat er geen Joden in een toekomstige Palestijnse staat mogen wonen, kwam nogal wat kritek en vandaag beweerde hij dan ook ‘verkeerd te zijn geciteerd’. Iedereen is van harte welkom in de nieuwe Palestijnse staat, ook Joden, zo verzekerde hij. Deze snelle ommedraai is wellicht mede het werk van PR firma Bell Pottinger USA, die sinds kort voor de PLO werkt, aldus Elder of Ziyon.





The PLO hired a PR firm that specializes in repressive Arab dictatorships


This slipped under the radar.

From The Holmes Report, August 26 (later mentioned in TheJC and The Algemeiner): 


Bell Pottinger has begun providing public relations counsel to the organization that represents the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the US.

According to documents filed earlier this month with the US Department of Justice, Bell Pottinger USA has been contracted to provide “advice on strategic communications, public relations, media relations and congressional affairs” to the General Delegation of the PLO to the United States.

The appointment of the agency comes ahead of a critical UN vote on Palestinian statehood next month. However, Bell Pottinger USA president David Sowells declined to comment on whether his agency’s work would involve this issue.

According to the DoJ filing, Bell Pottinger is reporting to Maen Rashid Areikat, chief representative of the PLO in the US. Areikat serves an ambassadorial function to the US, with a particular focus on the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Bell Pottinger is no stranger to controversial Middle East assignments. The Holmes Report revealed earlier this year that the firm’s work for the Bahrain government had been suspended in light of the conflict in that country. The agency has also handled public sector work for Yemen and Qatar.


So (as I had mentioned in an update to this story) when Areikat got in trouble for saying that Jews could not live in Palestine, almost certainly it was Bell Pottinger that swooped in to do the damage control - and Politico fell for it. 

Hey, if they have experience doing PR for the wonderful leaders of Bahrain and Yemen, how hard can it be to make the Palestinian Arab mess look good?


Palestijnse september ramp voor Israel en Palestijnen


Ari Shavit toont zich in dit artikel geen optimist. Ik kan hem helaas niet echt ongelijk geven, al stelt hij het wel erg zwart voor. De mensenrechtenactivisten van weleer op het Tahrirplein hebben plaats gemaakt voor ‘dood aan de Joden’ scanderende menigtes. De haat tegen Israel en Joden was overigens vanaf het begin aanwezig in Egypte, maar dat wilden de mensen hier niet zien. Nee, Nieuwsuur nodigde liever Bertus Hendriks uit om avond aan avond te vertellen hoe fantastisch dit was en hoe de mensen daar eindelijk het heft in eigen hand namen. In Pauw en Witteman legden Monique Samuels en Petra Steinen uit dat het allemaal niks met Israel te maken had en hoe verderfelijk Mubarak was. Nu de opstand in Egypte zich van een minder fraaie kant laat zien hoor je ze niet meer.




Palestinian September is an Israeli-Palestinian disaster


Netanyahu's government did not generate the Arab spring or initiate the Palestinian September. But Netanyahu's government has done nothing to prevent what may occur when Arab spring and Palestinian September come together.

By Ari Shavit


The picture is clearing up. The Arab spring is an Arab disaster. In the coming years there will be no democracy in Egypt. The choice in Egypt will be either chaos, Islamic dictatorship or military dictatorship. In the coming years there will be no democracy in Syria. The choice in Syria will be either a bloodbath, an Alawite dictatorship or a Sunni dictatorship. In the coming years there will be no democracy in Jordan.

The choice in Jordan will be either weakened Hashemites, the Muslim Brotherhood or Palestinians. In the coming years there will be no democracy in Libya. There the choice will be disintegration, disorder or renewed despotism. Perhaps in Tunisia a real change for the better will occur.


But the bottom line of the Arab spring is that the lives of hundreds of millions of Arabs will be worse. More poverty, more crime, more fear in the streets. More oppression of women, more persecution of minorities, more hatred of the West. Monarchies like Saudi Arabia, which thwarted the Arab spring - are now emerging as responsible states. In contrast, the republics defeated by the Arab spring are turning one after the other into failed states. They are tainted with fanaticism, spreading misery and creating unprecedented instability.


The picture is clearing up. The Palestinian September is an Israeli-Palestinian disaster. The Palestinian September was conceived by two European statesmen - Bernard Kouchner and Javier Solana. Those two naive men figured if they grant international sponsorship to Salam Fayyad's Palestinian-state plan, they would force Israel to make a final-status arrangement.


But the Israelis did not cave in to the pressure. The Palestinians fell in love with the plan.


The train left the station. Now, when everyone understands the train is racing to the abyss, nobody can stop it. On September 20 the General Assembly debate will begin. At the beginning of October the assembly is likely to adopt a destructive resolution. Presumably Israel will take unilateral retaliation measures and the Palestinians will go the The Hague.


At the same time quiet mass demonstrations will probably begin in the West Bank. Neither Benjamin Netanyahu nor Mahmoud Abbas will want violence. But the two men's failure in managing the conflict will induce violence. Suffice it for one demonstrator to be killed. Suffice it for one Jewish terror cell to carry out one murder. The autumn air will fill with gas fumes and one spark will be able to ignite them.


Both Israel and peace are about to be struck a historic diplomatic blow.

But the blow's immediate tangible effect will be the creation of an uncontrollable confrontation situation in the West Bank.


The picture is clearing up. The combination of the Arab spring with the Palestinian September could create a perfect storm. Since the big Arab revolution is not offering real hope, it awakens rage and hatred. The first wave of rage and hatred was focused on Hosni Mubarak, Muammar Gadhafi and Bashar Assad. The second wave will be focused on Israel.

Facing the wave will be transient, weak Arab leaders who will have difficulty containing it.


Thus, if Palestinians are killed at Jerusalem's gates - Cairo, Amman and Istanbul will rage and storm.


If an alert squad in some settlement opens fire at Palestinians ascending on it - the Middle East will tremble.


In the newly created historic situation there are no shock absorbers. No stabilizing forces. Every isolated incident could instantly turn into a strategic one. The quiet is hanging by a thread.


The clearer the picture, the gloomier it gets. What makes it especially gloomy is the inexplicable behavior of Israel's government. The government is not launching a political initiative that would moderate the Arab, Palestinian and Turkish hostility. The government is not stretching out its hand to the Arab nations and Arab masses. The government is degenerating the alliance with the West and burning its bridge to the Arab world. It insists on positioning Israel in a way that highly increases the chance it will be hit by the storm.


Netanyahu's government did not generate the Arab spring. Netanyahu's government did not initiate the Palestinian September. But Netanyahu's government has done nothing to prevent what may occur when the Arab spring and Palestinian September come together. Instead of bolstering the Jewish national home in anticipation of the hurricane, Netanyahu's government is hacking away at its foundations.


Kolonisten sturen honden en wilde varkens op Palestijnen af, volgens Abbas


Nee, het NOS journaal liet dit fragment van Abbas’ speech niet zien. Daar legt Sander van Hoorn uit dat de Palestijnen, omdat onderhandelen geen resultaat heeft opgeleverd, nu via de VN proberen een einde te maken aan de bezetting van hun land. Maar in Abbas’ rede zat het wel, al meldt het officiële Palestijnse persburo dit niet in haar artikel over de speech.





Abbas accuses Jews of releasing Zionist pigs against his people! (updated)

The PA's official Wafa news agency has an article talking about Mahmoud Abbas' much heralded speech this evening where he declared that he would go to the Security Council in his bid for recognition.

But while it quotes or paraphrases a large percentage of his speech, there is one part that they left out.

According to a number of people tweeting the speech live, Abbas accused settlers of releasing trained dogs and wild hogs to attack Palestinian Arabs!

Yes, the putative leader of a quasi-state, in a much anticipated and important speech, used this opportunity to push absurd conspiracy theories.

It was so ridiculous that even his own official news agency seems to be too embarrassed to publish it (update: they did publish the transcript but ignored that part in the main article about the speech.)

If you want to see the ultimate list of Zionist conspiracy theories involving animals, here it is. Maybe next time he'll mention the sharks or jellyfish.

UPDATE: The text of the speech is out; I found this version at PNN. Here's the autotranslation of what he said:

What we want is to end the occupation and tend legitimacy for, occupation and practices is the nightmare that is holding our hearts, as reflected these practices continued raids and arrests and the building of walls and demolition of houses, and the intensification of settlement activities, and attacks the settlers of Bakla trees and burning of mosques and the latest training dogs to attack us and send the wild pigs to wreak land corrupt, three things which the settlers will confront us: When any person Siatdon find it, well its streets and dogs, and pigs for the uprooting of trees, in addition of course to the tanks.


(h/t Challah Hu Akbar)



Het gelijk van Golda Meir


It has been more than two and a half years since Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told to Israeli President Shimon Peres’s face, “You (Jews) know well how to kill.” Prime Minister Erdoğan has also declared more than a few times that the main obstacle to peace in this part of the world is Israel, once calling the Jewish state “a festering boil in the Middle East that spreads hate and enmity.”


Deze uitspraken van Erdogan verschenen niet in de media, waarin over het algemeen mild werd gereageerd op de harde woorden en dreigementen uit Ankara. Onderstaand artikel gaat na wie eigenlijk het beste zijn in het doden van anderen in het Midden-Oosten maar ook daarbuiten. Het is goed deze feiten en cijfers voor ogen te houden wanneer er weer eens ronkende retoriek uit een Arabische staat komt.






Why Golda Meir was right




It has been more than two and a half years since Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told to Israeli President Shimon Peres’s face, “You (Jews) know well how to kill.” Prime Minister Erdoğan has also declared more than a few times that the main obstacle to peace in this part of the world is Israel, once calling the Jewish state “a festering boil in the Middle East that spreads hate and enmity.” In this holy month of Ramadan full of blood on Muslim territories, let’s try to identify who are the ones who know well how to kill.
As the Syrian death count clicks every day to come close to 2,000, the Turkish-Kurdish death count does not stop, already over 40,000 since 1984, both adding to the big pool of blood called the Middle East. Only during this Ramadan, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK’s, death toll has reached 50 in this Muslim Kurds vs. Muslim Turks war. This excludes the PKK casualties in Turkey and in northern Iraq due to Turkish military retaliation since they are seldom accurately reported.

Let’s speak of facts.
Sudan is not in the conventional Middle East, so let’s ignore the genocide there. Let’s ignore, also, the West Pakistani massacres in East Pakistan (Bangladesh) totaling 1.25 million in 1971. Or 200,000 deaths in Algeria in war between Islamists and the government in 1991-2006.

But a simple, strictly Middle East research will give you one million deaths in the all-Muslim Iran-Iraq war; 300,000 Muslim minorities killed by Saddam Hussein; 80,000 Iranians killed during the Islamic revolution; 25,000 deaths in 1970-71, the days of Black September, by the Jordanian government in its fight against the Palestinians; and 20,000 Islamists killed in 1982 by the elder al-Assad in Hama. The World Health Organization’s estimate of Osama bin Laden’s carnage in Iraq was already 150,000 a few years earlier.
In a 2007 research, Gunnar Heinsohn from the University of Bremen and Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum, found out that some 11 million Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, (0.3 percent) died during the six years of Arab war against Israel, or one out of every 315 fatalities. In contrast, over 90 percent who perished were killed by fellow Muslims.

According to Mssrs. Heinsohn and Pipes, the grisly inventory finds the total number of deaths in conflicts all over the world since 1950 numbering around 85 million. Of that, the Muslim Arab deaths in the Arab-Israeli conflict were at 46,000 including 11,000 during Israel’s war of independence. That makes 0.05 percent of all deaths in all conflicts, or 0.4 percent of all Arab deaths in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
In another calculation ignoring “small” massacres like the one that goes on in Syria and other deaths during the Arab Spring, only Saddam’s Iraq, Jordan, the elder al-Assad’s Syria, Iran-Iraq war, the bin Laden campaign in Iraq, the Iranian Islamic revolution and the Turkish-Kurdish conflict caused 1.65 million Muslim deaths by Muslims compared to less than 50,000 deaths in the Arab-Israeli conflict since 1950, including fatalities during and after Operation Cast Lead which came after the Heinsohn-Pipes study. For those who don’t have a calculator ready at their desks, allow me to tell: 50,000 is three percent of 1.65 million.

Golda Meir, the fourth prime minister of Israel, or rather the “Mother of Israel,” had a perfectly realistic point when she said that peace in the Middle East would only be possible “when Arabs love their children more than they hate us.”

Burak Bekdil -


vrijdag 16 september 2011

Joden toch welkom in Palestijnse staat

Volgens de PLO ambassadeur in de VS werd hij verkeerd geciteerd, een gebruikelijk verweer als een uitspraak onverwacht veel negatieve reacties uitlokt.
Ook Joden zijn welkom als volwaardige burgers van de te stichten Palestijnse staat.
De Palestijnse minister van religieuze zaken bevestigde dit voor de duidelijkheid nog eens.
Dat zal het zeker beter doen volgende week in de VN, als de Palestijnen om erkenning als staat gaan vragen.

Palestinian officials foresee secular, pluralistic state

The Palestinians say they'll seek a vote on Palestinian statehood in the United Nations this month.

"The future Palestinian state will be open to all its citizens, regardless of their religion," Mahmoud Habbash, the Palestinian Authority's minister of religious affairs, said in Ramallah. "We want a civil state, which in it live all the faiths, Muslim, Christian and Jews also if they agree, (and) accept to be Palestinian citizens.

Habbash's comments come after the ambassador for the Palestine Liberation Organization to the United States, Maen Areikat, said when asked Tuesday whether he could foresee a Jew being elected mayor of Ramallah, the capital of the West Bank: "I personally still believe that as a first step we need to be totally separated, and we can contemplate these issues in the future."

Areikat, speaking at a breakfast for reporters hosted by the Christian Science Monitor, continued: "After the experience of the last 44 years of military occupation and all the conflict and friction, I think it would be in the best interest of the two people to be separated first."

The comment was carried by websites and newspapers around the world, eliciting harsh reactions from Israeli members of parliament and members of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Areikat later told other online media outlets that he never meant that Jews would not be allowed in a future state.

"I never said that, and I never meant to say such a thing," he told The Huffington Post. Areikat declined to comment further to USA TODAY.

Habbash said the state would provide protection to any Jews who remained within the borders of a Palestinian state and accepted Palestinian citizenship, "equal with other citizens." But no one would be allowed to remain armed, as settlers are now, he said.

Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas have called for a secular, pluralistic Palestinian state, says Hussein Ibish of the American Task Force on Palestine, which advocates a non-militarized Palestinian state alongside Israel.

"If Israel is to be a pluralistic society, and the 20% of Israeli citizens who are not Jewish are to be treated as Israeli citizens, it's natural that a Palestinian state should treat Jews as Palestinian citizens," Ibish said.

Michael Oren, the Israeli ambassador to Washington, said he read Areikat's comments to mean a ban on Jews.

"That's the state that the Palestinians want to declare unilaterally, without negotiations, and have recognized by the U.N.," Oren said.


Christenen betogen in Den Haag voor Israël en Jeruzalem

Christenen voor Israel organiseerde dinsdag in Den Haag een demonstratie tegen de deling van Jeruzalem. Volgens hen zijn er zo'n 3.000 mensen komen opdagen. (Klik de link voor foto's en video.)
Aan de foto's te oordelen zullen het er zeker over de duizend geweest zijn. Komende maandag wordt er in Brussel gedemonstreerd.
Het is enerzijds prettig dat tegenover de vele anti-Israel demo's en acties ook eens voor Israel wordt gedemonstreerd, maar wat ik veel liever eens zou zien is een demonstratie voor vrede, waarbij zowel Israelische als Palestijnse vlaggen broederlijk naast elkaar gezwaaid worden. Dat zie je nu echt nooit! Misschien gebeurde dat wel nog in de jaren '90, tijdens Oslo? Toen volgde ik het conflict zelf nog niet zo, maar nu is de boel zo gepolariseerd dat het ondenkbaar lijkt.
De christenen hieronder vind ik dan ook niet echt overtuigend: men pleit voor de onderhandelingstafel, maar verzet zich tegen het (op)delen van het land en zeker van Jeruzalem. Waarover moet er dan nog onderhandeld worden?
Ik denk wel dat Jeruzalem onder Israelisch bestuur beter af is dan bij een (gecompliceerde) opdeling, maar dat is aan de onderhandelaars van beide zijden. Als de Israelische regering instemt met een deling van Jeruzalem om zo een vredesakkoord mogelijk te maken, wat is dan het grotere goed? Jeruzalem betekent "stad van vrede", en Jezus stierf er zelfs aan het kruis voor het heil der mensheid. Was dat niet het voorbeeld voor christenen om te volgen....?



Honderden christenen betogen voor Israël

13-09-2011 13:02 | gewijzigd 13-09-2011 16:21 | Redactie digitale media


DEN HAAG – Honderden christenen zijn dinsdag in het centrum van Den Haag bijeen om hun sympathie voor Israël te betuigen. De manifestatie is georganiseerd door Christenen voor Israël in samenwerking met het Israël-Platform.

De deelnemers aan de manifestatie vrezen voor de gevolgen van een mogelijk op handen zijnde erkenning door de Verenigde Naties van een Palestijnse staat. Zo'n besluit zal volgens de christenen onvermijdelijk betekenen dat de hoofdstad Jeruzalem gedeeld zal worden.

Volgens de organisatie zijn 1200 mensen met de bus uit het hele land naar Den Haag gekomen om aan de betoging deel te nemen. De organisatie verwacht in totaal zo'n 2000 deelnemers.

Volgens Andre Groenewegen van Christenen voor Israël verwachten velen de komende tijd enorme herrie rond de discussie over een onafhankelijke Palestijnse staat. „Dat willen we voor beide partijen niet. Dus we doen een oproep: ga terug aan tafel om bloedvergieten te voorkomen", zei hij.

Veel demonstranten hebben een Israëlische vlag om of dragen die in de hand. Ook houden ze borden in de lucht met teksten als "Jeruzalem ondeelbaar" en "Israël voor Israël." In de loop van de middag liepen de demonstranten door de binnenstad naar de Israëlische ambassade.

De christenen roepen Nederland ook op de rug recht te houden. „Nederland vertil je niet, houd Jeruzalem ongedeeld. Nederland vertil je niet, houd Israël ongedeeld. Niet alleen volgende week, ook in de toekomst", zei voorzitter Jack van der Tang van het Israël Platform, een koepelorganisatie voor 50 pro-Israëlorganisaties.

SGP-fractievoorzitter Van der Staaij sprak de menigte toe en wees erop dat de oprichting van een Palestijnse staat „oneigenlijk, heilloos en desastreus" is. „Als we niet oppassen wordt die nieuwe staat een bron van nieuw geweld." Van der Staaij zag meer heil in het gesprek aan de onderhandelingstafel. „En wat echt helpt? Als Israël wordt erkend, als er geen pleinen naar terroristen worden vernoemd, als er geen zoete broodjes met Hamas worden gebakken. Dát helpt pas echt."

Ook de Israëlische ambassadeur in Nederland, Haim Divon, voerde het woord. Hij constateerde dat „geen ander land in de wereld kan claimen dat het al 3000 jaar hunkert naar vrede. Ik zal nooit zwijgen voor Jeruzalem." De ambassadeur zei de massale opkomst als een krachtige steunbetuiging te ervaren.

Nederland is tegenstander van het eenzijdig uitroepen van een Palestijnse staat. Minister Uri Rosenthal van Buitenlandse Zaken liet vorige week weten ook niet gecharmeerd te zijn van een voorstel om de Palestijnse Autoriteit voorlopig de status van waarnemer bij de VN te geven. Ook Rosenthal wil dat de Palestijnen en Israël weer gaan onderhandelen om het vastgelopen vredesproces te hervatten.

Op maandag 19 september, als de vierdaagse bijeenkomst van de Algemene Vergadering in New York van start gaat, houdt Christenen voor Israël een grote slotmanifestatie bij het Europees Parlement in Brussel. 


donderdag 15 september 2011

Israel evacueert ambassade in Jordanië voor protestmars

Jammer dat 'bevrijding' in de Arabische wereld gepaard moet gaan met zoveel haat tegen een ander volk en land. Misschien is er toch iets mis en moeten niet alleen dictators verdwijnen en koningen hervormen maar ook de geesten worden hervormd en bevrijd. 


Israel evacuates embassy in Jordan ahead of protests


Israel tells diplomats in Amman to come home as Facebook page calls for protest under the banner:"No Zionist embassy on Jordanian territory"; decision comes days after protesters storm mission in Cairo.

Israel evacuated its embassy in Jordan Wednesday evening, hours before a Facebook organized march under the banner (in Arabic) of "No Zionist embassy on Jordanian territory."

Unlike in Egypt, where diplomats lived with their families, in Amman the Israeli delegation serves without their families, and comes home for weekends. 

The decision came just days after the 13-hour rampage at the Israeli embassy in Cairo, during which six security guards locked themselves behind a steel door while mobs ransacked the embassy.

Egyptian commandos rescued those six security guards from the Cairo embassy, as protesters broke into archives and threw documents from the building's windows into the street below where demonstrators were celebrating.

The government has said that Israel would respect the peace treaty with Egypt, and was determined to return its envoy as soon as possible. staff contributed to this report.


Noorse kinderboeken scheppen karikatuur van Israel en Palestijnen


Wat is het grootste onrecht in de wereld, of het duidelijkste voorbeeld en symbool om kinderen te laten zien? De Holocaust, Rwanda, Congo, Pol Pot, de Gulags, Soedan? Nee, het protoype van onrecht en onderdrukking is de Israelische bezetting en hoe die arme Palestijnen daardoor zonder water zitten. Dat ze helemaal niet zonder water zitten en dat ze een hogere levensstandaard hebben dan een aantal andere Arabische staten – wat doet dat ertoe? 




Pappa er sjørøvar is a rare and fresh political picture book for children. With illustrations from Silje Granhaug, Sande takes us on a journey of warmth and importance, and asks the big questions that aren't raised often enough. Why is the world so unfair? And what can you and I do about it?


The main action in the book is the daddy of one girl named Tuva, whose daddy is stealing water in order to get it to- you guessed it- the Palestinians, if only those evil Israelis let him pass the highest wall in the world. Those Palestinians are terribly suppressed, of course, and longs to go "home", which we are led to understand is present day Israel. Of course, the situation for the Palestinians is "unjust". In order to get water through to the Palestinians (Obviously, the Israelis have stolen it) Tuva's daddy gets those brutal Israeli soldiers drunk. 



Norway: Children's book depicts Israelis as evil

Source: Norway, Israel and the Jews (Corrupting the mind of small children – Childrens book depicts Israelis as evil)

This makes any claim that Norwegian elites only want to criticize Israeli policies, but never engage in anti-Semitism ring very hollow.

As for the author, an MD and psychiatrist, it is frightening how he will use his position as an authority to contribute to inflaming an already very difficult conflict. This stinks to high heaven of bigotry, racism, and yes that horrible word, classic anti-Semitism.  Maybe the Disciplinary committee  of the Norwegian Medical Association should consider whether he is fit for the privilege he holds?  It is something really frightening when fellow medical professionals only think with their white coats, everything is a sterile laboratory experiment, nobody feels the pain, and nobody is put at risk.

Norwegian children's books



Daddy is a pirate - a book targeting kids 5 - 12 years. Best to get them young to start the brainwash!

Pappa er sjørøvar
Hans Sande and Silje Granhaug
kr 249,-
Norwegian Nynorsk
Target audience:
5-12 years

Tuva's Daddy is a pirate, and every summer he hops in the pirate tanker to maraud the seas. His mission is just as secret as it is scary. Every year Tuva asks if she can join Daddy on his travels. Daddy lines her up next to the measuring marks drawn on the wall. Hurray! This year, finally, she is big enough!
First they sail the sea in Finland. The tanker is full to bursting point, but where is all the water to go? They drive and drive through country after country, until eventually soldiers and a high wall stand in their way. On the other side is Palestine. But how will they get through the wall and to those who need the water most?
Pappa er sjørøvar is a rare and fresh political picture book for children. With illustrations
from Silje Granhaug, Sande takes us on a journey of warmth and importance, and asks the big questions that aren't raised often enough. Why is the world so unfair? And what can you and I do about it?

Children's' books are not highest on the translator's list over important assignments-usually. The book above (This is a copy of the publisher's description) is an exemption.

First of all, the title: It literally says "Dad is a pirate".
Then, the publishers: Cappelen Damm is not some fringe publisher, but on the contrary one of Norway's largest publishing houses.

Most important, however, is the text and the illustrations- and remember, this is a book intended for children age5/ 6+.

The main action in the book is the daddy of one girl named Tuva, whose daddy is stealing water in order to get it to- you guessed it- the Palestinians, if only those evil Israelis let him pass the highest wall in the world. Those Palestinians are terribly suppressed, of course, and longs to go "home", which we are led to understand is present day Israel. Of course, the situation for the Palestinians is "unjust". In order to get water through to the Palestinians (Obviously, the Israelis have stolen it) Tuva's daddy gets those brutal Israeli soldiers drunk.

The translator is not making this up.