zaterdag 8 december 2012

Status Palestina als waarnemerstaat bij VN is contraproductief


door Tjalling

Palestina is om gegronde redenen nog steeds geen zelfstandig land, maar het heeft recent bij grote meerderheid van stemmen al de status van waarnemende niet-lidstaat bij de VN gekregen. Die statusverhoging wordt in grote delen van de wereld, waaronder bijvoorbeeld het Vaticaan(!), gezien als een stap voorwaarts naar een twee-statenoplossing. Ook veruit de meeste media in binnen- en buitenland zijn daarover verheugd. Maar de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Hillary Clinton noemde de stemming 'contraproductief'.

Clinton heeft het juist gezien. De Palestijnse status van waarnemerstaat zal inderdaad contraproductief uitpakken, want het maakt de weg naar een twee-statenoplossing en een mogelijk definitieve vredesregeling er niet gemakkelijker op. Palestina heeft met de nieuwe status meer diplomatieke armslag en ze staan er juridisch sterker mee. Zo kunnen ze gemakkelijker toetreden tot VN-organisaties en een beroep doen op internationale organisaties zoals het strafhof ICC. Dat wordt dan ook in veel media nadrukkelijk gemeld. Maar die staan veel minder stil bij de plichten die de statusverhoging van Palestina met zich mee brengt. Echter er is hierop toch een kleine uitzondering. In Trouw ontdekte ik aan het eind van een verder nogal eenzijdig opinieartikel, de opmerking : "Eenzijdig is deze boodschap niet: met de erkenning voor de Palestijnse rechten komt ook verantwoordelijkheid. Voor geweld tegen Israël van de zijde van de nieuwe 'waarnemende staat' bij de VN kan geen plaats zijn". Dat is dan weliswaar een kleine winst voor Israël maar de VN moeten zich daarbij wel realiseren dat er in plaats van geweld vanaf nu een diplomatiek steekspel zit aan te komen wat een nieuwe belemmering voor de vrede wordt. Er is absoluut niet mee gezegd dat er ook een einde aan geweld komt. De suggestie dat de VN daarvoor kan of zal zorgen is geheel ongegrond. Israël heeft immers het afgelopen jaar herhaaldelijk geklaagd over de Hamas-raketten bij de VN, zonder ook maar enig succes.

Trouw meldde al enkele dagen na de toegekende statusverhoging, dat de Palestijnen dreigen om Israël voor het Strafhof te dagen vanwege de nieuwe omstreden bouwplannen van Israël. Dat is een schoolvoorbeeld van de contraproductiviteit van de nieuwe status van Palestina. Wanneer Palestijnen die namelijk gaan gebruiken om Israëli's aan te klagen bij het Internationaal Strafhof dan ziet Israël daarin aanleiding om voortaan weg te blijven van de onderhandelingstafel, die al in 2010 door de Palestijnen is verlaten. Bovendien is het zo dat wanneer de Palestijnen hun nieuwe status gaan gebruiken om de confrontatie aan te gaan en zich agressiever tegenover Israël te gedragen, dan zal Israël zich beraden op vervolgstappen. Hillary Clinton heeft dit aan zien komen. In de VN-vergadering zei ze: "Deze resolutie plaatst nog meer obstakels op de weg naar de vrede". Ze heeft gelijk, maar zal dat door de meerderheid van de VN niet krijgen. De omstreden bouwplannen van Israël, waar Touw over meldde, werken eveneens contraproductief. Dat was een reactie van Israël op de statusverhoging van Palestina.

Het standpunt van Hamas over de statusverhoging van Palestina is ook zeker geen stap voorwaarts. Deze gevaarlijke militante beweging ziet in de statusverhoging van Palestina 'een nieuwe overwinning op de weg naar de bevrijding van Palestina'. Maar dit beoogde doel van Hamas, de bevrijding van Palestina, betekent in werkelijkheid niets anders dan de vernietiging van Israël. Hamas zal de statusverhoging van Palestina dan ook enkel vanuit dat perspectief gaan misbruiken.



vrijdag 7 december 2012

Netanyahu's bouwplannen en Abbas' Palestina

Wanneer je Israel bekritiseert mag je wel in het NRC, ook al of juist ook als directeur van het pro-Israelische CIDI.
Ik deel Naftaniels visie dat de aangekondigde bouwplannen van Netanyahu onverstandig zijn en hij beter president Abbas had kunnen oproepen om verkiezingen te houden en een regering te vormen met een breder draagvlak, waarmee Israel kan onderhandelen. Nu mist hij de speelruimte om serieuze onderhandelingen aan te gaan en daarin daadwerkelijk concessies te doen.
Ik hoop dat Naftaniel voortaan ook bij het NRC terecht kan als hij Israels visie wil uitleggen tegenover een steeds kritischer en selectiever verontwaardigd publiek.
Netanyahu’s bouwplannen
do 06-12-2012

“De aankondiging van de Israelische regering om 3000 woningen te bouwen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever is een verkeerde reactie op een verkeerd besluit van de Verenigde Naties om Palestina als waarnemerstaat toe te laten”, schreef CIDI-directeur Ronny Naftaniel woensdag in het NRC-Handelsblad.

Dit besluit van de VN om Palestina toe te laten als waarnemerstaat impliceert de internationale acceptatie van de grenzen van 1967 voor de Palestijnse staat, terwijl deze nu juist door vredesonderhandelingen met Israel tot stand moeten komen.
Bovendien betreft het twee gebieden, de Westelijke Jordaanoever en de Gazastrook, die twee regeringen hebben en geleid worden door een president die nauwelijks draagvlak onder zijn eigen bevolking geniet.
Het VN besluit is een politieke opsteker voor president Abbas, maar draagt in de praktijk niets bij aan een beter leven voor de Palestijnen, de veiligheid van Israel, of de kans op vrede.

Dit alles betekent niet dat premier Netanyahu gelijk heeft met zijn bouwplannen. Hij wil met deze strafmaatregel aantonen dat niet president Abbas bepaalt wat er in de Westelijke Jordaanoever gebeurt, maar de Israelische regering. Dat maakt misschien indruk op zijn eigen achterban en op sommige Palestijnen, maar beschadigt ook het vertrouwen dat hij bereid is een rechtvaardige twee-staten oplossing tot stand te brengen. Hoe meer de 140 Joodse nederzettingen worden uitgebreid hoe geringer de kans is op een levensvatbare Palestijnse staat.

Premier Netanyahu wil de 3000 woningen bouwen in het E1 gebied dat tussen Jeruzalem en de grote Joodse nederzetting Maale Adumim ligt. Er wonen 40.000 mensen in Maale Adumin, dat zich bevindt op 7 km van Jeruzalem.
Alle Israelisch-Palestijnse onderhandelingen tot dusverre en ook het Geneve vredesinitiatief uit 2003 gingen er van uit dat Maale Adumim in een vredesregeling aan Israel zal worden toegewezen in ruil voor oorspronkelijk Israelisch gebied. Juist daarom hebben verschillende Israelische regeringen al bijna 20 jaar lang geprobeerd om het stuk E1, dat Maale Adumim aan Jeruzalem moet vastmaken, te bebouwen.
Dat leidde steeds tot felle protesten van de Palestijnse Autoriteit en de internationale gemeenschap omdat de Westelijke Jordaanoever hierdoor praktisch in tweeen wordt gesplitst. Dit zou de bestaansmogelijkheid voor een Palestijnse staat ernstig aantasten.

Door het internationale protest en vooral ook door Amerikaanse druk heeft geen enkele Israelische regering het ooit aangedurfd daar werkelijk te bouwen. De kans dat het ditmaal wel gebeurt is derhalve gering. Tussen een aankondiging om een nederzetting uit te breiden en het moment dat de eerste spade in de grond gaat, ligt gemiddeld twee jaar. In die tijd kan veel gebeuren, bijvoorbeeld de vorming van een andere Israelische regering na de verkiezingen op 22 januari.

Dat neemt niet weg dat het spierballengedrag van Netanyahu de internationale positie van Israel kwaad heeft gedaan. De Israelische regering had de Palestijnse statusverhoging beter ten positieve kunnen aangrijpen door Abbas op te roepen democratische verkiezingen te houden en een regering te vormen die een breed draagvlak heeft, waarmee Israel over vrede kan onderhandelen.

De laatste Palestijnse presidentsverkiezingen dateren van 2005 en de parlementsverkiezingen van 2006. Dat is zo lang geleden dat betwijfeld mag worden of president Abbas nog wel de geschikte gesprekspartner is. Hij mag dan wel zijn toegejuicht in New York, maar hij is vooralsnog niet eens in staat Gaza te bezoeken en Hamas aan zich te binden, laat staan dat hij het zich kan permitteren om zonder voorwaarden vooraf met Israel over vrede te praten.
Israel heeft dat herhaaldelijk voorgesteld. Voor een duurzame vrede is nodig dat onderhandelaars brede steun genieten en voldoende gezag hebben om eventuele afspraken na te komen. Abbas heeft die ruimte niet. Door verkiezingen met onderhandelingen voor te stellen had premier Netanyahu het gestrande vredesoverleg een positieve impuls kunnen geven. Hij deed dit niet, maar koos daarentegen voor het bekende, maar zinloze, recept van strafmaatregelen. Een gemiste kans!

Ronny Naftaniel
Directeur CIDI

Dit artikel verscheen 5 december 2012 in het NRC-Handelsblad


woensdag 5 december 2012

Hoe betrouwbaar is onderzoek dood Arafat?


De media hebben de afgelopen week weer een hoop aandacht besteed aan de Arafat onzin. Nergens werd daarbij vermeld dat de hoeveelheden polonium die eerder waren gevonden zo hoog waren dat ze Arafat binnen enkele uren ipv. weken gedood zouden hebben; als dit polonium inderdaad de doodsoorzaak zou zijn geweest. De  alternatieve verklaring zou zijn dat dit polonium pas jaren later op de kleding van Arafat werd aangebracht.


Is it possible that the Russians instructed the Arab pathologist how he could brush trace amounts of polonium on Arafat's tissue samples before he gave them to the team? (Could the same have happened with Suha, which would explain why such abnormally large amounts of polonium were found - amounts that would have indicated Arafat had ingested enough to have been killed within hours, not weeks?)




Arafat death investigation already looking like a sham


If you thought that the exhumation of Arafat was completely transparent, think again:


Around 60 samples were taken from the remains of the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat for a probe into whether he was poisoned by polonium, a Swiss newspaper reported Sunday, quoting a lead investigator.

The samples were distributed among three teams doing separate analyses eight years after Arafat's death in a French hospital, Patrice Mangin told Le Matin Dimanche.

A Palestinian pathologist was the only person allowed to touch the body when Arafat's grave was opened on Tuesday in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

He was able to "take all the samples that were wanted, around 60 in total," said Mangin, the director of the Swiss University Center of Legal Medicine in Lausanne.

OK, that's the second irregularity around this investigation. 

The first one was why are Russians involved in the investigation, together with the Swiss (who did the initial testing on Arafat's personal items) and the French (since Arafat died in Paris.) What do the Russians have to do with it - except for the fact that they happen to live where polonium is most available?

Is it possible that the Russians instructed the Arab pathologist how he could brush trace amounts of polonium on Arafat's tissue samples before he gave them to the team? (Could the same have happened with Suha, which would explain why such 
abnormally large amounts of polonium were found - amounts that would have indicated Arafat had ingested enough to have been killed within hours, not weeks?)

I can see no valid reason to stop the Swiss and French from taking the tissue samples directly. the unfortunate fact is that any Palestinian Arab involved in the investigation is automatically suspect - because the PLO has
 publicly called Arafat's death a "murder" for years.



Hamas plaatst trainingskampen naast scholen


Hier is nog een duidelijk voorbeeld van hoe dichtbij een school een Hamas trainingskamp ligt, waardoor de kans op onschuldige doden bij een Israelische tegenaanval natuurlijk groot is. De school ligt, aldus het Palestijnse PCHR, slechts 12 meter van het kamp. Op de foto van de buurt is ook heel duidelijk te zien dat de trainingskampen en scholen erg dicht bij elkaar liggen. De kans dat dat toeval is en alleen daar nog plek was, lijkt me nihil. Om Gaza stad en andere steden heen is nog voldoende onbebouwde ruimte voor Hamas om veel ruimere trainingskampen en wapenopslagplaatsen te bouwen dan middenin dichtbevolkte wijken. Ook de raketlanceerinstallaties liggen allemaal in de wijk pal naast huizen of scholen en sommige zelfs binnen een school. Het oorlogsrecht verbiedt het om burgers op deze manier tot legitiem doelwit voor de vijand te maken, zoals zij ook het afvuren van raketten op burgerdoelen verbiedt. Wanneer de VN daadwerkelijk neutraal zou zijn, zou Israel zich dan ook geen enkele zorgen hoeven maken over eventuele Palestijnse klachten, en zelf des te meer kans maken met een aanklacht tegen de Palestijnen vanwege grove schendingen van het oorlogsrecht. Helaas is de VN verre van neutraal.





PCHR sort-of admits Hamas uses kids as human shields


A nice find by Henrik, from PCHR last February:


At approximately 00:30 (Feb. 19), an IOF [sic] warplane fired a missile at a training site used by Izz Addin al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, in Yafa Street, east of al-Tuffah neighborhood in the east of Gaza City. The bombardment resulted in damages to the neighboring establishments, especially Gaza Martyrs Boys Basic School. The windows of the school crushed and damages were caused to the exhibit, the library and the book store in the school. Around 600 students attend this school which employs 23 teachers. The school which measures 4 donums is located 12 meters to the east of the targeted site.


PCHR admits here (without condemnation, of course) that Hamas placed a military site only 12 meters away from a school! (Or, perhaps, they placed the school meters away from their military site.)

According to, there is a hospital across the street from the school, too.

The Mohammed Al Dura Hospital.

Here is an IDF photo of that neighborhood prior to Cast Lead.


maandag 3 december 2012

Hamas: Staat Palestina heeft gewapende strijd tegen Israel nodig


Tegelijkertijd roept Hamas op om het van de lijst van terroristische organisaties te verwijderen.

“The PLO has paid a heavy political price for this representation because it relinquished its claim to the lands of 1948,” Hamdan said. “Therefore, the real achievement lies in the liberation of the land, the return of the refugees and achieving steadfastness on the land. These are the achievements which the people respect and appreciate.”

The Hamas leader said that the UN vote in favor of upgrading the Palestinians’ status would be considered a political achievement “only if it were part of a comprehensive strategy for liberation, with the resistance being its main basis.”


Voor wie dit nog niet duidelijk genoeg is, zegt hij vervolgens dat men ‘Palestina wil bevrijden, van de rivier tot de zee’.

Dus: nee, Hamas wil geen vrede, en het feit dat men de statusverhoging steunde, betekent niet dat men impliciet ook een tweestatenoplossing heeft geaccepteerd. 





Hamas: State needs armed struggle with Israel


12/03/2012 02:28

Osama Hamdan says Palestinian state without an armed struggle against Israel is an illusion, won't add anything for Palestinians.


A Palestinian state without an armed struggle against Israel is an illusion and won’t add anything for the Palestinians, top Hamas official Osama Hamdan was quoted Sunday as saying.

Hamdan, who is based in Beirut, said that the result of the UN General Assembly vote last Thursday on the statehood bid was a “political step, but not a victory or great achievement.”

He pointed out that the PLO already had representation in the UN.

“The PLO has paid a heavy political price for this representation because it relinquished its claim to the lands of 1948,” Hamdan said. “Therefore, the real achievement lies in the liberation of the land, the return of the refugees and achieving steadfastness on the land. These are the achievements which the people respect and appreciate.”

The Hamas leader said that the UN vote in favor of upgrading the Palestinians’ status would be considered a political achievement “only if it were part of a comprehensive strategy for liberation, with the resistance being its main basis.”

Hamdan explained that Hamas had welcomed the statehood bid “because it reflected the international community’s readiness to fix what it corrupted in Palestine.”

He also reiterated Hamas’s commitment to the armed struggle against Israel. He said that his movement would continue to seek the “liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.”


Nog vier terroristen uit Gaza die ten onrechte als burgers werden aangeduid


Het volgende deel van deze serie, met direct twee afleveringen. Hier zijn alle afleveringen terug te zien:  

Bedenk daarbij, dat het PCHR als een betrouwbare bron geldt voor onze media, waarvan men de cijfers wat betreft door Israel gedode Palestijnen klakkeloos overneemt. 



Today's fake PCHR "civilians"  


From PCHR:

At approximately 08:00 (November 17th) , Israeli warplanes attacked a number of 3 young men in al-Maghazi refugee camp, killing them: Ali Abdul Halim al-Manaama, 24; Ussama Mousa Abdul Jawad, 27; and Ashraf Hassan Darwish, 22.

PCHR does not identify them as "militants," but all three were terrorists.

The obituary for Darwish explains that he joined the Qassam Brigades in 2007, after attending UNRWA schools. Here he is:

The other two have not yet been memorialized at the Qassam site, but Qassam Brigades memorial posters for them have already been published:








And another:

At approximately 19:50, Israeli warplanes attacked a number of young men who were sitting near a house belonging to Ahmed Mohammed Jaddou Abu Jalal, 43, a member of an armed group, in al-Maghazi refugee camp. He was killed together with 3 civilians, including his brother: Amjad Mohammed Jaddou Abu Jalal, 33 .

Amjad was no civilian. His obituary at the Al Qassam site notes he joined the terror group in 2005, where is is praised for firing Qassam rockets and mortars at "settlements," as well as for working on weapons tunnels and for fighting during Cast Lead.




Today's fake PCHR "civilian"  


From PCHR:

At approximately 21:00 [November 16], an Israeli warplane attacked a motorcycle on which Khaled Khalil Ali al-Shaer, 25, was traveling near Saladin Street. He was killed and 2 persons were wounded.

Once again, PCHR does not identify the casualty as a "militant" as they do with some of the others. Meaning that they counted him as one of the supposed "civilians" killed in Gaza.

And once again, they are lying.

The Al Qassam Brigades website notes that Shaer joined Hamas in high school and joined the Qassam Brigades in 2006, where he was a camp leader. He also attended the "Abu Bara Military Academy" of the Qassam Brigades, taking several military courses. He also fought during Cast Lead.

Other fake civilians can be seen on this tag. 


Alan Dershowitz over juridische consequenties VN-resolutie Palestina


Dershowitz is zeer negatief over de gevolgen van de VN stemming over de status van Palestina afgelopen donderdag. Het is geen erkenning voor een tweestatenoplossing, want een deel van de landen die voor stemden erkennen Israel helemaal niet. Het zal ook niet bijdragen aan vrede:

Neither will the General Assembly's actions move the Palestinians closer to accepting the ongoing Israeli offer to begin negotiations toward a two state solution with no prior conditions.  The Palestinians now have little incentive to negotiate a state, which would require considerable compromise and sacrifice on all sides.  They now think they can get their state recognized without the need to give up the right of return or to make the kinds of territorial compromises necessary for Israel's security.  The United Nations action will only discourage the Palestinians from entering into serious negotiations with Israel.

Dershowitz plaatst deze stemming in het kader van de vele anti-Israel resoluties die de Algemene Vergadering heeft aangenomen, waarvan de bekendste ongetwijfeld de zionisme is racisme resolutie uit 1975. Ook veel VN instituties zijn eenzijdig anti-Israel, en er zijn zelfs speciale organisaties alleen voor de Palestijnen, zoals de Divisie voor Palestijnse rechten, de CEIRPP (Comité voor het Uitoefenen van de Onvervreemdbare Rechten van het Palestijnse Volk) en de SCIIHRP (Speciale Comité tot Onderzoek van Israëlische Praktijken Betreffende de Mensenrechten van het Palestijnse Volk en Andere Arabieren van de Bezette Gebieden). Ook wordt Israel door het Aziatische blok uit allerlei VN functies en instituties gehouden, die via de regionale geografische blokken worden verdeeld. En dan hebben we het nog niet over de VN mensenrechtenraad, een raad die wordt gedomineerd door (islamitische) dictaturen en zich daarom bijna uitsluitend op Israel richt in haar kritiek.

Zie ook: The UN and the question of Palestine  





Dershowitz: Legal Implication of the United Nations Resolution on Palestine

DECEMBER 2, 2012 2:10 AM  

Author:  Alan Dershowitz


The General Assembly vote declaring that Palestine, within the pre-1967 borders, is a "state", at least for some purposes, would have nasty legal implications, if it were ever to be taken seriously by the international community.  It would mean that Israel, which captured some Jordanian territory after Jordan attacked West Jerusalem in 1967, is illegally occupying the Western Wall (Judaism's holiest site), the Jewish Quarter of old Jerusalem (where Jews have lived for thousands of years), the access road to the Hebrew University (which was established well before Israel even became a state) and other areas necessary to the security of its citizens.  It would also mean that Security Council Resolution 242, whose purpose it was to allow Israel to hold onto some of the territories captured during its defensive 1967 war, would be overruled by a General Assembly vote—something the United Nations Charter explicitly forbids. It would be the first time in history that a nation was required to return all land lawfully captured in a defensive war.

If all the territory captured by Israel in its defensive war is being illegally occupied then it might be open to the newly recognized "Palestinian State" to try to bring a case before the International Criminal Court against Israeli political and military leaders who are involved in the occupation.  This would mean that virtually every Israeli leader could be placed on trial.  What this would entail realistically is that they could not travel to countries which might extradite them for trial in the Hague.

These absurd conclusions follow from the theater of the absurd that occurred when the General Assembly, for the thousandth time, issued an irrelevantly one sided declaration on Palestine.  As Abba Eban once put it:  "If Algeria introduced a General Assembly Resolution that the world was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass 100 to 10 with 50 abstentions."  That's pretty much what happened the other day.  I wonder whether the European countries that voted for the Resolution knew what a tangled web they were weaving.

Nor was this Resolution a recognition of the two-state solution, since a considerable number of states who voted for it have refused to recognize Israel'sright to exist.  What they were looking for was a one state resolution—that one state being yet another Islamic country that voted for Hamas in the last election and that is likely to be governed by Sharia Law that will not allow Jews or Christians equal rights.

Neither will the General Assembly's actions move the Palestinians closer to accepting the ongoing Israeli offer to begin negotiations toward a two state solution with no prior conditions.  The Palestinians now have little incentive to negotiate a state, which would require considerable compromise and sacrifice on all sides.  They now think they can get their state recognized without the need to give up the right of return or to make the kinds of territorial compromises necessary for Israel's security.  The United Nations action will only discourage the Palestinians from entering into serious negotiations with Israel.

The United Nations' action will also incentivize Hamas to continue firing rockets into Israel on a periodic basis in order to provoke Israeli retaliation.  Many in Hamas believe that the recent fighting in Gaza actually helped the Palestinians get more votes in the General Assembly.  They are certainly taking some of the credit for these votes.

All in all, the United Nations vote will make it harder to achieve a peaceful two state solution, acceptable to both sides.  But that has been the history of General Assembly actions with regard to Israel, beginning with the lopsided vote in 1975 that challenged Israel's very existence by declaring Zionism—the national liberation movement of the Jewish people—to be a form of racism.  Although the General Assembly was ultimately pressured into rescinding that blood libel, its bigoted spirit still hovers over numerous United Nations agencies which continue to regard Israel as a pariah.  It could be felt in the General Assembly hall when so many countries that refused to recognize Israel voted to recognize Palestine.

This is all a prescription for continued warfare, lawfare and enmity.  It is not a prescription for resolving a complex and difficult issue in a realistic manner.  But what else is new at the United Nations!


zondag 2 december 2012

Status of Palestine in the United Nations (A/RES/67/19) Full Text

Status of Palestine in the United Nations (A/RES/67/19) Full Text

Status of Palestine in the United Nations

Voting record / Wikipedia article

The General Assembly,

Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and stressing in this regard the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples,

Recalling its resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970,[1] by which it affirmed, inter alia, the duty of every State to promote through joint and separate action the realization of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples,

Stressing the importance of maintaining and strengthening international peace founded upon freedom, equality, justice and respect for fundamental human rights,

Recalling its resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947,

Reaffirming the principle, set out in the Charter, of the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force,

Reaffirming also relevant Security Council resolutions, including, inter alia, resolutions 242 (1967) of 22 November 1967, 338 (1973) of 22 October 1973,
446 (1979) of 22 March 1979, 478 (1980) of 20 August 1980, 1397 (2002) of 12 March 2002, 1515 (2003) of 19 November 2003 and 1850 (2008) of 16 December 2008,

Reaffirming further the applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949,[2] to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, with regard to the matter of prisoners,

Reaffirming its resolution 3236 (XXIX) of 22 November 1974 and all relevant resolutions, including resolution 66/146 of 19 December 2011, reaffirming the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to their independent State of Palestine,

Reaffirming also its resolutions 43/176 of 15 December 1988 and 66/17 of 30 November 2011 and all relevant resolutions regarding the Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine, which, inter alia, stress the need for the withdrawal of Israel from the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, primarily the right to self-determination and the right to their independent State, a just resolution of the problem of the Palestine refugees in conformity with resolution 194 (III) of 11 December 1948 and the complete cessation of all Israeli settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,

Reaffirming further its resolution 66/18 of 30 November 2011 and all relevant resolutions regarding the status of Jerusalem, bearing in mind that the annexation of East Jerusalem is not recognized by the international community, and emphasizing the need for a way to be found through negotiations to resolve the status of Jerusalem as the capital of two States,

Recalling the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice of 9 July 2004,[3]

Reaffirming its resolution 58/292 of 6 May 2004, affirming, inter alia, that the status of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, remains one of military occupation and that, in accordance with international law and relevant United Nations resolutions, the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination and to sovereignty over their territory,

Recalling its resolutions 3210 (XXIX) of 14 October 1974 and 3237 (XXIX) of 22 November 1974, by which, respectively, the Palestine Liberation Organization was invited to participate in the deliberations of the General Assembly as the representative of the Palestinian people and was granted observer status,

Recalling also its resolution 43/177 of 15 December 1988, by which it, inter alia, acknowledged the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988 and decided that the designation "Palestine" should be used in place of the designation "Palestine Liberation Organization" in the United Nations system, without prejudice to the observer status and functions of the Palestine Liberation Organization within the United Nations system,

Taking into consideration that the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, in accordance with a decision by the Palestine National Council, is entrusted with the powers and responsibilities of the Provisional Government of the State of Palestine,[4]

Recalling its resolution 52/250 of 7 July 1998, by which additional rights and privileges were accorded to Palestine in its capacity as observer,

Recalling also the Arab Peace Initiative adopted in March 2002 by the Council of the League of Arab States,[5]

Reaffirming its commitment, in accordance with international law, to the two-State solution of an independent, sovereign, democratic, viable and contiguous State of Palestine living side by side with Israel in peace and security on the basis of the pre-1967 borders,

Bearing in mind the mutual recognition of 9 September 1993 between the Government of the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, the representative of the Palestinian people,[6]

Affirming the right of all States in the region to live in peace within secure and internationally recognized borders,

Commending the Palestinian National Authority's 2009 plan for constructing the institutions of an independent Palestinian State within a two-year period, and welcoming the positive assessments in this regard about readiness for statehood by the World Bank, the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund and as reflected in the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee Chair conclusions of April 2011 and subsequent Chair conclusions, which determined that the Palestinian Authority is above the threshold for a functioning State in key sectors studied,

Recognizing that full membership is enjoyed by Palestine in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia and the Group of Asia-Pacific States and that Palestine is also a full member of the League of Arab States, the Movement of Non‑Aligned Countries, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Group of 77 and China,

Recognizing also that, to date, 132 States Members of the United Nations have accorded recognition to the State of Palestine,

Taking note of the 11 November 2011 report of the Security Council Committee on the Admission of New Members,[7]

Stressing the permanent responsibility of the United Nations towards the question of Palestine until it is satisfactorily resolved in all its aspects,

Reaffirming the principle of universality of membership of the United Nations,

1. Reaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to independence in their State of Palestine on the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967;

2. Decides to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status in the United Nations, without prejudice to the acquired rights, privileges and role of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the United Nations as the representative of the Palestinian people, in accordance with the relevant resolutions and practice;

3. Expresses the hope that the Security Council will consider favourably the application submitted on 23 September 2011 by the State of Palestine for admission to full membership in the United Nations;[8]

4. Affirms its determination to contribute to the achievement of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and the attainment of a peaceful settlement in the Middle East that ends the occupation that began in 1967 and fulfils the vision of two States: an independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable State of Palestine living side by side in peace and security with Israel on the basis of the pre-1967 borders;

5. Expresses the urgent need for the resumption and acceleration of negotiations within the Middle East peace process based on the relevant United Nations resolutions, the terms of reference of the Madrid Conference, including the principle of land for peace, the Arab Peace Initiative5 and the Quartet road map to a permanent two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict[9] for the achievement of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement between the Palestinian and Israeli sides that resolves all outstanding core issues, namely the Palestine refugees, Jerusalem, settlements, borders, security and water;

6. Urges all States, the specialized agencies and organizations of the United Nations system to continue to support and assist the Palestinian people in the early realization of their right to self-determination, independence and freedom;

7. Requests the Secretary-General to take the necessary measures to implement the present resolution and to report to the Assembly within three months on progress made in this regard.

[1] Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

[2] United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, No. 973.

[3] See A/ES-10/273 and Corr.1; see also Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 2004, p. 136.

[4] See A/43/928, annex.

[5] A/56/1026-S/2002/932, annex II, resolution 14/221.

[6] See A/48/486-S/26560, annex.

[7] S/2011/705.

[8] A/66/371-S/2011/592, annex I.

[9] S/2003/529, annex.


Hoe om te gaan met het Hamas bestuur in de Gazastrook

Een interessante opinie over hoe met de Gazastrook onder Hamas om te gaan.
Militaire campagnes zoals de recente en de Gaza Oorlog van enkele jaren terug, kunnen alleen tijdelijke rust brengen. Een stabiele Hamas regering heeft iets te verliezen en zal na enkele mislukte pogingen (hopelijk) ophouden met aanvallen en, zoals Egypte en Syrië eerder, eieren voor zijn geld kiezen. Het bombarderen van de niet direct militaire infrastructuur en regeringsgebouwen van Hamas zou daarom onverstandig zijn.

How to break the cycle,7340,L-4311169,00.html

Op-ed: What Israel needs is not a military victory over Hamas but to quickly turn its non-state Palestinian rival into a stable state

Avraham Sela, Oren Barak


11.25.12, 11:00 / Israel Opinion

Israel's latest military operation, known by the code name Pillar of Defense, is in many ways a repetition of Operation Cast Lead that Israel launched four years ago in order to "deal a heavy blow to the Hamas terror organization, to strengthen Israel's deterrence, and to create a better security situation for those living around the Gaza Strip that will be maintained for the long term."


But, as we know, these goals were never attained.


In the meantime, Israel's prime minister, its army's chief of staff, and members of its security cabinet (except its defense minister) were replaced by others. But when observing Israel's behavior in the current operation, it becomes clear that despite these changes of personnel, the same erroneous patterns of thinking and action in Israel's political and military elite persist.


An op-ed that we wrote in Hebrew almost four years ago, which we translate below, emphasizes the futility of pursuing Israel's current policy regarding Hamas. It is our hope that Israeli leaders will find the courage to break the vicious cycle of attacks and reprisals so that we will not have to reproduce it again in the future.


The military operation against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, during which IDF attacks not only the squads that are firing Qassam and Grad rockets at Israel's territory but also local government institutions, is indicative of a basic flaw in the thinking of Israel's political and military leaders.


This failure, which manifested itself during the war between Israel and Hezbollah in 2006, and before that during the second Palestinian Intifada, is due to the fact that policymakers in Israel do not distinguish between those on the other side who perpetrate acts of violence against Israel, on the one hand, and those who might, sooner or later, lead to the establishment of a stable government – even if not necessarily sympathetic to Israel – on the other hand.


If anything, Israel's experience since its independence in 1948 shows that the political instability of its Arab neighbors, which was manifested in internal fragmentation and weakness of the central government, was a destabilizing factor in Israeli-Arab relations, whereas political stability in the Arab side usually brought stability in its relationship with Israel.


Thus, for example, Israel has formal peace treaties with relatively stable countries like Egypt and Jordan, and between Israel and Syria there is an ongoing (and relatively stable) situation of non-belligerency. In contrast, Israel's relations with the Palestinians and Lebanon are characterized by frequent military clashes, despite the relative weakness of these two players in relation to Egypt, Jordan and Syria.


What follows is that if Israel would like to reduce violence by non-state actors such as Hamas and Hezbollah, Israel should strive for the establishment of a stable government on the other side of its borders. A necessary condition for this is the emergence of recognized leadership and effective institutions.


The logic here is simple: Sovereign states have something to lose – material assets and domestic and international support – whereas non-state actors, such as Hezbollah and Hamas, have few assets and do not feel internationally responsible.


Only when the Palestinians and Lebanese have stable states – as in Egypt, Jordan and Syria – Israel will be able to make effective use of its superior military power to achieve a stable relationship with these neighbors, even if these states themselves would not be interested.


Million and a half Palestinians won't disappear 

In the Gaza Strip today, as in Lebanon in 2006, Israel struggles against a non-state actor, Hamas, and uses considerable military force to subdue it. However, even when the Israeli side enjoys a decisive advantage in the air, land and sea, the Israeli army fails to reach a decisive outcome, and the ongoing use of massive military force eventually leads to the erosion of international support for Israel and to the decline of its deterrence, which, according to its leaders, it is interested in strengthening.


Without ignoring the military-terrorist threat that it poses to Israel, Hamas is, first and foremost, a social and political movement which won broad support from the Palestinian public in the most democratic elections held in any Arab society. The social and political institutions that Hamas built in the Gaza Strip since its establishment, moreover, gave its residents a minimum of services, and since June 2007, Hamas also manages to impose a public order, even if it is one that Israel finds unsatisfactory. Destruction of these institutions now will leave the Gaza Strip in governmental and social chaos which, in the long run, may exacerbate the risks to Israel.


A million and a half Palestinians living today in the Gaza Strip will not disappear even if Hamas will be defeated militarily by Israel, an outcome which in any case is questionable in light of the unsuccessful attempt to defeat Hezbollah in Lebanon. In fact, Israel has a clear interest in the consolidation of a stable Palestinian state that has authority over the Gaza Strip, even if this state itself is not friendly with Israel.


Indeed, only if Israel will calculate its steps wisely and the Palestinians will be permitted to establish such a state, then one can expect that, in the long run, non-state actors like Hamas will cease to be a threat to Israel, as is the case with similar non-state actors operating in Egypt, Jordan and Syria.


What Israel needs now is not a military victory over Hamas but to quickly turn its non-state Palestinian rival into a stable state.


Dr. Oren Barak is a lecturer at the Department of International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is an expert on contemporary Middle East


Prof. Avraham Sela is a senior lecturer in the Department of International Relations and a research fellow of the Harry S. Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem 



Gaza bedankt Iran voor wapenleveringen

Opvallend dat er ook een tekst in Ivriet opstaat...

"Thank Iran" billboards in Gaza  


Palestine Today reports that billboards to "Thank Iran" for Gaza's "victory" have been popping up all over Gaza. 


An analyst interviewed about these billboards (almost certainly paid for by pro-Iranian terror groups like Islamic Jihad) pretends that these are somehow spontaneous expressions of thankfulness by Gazans of Iran.

Specifically, Iran created "Quds Day," an annual bashfest against Israel; they provided Fajr-3 and Fajr-5 rockets to the terrorists, most of which were shot down but which they still claim is the source of their faux victory; and Iran provided training for the terrorists of Gaza.

The analyst noted that Arab countries were not nearly as helpful as Iran, and hoped that they would start actively funding Gaza's militants.