zaterdag 4 september 2010

Explosie in wapenopslag Hezbollah in Zuid Libanon

Een paar dagen geleden was er in Zuid-Libanon een explosie in een wapenopslagplaats van Hezbollah, waarbij zeven mensen gewond raakten. De wapens waren opgeslagen in een luxe villa in een dorp, niet op een legerbasis zoals dat hoort.
During the past year, several similar incidents of weapon explosions in South Lebanon took place (some of them haven't been published yet). This increase  may be attributed to the low maintenance level of the weaponry in private homes. It should be emphasized that these buildings are located near civilian houses and other public areas (schools, mosques, hospitals etc).
Volgens resolutie 1701, die een einde maakte aan de tweede Libanon oorlog, mag Hezbollah geen wapens meer hebben en ueberhaupt niet aanwezig zijn ten zuiden van de rivier de Litani, maar daar heeft het zich vanaf het begin weinig van aan getrokken, en UNIFIL accepteert dit.
It should also be noted that following violent clashes between UNIFIL and Hezbollah militants at the end of June, both sides have agreed on limitations regarding UNIFIL activity inside the villages and in certain areas.
Met resolutie 1701 heeft dat uiteraard weinig te maken, wel met de politieke realiteit waarin Hezbollah, met steun van Iran, steeds machtiger wordt en de politiek in Libanon steeds meer domineert.

Information provided to IMRA on a background basis
Friday, September 3rd, 2010  20:40
Third Explosion at Hezbollah Weapons Storage Facility in Southern Lebanon
Earlier today, at around 12:45, an explosion occurred at a known Hezbollah weapons storage facility in Southern Lebanon. This is the third explosion of its kind just this year. Several people were injured in the explosion, possibly members of the Salum family (known to be linked to Hezbollah), which owns the building. The facility is located in a three-story building, several hundred meters away from a mosque.

The building is a luxurious villa owned by a Hezbollah terrorist in one of the neighborhoods of Al- Shahabiya. This emphasizes the use made by Hezbollah of civlians to hide its activity in Southern Lebanon, contradciting UN resolution 1701. The building was known to the IDF as a weapons storage facility.

After the explosion, several trucks and transport vehicles were seen evacuating weapons. Hezbollah militants prevented the arrival of UNIFIL and Lebanese Army Forces to the scene, until the evacuation has ended. The weapons were transferred to other Hezbollah centers in nearby villages.

It should also be noted that following violent clashes between UNIFIL and Hezbollah militants at the end of June, both sides have agreed on limitations regarding UNIFIL activity inside the villages and in certain areas.

The weapons storage facility that exploded today is located in the heart of Hezbollah's operational apparatus in a wealthy Shiite area controlled by the organization. The building adjacent to the facility (from the south-west side) was used as a Hezbollah headquarters building up until the Second Lebanon War, during which it was destroyed.

During the past year, several similar incidents of weapon explosions in South Lebanon took place (some of them haven't been published yet). This increase  may be attributed to the low maintenance level of the weaponry in private homes. It should be emphasized that these buildings are located near civilian houses and other public areas (schools, mosques, hospitals etc).

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