zondag 16 januari 2011

Demonstratie in Tel Aviv tegen Lieberman en onderzoek naar financiering linkse aktiegroepen

Rechtse partijleden en anderen bekritiseren Kadima omdat het gebroederlijk samen met Arabische antizionisten tegen deze wet demonstreert, en sommigen zetten deze demonstranten graag weg als allemaal zelfhatende Joden en antizionisten, maar juist de deelname van Kadima laat zien hoe onzinnig dat is. In demonstraties worden vaak gelegenheidscoalities gesloten, daar kan rechts over meepraten, waar extreme kolonisten in demonstraties dankbaar worden aangegrepen door westerse journalisten en antizionisten om te laten zien hoe fout Israel is. Zo bekeken doen rechtse demonstraties heel wat meer kwaad dan linkse, die juist laten zien naar de buitenwereld toe dat het rechtse beleid van Lieberman en de regering op veel tegenstand stuiten. De uitspraak dat Lieberman een groter gevaar is dan Iran vind ik overigens wel over de top. Lieberman is inderdaad een groot gevaar voor Israels imago en de zo noodzakelijke buitenlandse steun en sympathie en hij wil ook aan bepaalde kenmerken van de rechtsstaat tornen, maar het gevaar van Iran mag op geen enkele manier worden onderschat.

Peace Now at Tel Aviv rally: Lieberman threat greater than Iran

Protesters in Tel Aviv carry signs with slogans such as 'Danger! End of Democracy Ahead' in response to Lieberman's call to investigate funding sources of Israeli human rights groups.

By Ilan Lior

Thousands of activists from left-wing movements and human rights organizations marched in Tel Aviv on Saturday in protest of the Knesset's decision to set up a committee of inquiry to probe the funding sources of leftist groups.

The protest march, under the headline "Demonstration (since it's still possible) for democracy", left from Tel Aviv's Meir Park toward the plaza in front of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, where a rally took place in which Knesset members from Kadima, Meretz, and Hadash as well as officials from Peace Now and human rights groups delivered speeches.

Protesters chanted in support of democracy and free speech, and carried signs with slogans such as "Awaiting Democracy", "Danger! End of Democracy Ahead", "Fighting the Government of Darkness" and "Democracy is Screaming for Help".

Peace Now Director-General Yariv Oppenheimer said during the rally that "the Lieberman threat" is more serious than the Iranian threat.

"The Lieberman threat should worry us all. It is a greater threat than Iran. We must go out and protest," said Oppenheimer.

Sheetrit called on leftist organizations to show contempt for the probe if it is established, since, according to him, the probe would be illegal and the Knesset would have exceeded its authority.

Meretz MK Nitzan Horowitz spoke during the rally and said that no one should be surprised if the inciting words against Israeli human rights groups will turn into actions and that the persecution will turn into knife blades and bullets.

"We are here in opposition to religious radicalization, racist laws, and sickening incitement against foreign workers and against those who are not loyal to Lieberman. And now they are putting human rights organizations in the crosshairs. They don't want to investigate the Carmel fire, so what do they investigate? The free people."

Horowitz added that Netanyahu is to blame, since he is "encouraging the racist celebration in the Knesset." He addressed Labor chairman Defense Minister Ehud Barak, asking "How are you not ashamed Mr. Barak? You and your party are supporting and enabling the existence of the most racist government in the history of the State of Israel. You are responsible just as Liberman, Yishai and Netanyahu."

The executive director of The Association for Civil Rights in Israel, Hagai Elad, said during the protest that "the thousands of people who are here understand that our democracy needs protection against its destroyers. We are voicing a clear voice in support of human rights and democracy, and against racism, McCarthyism and future destruction. We will continue to fight for democratic values, freedom of speech, equal rights for citizens and the end of the occupation."

Right-wing factions criticized the demonstration and its leftist organizers. MK Danny Danon (Likud), one of the initiators of the bill calling for a probe into human rights groups, said the protesters were "fighting for the democracy of foreign countries and not of Israel," and said that they are carrying out the protest solely for money.

MK Michael Ben Ari (National Union) said that the protest would not aid the leftists. "Movements on the extreme left have proven that they are some of the people who would like to see the State of Israel destroyed. They are betraying the state and therefore there is no escape from taking steps against them. We will reveal that they are funded by enemy states and we will treat them like Hezbollah," said Ben Ari.

The Knesset plenum voted last week to order the House Committee to consider establishing a parliamentary panel of inquiry into left-wing Israeli organizations that allegedly participate in delegitimization campaigns against Israel Defense Forces soldiers.

Forty-seven legislators voted in favor of the motion while 16 voted against.

The initiative, brought forth by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's Yisrael Beiteinu faction, called primarily to investigate the sources of funding for these groups. The panel will essentially be charged with looking into where these groups have been attaining their funds, particularly whether this money is coming from foreign states or even organizations deemed to be involved in terrorist activities.


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Wanneer men waarde hecht aan democratie dan is het natuurlijk een eerste vereiste om met geld uit vreemde, deels vijandige landen in de eigen politiek te gaan intrigeren, nietwaar? Wie de democratie vereert, welhaast als een afgodje neemt gelden aan van elke buitenlandse mogendheid, ja mogendheid, geen prive vereniging of organisatie, om in Israel's melk te brokken. Dat bevordert het bestwil van Israel (ondanks zichzelve!) en tevens de democratie. Het volk kiest een regering maar dan komen de onderkruipertjes van links die niet meer aan de regeringsbak komen omdat het volk hen verguisde, om daaraan te gaan sleutelen met behulp van de penningen der vijand. Ik zou dat hoogverraad willen noemen.

  2. Wat een geraas en getier, Wiesje! De meeste van die groepen werken nog altijd met legale, democratische middelen.
    Geld van buitenlandse mogendheden is op zich inderdaad onwenselijk, maar als de Israelische regering ook maar 5% van het geld dat aan veiligheid wordt uitgegeven, zou steken in het bevorderen van wederzijds begrip en vreedzaam samenleven, dan zou het land er een stuk beter voor staan en was dat buitenlands geld wellicht niet nodig. De PA zou uiteraard evengoed geld moeten steken in vreedzaam samenleven ipv. in leugens, propaganda en corruptie.
    "Het volk" bestaat verder niet: mensen als jij gruwen van links, anderen gruwen juist van dit onderzoek, of van de religieuze fanaten die vrouwen achterin de bus willen laten zitten, van de extremisten die stenen gooien naar Palestijnse schoolkinderen of die een atoombom op Gaza willen gooien. Er valt aan de rechterkant ook genoeg te verguizen.
