maandag 11 oktober 2010

Palestijnen zeggen nee tegen aanbod Netanjahoe verlenging bouwstop voor erkenning Joodse staat

Haaretz berichtte maandag over een nieuw voorstel van Netanjahoe:
Prime minister says Israel will extend settlement freeze if the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state, Abbas spokesman says 'issue of Jewishness of the state has nothing to do with the matter.'
Het antwoord van de Palestijnen was te verwachten, want als ze Israel erkennen als Joodse staat kunnen ze niet tegelijkertijd vasthouden aan het recht op terugkeer van miljoenen vluchtelingen en hun nakomelingen. Toch is het aanbod van Israel significant, want het legt het eigenlijke probleem bloot: de Palestijnen willen geen werkelijke tweestatenoplossing, geen Joodse en Arabische staat. Het laat ook zien dat erkenning voor Israel belangrijker is dan de nederzettingen, ondanks alle protesten uit die hoek tegen een voortzetting van de bouwstop.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered Monday to halt settlement construction if the Palestinians were to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, but the Palestinian leadership was prompt to reject the proposal.
"If the Palestinian leadership will say unequivocally to its people that it recognizes Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people, I will be ready to convene my government and request a further suspension," Netanyahu said while speaking at the third session of the opening of the 18th Knesset.
"Just as the Palestinians expect us to recognize their state, we expect reciprocal treatment," said Netanyahu.
"This is not a condition but a trust-building step, which would create wide-ranging trust among the Israeli people, who have lost trust in the Palestinian will for peace over the last 10 years."
However, Nabil Abu Rdainah, spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said a return to U.S.-backed peace talks required a freeze on settlement building by Israel.
"The issue of the Jewishness of the state has nothing to do with the matter," Rdainah said.
Netanyahu stressed that Israel is willing to make concessions, and that a peace deal and a Palestinian state could be achieved if the Palestinians would be willing to recognize Israel as the Jewish homeland.
"The Palestinians wasted 10 months and now they demand to continue the [settlement] freeze. I hope their demand isn't a ploy to avoid the concessions that must be made in order to achieve a peace deal."


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