zaterdag 25 mei 2013

Antizionistisch kaartspel populair bij haredi Israel


Er is veel ophef over Arabieren in Israel die de staat niet erkennen en de zogenaamde nakba willen herdenken, maar over ultra orthodoxe Joden die even fel tegen de staat en het zionisme ageren, hoor je veel minder. Deze mensen doen in hun felheid en extremisme niet onder voor sommige beruchte woordvoerders van de Arabische gemeenschap in Israel, en wat zij doen is niet minder verwerpelijk. Als ze zo tegen het land zijn waar ze wonen, zou je haast zeggen dat ze dan misschien ergens anders heen kunnen gaan? Bijvoorbeeld naar een Arabisch land of de Palestijnse Autoriteit, waar sommigen van hun ook banden mee hebben:

"Hatred of Zionism is no longer a marginal issue," said the distributor, a Neturei Karta man and the grandson of Moshe Hirsch, former Jewish affairs minister for the Palestinian Authority.

Het is triest dat deze mensen niet kunnen accepteren dat er een wereldlijk Joods gezag is, en dat religie en staat op de meeste terreinen zijn gescheiden. 





Anti-Zionist playing cards new fad in haredi sector,7340,L-4381271,00.html

Distributor says 2,000 decks sold in Lag B'Omer alone, promises to print thousands more. 'Hatred of Zionism no longer a marginal issue,' he asserts

Akiva Novick


05.19.13, 10:31 / Israel News

Against the backdrop of the massive anti-draft haredi demonstration in Jerusalem on Thursday, new playing cards promoting anti-Zionist beliefs are gaining popularity in Israel's various orthodox communities.


Though they originated in the relatively marginal Neturei Karta sect, the playing cards' distributor claims they garner much enthusiasm in the haredi mainstream outside the group's Jerusalem cloister.


The "Teach the youth" cards are composed of a series of quartets showcasing quotes, famous figures ands events linked to anti-Zionist ideology. One card shows the State symbol, a menorah, bursting in flames above an inscription thanking God for banishing idolatry from Israel. 


Another quartet is themed with rabbis' remarks against the State, and another commemorates haredim whose death is attributed to police violence or to 'Zionist conspiracies.'


One figure who gained special note in the playing cards is the deceased rabbi Amram Blau, a Neturei Karta founder and one of the haredi sector's most revered protesters of the regime.


A whole quartet is devoted to Blau, who is shown mourning Independence Day and zealously protesting against the State of Israel.


The figures and inscriptions on the cards testify to their makers' marginality in haredi society, but the distributor told Yedioth Aharonoth that sales are up across the haredi spectrum.


"Hatred of Zionism is no longer a marginal issue," said the distributor, a Neturei Karta man and the grandson of Moshe Hirsch, former Jewish affairs minister for the Palestinian Authority.


"In a Lag Ba'Omer rally we sold 2,000 playing decks. They're for all sectors of the haredi world, and if necessary, we'll print thousands of decks more."


Yoelish Kraus, a member of the prominent Eda HaHaredit anti-Zionist sect, estimated on Saturday that "if the State continues persecuting haredim, hundreds of thousands will disengage from the State and join us."


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