woensdag 17 november 2010

Europa wilde van de Joden af en gaf ze Palestina volgens PA

In één ding heeft men wel gelijk: de steun in Groot-Brittannië voor het zionisme kwam wel degelijk (mede) voort uit de wens van de Joden af te zijn. Jodenhaat is nou eenmaal een belangrijk onderdeel van de Europese geschiedenis en cultuur, en het speelt, op verschillende en soms tegenstrijdige manieren, een rol in hoe men tegenover Israel staat. Dat gezegd hebbende is het natuurlijk goedkoop en hypocriet voor de Palestijnen om dit als enige of belangrijkste oorzaak van Israels stichting neer te zetten. Israel is er in de eerste plaats gekomen omdat de Joden dat wilden, en er voor streden, in investeerden, en er vooral ook heen gingen om het land op te bouwen. De Joden wilden niet naar Oeganda of Madagascar zoals de Britten voorstelden, maar naar Palestina, want daarmee had men zich gedurende duizenden jaren verbonden gevoeld, en daar ligt de Joodse geschiedenis.
'The Palestinian people is still bleeding since the British Foreign Minister gave this promise, resulting in all that has happened throughout the years  and what is happening now - killing, destruction, and theft'
Nee, de Palestijnen bloeden nog omdat ze ieder compromis afwezen en -wijzen, omdat ze een oorlog tegen de Joden in Palestina begonnen, omdat ze Israel weg wilden hebben. Het zou niet alleen de vrede, maar vooral ook de Palestijnen zelf zeer ten goede komen als men de werkelijkheid en het eigen aandeel in hun tragedie eens onder ogen kan zien, als men stopt met de sprookjes over de boze zionisten en de boze Europeanen en de boze Amerikanen en begint met het kritisch reflecteren op de eigen geschiedenis.

PMW Bulletin - Nov. 15, 2010
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Palestinians distort history of Zionism:
Jews sent to Israel to rid Europe of its Jewish "burden"

by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook

Both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are reinforcing the PA libel that Zionism started as a European plot to rid Europe of the "burden" of having Jews living among them.

The PA Ministry of Culture Administration in Tulkarem held a political conference earlier this month to mark the 93rd anniversary of the "cursed" Balfour Declaration. The guest lecturer stated that the British plan for a Jewish homeland was "in order to be rid of this burden called the Jews, which troubled Britain and Europe, who wished to be rid of this burden - even at the expense of a different nation." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 5, 2010]

Meanwhile, Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar said that the Jews were expelled from Europe "because they betrayed, stole and corrupted these countries." He added that they will soon be expelled from "Palestine" as they were from Europe, "because of their crimes." [Jerusalem Post, Nov. 6, 2010]

As Palestinian Media Watch has reported, this rewriting of the history of Zionism has been PA policy since its inception. The PA has consistently taught that the Jews came to Israel not because of their historical ties to the land, but because Europe wanted to be rid of "the burden of its Jews" [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 6, 1998 and "wanted to get rid of the Jews and their problems." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 15, 2009]

Click here to see more examples from PMW's website about the PA's portrayal of Zionism as a European plot to get rid of the Jews.

Following is the transcript of the article about the Balfour Declaration in the official PA daily newspaper:

Headline: "The Ministry of Culture in Tulkarem holds a political conference on the subject of the Balfour Declaration"

"The Ministry of Culture Administration in Tulkarem in cooperation with the [Department of] Public Relations and Security Forces, held a political conference under the heading, 'The West and Balfour's Promises,' to mark the 93rd anniversary of the cursed Balfour Declaration... Lecturer Na'aman Shahrour spoke about this anniversary, which still sticks in the throats of the Palestinians... Shahrour also spoke about the historical aspect of this promise and the reasons that led Balfour to commit to it. He said: 'The Palestinian people is still bleeding since the British Foreign Minister gave this promise, resulting in all that has happened throughout the years  and what is happening now - killing, destruction, and theft... All this in order to be rid of this burden, called the Jews, which troubled Britain and Europe, who wished to be rid of this burden  - even at the expense of a different nation.'"
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 5, 2010]

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