dinsdag 2 juni 2009

Egypte wijst Amerikaans plan af voor normalisering Arabisch-Israelische betrekkingen

Op het NOS journaal en in de kranten wordt het Arabische vredesplan vaak zo voorgesteld dat, als Israel bereid is zich terug te trekken uit de Westoever, Oost-Jeruzalem en de Golan, de Arabische wereld klaar staat om vrede met Israel te sluiten en betrekkingen aan te gaan. Het vredesplan is daarover echter vaag, en naar het lijkt is dat niet voor niets. Hetzelfde zou weleens kunnen gelden voor het vluchtelingenprobleem: het vredesplan is vaag, en door welwillende journalisten en politici wordt dat vaak zo uitgelegd als dat een voor Israel aanvaardbaar compromis mogelijk is. Of dat zo is, is echter zeer de vraag, gezien de nadruk die in de Arabische wereld op het 'recht op terugkeer' wordt gelegd, en de verwijzing naar VN resolutie 194.

Egypt rejects U.S. plan for Arab-Israeli normalization
By Zvi Bar'el, Haaretz Correspondent
Egypt has rejected an American proposal for gradual normalization between the Arab world and Israel that would have allowed Israeli planes to fly freely through Arab air space.

The idea arose during discussions in Washington last week between Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman and senior White House and State Department officials, including National Security Advisor James Jones and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

In an interview with the Saudi newspaper Asharq Al Awsat, Aboul Gheit said that U.S. officials had asked him what the Arab response would be if Washington pressured Israel to reach a peace agreement. He responded that after the Oslo Accords were signed, some Arab states allowed Israeli offices to open in their territory, but today, the Arab world insists on seeing concrete Israeli action before making any further gestures.

If Israel accedes to international demands, he continued, "the Arab states could accede to gradual normalization, each according to its own considerations."

That implies that Egypt does not see the Arab peace initiative as requiring Arab states to normalize relations with Israel uniformly and simultaneously. Rather, normalization is something each country would institute at a time it deems appropriate.

Aboul Gheit also rejected Jerusalem's demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state, saying this would endanger Israel's Arabs - "especially when Israel has a foreign minister who calls for expelling the Arabs to Palestine, or outside of Israel ... It is also impossible to rule out the possibility of an Israeli leader arising one day and saying, 'the number of Arabs in the state has risen, and we must reduce their demographic weight to maintain Israel's Jewish character.'"

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