donderdag 4 februari 2010

Israelische politie zoekt stranden af voor meer explosieven

Volgens Netanjahoe is Hamas verantwoordelijk voor de explosieven op de stranden van Ashdod en Ashkelon. Dit zei hij dinsdag op een persconferentie. Ook dreigde hij Hamas dat Israel op de verijdelde aanslag zou reageren. Dit komt na verschillende dreigementen van Hamas vanwege de dood van een van haar leiders in Dubai, waarvoor men Israel verantwoordelijk hield. Of een en ander bij woorden zal blijven of tot een nieuwe confrontatie zal leiden is valt nog te bezien.
Morning after two explosive devices sent from Gaza found off southern shores, police resume search for additional devices, instruct civilians to keep away from shores
Shmulik Hadad - Ynet / Published:  02.02.10, 10:48
At the break of daylight security forces resumed searches for additional explosives between the shores of Ashdod and Zikim, after two explosive devices hidden in barrels were found off the Ashdod and Ashkelon shores on Monday, and were later claimed by Palestinian groups from the Gaza Strip.

Police have requested civilians keep away from Israel's southern beaches and report of any suspicious object found.
Volunteers, horsemen and a police helicopter are all assisting the police in the search. Lachish district commander Alon Levavi said, "We are continuing our comprehensive activity on all shoes, in order to locate other explosive devices that reached the shore."

Meanwhile, police have barred southern fisherman from heading out to sea. Ashkelon Mayor Benny Vaknin said he believes the southern beaches will resume their daily routine by the afternoon.
"I believe there is no need for such activity today. The beaches should resume regular activity. There are people that want to come to the promenade and the shore area. I certainly respect the police's decision which calls for the public to refrain from visiting the beaches," he said.

Police are also preparing for the possibility that more explosive devices might make their way to other shoes in Israel. A police sapper force was deployed to the Tel Aviv port, and Tel Aviv Municipality patrollers were instructed to keep watch for any suspicious objects and immediately alert the police if any are found.

On Monday, a senior Palestinian source told Ynet that the attacks were planned as a joint operation of Islamic Jihad's al-Quds Brigades, the Popular Resistance Committees' Salah a-Din Brigades and the Nabil Masud group, which is affiliated with Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
The attack, he added, was to be in retaliation of "Israel's continuous crimes," and the Dubai assassination of Hamas figure Mahmoud al-Mabhouh's, for which the groups hold Israel responsible.
Meanwhile, an Israeli defense establishment source said the failed attack followed the scheme of sending out several sea-mines, which are designed to float until a collision with a vessel triggers them. "Gaza's terror groups don't really have any actual (sea-mine) capability, but given arms smuggling through the Gaza tunnels, they can upgrade the threat," he added.
Avi Cohen contributed to this report

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