woensdag 10 februari 2010

Egyptische voetbalcoach verhongert liever dan Israelisch team te coachen

Zoals pas geleden al opgemerkt, dit is dus de beloning voor de vrede met Egypte en teruggave van de Sinai. Als vrede er zo uitziet, kan ik mij voorstellen dat Israeli's er niet warm voor lopen.
Ondertussen vergeten we maar even de onmenselijke behandeling in Egypte van bijvoorbeeld Soedanese vluchtelingen, de rechteloosheid van dissidenten en onderdrukking van minderheden zoals de Kopten.
"I understand the source of Israel's jealousy as far as the success of the Egyptian team goes, but I cannot consider visiting Israel or coaching its team," he was reported as saying.
Het zou mij niet verbazen als veel Egyptenaren eigenlijk wel jaloers zijn op het welvarende Israel, waar zelfs Arabieren door het Hooggerechtshof vaker in het gelijk worden gesteld dan in Egypte.

The Jerusalem Post
'Rather starve than coach Israel'
09/02/2010 15:48

Egyptian coach says he's heard of Israelis killing Arabs, not playing soccer.

Hassan Shehata, coach of the Egyptian national soccer team, said of the Israeli national team Tuesday that "even if it was the only team that requests my services, I wouldn't agree (to coach it)," Army Radio reported.

"It would be more honorable to me and my family if I die of hunger rather than consider coaching the Israeli team," Shehata added. He made the comments in response to an interview in which an Israeli commentator suggested him for the post.

"I understand the source of Israel's jealousy as far as the success of the Egyptian team goes, but I cannot consider visiting Israel or coaching its team," he was reported as saying.

"Even if it was the only team in the world and requested my services I would refuse – how could they think that I would come to coach the team of a country that murders children, women and the elderly, and help elevate the name of the team that represents occupation?"

"All my life I've heard that Israel kills Arabs, fires missiles and destroys Arab villages, but this is the first time in my life that I've heard that in Israel they play soccer," he was reported as saying.

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