woensdag 4 april 2012

VN resolutie prijst mensenrechten Libië onder Khaddafi


De strekking van het rapport was: voorzichtige, opbouwende kritiek. Libië maakte vorderingen, maar er was wel nog een lijstje met 36 verbeterpunten. Er stonden commentaren bij van allerlei landen, niet geheel duidelijk waar die commentaren geuit waren, want ook Israel stond erbij, terwijl die geen lid is van de Mensenrechtenraad. De meeste commentaren waren ronduit lovend over de vooruitgang op allerlei terreinen.






Waanzin bij de VN: resolutie prijst mensenrechten onder Khaddafi


Donderdag, Maart 15, 2012 / Laatst bijgewerkt: Vrijdag, Maart 16, 2012

·        Categorieën: PERSBERICHTEN


Persbericht van Likoed Nederland, 15 maart 2012.

Een VN-rapport over het mensenrechtenbeleid van het Khaddafi-regime is gisteren met algemene stemmen goedgekeurd door de 47 lidstaten van de VN Mensenrechtenraad.

Zelfs fervente verdedigers van de Mensenrechtenraad hebben het rapport gehekeld. Het hoofd van Amnesty USA beschreef het rapport als “weerzinwekkend”.

Een bezwaar – met het verzoek om een nieuw onderzoek in het licht van de nieuwe feiten – werd echter weggewuifd door de Mensenrechtenraad.

Hoe dit mogelijk is, terwijl men de duizenden slachtoffers van het regime Khaddafi nog aan het opgraven is uit hun massagraven?

Omdat de volgende landen bepalen wat er gebeurt in de VN Mensenrechtenraad:

·        Pakistan prees hoe Libië zich inzet voor de mensenrechten.

·        Algerije nam nota van de inspanningen van de Libië om de mensenrechten te bevorderen.

·        De Islamitische Republiek Iran constateerde dat Libië een aantal internationale mensenrechten instrumenten had geïmplementeerd.

·        Katar prees het juridische kader in Libië voor de bescherming van de rechten en vrijheden.

·        Soedan memoreerde de positieve ervaringen in het middelbare school bezoek en verbeteringen in het onderwijs van vrouwen.

·        De Syrische Arabische Republiek (!) prees Libië voor haar serieuze inzet voor en interactie met de VN Raad voor de Mensenrechten. Tevens was er lof voor het zo democratische regime.

·        Noord-Korea prees ook Libië voor de prestaties op het gebied van de bescherming van de mensenrechten.

·        Palestina was vol lof voor het overleg met het maatschappelijk middenveld over het rapport, dat de inzet voor de verbetering van de mensenrechten aan had getoond. Palestina prees Libië ook  voor de goede vastlegging van mensenrechten.

Wordt het geen tijd dat de wereld inziet dat er helemaal geen heil van de Verenigde Naties is te verwachten op het gebied van de mensenrechten – hoe triest dat ook is?

Update: 3/16/2012 10:53:55 AM; VN Mensenrechtenraad resolutie bijgevoegd.
http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/16session/A-HRC-16-15.pdf (PDF document)
Human Rights Council Sixteenth session [A-HRC-16-15] (Lokale copy)



UN adopts resolution praising Qaddafi's human rights record


From UN Watch:

A U.N. report ridiculed worldwide for lavishing praise on the Qaddafi regime’s human rights record was unanimously adopted today by the 47-nation UN Human Rights Council, with president Laura Dupuy Lasserre overruling the objection made in the plenary by UN Watch. (Click here for video; see text below.)

After it was first exposed by UN Watch last year, the report card giving high marks to Qaddafi was mocked by the New York TimesThe Economist and other major media worldwide, causing a red-faced UN to postpone the report’s adoption repeatedly — until today.

Said the Times:

“Until Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s violent suppression of unrest in recent weeks, the United Nations Human Rights Council was kind in its judgment of Libya. In January, it produced a draft report on the country that reads like an international roll call of fulsome praise, when not delicately suggesting improvements. Evidently, within the 47-nation council, some pots are loath to call kettles black, at least until events force their hand. Last week Libya was suspended from the body, and the report was shelved.”

Even ardent defenders of the council have recently slammed the report. After UN Watch’s recent protest, Suzanne Nossel, the head of Amnesty USA and former top human rights official in the Obama Administration, described the report as “abhorrent” and called for a complete “redo.”

Here is UN Watch's Hillel Neuer telling the UN what a joke the report is:

In fact, the report is even worse than Neuer implies in his short speech. Here are some parts:

Algeria noted the efforts of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to promote human rights, which reflected the country’s commitment to complying with Human Rights Council resolutions and cooperating with the international community.

Qatar praised the legal framework for the protection of human rights and freedoms, including, inter alia, its criminal code and criminal procedure law, which provided legal guarantees for the implementation of those rights.

The Syrian Arab Republic praised the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for its serious commitment to and interaction with the Human Rights Council and its mechanisms. It commended the country for its democratic regime based on promoting the people’s authority through the holding of public conferences, which enhanced development and respect for human rights, while respecting cultural and religions traditions.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea praised the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for its achievements in the protection of human rights.

Bahrain noted that the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya had adopted various policies aimed at improving human rights.

Palestine commended the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for the consultations held with civil society in the preparation of the national report, which demonstrated its commitment to the improved enjoyment of human rights. Palestine praised the country for the Great Green Document on Human Rights.

Saudi Arabia commended the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya’s achievements in its constitutional, legislative and institutional frameworks, which showed the importance that the country attached to human rights.

Tunisia noted progress made by the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, such as the adoption of the Great Green Charter, which was very comprehensive and enshrined fundamental freedoms and rights as enshrined in international human rights instruments.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela acknowledged the efforts of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to promote economic, social and cultural rights, especially those of children. 

Jordan welcomed the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya’s achievements in the promotion and protection of human rights, including the establishment of institutions, particularly in the
judiciary system.

Oman commended the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for its diligent efforts in the field of human rights and for making them its priority.

Egypt commended the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for progress in building a comprehensive national human rights framework of institutions and in drafting legislation and supporting its human resources in that area.

The Islamic Republic of Iran noted that the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya had implemented a number of international human rights instruments and had cooperated with relevant treaty bodies. It noted with appreciation the establishment of the National Human Rights Committee as an independent national human rights institution, and the provision of an enabling environment for non-governmental organizations.

Pakistan praised the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for measures taken both in terms of legislation and in practice, noting with appreciation that it was a party to most of the core human rights treaties.

Viet Nam congratulated the delegation on the quality of the national report. It noted with satisfaction the commitment of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to the protection and promotion of the human rights of its people.

Even Western nations would go out of their way to find something nice to say about Libya even as they voiced concerns.

The United States of America supported the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya’s increased engagement with the international community. It called on the country to comply with its human rights treaty obligations. It expressed concern about reports of the torture of prisoners and about the status of freedom of expression and association, including in its legislation, which often resulted in the arrest of people for political reasons.

Canada welcomed improvements made by the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in its respect for human rights, specifically the recent legislation that granted women married to foreigners the right to pass on their Libyan nationality to their children, as well as the acknowledgement of the deaths of hundreds of Abu Salim prisoners in 1996 and the first incountry release of a report by an international non-governmental organization in 2009.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland welcomed visits by Amnesty and Human Rights Watch to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. It encouraged the country to consider further visits and to issue a standing invitation to the United Nations special procedures. It remained concerned about the enjoyment of the freedoms of expression and association, and asked for further details in that regard, including on the development of a new press law. The United Kingdom encouraged improvements in Libyan prison standards.

Only two countries had nothing positive to say:

France referred to the situation of refugees; allegations concerning arbitrary detention, torture, ill treatment and enforced disappearance; the death penalty, which remained in force for a large number of crimes; the absence of non-governmental organizations with expertise in the field of human rights; and the severe restrictions on freedom of expression and association. 

Israel noted that The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya should live up to the membership standards set forth in General Assembly resolution 60/251 and serve as a model in the protection of human rights; while, in reality, its membership in the Council served to cover the ongoing systemic suppression, in law and in practice, of fundamental rights and freedoms.

If you want proof that the UN Human Rights Council is a complete and utter joke, the fact that this resolution was adopted - in 2012 - is all the proof you need.

(h/t Samson2)



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