"The spring carnival has retained its [Palestinian] flavor in towns such as Bethlehem, Beit Sahour and Ramallah... with the demonstrations of the Scouts, songs, dances, and popular Palestinian hymns about Christian-Islamic unity and internal Christian unity. These hymns carry meaningful messages, in response to the Israeli prohibition [to enter Jerusalem], as seen in the calls of the youth who lead the procession of light, waving swords and not caring if anyone accuses them of anti-Semitism: ... 'Our master, Jesus, the Messiah, the Messiah redeemed us, with his blood he bought us, and today we are joyous while the Jews are sad,' and, 'Jews, Jews! Your holiday is the Holiday of the Apes, while our holiday is the Holiday of the Messiah.'"
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 19, 2011]
Het is je moeilijk voor te stellen, maar de schrijver van dit artikel is blijkbaar trots op dergelijke uitspraken. Overigens zijn de Joden tijdens Pesach ook vrolijk, want zij herdenken hoe hun god hun uit Egypte leidde en de Farao strafte met de tien plagen omdat hij ze niet wou laten gaan. Alleen wordt daarbij voorzover ik weet niet door jongeren in de straten van Tel Aviv geschreeuwd dat de Palestijnen varkens zijn die het verdienen ongelukkig te zijn. Was dat wel het geval, dan had dat met zekerheid de Nederlandse media gehaald en was er een nieuwe rel geboren.
PMW Bulletin
April 24, 2011
PA daily: "Jews, Jews! Your holiday [Passover] is the Holiday of Apes"
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
An article in the official PA daily newspaper claims that Palestinian Christian youth perform a spring march in the streets that includes the chant: "Jews, Jews! Your holiday [Passover] is the Holiday of Apes." (See PMW web site for examples of the Palestinian Authority referring to Jews as "apes and pigs.") He writes that these "meaningful messages" are in response to Israel's security measures in Jerusalem during the holiday of Passover:
"For many years the holy city [Jerusalem] has been deliberately closed to Palestinians, under security-related pretexts and for the Jewish festival of Passover."
The writer says that the Easter services in Jerusalem have lost their Palestinian flavor because of western Christian pilgrims:
"The festivities at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre have begun to assume a western character, because of the massive presence of foreign Christian pilgrims and the limited presence of Palestinians."
But the writer insists that in Palestinian Authority cities, the festivities have retained their Palestinian flavor. He describes youth chanting that the Jewish holiday of Passover is the "Holiday of the Apes":
"The spring carnival has retained its [Palestinian] flavor in towns such as Bethlehem, Beit Sahour and Ramallah... with the demonstrations of the Scouts, songs, dances, and popular Palestinian hymns about Christian-Islamic unity and internal Christian unity. These hymns carry meaningful messages, in response to the Israeli prohibition [to enter Jerusalem], as seen in the calls of the youth who lead the procession of light, waving swords and not caring if anyone accuses them of anti-Semitism: ... 'Our master, Jesus, the Messiah, the Messiah redeemed us, with his blood he bought us, and today we are joyous while the Jews are sad,' and, 'Jews, Jews! Your holiday is the Holiday of the Apes, while our holiday is the Holiday of the Messiah.'"
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 19, 2011]
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