Dit hoeft natuurlijk niet te verbazen, maar laat weer duidelijk zien dat niet alleen (of vooral) Israel voorwaarden stelt en moeilijk doet, maar ook de Palestijnen. Een vredesplan waarbij alle Palestijnse vluchtelingen en vooral hun miljoenen nakomelingen mogen 'terug'keren naar Israel, is geen vredesplan maar een plan om Israel op te heffen en een einde te maken aan Joodse zelfbeschikking. Het betekent ook dat de erkenning van Israels bestaansrecht door de Palestijnse Autoriteit niet veel voorstelt, maar dat wisten we natuurlijk al.
Hamas, PA reject new peace plan without right of return
The Palestinian Authority said that it would reject any peace initiative that requires Palestinians to relinquish the right of return.
Nabil Sha'ath, member of the PA negotiating team, said that the right of return was a basic right, which the Palestinians couldn't give up.
"We will reject any American peace plan that calls on us to give up one of our basic rights – the right of return for refugees," Sha'ath, a former PA foreign minister who played a major role in the signing of the Oslo Accords, said.
Sha'ath noted that the Oslo Accords that were signed between Israel and the PLO cal for holding discussions on major issues like Jerusalem, refugees, borders and security.
"How can Washington plan for such a solution?" he asked, referring to the report about US President Barack Obama's new peace initiative. "There are no contacts between Washington and the PA on this issue."
Sha'ath claimed that members of the Quartet – the US, EU, UN and Russia – were recently forced to postpone their meeting to discuss the status of the Middle East peace talks because Washington was opposed to a pro-Palestinian statement that they were planning to issue.
The Hamas government in the Gaza Strip described the Obama initiative as an "alarm bell that jeopardizes the right of return."
Calling on the Arab and Islamic people to support the Palestinians' right of return, Hamas said it was strongly opposed to the new initiative.
"The right of return is a legitimate and sacred right and no one could give it up," Hamas stressed.
Nabil Sha'ath, member of the PA negotiating team, said that the right of return was a basic right, which the Palestinians couldn't give up.
"We will reject any American peace plan that calls on us to give up one of our basic rights – the right of return for refugees," Sha'ath, a former PA foreign minister who played a major role in the signing of the Oslo Accords, said.
Sha'ath noted that the Oslo Accords that were signed between Israel and the PLO cal for holding discussions on major issues like Jerusalem, refugees, borders and security.
"How can Washington plan for such a solution?" he asked, referring to the report about US President Barack Obama's new peace initiative. "There are no contacts between Washington and the PA on this issue."
Sha'ath claimed that members of the Quartet – the US, EU, UN and Russia – were recently forced to postpone their meeting to discuss the status of the Middle East peace talks because Washington was opposed to a pro-Palestinian statement that they were planning to issue.
The Hamas government in the Gaza Strip described the Obama initiative as an "alarm bell that jeopardizes the right of return."
Calling on the Arab and Islamic people to support the Palestinians' right of return, Hamas said it was strongly opposed to the new initiative.
"The right of return is a legitimate and sacred right and no one could give it up," Hamas stressed.
De meeste zijn zelfs geen vluchteling volgens de (UNHCR) definitie. Alleen volgens de Palestijnse organisatie.