dinsdag 21 december 2010

YouTube meet met 2 maten & kanaal Palestinian Media Watch niet volledig hersteld

Maandag bleek dat YouTube het kanaal van Palestinian Media Watch had hersteld, maar laten we niet te vroeg juichen. Men heeft bepaalde video's nog steeds geband vanwege zogenaamde 'hate speech' (dat klopt, dat wilden die video's inderdaad aan de kaak stellen), terwijl vele honderden, wellicht duizenden, werkelijke hate speech video's er nog gewoon op te zien zijn. In onderstaande artikel geeft Ami Isseroff daarvan een paar voorbeelden, en stelt de vraag waarom die niet allang van YouTube zijn verwijderd. Misschien kunnen we allemaal YouTube wijzen op enkele video's die niet aan hun eigen voor PalWatch zo streng uitgevoerde maatstaven voldoen, en vragen één lijn te trekken?
Zie contactgegevens onder deze samenvatting en het gehele artikel hier: Youtube bans PMW because of hate speech; permits anti-Semitic videos and comments


YouTube claims to have a policy prohibiting hate speech, but they don't seem to implement it very consistently. You might think that YouTube's self-righteous verbiage in their community guidelines  implies that the site is really free of hate videos, but that is not the case. Thee "screening" process that YouTube PR mentions seems to be ineffectual in keeping out actual hate propaganda.

YouTube should know all about hate speech, since their site is used as a platform to propagate it against Jews and Zionists. It is hardly likely that YouTube management doesn't know this. Nazi videos and similar fare turn YouTube into a virtual clubhouse for neo-Nazis and skin heads who leave comments like this "Hitler failed to defeat Zionism, and now, what is happening in Palestine awaits all of us" at videos like this:  youtube.com/watch?v=HfOoJz6q9Ks.

As Andre Oboler pointed out, YouTube tried to ban MEMRI using the same specious "hate speech" excuse, but YouTube has no problem with anti-Semitic and anti-Israel materials.

Here are a few examples:

A video propagated by the demagogue T. West alleged that the IDF had harvested organs of Haitians. This video sparked many imitators before it was removed, but a new one, worse in some ways than the first, has taken its place: youtube.com/watch?v=pGLPZdhoh14.

As of today, YouTube features, among others,  the following videos about "Zionism:"

"Zionism's Holocaustianity Big Lie" youtube.com/watch?v=viC2awD95kY – a Holocaust denial documentary.

"Zionism, Our Main Enemy!" youtube.com/watch?v=zR8qAgnx3VQ.

Top Rabbi Exposes Jewish Racism! – is a video by racist David Duke claiming that Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan, among others, are profiting from "goyim." It is uploaded to YouTube in many places such as http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBCKaVwNYHQ. It is translated into Russian at  youtube.com/watch?v=OuBup7LYO1Y .

YouTube also features the blood libel, that old standby of anti-Semitism, in these videos: youtube.com/watch?v=aBoDPuaygaw, a video that purports to be a "documentary," and youtube.com/watch?v=c4tUlK02c1w. This one is titled "Jewish blood drinking of Christain children." That seems to have somehow slipped through the careful screening process that YouTube claims to use. An understandable error. Who knew that was hate speech?


youtube.com/watch?v=tkajXeVLpk4  and many other YouTube URLs have this song, "March of the Waffen SS - Viktoria Sieg Heil." Nobody at YouTube had a clue that any of these films might be racist  or serve as a magnet for racists. Who could imagine that the Waffen SS and their fans are anti-Semitic? Many of these videos have been uploaded for several years and have millions of views.


The selective ban on PMW, partially rescinded after a protest, seems to show that YouTube is not a passive reflection of users' views.  One could easily make a case that YouTube selectively screens out any material favorable to Israel, Jews or Zionism, and is not very enthuistic about censoring hate speech and videos against Jews.  It is hardly likely that the proliferation of anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist and Nazi videos and comments or the banning of PMW videos, is accidental. YouTube, by the way, is owned by Google, which piously proclaims that it cannot do anything about the prominence of anti-Semitic Web site listings.

Does this get you angry?? Write to: press@youtube.com; jonm@google.com; marias@google.com. You can also use the reporting methods recommended by Youtube's community guidelines.


Ami Isseroff

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