maandag 20 december 2010

Palestinian Media Watch door YouTube gecensureerd?

Het schijnt dat oudere filmpjes er wel nog op staan, maar niks van de laatste maanden. Een paar maanden geleden had MEMRI eenzelfde probleem. Een en ander is nogal absurd, gezien de haat propaganda tegen Joden die op YouTube te vinden is, zowel van extreemrechts als van jihadi's. Het lijkt erop dat de Palestijnse lobby een zoveelste succes heeft geboekt in het onderdrukken van de vrijheid van meningsuiting waar die mening haar niet uitkomt.

URGENT: Write to YouTube to reinstate Palestinian Media Watch channel

I received this email from Itamar Marcus, director of the essential site Palestinian Media Watch:

For years there have been PA backers trying to get You Tube to close down the PMW video account by complaining that we are involved in hate speech. Now they succeeded. They complained to the administrators about a farewell video of a suicide terrorist from a few years ago who boasted he would drink the blood of Jews. You Tube sent us notice that this video is "violation of terms" by promoting hate speech and closed our entire account. Most of the hundreds of videos on our web site are not running.
PMW has been excellent at revealing the truth about incitement in the Palestinian Arab media, thoroughly documenting literally hundreds of examples of hate broadcasts and publication in recent years.

It is not easy to find a good email address for YouTube, but I think that the best way to contact them might be "". You can also try some of their on-line contact information.

Please write to them and let them know how important this resource has been to you and asking that they should reinstate it. Pro-terrorist cyber-bullies should not be able to censor valuable educational resources like PMW.
Voorbeeldbrief, gepost op EoZ:
Here is the email I just sent youtube. Feel free to offer it as a sample for those who may want to contact youtube but have neither the time nor the inclination to compose an original letter.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I find it appalling that you have taken down the Palestinian Media Watch channel for having violated its terms by promoting hate speech. The channel is attempting to combat hate speech, and you cannot do that without demonstrating what that hate speech consists of. Would you have censored Martin Luther King Jr. for citing examples of lynchings, church-burnings and other examples of violence and discrimination? How absurd!

PMW is an invaluable source for revealing the truth about incitement in Palestinian Arab media against Jews and Israel. By allowing the channel to remain on air, perhaps those responsible for these travesties will be shamed into some sort of reform. Protected, aided and abetted by your policy, they will only feel empowered to continue spewing hatred and incitement, far from the public eye. Pro-terrorist cyber-bullies should not be able to shut down valuable educational resources like PMW.

Yours truly,

Susann Codish

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