Voorbeelden van de PA tv uit 2009 en 2010.
'Vredesactivisten' klagen vaak dat Israel haar grenzen niet wil vastleggen en op kaarten de groene lijn, de 1949 wapenstilstandslijn, niet altijd als grens intekent. Vaak staat deze wel als dunne lijn op kaarten en vaak staan ook de gebieden onder PA controle apart ingekleurd, wat eigenlijk logischer is dan de groene lijn intekenen omdat dit gebied is dat onder Palestijns gezag staat en waar Israeli's niet mogen komen. Een kaart geeft doorgaans de huidige situatie weer, niet de (al dan niet) in de toekomst gewenste. Een heel bestand land weglaten omdat je het niet eens bent met het feit dat dat land is, is een ander verhaal. Niet alleen druist het in tegen de zogenaamde erkenning van Israel door de PA en de Oslo Akkoorden, maar het is ook een belediging voor de inwoners van dat land. Wat moet er met hen gebeuren? Waar moeten zij heen? Misschien dat de mensen die op hoge poten naar de Reclame Code Commissie stapten omdat het Israelische buro voor toerisme niet overal de groene lijn even duidelijk had ingetekend, ook even bij de PA kunnen gaan klagen? En bij de EU, de belangrijkste financier van de PA?
PA Chairman Abbas
holds up map of "Palestine"
that erases Israel
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
holds up map of "Palestine"
that erases Israel
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
During a visit to Bethlehem this week, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas held up a stone model of a map of "Palestine" that erases Israel.
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 26, 2010]
US President Obama has condemned the existence of maps like the one Abbas displayed as a "security" threat to Israel:
"I will never compromise when it comes to Israel's security... Not when there are terrorist groups and political leaders committed to Israel's destruction. Not when there are maps across the Middle East that don't even acknowledge Israel's existence."
[Obama at AIPAC Conference, June 4, 2008]As Palestinian Media Watch reported, last year Abbas held up a similar political map that presented a world without Israel. It included the PA flag above the entire land of Israel, and was titled "Palestine." It named all the neighboring states in English -- "Lebanon, Syria, Jordan Egypt" -- but failed to mention Israel.
On Abbas's maps there is no Israel.
Abbas openly ignores US President Obama's criticism of the use of such maps, letting the political and educational structures under his control continue to use maps that present a world without Israel. It is the only map used by the PA to represent "Palestine," and at times even the "State of Palestine."
See PMW's website for more examples of how "Palestine" erases Israel in the PA.
The following are recent examples:
1. PA TV children's program:
Girl points to places on map: "We went to the Sea of Galilee (in Israel) and to the Dead Sea."
Boy points on map: "Jaffa, Haifa." (Israeli cities)
Host: "So you've visited many different places in Palestine, and that's very good. It's very good that we're always visiting new places in our state, Palestine."
On Abbas's maps there is no Israel.
Abbas openly ignores US President Obama's criticism of the use of such maps, letting the political and educational structures under his control continue to use maps that present a world without Israel. It is the only map used by the PA to represent "Palestine," and at times even the "State of Palestine."
See PMW's website for more examples of how "Palestine" erases Israel in the PA.
The following are recent examples:
1. PA TV children's program:
Girl points to places on map: "We went to the Sea of Galilee (in Israel) and to the Dead Sea."
Boy points on map: "Jaffa, Haifa." (Israeli cities)
Host: "So you've visited many different places in Palestine, and that's very good. It's very good that we're always visiting new places in our state, Palestine."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 16, 2010]
2. PA Minister of Prisoners Karake presents award of honor to prisoner's family in shape of "Palestine."
[PA TV (Fatah), Oct. 15, 2010]
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