zondag 24 oktober 2010

PA dreigt met opzeggen Oslo Akkoorden

Er komt steeds agressievere retoriek uit Ramallah. Onlangs werd Israel van grove leugens beschuldigd omdat het de euvele moed had te vragen om oprechte erkenning van het zelfbeschikkingsrecht van het Joodse volk, een recht dat is verankerd in het internationale recht.
Abed Rabbo condemned the demand as "another Israeli lie." He said that Israeli right-wingers were raising the demand because they want to 'Judaize" Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and not only Israel.

He claimed that those who were making this demand were seeking to "legalize" Jewish presence on Palestinian territories while turning the Palestinians into illegal residents.
Rabbo heeft veel fantasie, laten we het daar maar op houden. Ondertussen verspreidt de PA zelf de leugen dat een bouwstop onderdeel van de Oslo Akkoorden zou zijn. Dat is niet het geval. De nederzettingen en de grenzen waren net als Jeruzalem en de vluchtelingen zaken die in 'final status' onderhandelingen zouden worden besproken, en waarover nooit overeenstemming is bereikt. We mogen het erover eens zijn dat de bouw in de nederzettingen niet bepaald vertrouwenwekkend overkomt, er is niks over afgesproken in de Oslo Akkoorden. Daarbij was er een bouwstop gedurende tien maanden, waarvan de PA er negen voorbij heeft laten gaan met het verzinnen van steeds weer nieuwe smoezen om niet te hoeven onderhandelen.

'PA may break Oslo Accords if peace talks fail'

"One party can't remain committed while the other party has violated the agreements," says PLO official Yasser Abed Rabbo in 'Al-Hayat' interview.
The Palestinian Authority hinted over the weekend that it would unilaterally abrogate the Oslo Accords that were signed between Israel and the PLO in 1993 if the peace process fails.

"We can't remain committed to the agreements that were signed with Israel forever," said Yasser Abed Rabbo, a senior PLO official who serves as an advisor to PA President Mahmoud Abbas. "One party can't remain committed while the other party has violated the agreements and even canceled them."

Abed Rabbo said that the time could come when the Palestinians would "reconsider" their commitment to the accords "if the Israelis continued with the same policy."

He said that the Palestinians were also considering the option of seeking US and UN recognition of a Palestinian state on all the territories that were captured by Israel in 1967.

Abed Rabbo's latest threat, which was made in an interview with the pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat, marks yet another escalation in the PA's rhetorical attacks on Israel in the past few days.

Abed Rabbo and several other top Palestinian officials have recently launched a scathing attack on Israel, accusing the government of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of "spreading lies" and "deception."

The strong criticism of Israel escalated after Netanyahu refused to extend a 10-month moratorium on settlement construction that expired in late September.

Since then different Palestinian officials have vehemently rejected Netanyahu's demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

Abed Rabbo condemned the demand as "another Israeli lie." He said that Israeli right-wingers were raising the demand because they want to 'Judaize" Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and not only Israel.

He claimed that those who were making this demand were seeking to "legalize" Jewish presence on Palestinian territories while turning the Palestinians into illegal residents.

Abed Rabbo said that the PLO had already recognized the existence of Israel when it signed the Oslo Accords in 1993. "Back then, all we got from Israel was recognition of the PLO as the body representing the Palestinians," he added. "We didn't get from Israel recognition of the Palestinian state and its borders. Unfortunately, our recognition [of Israel] was complete, while their recognition was partial and insufficient. This is the situation today and we must not repeat the mistakes of the past."

Asked if Palestinian negotiators sensed any change in Netanyahu, the PLO official replied: "The belief that Netanyahu has changed since the first time he was prime minister is nonsense. Why should he change when the right-wing parties in Israel have become stronger?"

Abed Rabbo said that the Palestinians still haven't received "new ideas" about finding a solution to the crisis surrounding Israel's refusal to extend the settlement freeze.

"Apparently, the Americans have given Israel some offers to encourage them to return to the negotiating table," he said. "Some of these offers include a promise to supply Israel with new weapons. This is something related to bilateral relations between Israel and the US and we don't care. But we have made it clear to the Americans that that they should not be talking to Israel about anything that may affect the future of the Palestinian territories. They must not talk to Israel about the future of the Jordan Valley, Jerusalem or the settlement blocs that Israel wants to keep."

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