Ik ga hier even niet in op de religieuze vraag of Joden wel of niet op de Tempelberg zouden moeten mogen bidden en onder welke voorwaarden, maar heb zeker begrip voor het gevoel onder sommige religieuze Joden dat het onrechtvaardig is dat zij op een voor hen zo heilige plaats niet mogen bidden, en er ook alleen op bepaalde tijden mogen komen, en moslims hier in principe altijd mogen bidden. Wanneer zij dat eens een dag niet mogen vanwege de opgelopen spanningen, zijn ze woedend en komt het op alle journaals. Maar voor Joden zijn beperkingen en verboden wat dat betreft doodnormaal. Israel neemt hierin een pragmatische houding aan: het wil de angst dat men de Tempelberg, waar vroeger Joodse tempels hebben gestaan, wil terugnemen, tegengaan. Toch lopen de spanningen geregeld op en worden de wildste geruchten verspreid als dat Israel de Al Aqsa Moskee wil vernietigen.
Yehuda Glick was het hier niet mee eens en bepleit gelijke rechten en gelijke toegang voor Joden en moslims. Dit lijkt momenteel totaal onhaalbaar en een recept voor meer problemen. Dat doet aan de legitimiteit van dit streven echter niks af. De onverdraagzaamheid van moslims wat dit betreft is enorm: iedere (zichtbare) Jood die de Tempelberg betreedt krijgt te maken met hysterisch schreeuwende, trekkende en duwende moslimvrouwen. Ondertussen voetballen islamitische kinderen geregeld op deze voor velen zo heilige plek maar dat is geen enkel probleem. Verschil moet er wezen.
Shooting Victim Yehuda Glick an Advocate for Equal Rights
An Arab terrorist attempted to murder Yehuda Glick, an advocate for equal rights. Yet the PA calls the terrorist a heroic martyr and the mainstream media labels Glick a “right-wing” activist.
Poster published by Fatah’s Jerusalem branch, praising the terrorist shooter of Glick as a “heroic Martyr” on the way “to his wedding.” (Photo: PMW)
Rabbi Yehuda Glick, the executive director of the Haliba movement for Jewish Freedom on the Temple Mount who was critically wounded by a terrorist Wednesday evening, has been labeled by mainstream media as a “right-wing activist.”
Glick has been fighting for equal rights for all – plain and simple. He has never advocated disallowing Muslims, Christians and others the freedom to pray at the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, where the First and Second Temples stood. On the contrary; he often quotes from the verse in Isaiah, which states: “For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”
Since the liberation of the Holy City of Jerusalem in 1967, when Israel fought a defensive war against three surrounding nations aiming to throw the tiny Jewish state into the sea – including Jordan, which had ruled eastern Jerusalem since 1948 – the Temple Mount has been administered by the Jordanian Muslim Trust. Under this arrangement, Jews have been suffering profound discrimination and abuse.
For example, visits to the Mount by Jews have been severely limited. When allowed on the Mount at limited times, they wait in long lines, are prohibited from praying and are often physically attacked by Arabs.
There are 11 entrances to the Mount, but 10 are for Muslims only. These are the issues that Glick and his supporters address in their fight for equal rights.
Glick’s Brother – a Beloved Doctor among Palestinian Arabs
Glick, in fact, hails from a family that promotes equality and co-existence – a fact that seems to elude journalists in the mainstream media. For instance, his brother, Dr. Yitz Glick, lives in Judea and Samaria in the city of Efrat, which is situated near Arab towns and villages. As such, a large part of his medical practice is devoted to Palestinian Arab patients.
Dr. Yitz Glick (C) received the Presidential Award for Volunteerism in 2009 and the Moskowitz Prize for Zionism in 2012. (Photo: mdais.com)
As reported by Tazpit News Agency almost a year ago, “to the villagers of Wadi Nis and six other Palestinian villages in the Gush Etzion region, the kippah-wearing Dr. Glick is a familiar and welcome face. This U.S.-born doctor, who made aliyah (immigration to Israel) with his parents in 1974, makes personal house calls every week, providing medical treatment free of charge to Palestinian patients.”
“When Dr. Glick sees Mohammed, a construction worker he treated for injuries from a fall from a building a couple of years ago, he stops and gets out of the car. Wearing a red and white keffiyeh headdress, Mohammed greets Dr. Glick with a hug and the two converse like old friends.”
Dr. Glick, a religious Zionist, told Tazpit that in Gush Etzion, as in any civilized place, “doctors are used to treating patients from all walks of life…. Everyone is treated with respect and accorded quality medical care.”
A father of five, he believes that “the universe is big enough for all of us here,” the article continues.
Fatah Praises Glick Shooting, Calls for Day of Rage
Meanwhile, Fatah, the ruling party of the Palestinian Authority headed by PA President Mahmoud Abbas, “celebrated the attempted murder of Rabbi Yehuda Glick in Jerusalem and glorified the shooter,” Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reports.
Arabs clash with police in east Jerusalem following shooting of Rabbi Glick. (Photo: Hadas Parush/Flash90)
“Fatah referred to him as an ‘extremist Zionist,’ called the attempt on his life ‘the assassination of the despicable Glick’ and honored the terrorist who was subsequently killed by Israel as a ‘heroic Martyr,’” PMW writes.
Fatah has declared Friday as a “day of rage,” the media watchdog continues, calling on the “Palestinian ‘fighters’ to defend Al-Aqsa. Palestinian rioters and terrorists have been active in recent weeks in the Jerusalem area, killing two, injuring many others, and causing millions of dollars in damage.”
Author: Atara Beck
Senior Writer, United with Israel
Click HERE to see video of Rabbi Glick praying together and in comeraderie with Moslems at the Temple Mount.
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