Elder of Ziyon is al een tijdje bezig om aan te tonen hoezeer UNRWA met de Hamas ideologie verbonden is van Jodenhaat, geweld tegen Israel en bevrijding van het hele land. In een andere post heeft hij de logo’s van een aantal UNRWA scholen onder elkaar gezet. Stuk voor stuk laten ze heel Israel als Palestina zien, oftewel, men bepleit de bevrijding van het hele land en geen vrede en co-existentie met Israel.
Uit de foto’s hieronder, van de facebookpagina’s van verschillende UNRWA onderwijzers, blijkt dat zij de Al Qassam Brigades steunen en kinderen oproepen om deel te nemen aan terroristische activiteiten. Dit alles druist in tegen de officiele verklaringen van UNRWA over wat zij de kinderen op haar scholen bij brengt en wat zij voorstaat. UNRWA wordt in het Westen gezien als een humanitaire organisatie die de Palestijnse vluchtelingen helpt, en als een betrouwbare bron voor informatie over de gang van zaken in Gaza.
Tijdens de Gaza oorlog van de zomer voerde leider Chris Gunness een coninue informatieoorlog tegen Israel, met tweets vol leugens die door duizenden mensen werden geretweet. Gunness weet waarschijnlijk van onderstaande zaken (en heel veel meer ‘incidenten’) af, maar zwijgt erover. En de media geloven hem op zijn woord als hij dergelijke zaken ontkent.
Hier valt nog een beerput open te trekken, maar ik denk niet dat de media er veel belangstelling voor hebben, want als UNRWA een propaganda organisatie aan de leiband van Hamas is, wat betekent dat dan voor het beeld wat zijzelf jarenlang hebben uitgedragen?
UNRWA school deputy principal is a fan of Hamas terrorists
Last week, I noted that the last Arabic UNRWA school website that was taken down (rdus.sch.unrwa.ps) after I discovered it contained antisemitism had been partially resurrected. Naturally, I found another damning article there, about how UNRWA teaches first graders to call for Israel's destruction.
After that post, it has been taken down again.
Meanwhile, Facebook is a great place to find UNRWA school teachers and administrators who espouse views that the UN - and UNRWA's own standards - supposedly disagree with.
Earlier, I found an UNRWA teacher who embraced terrorists and encourages children to take up weapons.
Now we have an UNRWA deputy school principal namded Jehan Muhammad who includes these tributes to Hamas terrorism on her photo stream:
So tolerant!
I'm getting quite a portfolio showing UNRWA support for terrorists and support for destroying Israel. How many more are needed before the world takes notice?
Don't rest easy tonight, Chris Gunness. More coming tomorrow.
UNRWA teacher fervently supports terror on Facebook (update)
Zuhair Hindi is a teacher at the UNRWA Jabalya Prep School for Boys.
He is also a terror supporter.
His profile picture on Facebook is of Qassam Brigades terrorist Hassan Mohammed al-Hindi, who might be a brother of his or perhaps another relative, who was killed when trying to attack Israel from the sea early in the summer war.
But even before the war he showed how much he loved terrorism - and Hamas' Al Qassam Brigades:
In this cartoon on his page we get an impression of how well he adheres to supposed UNRWA standards of tolerance, peace and coexistence:
How about his opinion of the children that he teaches?
Here is a photo that reveals his view of children:
His caption is "The next generation of the elite."
Is that enough to get him fired? Come on, who are we kidding?
For those who are not offended by any of this, you have my sympathies. But maybe you are the type of person for whom this photo, that he also posted, is considered worse than incitement to murder:
Now, when Chris Gunness and UNRWA head Pierre Krähenbühl read this - and believe me, they will - what do you think runs through their minds?
1. Hindi must be dismissed immediately for violating UNRWA principles!
2. I see nothing wrong with any of this.
3. As long as the media doesn't pick up on this, we can safely ignore it.
4. If we are forced to fire Hindi because of his Facebook posts, then the other UNRWA teachers will probably go on strike and cause a much bigger problem for us.
5. I really, really hope that no reporter who is going to interview me sees this first.
UPDATE: The al-Hindi family are prominent pro-Hamas members of UNRWA. UNRWA fired one of them once and indeed relented when the other teaches threatened to strike (see 4. above.)
In 2011, the UNRWA management sacked Sohail al-Hindi, who headed the winning bloc, for his popular activities connected to Hamas. He was reinstated after protests, including strike action, by unions at UNRWA.
Al-Hindi said that his new term of office will be to the advantage of UNRWA's work and its employees in the Gaza Strip. He promised to respect the guidelines of the international agency, which is dedicated to provide vital services for Palestinian refugees.
(h/t @WarpedMirrorPMB)
UPDATE 2: At least some of these photos have been taken down.
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