Hij is het niet geworden: Michael Müller werd op 18 oktober tot (kandidaat-)burgemeester van Berlijn gekozen. Maar Raed Saleh blijft een opmerkelijke kandidaat, die wellicht later alsnog zover brengt.
Misschien zou het een stad als Berlijn sieren als er eerst eens een Joodse burgemeester zou zijn (bij mijn weten nog niet voorgekomen), maar een etnische Palestijn die misschien niet uitgesproken pro-Israel maar - te oordelen naar dit artikel – zeker niet anti-Israel is, dat zou ook een mooi symbool kunnen zijn voor verzoening?
Toch is de vraag in hoeverre zijn kandidatuur voor het burgemeesterschap een rol speelt in de positieve woorden voor Israel. Eronder een kort interview van tijdens de eerste Gaza Oorlog in 2009.
Berlin’s Palestinian mayoral candidate proud of city’s Jewish revival
West Bank-born Raed Saleh says Holocaust education should start earlier for first-generation Germans who need to learn ‘the positive and negative aspects of German history’
October 14, 2014, 1:16 pm
BERLIN — A German politician who has been outspoken in promoting the need for early Holocaust and anti-Semitism education is poised to be the next mayor of Berlin. Seeking to succeed the German capital’s incumbent, Klaus Wowereit — the city’s first openly gay leader — Palestinian-born Raed Saleh may become Berlin’s first immigrant mayor.
Saleh, 37, who was born in the West Bank and came to Berlin at age 5, offers a story of social advancement and tolerance he hopes will win over voters and set an example for others.
The son of a Palestinian “guest worker” who brought his family to then-West Berlin in the early 1980s, the 37-year-old Saleh started out working at Burger King and later co-founded a company that provides printing services.
“At the moment, a lot of young people have the feeling that they don’t have a share” in society, he said. Berlin is home to a large immigrant community, including many people with Turkish roots, some of them poorly integrated.
Berlin mayoral candidate Raed Saleh. ‘With young people with foreign roots, I regularly visit Auschwitz and Birkenau to explain that German history is also part of their history.’ (Micki Weinberg/The Times of Israel)
A growing new generation of disenfranchised first-generation Germans is a major cause of rising anti-Semitism in a society long-known for endemic racial hatred, Saleh told The Times of Israel.
But Saleh said this trend can be easily reversed. The cure? Experiential education.
“With young people with foreign roots, I regularly visit Auschwitz and Birkenau to explain that German history is also part of their history… because they were born here and must be acquainted with both the positive and negative aspects of German history,” Saleh said.
However, anti-Semitism education must begin earlier than it does now, said Saleh, “especially where we have classes in which 70 percent of the children are of foreign origin.”
For the past eight years Saleh has promoted mutual respect among Berlin’s religious and ethnic groups through a “Dialogue of Religions” program. There, Christians, Jews and Muslims discuss and learn about each other’s religions and volunteer in their communities.
If elected mayor, Saleh promises to ensure law and order and has taken an outspoken stance against anti-Semitic slogans chanted during protests against the Gaza war. “You can criticize if you have a different political view,” he said, “but nothing justifies hatred of Jews.”
Saleh joined the center-left Social Democrats of the current mayor, Klaus Wowereit, at 18 and rose steadily the local party hierarchy. When Wowereit announced in August that he was stepping down, Saleh — now the party’s regional caucus leader — became a natural candidate to succeed him.
Members of the Social Democrats are choosing between Saleh and two other contenders to be their party’s pick in a postal ballot that closes October 17. The mayor will be elected by the Berlin state parliament in December. Since a Social Democrat-led coalition has a majority in the legislature, the party ballot’s winner is all but guaranteed to get the job.
Saleh says his election could help give “courage and hope” to millions of people, showing that everyone is equal regardless of where they were born.
“This would of course be a great signal, and we would make history together here in Berlin,” he said.
“Young people with immigrant roots must, in addition to the Turkish and Arab cultural associations that they visit, start to feel at home in the larger [German] society overall. A homeland is a place where you care about what is happening around you. I would want these young people to be engaged in [German] political parties and social organizations,” he said.
“I’m proud that Jewish life has become so well developed in recent years. We again have Jewish cafes and restaurants, Jewish culture… and I’m proud, because that shows that we have regained the trust of the Jews from all over the world,” he said.The revival of Berlin Jewish life and the Jewish community’s sense of belonging to the city is a subject that Saleh repeatedly references as a point of pride.
Saleh is also pleased about the strong Israeli connection to Berlin, which has only grown in recent years. Berlin has become a controversial mecca for Israeli artists, musicians, students, tourists, and entrepreneurs.
“The relationship between Berlin and Israel has a lot of potential… a lot of people from Israel come to Germany, many of them as tourists or as students. That is a big compliment for Berlin.”
If elected mayor, Saleh pledges to focus on education and to take personal control of attracting business to the city.
Berlin has developed a reputation as a hub for high-tech startups, but is industrially weak and has not developed a strong financial center. Wowereit dubbed the city “poor but sexy.” Its 10.8 percent unemployment rate is still the second-highest of any German state, well above the national average of 6.5 percent.
“Berlin is growing, Berlin is developing very positively, but many people have no share in this growth — for many, everything that is happening is passing them by,” Saleh said. “I would like us to share prosperity around better.”
Wowereit’s decision to step down midterm gives the new mayor nearly two years before the next state election to shore up his party’s support. That has slid amid disillusionment with the once-popular Wowereit, whose personal reputation suffered from persistent delays in opening Berlin’s new airport.
Saleh’s chances are hard to gauge in a battle with local party chairman Jan Stoess and city development minister Michael Mueller, the best-known of three candidates who are hardly household names.
Ethnic minorities are poorly represented in leadership positions in Germany, though a co-leader of the opposition Greens and the federal government official responsible for immigrant issues have Turkish roots.
Saleh said in a letter to party members that he has heard questions about whether Berlin is ready for a mayor with an immigrant background.
“I think that is asking the question the wrong way,” he wrote. “It should be: Are we ready? Are you ready?”
And his answer to a more burning issue? Saleh, as a Palestinian born in the West Bank, cannot preclude himself from arguably the most controversial and possibly unresolvable subject in the Middle East: Who makes the best hummus?
Saleh smiled and, showing off his diplomatic skills, quickly answered.
“The best hummus is what I make for my family on the weekend,” he laughed.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.


"Es muss weitere
friedliche Demonstrationen geben"
Der in Palästina geborene SPD-Abgeordnete Raed Saleh ruft zu mehr Protest gegen den Krieg im Gazastreifen auf, um Druck auf Israel auszuüben
taz: Herr Saleh, Sie sind mit fünf Jahren aus Palästina nach
Berlin gekommen, Sie haben Onkel und Tante im Westjordanland. Was empfinden Sie
angesichts der Bilder vom Krieg im Gazastreifen?
Raed Saleh: Das ist
alles sehr erschreckend und besorgniserregend für mich - ich war ja vergangenen
Sommer noch im Westjordanland. Ich mache mir umso mehr Sorgen, weil ich denke,
dass der Konflikt auf andere Regionen überschwappen wird.
Am Samstag haben 7.500 Menschen vor dem Roten Rathaus gegen die
israelischen Luftangriffe protestiert - Sie auch?
Leider nicht. Ich wäre dabei gewesen, wenn ich nicht einen
unaufschiebbaren anderen Termin gehabt hätte. Aber ich finde es sehr, sehr gut,
dass so viele ihr Demonstrationsrecht genutzt haben.
Die palästinensische Gemeinde Berlin als Organisatorin hat in
ihrem Demo-Aufruf von einem "israelischen Blutbad" in Gaza
gesprochen. Wäre das auch Ihre Wortwahl?
Was da passiert, ist absolut inhuman und eine nicht hinzunehmende
Verletzung des Völkerrechts, eine systematische Bombardierung der
Jenseits der Demonstration - wie sehr bewegt das Thema Berliner
Palästinenser und jene, die dort ihre Wurzeln haben?
Was ich von Freunden und Bekannten höre, die aus der
arabisch-islamischen Welt stammen, deckt sich mit meiner Gefühlswelt: Da gibt
es ein tiefes Unverständnis und Verzweiflung, dass so etwas im Jahre 2009 vor
den Augen der Weltöffentlichkeit passieren kann.
Wird das, was jetzt im Gazastreifen passiert, dazu führen, dass
sich in Berlin antisemitische Tendenzen verstärken?
Ich hoffe, dass Vereine und sonstige Strukturen auf ihre
Mitglieder dahingehend einwirken können, dass sie differenzieren zwischen der
Politik des Staates Israel und den einzelnen Menschen, damit es nicht zu einer
antisemitischen Stimmung kommt.
Was bleibt Ihnen als SPD-Landespolitiker, außer die Faust in der
Tasche zu ballen und auf ein baldiges Ende des Krieges zu hoffen?
Ich kann immerhin jeden dazu aufrufen, zu protestieren. Es muss
weitere friedliche Demonstrationen geben, der Protest muss auf der Straße
bleiben. Nur so kann der Druck auf Israel wachsen, die Angriffe zu beenden und
genauso auch das Embargo gegenüber dem Gazastreifen aufheben.
Haben Sie wirklich Hoffnung darauf?
Ich glaube, dass die Mehrheit in Israel und Palästina weiß, dass dieser
sechs Jahrzehnte alte Konflikt militärisch nicht zu lösen ist und sich nur
diplomatisch mit einer Zwei-Staaten-Lösung beenden lässt.
Macht denn Ihre Partei - sie stellt immerhin den
Bundesaußenminister - genug in diese Richtung?
Die SPD müsste mehr auf eine Mittlerrolle drängen. Deutschland hat
bei Arabern wie bei Israelis einen sehr guten Ruf. Wenn ein Land erfolgreich
vermitteln könnte, dann Deutschland.
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