donderdag 29 november 2012

Wereldbank geeft 5 milioen euro aan Gazastrook voor watervoorziening en riolering


INN, een rechtse Israelische website, stelt het hier wat provocerend. Het geld is onder andere bedoeld voor infrastructuur en vooral een betere waterzuivering. Dat klinkt nobel, maar de vraag is wel hoe wordt voorkomen dat Hamas dit geld gaat gebruiken voor wapens en andere ongein. Ook wanneer het geld wel goed terecht komt spaart Hamas zo geld uit voor wapens, want het hoeft zelf geen geld aan deze zaken te besteden. Dit is een bekend dilemma voor ontwikkelingsorganisaties en landen die ontwikkelingshulp geven.

The infrastructure in Gaza has been deteriorating in recent years and the area is now "choked with untreated sewage," the Bank said, according to AFP.

"We are concerned about the lack of clean water supply and the deterioration in the quality of water resources," Mariam Sherman, World Bank Country Director for theWest Bank and Gaza, said in a statement.

"The new project is very important to Gaza citizens. Not only will it increase the sustainability of water and sewage networks, but it will also allow the utility to better serve the needs of their customers."

Het geld zal niet rechtstreeks aan Hamas worden gegeven, maar hoe men de infrastructuur van Gaza buiten Hamas om wil verbeteren wordt in de berichten niet vermeld. Op de website van de Wereldbank zelf krijgt men vreemd genoeg bij onderstaand nieuwsbericht "Page not found":

Nov 27, 2012 West Bank and Gaza - Gaza Water Supply and Sewage Systems Improvement Project Loan & Credit





World Bank Gives Hamas $6.4 Million Prize after Missile War

Hamas again receives world aid, this time $6 .4 million, after escalating missile attacks on Israel.

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

First Publish: 11/28/2012, 8:33 AM


The World Bank has come to the rescue of Hamas, giving it $6.4 million to improve water and sewage services after the latest escalation in attacks on Israel that drew Israel into the eight-day Pillar of Defense counterterrorist campaign. 


The Islamic Development Bank is contributing an additional $11.1 million, but there has been no report of safeguard measures to ensure that some of the money will not be used for more weapons for future attacks on Israel. 


The infrastructure in Gaza has been deteriorating in recent years and the area is now "choked with untreated sewage," the Bank said, according to AFP. 


"We are concerned about the lack of clean water supply and the deterioration in the quality of water resources," Mariam Sherman, World Bank Country Director for theWest Bank and Gaza, said in a statement. 


"The new project is very important to Gaza citizens. Not only will it increase the sustainability of water and sewage networks, but it will also allow the utility to better serve the needs of their customers." 


The latest project will fund the construction of water tanks, the connection of major wells to the supply grid and the reduction of costly leaks. 


It will also be aimed at helping the local utility to enhance billing and customer services, the Bank said.


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