donderdag 14 juli 2011

Ma'an Engels tegenover Ma'an Arabisch: een taalprobleem?


Het is een bekend fenomeen, maar krijgt nauwelijks aandacht in de mainstream media: Palestijnse (en Arabische) media zeggen wat anders in het Engels dan in het Arabisch. In de comments onder de blog wees iemand op een kaart op Al Jazeera die Israel als Palestina aanduidt in het Arabisch: 

In de Engelse versie staat er geen aanduiding bij Israel en de Palestijnse gebieden: 





Ma'an English vs. Ma'an Arabic (updated)


From Ma'an (English):


Israeli soldiers shot and killed a young Palestinian man early Wednesday near Nablus in the occupied West Bank, Palestinian and Israeli security officials said. 

University student Ibrahim Sarhan was shot while emerging from a mosque during a search operation in Al-Farah refugee camp near Nablus, Palestinian security sources told AFP.

Soldiers were looking for an activist of the Islamic Jihad movement but Sarhan did not belong to any Palestinian political group, they said.

From Ma'an Arabic:

The Islamic resistance movement Hamas in the West Bank confirmed that the martyr Ibrahim Sarhan, 22, is one of its children and its activists in the Farah camp.

The Arabic article was timestamped 11:24 AM. The English one was posted at 11:40. It was still the top English story at 14:00.

UPDATE: At 17:18 Ma'an English updated the story - but it still does not point out that Sarhan was a Hamas member, only approaching the issue elliptically:


Sarhan was close to graduating from the faculty of engineering at An-Najah University, where he supported the Islamic bloc in student senate elections, the Hamas party announced Wednesday. 

In a statement, Hamas said Sarhan was shot while en route to morning prayers.


Yet the Hamas statement explicitly said that he was one of its activists, as can be seen on the Hamas Al Qassam website.



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