zondag 10 juli 2011

Activisten 'Air Flotilla' bij protesten Bil'in en Kalandiya op Westoever


Volgens een bericht in de Haaretz worden alleen de activisten vastgehouden die weigerden te beloven alleen aan vreedzame demonstraties deel te nemen, en zijn zij die dit wel beloofden vrij naar de Westbank te reizen. Volgens zowel de Jerusalem Post als Haaretz hebben tientallen activisten die door de veiligheidschecks zijn gekomen op de Westbank gedemonstreerd en kwamen in aanvaring met het Israelische leger. Er staat niet bij hoe het precies tot rellen en gewelddadigheden is gekomen. Het is wel duidelijk dat de activisten niet slechts naar ‘Palestina’ kwamen om er vrienden te bezoeken, zoals werd gesuggereerd door bijvoorbeeld Anja Meulenbelt. Palestijnen zou het recht worden ontzegd om vrienden te ontvangen. Het is waar dat je extra wordt ondervraagd, maar het is zeker mogelijk om Palestijnen te bezoeken op de Westoever en daarover hoef je niet te jokken zoals Meulenbelt beweert. Waar je misschien wel beter over kunt jokken is je bedoeling mee te doen aan demonstraties die vaak uitlopen op een gewelddadige confrontatie met het leger, en worden georganiseerd door extreme groepen met banden met teroristische organisaties, zoals de International Solidarity Movement.





http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/israel-to-deport-pro-palestinian-fly-in-activists-within-48-hours-1.372358Haaretz meldt:


Four activists from Germany and Holland were released and permitted to enter Israel after they pledged not to participate in violent protest activities.

According to police, anyone "who wanted to protest in a legitimate and non-violent manner was permitted to enter" Israel.

The 120 detained activists are less than half of the more than 300 who were originally questioned by police. Police said that the detained activists were those who refused to promise not to participate in violent protests.

Some activists refused to talk to investigators and only presented their passports.



''Air Flotilla' activists at protests in Bil'in, Kalandiya'


Organizers claim pro-Palestinian activists who managed to pass border control at Ben-Gurion Airport are participating in W.Bank protests.




Pro-Palestinian activists that managed to pass border control at Ben-Gurion Airport as part of the "air flotilla" arrived in the West Bank on Saturday and were present for clashes with security forces in Nabi Saleh, Channel 2 reported.

Earlier, "Welcome to Palestine" organizers said that fly-in activists would be participating in events marking the anniversary of the International Court of Justice's ruling on the West Bank security barrier.

The statement said the European activists would be participating in demonstrations in Bil'in and Kalandiya.

The clashes in Nabi Saleh resulted in several arrests, the IDF spokesperson confirmed, but would not comment on the nationality of those arrested.

On Saturday morning, thirty nine pro-Palestinian activists that arrived at Ben-Gurion Airport were refused entry to the country and were taken to Ela Prison in Beersheba for questioning .

The Immigration and Population Authority reported that the activists arrived on a Lufthansa flight late Friday night.

124 activists have been detained in prisons around the country in total and were awaiting deportation, including 76 women and 48 men.

Police on Friday said that 69 activists had been denied entry. Four of those denied entry were sent back to their original destinations, while the rest were taken into custody untilflights could be arranged, Army Radio reported.

Two of the flights, one EasyJet from Geneva and one Alitalia, were diverted to Terminal 1, where police combed passengers for pro-Palestinian activists expected to attempt entry into the country as part of the "Air Flotilla," Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. Police believed a bulk of foreign pro-Palestinian activists were on those jets.

After police finished checking the flights, passengers not connected to the groups of activists were ferried back to Terminal 3. The suspected activists were taken to a separate area of the airport for questioning.

The activists involved represented a number of different countries, including the United States, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, and the Netherlands. 

Police Insp.-Gen. Yochanan Danino said his officers "succeeded in meeting the mission set by the government." Undercover agents and police continued to be deployed at the airport as more "air flotilla" participants were expected to arrive. 

Meanwhile, six left-wing Israeli activists were arrested after causing a disturbance in the arrivals area at Terminal Three, police added.

"Five males and one female are being questioned," Rosenfeld said. 

The activists held up signs inside the terminal saying "Welcome to Palestine."

Tovah Lazaroff, Herb Keinon, and Yaakov Lappin contributed to this report.


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