Toen de Europese Unie en Israel van plan waren hun relaties te intensiveren, werden brievencampagnes en andere protestacties opgezet door mensenrechten organisaties en clubs als Oxfam-Novib en dergelijke. Men vond dat Israel eerst moest laten zien serieus naar vrede te streven, iets dat met de terugtrekking uit Gaza, de terugtrekking uit Libanon, de talloze checkpoints die zijn opgeheven en roadblocks die zijn verwijderd, blijkbaar nog niet voldoende bewezen was. Ik heb echter nog niemand gehoord over onderstaande plannen en de eis horen stellen aan Syrië om eerst eens te stoppen met haar steun aan Hezbollah en de banden met Iran te verbreken, als teken dat men in vrede geinteresseerd is. Novib, Anja, Dries, Martijn van Dam, waar zijn jullie?
EU and Syria close to Signing an agreement on stronger relations
Sep 04, 2009
www.sana. sy/eng/22/2009/09/04/243440.htm
Sep 04, 2009
www.sana. sy/eng/22/2009/09/04/243440.htm
Stockholm, (SANA - Syrian news agency)
European Union is close to signing an agreement with Syria on stronger relations between the two sides, European Commissioner for External Relations Benita Ferrero-Waldner said on Friday.
Waldner told journalists at a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Stockholm that the EU was close to reach an agreement with Syria on stronger relations, saying, "In the near future we will get this agreement really going, and this will give Syria positive influence in the Middle East".
She said, "It is certainly not a gift if we give that to Syria, but it is a possibility for a contractual agreement with Syria, so I am very much in favor and I do hope this will go on."
She also stressed that engaging with Syria was absolutely in the interest of the EU.
Waldner told journalists at a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Stockholm that the EU was close to reach an agreement with Syria on stronger relations, saying, "In the near future we will get this agreement really going, and this will give Syria positive influence in the Middle East".
She said, "It is certainly not a gift if we give that to Syria, but it is a possibility for a contractual agreement with Syria, so I am very much in favor and I do hope this will go on."
She also stressed that engaging with Syria was absolutely in the interest of the EU.
Fadi Allafi
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