zondag 6 januari 2008

Israël wil Rafah grensovergang weer onder controle krijgen

Sinds Egypte keer op keer overeenkomsten met Israël schendt en halfhartig optreedt tegen de wapensmokkel vanuit de Sinai, is dit een alleszins redelijk verzoek. Uiteraard zullen Egypte en Hamas heftig protesteren tegen een dergelijke "vernederende" maatregel, de laatste waarschijnlijk niet alleen met woorden.

Report: Israel seeks to regain control of Rafah crossing
London-based al-Quds al-Arabi reports Israel sent letters to Washington, EU requesting permission to establish military base on Gaza-Egypt border, place control over Rafah crossing in hands of international monitors
Roee Nahmias YNET Published: 01.05.08, 16:26 / Israel News

Israel has asked the United States' approval to recapture the Rafah crossing on the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, European sources told London-based Arabic newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi.

The paper reported Saturday that Israel has sent letters to Washington and to the EU's headquarters in Brussels protesting Egypt's decision to allow hundreds of Palestinian pilgrims to return to the Gaza Strip last Wednesday, without being subjected to security checks by the Israeli army.

In the letter, Israel demanded that the current status quo on the Gaza-Egypt border be changed, and that Israel would be allowed to set up a military base in the area. Israel also demanded that control over the Rafah crossing would be placed in the hands of international monitors.

Egypt enabled hundreds of Palestinians to enter Gaza through the Rafah crossing this week, despite an earlier understanding with Israel that the pilgrims would enter through the Kerem Shalom crossing, and undergo security checks by the IDF.

Israel's insistence stemmed from concerns that some of the Palestinians returning from Saudi Arabia might be senior terror operatives, or Hamas officials attempting to smuggle large sums of money into the Strip.

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