Deze blog is bedoeld voor commentaren over het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict en de berichtgeving en discussie hierover in Nederland.
donderdag 3 februari 2011
"Allah, laat alstublieft geen Jood in leven"
Een anti-Israel circus trekt langs de Amerikaanse universiteiten, met een documentaire die gruwelijke beelden laat zien van omgekomen Palestijnse kinderen tijdens de Gaza Oorlog. Die tragedies kunnen leiden tot enig begrip voor ongenuanceerde emotionele uitroepen als "Doodt alle Joden!"
Toch waren zulke uitroepen al lang geleden te horen, bijvoorbeeld in de jaren '20 en '30, toen er nog geen bezetting en Gaza Oorlog en dode kinderen waren, maar wel al pogroms plaatsvonden tegen de Joden en met leugens tegen hen werd opgehitst door o.a. de 'groot-moefti' van Jeruzalem. Niet alleen de zionisten moesten het toen ontgelden, ook de oude Joodse gemeenschappen in bijv. Hebron en de Joodse wijk van Jeruzalem waren hun leven niet meer zeker.
Met name Hamas heeft van zulke antisemitische opruiing de laatste decennia haar handelsmerk gemaakt, en met preken en tv-programma's (ook voor de kleintjes, want jong geleerd is oud gedaan) de Palestijnse bevolking geindoctrineerd.
It is amazing what you hear at some universities these days.
Last night the SOAS Palestine Society showed a new film called, bemusingly, To Shoot an Elephant, which is an almost two hour documentary about activists helping Palestinian paramedics in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead.
The title seemed apt in that it was like watching tourists on safari trying to film a kill, except in the film's case the kill were to be only young Palestinian children.
There was lots of tragic footage of dead Palestinian children moments after they had passed away in hospital. The footage was heartbreaking but inexplicable in its lack of respect for the privacy of the dead and injured.
We were also shown dead children in the hospital morgue.
Tragic scenes of dead and mutilated Israeli children used to occur regularly in Israeli hospitals until Israel built that so-called evil "apartheid wall".
Israel also builds shelters to protect its children. Hamas doesn't. That was very apparent from the film.
Although the lack of protective shelters was obviously not mentioned in the film as one of the main causes of civilian casualties it is so obvious that a biased audience is bound to miss it.
Before the film started we were warned that we will hear the term "Al Yahud" quite a few times, but although it means "Jews" in Arabic we should understand that in the Palestinian context it means Israelis.
This is because, apparently, when the Palestinians see a Star of David on an Israeli soldier's uniform they see him as Jewish eventhough he is Israeli.
I tried to be open minded.
I accepted that explanation even after seeing one Palestinian, who had had his fruit stall damaged, refer to Jews as "dogs".
However, then we came to a funeral where an Imam was saying prayers not for the souls of the dead children but for the murder of every Jew.
When, at the end, I objected to this scene I was merely accused of playing "the anti-Semitism card" or taking the words out of context.
Judging by the flags in the background the funeral seems to have been arranged by Hamas and, possibly, Hezbollah. Here are the words of the Imam and the clip:
Allah is the greatest. He who thanks Allah will be rewarded. Oh Allah, loosen your power and strength on the Jews. (Amen.) Please Allah, kill them all And don't leave any of them alive. (Amen.) Oh Allah, with your great power. Allah! We are asking you with your infinite power, dear Allah. Allah! Please dear Allah, take revenge for our martyrs' blood. Allah! Please Allah, get rid of the Jews. Bring them down. They are not as powerful as you. Please Allah, make the earth shake and destroy the pillars of their civilisation. Please Allah, cast fear and terror into their hearts. Oh Allah disperse them so they become lost once again. Oh Allah, show us a sign. Oh Allah, surprise them in a way they don't expect. Oh Allah, cast fear and terror into their hearts.
To Shoot an Elephant is coming to a university near you soon.
Remember, when you see the above scene that, despite what he is saying, the Imam only wants all Israelis dead, not all Jews.
And whatever you do don't play "the anti-Semitism card".
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