maandag 6 april 2009

Hamas TV: 'Joden drinken moslim bloed'

In een uitzending op het Hamas TV station Al Aqsa TV, is een Joodse man te zien die zijn zoon leert dat hij alle moslims moet haten en hun bloed moet drinken. Ook moet de zoon voor het gebed zijn handen met moslimbloed wassen. Dit soort blood libels zijn eeuwenlang over Joden verkondigd door de christenen, vooral rond Pasen: Joden zouden het bloed van Christelijke kinderen gebruiken voor het bakken van matzes. De blood libel van Hamas past feilloos in deze traditie van het ontmenselijken van de Joden, om daarmee hun vervolging en dood te rechtvaardigen. Maar voor steeds meer mensen in het verlichte westen, vooral mensen ter linkerzijde, is Hamas een pragmatisch geworden en legitieme verzetsbeweging waar Israel en het Westen prima zaken mee kunnen doen. Gaat u het de Joden uitleggen?

Apr. 5, 2009
Palestinian Media Watch

Hamas Blood Libel: Jews drink Muslim blood

by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook

Jews drink the blood of Muslims and believe that God wants Jews to hate Muslims, according to a Hamas TV skit. Performed before a live audience at the Islamic University in Gaza, the segment features actors playing a father and son, in traditional Hasidic Jewish garb, discussing their God mandated hatred of Muslims.

The skit opens as the father instructs: "We Jews hate the Muslims, we want to kill the Muslims, we Jews want to drink the blood of Muslims." It is later explained that Jews wash their hands before prayer, not with water, but with Muslims' blood: "We have to wash our hands with the blood of Muslims."

Blood libels were a tragic part of Jewish history, as Jews were accused of using the blood of non-Jews for ritual purposes, especially the baking of Matzah for Passover. Blood libels created deep hatred and were an effective trigger for numerous pogroms and the murder of thousands. The Hamas accusation that Jews drink Muslim blood comes the week before Passover, the anniversary of many horrific blood libels.

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Following is the full Transcript:

Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas) April 3, 2009

Father: "We Jews hate the Muslims, we want to kill the Muslims, we Jews want to drink the blood of Muslims and Arabs.
[Turns to the audience:] Are you Muslims and Arabs?
[The audience responds in the affirmative.]
I hate you, to please God."
Father: "Shimon, look, my son, I want to teach you a few things. You have to hate the Muslims."
Son: "[I don't] like them, I hate them."
Father: "You have to drink the blood of the Muslims."
Father: "I spoke with God, so that you will hate the Muslims, so that you will please God."
Son: "Don't worry, father."
Father: "Very well, my son. I repeat: You have to hate the Muslims."
Son: "But I [do] hate them."
Father: You have to drink the blood of the Muslims."
Father: "I tell you, you must stand next to me and pray, my son."
Son: "Okay, one moment and I'm coming."
Father: "Where are you going, my son?"
Son: "I am going to cleanse my body." [as Muslims do before prayer]
Father: "You're going to do WHAT?"
Son: "To cleanse my body. You said you want us to pray."
Father: "Muslims [do that], not us."
Father: "We have to wash our hands with the blood of Muslims."


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