maandag 13 december 2010

Hamas viert verjaardag met parade nep "Shalit" in Gaza

Hamas heeft dit eerder gedaan, en ook een video gemaakt waarin Shalit als oude man nog steeds gevangen wordt gehouden omdat Israel niks doet om hem vrij te krijgen, oftewel: bereid is aan Hamas' extreme eisen tegemoet te komen. Het is meer dan smakeloos, en een vorm van psychologische oorlogsvoering. Als Israel zoiets zou doen wat betreft de Palestijnse gevangenen, zouden de internationale veroordelingen niet van de lucht zijn.
Op onderstaande foto zie je duidelijk hoe de fake Shalit vernederd wordt, en klein en timide staat tussen de mannen van Hamas met hun geweren. Dit lijkt het spiegelbeeld van de Israelische soldaten die arme Palestijnen treiteren bij checkpoints, met dit verschil: die beelden worden door antizionisten en kritische journalisten verspreid om Israels wangedrag aan de wereld te laten zien, terwijl de beelden van de fake Shalit zijn bedoeld om de macht van Hamas en Israels zwakte te tonen.

Hamas parades fake "Shalit" in celebration

Hamas is celebrating the 23rd anniversary of its founding. In one rally, they took someone to represent Gilad Shalit, in handcuffs, and paraded him around Gaza:

This is probably a violation of Article 13 of the Third Geneva Convention.
Aldus Elder of Ziyon. Ik heb de tekst in de link hieronder gekopieerd. Het gaat met name over het verspreiden van foto's van de gevangenen zelf, en niet over het vernederen van de gevangene door fake afbeeldingen, video's of imitaties van de gevangene. Het is natuurlijk moeilijk om in dit soort internationale conventies de steeds nieuwe en sluwe taktieken van terroristische organisaties allemaal te ondervangen. Ik zou zeggen dat dit soort dingen echter duidelijk valt onder "insults and public curiosity."
Last updated at 14:54 (UK time) 17 Oct 2008

"Public Curiosity" in the 1949 Geneva Conventions



At the 28th International Conference the British Red Cross and the British Government made a joint pledge to establish and promote an up-to-date and practical interpretation of the requirement to protect prisoners of war against insults and public curiosity, set out in Article 13 of the Third Geneva Convention.  The same protection is afforded to civilians in the hands of the opposing side or an occupying power (see Article 27 of the Fourth Geneva Convention).


The Issue


The rule protecting prisoners of war against insults and public curiosity was adopted before the widespread availability of television and the existence of modern communications technology.  In 1949 those who drafted the Geneva Conventions probably had in mind that prisoners of war should not be paraded through the streets, exposed to the taunts of the local population.  Today, of course, images of prisoners of war can be transmitted more of less instantaneously into homes around the world.


It is clear that media reporting can help to ensure that international humanitarian law is respected.  The British Government and the British Red Cross also recognise that the media have rights to freedom of expression (in particular in Article 19(2) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966).  However the British Government and the British Red Cross consider it could be helpful for journalists reporting on armed conflicts to have proper understanding of international humanitarian law, so that they are in an informed position to decide whether or not it is right to disclose images, taking account of the requirement of international humanitarian law and the need to promote the rights of others.  Better understanding of international humanitarian law will assist journalists in carrying out their responsibilities.


The British Government and the British Red Cross recognise that it is not possible to have absolute, hard and fast rules.  But nevertheless the modern interpretation of these rules needs to be as clear, simple to apply in most circumstances, reasonable and objective as possible


The Way Forward


The British Government and the British Red Cross suggest that the following general principles should be applied:


  1.  Any image of prisoners of War (POWs) as identifiable individuals should normally be regarded as subjecting such individuals to public curiosity and should not be transmitted, published or broadcast.  Where the specific circumstances of a case make it necessary in the public interest to reveal the identity of a POW (e.g. Because of a person's seniority, or because the person is a fugitive from international justice) great care should be taken to protect the person's human dignity.
  2. Images of POWs individually or in groups in circumstances which undermine their public dignity should not normally be transmitted, published or broadcast.  In the exceptional circumstances where such images are transmitted, for example, to bring to public attention serious violations of international humanitarian law, individual identities must be protected. 

The British Government and the British Red Cross hope that media organisations and individual journalists would act prudently and discreetly when reporting on prisoners of war and their families.  In addition, States and the international Red Cross and the Red Crescent Movement should spread knowledge of the international rules for the protection of prisoners of war and civilian security internees against insults and public curiosity to media organisations and individual journalists.



27 November 2007



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