zondag 12 december 2010

Hamas geestelijke vraagt Allah alle joden, christenen en communisten te doden

Onlangs riep Hamas leider Machmoud Zahar op tot de verdrijving van alle Joden uit Palestina, en zei er even bij dat ze geen lang leven meer beschoren waren, nadat hij uitvoerig op de Europese jodenvervolging was ingegaan, het bewijs dat de Joden zich overal onmogelijk maken en de Holocaust hadden verdiend.
Een paar jaar geleden zei een Hamas geestelijke dat "the annihilation of the Jews is one of the most splendid blessings for Palestine" en nu dus weer een Hamas geestelijke die vindt dat de Joden dood moeten. Ondertussen blijven velen in het Westen Hamas als een legitieme organisatie beschouwen, die niet tegen Joden is maar tegen de Israelische bezetting van 'hun' land.

Hamas: Allah, kill Christians and Jews "to the last one"
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook

A video on official Hamas TV calls for Allah to kill Jews, Christians, Communists and their supporters. The video asks Allah to "count them and kill them to the last one, and don't leave even one."

As Palestinian Media Watch has reported this call for the killing of non-Muslims was a regular pronouncement by both Palestinian Authority (Fatah) and Hamas political and religious leaders for many years starting in July 2000.

For years, sermons by religious leaders on official Palestinian Authority TV under Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas routinely presented the killing of Jews as a religious obligation and a fulfillment of the Islamic ideal.

Due to PMW's exposure of these sermons, which led to international criticism and pressure, Mahmoud Abbas, whose office controls PA TV, has been forced to prevent the broadcast of sermons calling for extermination of Jews on PA TV.

The latest sermon of this nature on PA TV was in January 2010

Click here to see the section on PMW's website documenting the PA and Hamas depicting the killing of Jews as an Islamic obligation.

The following is the transcript of the Hamas video clip:

"Allah, oh our Lord, vanquish Your enemies, enemies of the religion
[Islam] in all places.
Allah, strike the Jews and their sympathizers,
the Christians and their supporters,
the Communists and their adherents.
Allah, count them and kill them to the last one, and don't leave even one."

[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Dec. 3, 2010]



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