dinsdag 20 april 2010

Geweld radikale Joodse kolonisten laait op door bouwstop nederzettingen

Er zijn de laatste tijd weer geregeld aanvallen van kolonisten op Palestijnse doelen. Dit zou voor een deel zijn uit wraak voor de gedeeltelijke bouwstop, en wanneer deze zou worden verlengd of uitgebreid zoals de VS wil, wordt gevreesd voor meer geweld. Het is een idioot idee: omdat men boos is op de regering slaat men een paar Palestijnen in elkaar of steekt een moskee in de fik. Het laat echter wel zien dat dit geweld, in tegenstelling tot wat de Israel bashers altijd beweren, niet in Israels belang is. In tegenstelling ook tot hoe Palestijnen en hun sympathisanten Palestijns geweld vergoelijken, heeft Israel er geen enkele moeite mee haar ongenoegen hierover te uiten:
"There are Jewish terrorists on the margins who are radicals and are the minority," a top IDF officer told The Jerusalem Post over the weekend. "Someone who sets a mosque on fire or attacks a Palestinian is a terrorist."
Ondertussen besluit het leger om de zaak nu echt serieus te nemen:
As a result, the Judea and Samaria Division decided recently that all military units deployed in the West Bank for operations will undergo crash-courses in dealing with Jewish demonstrations and settler violence.
Ik hoop dat men daarnaast ook aandacht heeft voor de oorzaken, zoals uitspraken van radikale en invloedrijke rabbi's en een klimaat onder bepaalde groepen waarin dit soort dingen niet ter discussie worden gesteld en worden gebagatelliseerd. Met name in kleinere geisoleerde nederzettingen waar iedereen sterk ideologisch gemotiveerd is, is het lastig dingen ter discussie te stellen en worden mensen weinig met andere zienswijzen geconfronteerd. Dat geldt overigens ook voor ultra orthodoxe wijken en eveneens voor veel Arabische wijken en dorpen.

The Jerusalem Post
IDF: Bldg freeze sparks settler crimes
18/04/2010 04:56

Jewish terrorists burn Palestinian vehicles,spray-paint mosque.

Hundreds of West Bank settlers would likely act violently against Palestinians in response to Israeli government sanctions such as an extension of the freeze on settlement construction, according to the latest assessments in the IDF Central Command.

On Friday morning, Palestinians from a village near Kedumim discovered two vehicles that had been set on fire the night before; one of them was spray-painted with the words "Price Tag," a term indicating that the rampage was the work of settlers angry over the government's curbs on settlement construction.

In an effort to prevent retaliation, the Israel Police and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) opened an investigation into the incident and officials from the Civil Administration of Judea and Samaria spoke with local Palestinian leaders.

There was a similar incident on Wednesday, when masked men entered the Palestinian town of Hawara, south of Nablus, and spray-painted a Star of David and the word Muhammad – in Hebrew – on the wall of a mosque.

"There are Jewish terrorists on the margins who are radicals and are the minority," a top IDF officer told The Jerusalem Post over the weekend. "Someone who sets a mosque on fire or attacks a Palestinian is a terrorist."

There was also a larger group of several hundred settlers and right-wing activists who would be willing to throw stones at Palestinians but would not attack IDF soldiers, the officer said.

The officer said the IDF was increasingly concerned with the attacks against the Palestinians, which he warned could lead to an escalation in anti-Israel terrorism in the West Bank.

"We can see through the intelligence information we collect that these incidents escalate terrorist activity," the officer said.

The incidents come as the government is debating an American request to extend the moratorium on Jewish housing starts in the West Bank.

In addition to extending the freeze on settlement construction – approved for 10 months and set to expire in late September – the Americans are asking the government to stop Jewish construction in east Jerusalem and transfer security control for certain parts of the West Bank to the Palestinian Authority.

As a result, the Judea and Samaria Division decided recently that all military units deployed in the West Bank for operations will undergo crash-courses in dealing with Jewish demonstrations and settler violence.

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