dinsdag 30 juni 2009

Sarkozy vraagt Netanjahoe om Lieberman te ontslaan

Sarkozy's advies is zo slecht nog niet, maar het is natuurlijk nogal arrogant en not-done om de premier van een soeverein land een dergelijk advies te geven. Wanneer Lieberman Frankrijk op grove wijze had beledigd was het misschien nog begrijpelijk geweest, maar nu is het vooral een uiting van misplaatste Franse arrogantie. Sarkozy praat ongetwijfeld met meer mensen die z'n type niet helemaal zijn of die een ander beleid voorstaan, en dat hoort bij zijn ambt. Dat hij Lieberman zo openlijk afkeurt en beledigt, getuigt van weinig respect voor Israel.  

Sarkozy urges Netanyahu: Get rid of Lieberman
By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent
Last update - 21:54 29/06/2009

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to "get rid" of hard-line Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Channel Two reported on Monday.

The Foreign Ministry responded to the report by lambasting the French leader for his "intolerable intervention in internal Israeli affairs."

Sarkozy spent a good portion of his meeting with Netanyahu last Wednesday discussing the composition of the Israeli official, according to the report. The presence of three other Israeli officials at the meeting did not deter the French leader from expressing his true opinion of the foreign minister, said Channel Two.

The French president reportedly told Netanyahu that while he usually scheduled talks with Israel's top foreign envoys on visit to Paris he could not bring himself to meet with Lieberman. According to Channel Two, this statement was accompanied by disparaging hand gestures.

Sarkozy then advised Netanyahu to fire Lieberman and bring former foreign minister Tzipi Livni back into the coalition, according to the report. Netanyahu reportedly told Sarkozy that Lieberman came across differently in private than his public appearances would suggest.

French far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen also comes across as a nice person in private, Sarkozy reportedly responded, to which Netanyahu replied that Lieberman was not Le Pen and that there was no basis for comparison. Sarkozy then responded that he did not intend to compare.

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