maandag 29 juni 2009

Hamas zegt niet te weten of Shalit nog leeft

Ook Hamas beheerst de 'kunst' van het manipuleren en marchanderen met de meest heftige emoties en gevoelens van een mens: de angst of een naaste nog in leven is en hoe hij of zij het maakt. Israel zou de onderhandelingen onmiddelijk moeten stoppen, en wellicht zelfs Hamas posities gaan bombarderen totdat Hamas met een bewijs komt of Shalit nog in leven is of niet. Wat dit laag bij de grondse gemanipuleer betreft past maar één antwoord, namelijk een duidelijke grens stellen en laten zien dat je niet met je laat sollen. Misschien dat Carter, VN onderzoeker Goldstone, en Human Rights Watch en Amnesty zich hier ook eens over uit kunnen spreken.
[Google translation]

The Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas announced that it can not confirm nor deny whether the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, kidnapped in Gaza is alive.

"The insane war in Gaza destroyed everything, so we do not know if Shalit is alive or dead," Osama al-Muzaini, a Hamas official authorized to speak about the case, told the press today.

Today three years are completed after the capture of Shalit in a raid by a Palestinian militia on an observation post near the Israeli border with Gaza.

Although the couple has sent three letters and a video to your family, since mid last year his health status is unknown.

Muzaini said that in any case, Israel should continue with negotiations to exchange Shalit for Palestinian prisoners and other Arabs.

"The Zionist enemy should follow the negotiations without any sign that confirms or denies if he is alive or dead," he added.

In the last three years Israel and Hamas negotiated with the mediation of Egypt to achieve an exchange that ended up not finding the differences on the amount involved in the negotiations.

The father of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, his brother and several human rights organizations, today asked the governments of Israel and Gaza to their release.

"My call today is that every citizen, man or woman, young or old, closed his eyes for three minutes, so try to imagine my son Gilad is ticking," said Noam Shalit, father of the military, in statements to a local radio station.

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

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