dinsdag 30 juni 2009

Hamas zal brief aan Shalit geven 'als hij de oorlog heeft overleefd'

Hamas houdt één Israelische soldaat gevangen, en Israel is bereid in ruil voor hem honderden tot meer dan duizend Palestijnse gevangenen vrij te laten. Natuurlijk weet Hamas of Shalit nog leeft of niet. Hij wordt, zoals men zelf zegt, zwaar bewaakt, hij krijgt, naar we mogen aannemen, als hij nog leeft dagelijks te eten en te drinken, en men weet dat hij levend veel meer waard is dan dood. Vanwaar die recente geheimzinnigheid? Zit er meer achter of is het slechts sadisme? Denkt men zo uiteindelijk een hogere prijs voor hem te kunnen krijgen?
Hoe zou de wereld reageren als Israel zou zeggen dat Palestijnen die het gevangen houdt, wellicht niet meer leven omdat ze de laatste Qassam aanval mogelijk niet hebben overleefd?

Hamas to deliver letter to Shalit, 'if he survived the war'
Date: 29 / 06 / 2009  Time:  12:45

Gaza - Ma'an - Hamas leader Osama Al-Mazini promised on Monday to deliver a letter from the family of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit if the prisoner survived Israel's assault on Gaza last winter.

"Hamas received the letter and promised to send it to the relevant persons. If he is alive it will reach him, but if he is dead it won't reach him because we actually don't know if he is still alive after the Gaza war," he said.

Former US President Jimmy Carter had delivered a letter from the family of the captured soldier to Hamas officials in Gaza earlier this month, in an attempt to restart failing negotiations over his fate and the fate of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.

"Carter asked for a confirmation from us and we replied that we don't know the real fact about whether he is dead or alive after Gaza's war," Al-Mazini added.

Meanwhile, the Hamas official noted that Shalit's location is an extremely guarded secret, and that Israel "doesn't know where [Shalit] is in spite of its spies," adding that recent reports that Israel does not know whether the soldier is alive is true, "not a media speech."

Regardless, the official said that there has been little progress on the soldier's case, but that in the first year of Shalit's detainment, there were understandings reached with Israel. Am-Mazini said that such negotiations ended with the administration of former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who left office earlier this year.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government hasn't submitted anything yet, and all that has been reported in the media are "test balloons," the official added, referring to a number of Israeli and Palestinian reports that a release and prisoner swap were imminent.

Al-Mazini added that choosing Egypt as a mediator was Israel's choice, apparently because Israel, publicly, says it does not negotiate with Hamas, which it considers a "terrorist" organization.

He also said that Israel has agreed not to rearrest anyone freed in the deal, but that there were no guarantees the country's military would not attempt to assassinate them later.

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

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