vrijdag 23 april 2010

Jordaans persbureau betwijfelt bestaan van Joodse Tempel in Jeruzalem

Petra, het officiële Jordaanse persagentschap, schreef gisteren:
Occupied Jerusalem, April 22 Petra - The Israeli occupation forces started a large scale judaization project to turn the area south of Al Aqsa Mosque into a biblical and Talmudic passages related to the alleged temple.
Dit is niet de Iraanse regeringskrant, maar het gematigde Jordanië dat in 1994 vrede sloot met Israel. Vooral de 'alleged' tempel, suggererende dat het een Israelische fabel is dat de Joden hier vroeger hun tempel hadden staan, is te gek voor woorden. Alsof de Jerusalem Post zou schrijven: de 'zogenaamde Al Aqsa Moskee'.
Kan men het daar nou niet over een paar basale feiten gewoon eens zijn? Aaron Lerner vroeg ze om opheldering en kreeg de volgende reactie:
Follow up with Petra - Jordan News Agency about questioning historical existence of Temples

Dr. Aaron Lerner
Date: 22 April  2010

IMRA contacted the official Jordan news agency, Petra, in Amman Jordan about the item below in which the term "alleged" was used to describe the Jewish Temples and was ultimately transferred to an English speaking gentlemen who declined to identify himself but explained that the item had been translated from Arabic and that all followers of Islam question the veracity of the historical existence of the Jewish First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. He said that if IMRA wanted to know if this was also the position of the Government of Jordan that IMRA should contact the Government of Jordan He also noted that to his understanding Petra has consistently used the term "alleged" in references to the Temple. .

Judaization project for the area south of Al Aqsa
[22/04/2010 11:58]

Occupied Jerusalem, April 22 (Petra - The Israeli occupation forces started a large scale judaization project to turn the area south of Al Aqsa Mosque into a biblical and Talmudic passages related to the alleged temple.

According to a report by Al-Aqsa Institute for Waqf and Heritage, the Israeli forces started Thursday construction work as part of Jeudaization tracks that include historical Islamic walls of the old town in Jerusalem.

The report affirmed that this project was preceded by large scale excavation work that continued for months.

The institute urged Islamic, Arab and Palestinian move to save Al Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem from the judaization plans.

//Petra//R Q// .

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(Mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730
Website: http://www.imra.org.il

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