Terwijl men geen geld heeft om de eigen ambtenaren uit te betalen krijgen de vrijgelaten gevangenen (die in de gevangenis ook al een maandelijke uitkering kregen van de PA) een extraatje. Zij zijn immers de ware helden, zij die opstaan tegen Israel en aanslagen op burgers hebben beraamd, zij die zeggen dat heel Palestina met geweld teruggenomen moet worden. Nee, de PA zelf is voor onderhandelingen en vrede, vergis je niet, maar dit zijn toch de ware helden...
Palestinian Authority to provide 'grants' for prisoners released from Israel
09/03/2013 17:43
Freed Palestinian prisoner prisoner Hosni Sawalha greeted by niece as he arrives Ramallah. Photo: Abed Omar Qusini/Reuters
The Palestinian Authority government decided on Tuesday to provide "grants" to Palestinian prisoners who were recently released from Israeli prisons.
A statement issued by the government following its weekly meeting in Ramallah said that the "grants" were being presented to the prisoners in honor of their "sacrifices and in order to guarantee them a suitable standard of dignified living."
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The government did not say how much each prisoner would receive.
The decision concerns the 26 prisoners who were released by Israel on the eve of the resumption of the peace talks with the PA.
The prisoners were imprisoned before the signing of the Oslo Accords for their role in terror attacks against Israel.
The PA regularly provides financial support to Palestinian prisoners and their families, including some who are not affiliated with President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction.
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