vrijdag 29 juni 2012

Zijn Hamas politiemannen burgers?


Op ik meen de eerste dag van de Gaza oorlog bombardeerde Israel een politieakademie in Gaza op de dag dat daar een diploma uitreiking was en er dus bijzonder veel mensen aanwezig waren. In een dag vielen er daardoor zo’n 250 doden. In de media werden deze (aankomende) politieagenten als burgerslachtoffers neergezet, en ik herinner me nog beelden van politieagenten die het verkeer regelden. Zionistische blogs als Elder of Ziyon wezen er toen al op dat deze mensen lid waren van Hamas, achter de ideologie stonden van Hamas en ’s nachts vaak voor de Qassam Brigades, de ‘gewapende vleugel’ van Hamas in de weer waren. Strijders van de Qassam brigades gaven  op hun beurt ook openlijk toe dat ze overdag keurige agenten waren, en dat hard werken was.


Hieronder fragmenten uit toespraken tijdens zo’n zelfde ceremonie die onlangs plaats vond:

From this place, I bring you glad tidings: The officers of the class graduating today will become the Police Chief of Jaffa, the Police Chief of Haifa, the Police Chief of Akko, the Police Chief of Lod, the Police Chief of Ramle, and of all other places.

Therefore, from this place, we declare to all those who usurped our lands that they must prepare to leave, because we have prepared for Jihad. You are going to leave, while we are summoned to battle. We are the owners of this land.


This is an opportunity for you to study at our academy how to defend our battlefront and how to be soldiers of Allah. We will not be the soldiers of the US, of the Zionists, or of the hypocrites. We are determined to proceed along the path of Allah.

Heel civiel ja. Wanneer je weer eens in de krant leest dat het merendeel van de slachtoffers tijdens de Gaza oorlog burgers waren, bedenk dan dat men daar strijders voor Allah die Jaffa en Haifa willen bevrijden, ook toe rekent. 





Those "civilian" Hamas police...


Remember the Goldstone Report? The biased UN report took pains to claim that the police of Gaza should be considered civilians and not terrorists or militants. I debunked it here and here.

Well, Goldstone and the other "human rights" organizations are proven wrong again.

Hamas held a ceremony for police graduates where it was made very clear that the goal of the police is anything but civil:

Announcer: Now that we have heard the song of the men, here is a little Palestinian girl, a flower of Jerusalem, who insisted on participating in this ceremony. Rawan is the daughter of one of the officers at the Palestinian police academy. Please welcome Rawan Khilla, who will recite what she has to say, the words on which she was raised.


Rawan KhillaGlory explodes in your bodies, and eternal life is guaranteed for martyrdom-seekers.


Fathi Hammad, Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security: Allah says: “Prepare for them what force and steeds of war you can.” The Prophet Muhammad says: “Prepare for them what force you can. Force means shooting.” The Prophet Muhammad also says: “Lands shall be thrown open to you, and Allah will protect you, but none of you should give up playing with his arrows.”

None of you should give up playing with all the tools of force and equipment, which will bring us closer to our aspirations: Jerusalem, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Haifa, Akko and Jaffa.


From this place, I bring you glad tidings: The officers of the class graduating today will become the Police Chief of Jaffa, the Police Chief of Haifa, the Police Chief of Akko, the Police Chief of Lod, the Police Chief of Ramle, and of all other places.

Therefore, from this place, we declare to all those who usurped our lands that they must prepare to leave, because we have prepared for Jihad. You are going to leave, while we are summoned to battle. We are the owners of this land.


We say: There shall be no reconciliation with secularism. There shall be no reconciliation with any path other than that of Islam.


This is an opportunity for you to study at our academy how to defend our battlefront and how to be soldiers of Allah. We will not be the soldiers of the US, of the Zionists, or of the hypocrites. We are determined to proceed along the path of Allah.

Therefore, dear brothers, we speak with conviction. Some might say: You are talking as if victory is imminent. Yes, victory is imminent. Victory is ours, and disgrace will be the lot of all the hypocrites, who agreed to be the shoes on the feet of the Zionists and the Americans.

Indeed, victory is coming. Victory is imminent.


This isn't a police force - it is an army.

But "human rights" organizations will always refuse to see the truth in their zeal to crucify Israel.


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