Dit gedicht werd laatst in een programma voor kinderen op PA TV voorgedragen.
PA TV host: "You are going to recite a poem, which also teaches us responsibility and belonging."
Girl: "... The occupier stole my land and my grandfathers' land...
Where is your sword, Khaled (Arab warrior)?
Where is your courage, Saladin (Muslim conqueror)?
But no one answered me.
Where is my weapon? I found it - a stone. I took it and threw it at the enemies of destiny. I taught the world that the Muslim in the name of Allah cannot be defeated...
They challenge us with the White House, and we challenge them with the [Islamic] awakening and the Kaaba [in Mecca]. They aren't stronger than Khosrau and Caesar (rulers of Persian and Byzantine Empires).
They [Christians and Jews] are inferior and smaller, more cowardly and despised. They are remnants of the [Christian] crusaders and Khaibar (i.e., Jewish village destroyed by Muslims in 629)...
Oh Muslims of the world: Awaken, you have slept too long.
Your fathers and your sons are being massacred, your Al-Aqsa [Mosque] is defiled and destroyed."
Host: "Bravo! Applause for our friend Lara."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 11, 2012]
Alweer een teken van de vredeswil en het gematigde geluid van de door het westen gesteunde Palestijnse Autoriteit.
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