dinsdag 25 oktober 2011

Westers belastinggeld komt ten goede aan vrijgelaten Palestijnse terroristen


Niet alleen Hamas, ook Abbas’ Palestijnse Autoriteit gaat alle vrijgekomen gevangenen een financiele bijdrage betalen. Waarom? Om te benadrukken dat het helden zijn, en natuurlijk om iets van het prestigeverlies tegenover Hamas terug te winnen. En dat geldt komt, juist ja, indirect van de verrschillende donorlanden waaronder ook Nederland. Je zou zeggen dat de EU even genoeg problemen aan haar hoofd heeft, dus misschien moet men aan die financiele hulp maar eens wat strengere voorwaarden stellen.





Your tax dollars at work: PA to pay released murderers



From JPost:


Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has decided to honor Palestinian prisoners who were released in last week’s Gilad Schalit exchange deal by rewarding them financially, Prisoners Affairs Minister Issa Qaraqi announced over the weekend.

Hamas representatives, meanwhile, called for kidnapping more IDF soldiers so they could be traded for the remaining Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

Qaraqi said that all prisoners would benefit from the grants, including those who were deported to the Gaza Strip, a number of Arab countries or Turkey.

PA governors and some “national institutions” have begun distributing the money to the released prisoners in accordance with PA regulations and laws, he said.

Qaraqi did not say how much each prisoner would get from the PA government.

Abbas’s decision follows a similar move by Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, who decided to give each prisoner a $2,000 grant.

Meanwhile, the prisoners who were deported to the Gaza Strip are staying at a five-star hotel at the expense of the Hamas government.


And here they are at their luxury Gaza hotel in a photo series at Palestine Times:



See also Jonathan Tobin.


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