dinsdag 18 oktober 2011

Waarom Shalit zich ongemakkelijk voelde tijdens zijn interview in Egypte


We zagen vandaag allemaal een levende en enigzins onzekere Shalit die tegenover de Egyptische pers verklaarde dat hij blij was dat er ook Palestijnse gevangenen vrij waren gekomen en hoopte op vrede tussen Israeli’s en Palestijnen. Hij zei volgens Haaretz:


Shalit, 25, looked tired and dazed, hesitating as he replied to questions from an Egyptian TV reporter. Speaking through a translator, Shalit said he was in good health and that he hoped his release in exchange for hundreds of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons would lead to peace between the two peoples.

"Of course I miss my family very much. I also miss my friends," he said. "I hope this deal will lead to peace between Palestinians and Israelis and that it will support cooperation between both sides."

Shalit also said he would be very happy if remaining Palestinians held in Israeli prisons were freed to return to their own families, but that he hoped "they won't go back to fighting against Israel."


Wat Haaretz en andere media ons niet vertelden is, dat het interview niet echt vrijwillig was en Shalit reden had zich niet op zijn gemak te voelen (zie onderstaande foto’s).

Wat mij ook opvalt bij deze foto en andere foto’s is het grote contrast tussen de fragiele Shalit en de robuuste en vervaarlijk uitziende gevangenen die Israel vrijliet. Shalit is ondervoed en ernstig verzwakt door het jarenlange verblijf onder de grond en waarschijnlijk slechte voeding. De gevangenen die Israel vrijlaat krijgen goed te eten en bezoek van familie die ook van alles meebrengen. Ze hebben recht op beweging, studie, en andere zaken en hebben kontakt met het Rode Kruis en advocaten.





One reason Shalit looked so ill at ease in his interview



A number of people have noted how cruel it was to force Shalit to be subjected to an inane interview on Egyptian TV, delaying his release for ten excruciating minutes:

And while we can attribute his hesitation to answer and his discomfort to the idiotic questions, there is another reason for his distress, as can be seen from this photo immediately before or during the interview:

(Getty Images claims this was an interview with Hamas TV before he was released, but no such interview seems to have occurred and the microphone, background wall and chair seem to match those in the Egyptian interview.)

(h/t JSSNews)

UPDATE: AP verifies it was in Egypt:


 Elder of Ziyon  


1 opmerking:

  1. So, what is the reason? What is the problem on the picture? Please explain !
