dinsdag 4 oktober 2011

Gaza straks weer in het donker?


Misschien kun je je ze nog herinneren: de beelden van Gazanen die bij klaarlichte dag binnen met kaarslicht zaten te vergaderen, omdat Israel de electrititeitslevering aan Gaza met 1,5% had beperkt, nadat er raketten waren afgevuurd op Ashkelon waar de electriciteitscentrale staat die Gaza bediende. Wel, deze beelden krijgen we waarschijnlijk binnenkort weer te zien, want de Palestijnse Autoriteit zal de rekening voor de stroom niet langer betalen. De reden daarvoor is dat men moet bezuinigen – het is immers crisis. Ondertussen blijft men overigens wel terroristen in Israelische gevangenen betalen. 





PA to stop paying Gaza's electric bills




Get ready for more staged heartbreaking photos of Gazans with candles.

Remember this staged photo from Reuters?

Palestine Today reports that the Palestinian Authority has informed the Hamas-led Gaza government that it will phase out payments of Gaza's electric bill over the rest of the year.

Currently, the Ramallah government pays an Israeli electric company to provide electricity to Gaza.

In September, the PA paid 40 million shekels for Gaza's electricity, but it plans to reduce that amount by 10 million shekels a month down to zero by January 2012.

The PA told the Gazans that they will have to pay for their own electricity, as the financial crisis is forcing the PA to reduce services.

The PA pointed out that some 70-80% of Gaza's electric customers have not been paying their bills, and that the Gaza utility companies must do a better job collecting their bills.

As far as I can tell, despite this financial crisis, the PA continues to pay salaries to terrorists in Israeli prison and stipends to their families. Some things are just too important to consider cutting.

Especially since they know that any electricity shortage in Gaza will be blamed on Israel anyway.



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