woensdag 28 april 2010

Was bezoek van Arabische Knessetleden aan Libië illegaal?

"I want to congratulate the Libyan leader on the historic visit," said a-Sanaa. "There is nothing more natural than that we, the Arabs, would visit in Libya when we share the same nationality, the same culture, the same history and the same language."
Aldus een Arabisch Knessetlid, als verklaring van het bezoek van zes Arabische Knessetleden aan Libië. Dus Arabieren zijn een nationaliteit. Dit roept de vraag op wat Palestijnen dan zijn en hoe zij zich van die nationaliteit, cultuur etc. onderscheiden? Het is bepaald triest dat Arabieren die hun hele leven in Israel hebben gewoond zich blijkbaar meer verwant voelen met het duizenden kilometers verderop gelegen Libië dan met hun eigen land.
A-Sanaa added that Israel's greatest enemy was "the state of Israel itself."
Dat is wel de staat waar hij ook deel van uitmaakt, en die hem meer rechten, vrijheden en mogelijkheden geeft dan Libië of welke andere Arabische staat ook hem te bieden heeft.
During the visit, Gaddafi emphasized that they do not have any problem with the Jews but with Zionism, he said.
Oh, dan is er niks aan de hand. Men is er alleen maar voor alle zionisten de zee in te drijven, niet alle Joden. Get real. Israel is per definitie zionistisch, anders zou het niet meer Israel zijn. Zionisme staat voor Joodse zelfbeschikking en onafhankelijkheid, en dat kun je niet los zien van de staat die dat waarmaakt.
"Maybe you will learn once and for all that you are not the smartest people in the world," added a-Sanaa.
Komt hij er nou pas achter? Misschien dat hij zelf de Joden het goede voorbeeld kan geven, maar daar ziet het vooralsnog niet naar uit. De Joden beledigen in de Knesset vind ik geen bijzonder slimme daad voor een Arabisch Knessetlid dat daar neem ik aan graag een beetje serieus wordt genomen.


The Jerusalem Post
'MKs' Libya trip violates ethics'
28/04/2010 05:31

Rivlin: Flying on Gaddafi's private jet is accepting outside funding.

While it remains unclear whether Arab MKs violated the so-called Bishara Law in their visit to Libya earlier this week, Knesset officials confirmed Tuesday evening that the six MKs did not secure the necessary Knesset approval required before their trip.

The six MKs – Ahmed Tibi (UAL) Mohammed Barakeh (Hadash), Jamal Zehalke (Balad), Afo Agbariyah (Hadash), Taleb a-Sanaa (UAL) and Hanin Zuabi (Balad) – returned to their Knesset duties Tuesday after the two-day visit. During the course of the visit the MKs met with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Right-wing MKs and organizations blasted the MKs for the visit, arguing that they had violated Israeli law in visiting an enemy state without the approval of the interior minister. But after a legal check, Knesset Legal Advisor's office said that their official opinion is that Libya is not an enemy state, although MK Zvulun Orlev, who drafted the Bishara Law, argued earlier this week that it is.

The Bishara Law bars from running for Knesset any candidate who illegally visited an enemy state in recent years.

Despite the questionable legality of the visit, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin confirmed Tuesday that the trip was clearly in violation of Knesset ethical guidelines. Whenever any MK leaves the country using outside funding, that MK must first secure the approval of the Ethics Committee. Rivlin's office added that the fact that the MKs flew on Gaddafi's private jet to Libya indicated that the visit was at least partially funded by the Libyan leader or the state of Libya, both of which constitute an external source.

Any MK or extra-parliamentary body is eligible to submit a complaint against the six to the Ethics Committee.

Meanwhile Tuesday, a-Sanaa took the podium in the Knesset plenum to offer his analysis of the visit in a 60-second long speech.

"I want to congratulate the Libyan leader on the historic visit," said a-Sanaa. "There is nothing more natural than that we, the Arabs, would visit in Libya when we share the same nationality, the same culture, the same history and the same language."

A-Sanaa added that Israel's greatest enemy was "the state of Israel itself."

During the visit, Gaddafi emphasized that they do not have any problem with the Jews but with Zionism, he said.

"Maybe you will learn once and for all that you are not the smartest people in the world," added a-Sanaa.

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